LeetCode – Reorder List (Java)

Given a singly linked list L: L0→L1→ … →Ln-1→Ln,
reorder it to: L0→Ln→L1→Ln-1→L2→Ln-2→…

For example, given {1,2,3,4}, reorder it to {1,4,2,3}. You must do this in-place without altering the nodes’ values.

Java Solution
Because the problem requires “in-place” operations, we can only change their pointers, not creating a new list. This problem can be solved by doing the following 3 steps:

  1. Break list in the middle to two lists (use fast & slow pointers)
  2. Reverse the order of the second list
  3. Merge two list back together

The following code is a complete runnable class with testing.

//Class definition of ListNode
class ListNode {
	int val;
	ListNode next;
	ListNode(int x) {
		val = x;
		next = null;
public class ReorderList {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ListNode n1 = new ListNode(1);
		ListNode n2 = new ListNode(2);
		ListNode n3 = new ListNode(3);
		ListNode n4 = new ListNode(4);
		n1.next = n2;
		n2.next = n3;
		n3.next = n4;
	public static void reorderList(ListNode head) {
		if (head != null && head.next != null) {
			ListNode slow = head;
			ListNode fast = head;
			//use a fast and slow pointer to break the link to two parts.
			while (fast != null && fast.next != null && fast.next.next!= null) {
				//why need third/second condition?
				System.out.println("pre "+slow.val + " " + fast.val);
				slow = slow.next;
				fast = fast.next.next;
				System.out.println("after " + slow.val + " " + fast.val);
			ListNode second = slow.next;
			slow.next = null;// need to close first part
			// now should have two lists: head and fast
			// reverse order for second part
			second = reverseOrder(second);
			ListNode p1 = head;
			ListNode p2 = second;
			//merge two lists here
			while (p2 != null) {
				ListNode temp1 = p1.next;
				ListNode temp2 = p2.next;
				p1.next = p2;
				p2.next = temp1;		
				p1 = temp1;
				p2 = temp2;
	public static ListNode reverseOrder(ListNode head) {
		if (head == null || head.next == null) {
			return head;
		ListNode pre = head;
		ListNode curr = head.next;
		while (curr != null) {
			ListNode temp = curr.next;
			curr.next = pre;
			pre = curr;
			curr = temp;
		// set head node's next
		head.next = null;
		return pre;
	public static void printList(ListNode n) {
		while (n != null) {
			n = n.next;

Takeaway Messages

The three steps can be used to solve other problems of linked list. The following diagrams illustrate how each of the steps works.

Reverse List:


Merge List:


Note that pointers movements always starts with assigning the next node to a temporary variable t.

13 thoughts on “LeetCode – Reorder List (Java)”

  1. ==other solution would be ==

    keep pointer to start

    recursive traverse to end of list
    unwind travel and start adding nodes from end to node (parameter)

  2. # reorder list

    obv we need just in recurse reach end of list (keeping start as parameter)
    on unwind insert=add nodes from end from start

  3. my recursive solution

    reorder(YourList,size-1); //call this in main

    private static void reorder(NodeLL root,int size) {
    //here put stupid validation
    if(size==0){root.next=null;return;}//this occurs when size of list odd
    if(size==1){root.next.next=null;return;}//this occurs when size of list even
    NodeLL curr = root;
    NodeLL end =root;
    int i = 0;
    while (i < size){
    end =end.next;
    NodeLL temp = curr.next;
    curr.next = end;
    end.next = temp;

  4. This is my solution with recursion

    Node root;//Your list
    int size; //size of your list
    reorder(root,size-1); //call in main first time in function with size-1

    private void reorder(Node root,int size) {

    //there should be stupid validations

    if(size==0){root.next=null;return;}//this occurs when List is odd size
    if(size==1){root.next.next=null;return;}//this occurs when List is even size
    Node curr = root;
    Node end1 =root;
    int i = 0;
    while (i<size){ end1 = end1.next;
    Node temp = curr.next;
    curr.next = end1;
    end1.next = temp;

    //Please vote up if you like!

  5. Here’s my solution for reorder list which I think is correct. Please let me know if I’m wrong.

    public node reorderList( node l)


    node head = l;

    node reOrdered = null;

    if ( l == null || l.next == null)

    } return l;

    while ( head.next != null)

    reOrdered = head.next;

    while ( reOrdered.next != null)


    reOrdered = reOrdered.next;



    head.next = reOrdered;

    head = reOrdered.next;


    return l;


  6. If we can create a new list this solution would work:

    package com.salil.problemsolving;

    import com.salil.problemsolving.common.Node;

    * Created by salilsurendran on 3/1/2015.
    public class ReorderList {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Node root = new Node(0);
    Node parentNode = root;
    for(int i=1;i<=10;i++){
    Node node = new Node(i);
    parentNode.child = node;
    parentNode = node;

    Node reorderedNode = reOrderList(root);
    printList(reOrderList(new Node(0)));
    root = new Node(0);
    root.child = new Node(1);


    private static void printList(Node reorderedNode){
    while(reorderedNode != null){
    System.out.print(reorderedNode.value + " , ");
    reorderedNode = reorderedNode.child;

    private static Node reOrderList(Node root) {
    Node node = root;
    Node reverseRoot = null;
    Node childNode = null;
    int count = 0;
    while(node != null){
    reverseRoot = new Node(node.value);
    reverseRoot.child = childNode;
    childNode = reverseRoot;
    node = node.child;

    Node node1 = root;
    Node node2 = reverseRoot;
    Node childNode1 = null;
    Node childNode2 = null;
    Node previousNode2 = null;
    for(int i=0;i<count/2;i++){
    childNode1 = node1.child;
    childNode2 = node2.child;
    node1.child = node2;
    node2.child = childNode1;
    previousNode2 = node2;
    node2 = childNode2;
    node1 = childNode1;

    if(count % 2 == 1)
    node1.child = null;
    previousNode2.child = null;

    return root;


  7. Thanks for this great solution.

    For this line:
    while (fast != null && fast.next != null && fast.next.next!= null)

    fast != null is not necessary.


  8. import java.util.*;

    public class ReorderList{

    public static void main(String[] args){

    ReorderList main = new ReorderList();

    ListNode list = new ListNode(1);
    list.next = new ListNode(2);
    list.next.next = new ListNode(3);
    list.next.next.next = new ListNode(4);


    System.out.println(list.val + ” ” + list.next.val + ” ” +
    list.next.next.val + ” ” + list.next.next.next.val);


    public void reorderList(ListNode node){

    ListNode current = node;

    // empty list or one-node list
    if(current == null || current.next == null) return;

    ListNode currentNext = current.next;
    ListNode l = currentNext;

    //base case
    if(currentNext.next == current || currentNext.next.next == current){
    currentNext.next = null;


    //Use l to find the “next” node for current case
    //i.e., the node at position (list length – n)
    while(l.next != null){
    if(l.next.next == null)
    l = l.next;
    else if(l.next.next.next != current)
    l = l.next;

    l.next = currentNext;
    current.next = l;

    reorderList(currentNext); //recursive call

    class ListNode{
    public int val;
    public ListNode next;

    public ListNode(int i){
    val = i;
    next = null;

  9. import java.util.*;

    public class ReorderList{

    public static void main(String[] args){

    ReorderList main = new ReorderList();

    ListNode list = new ListNode(1);

    list.next = new ListNode(2);

    list.next.next = new ListNode(3);

    list.next.next.next = new ListNode(4);


    System.out.println(list.val + ” ” + list.next.val + ” ” +

    list.next.next.val + ” ” + list.next.next.next.val);


    public void reorderList(ListNode node){

    ListNode current = node;

    if(current == null || current.next == null) return;

    ListNode currentNext = current.next;

    ListNode l = currentNext;

    if(currentNext.next == current || currentNext.next.next == current){

    currentNext.next = null;



    while(l.next != null){

    if(l.next.next == null)

    l = l.next;

    else if(l.next.next.next != current)

    l = l.next;


    l.next = currentNext;

    current.next = l;




    class ListNode{

    public int val;

    public ListNode next;

    public ListNode(int i){

    val = i;

    next = null;



  10. package test;

    * Given a singly linked list L: L0→L1→ … →Ln-1→Ln,
    reorder it to: L0→Ln→L1→Ln-1→L2→Ln-2→…
    public class ReorderList {

    static class ListNode {
    int val;
    ListNode next;

    ListNode(int x) {
    val = x;
    next = null;

    int len=0;
    public void order(ListNode head) {

    //calculate len;
    ListNode current=head;
    while (current.next!=null) {

    * 0-1-2-3-> 0-3->1-2
    * 0-1-2-3-4 -> 0-4-1-3-2
    int count=(len%2==0)?len/2-1:len/2;
    ListNode newchild=recursiveForward(head, count);

    public ListNode recursiveForward(ListNode current, int count) {
    if (count==0) {
    if (len%2==0) {
    ListNode forward=current.next.next;
    return forward;
    } else {
    ListNode forward=current.next;
    return forward;
    } else {
    ListNode newNextListNode=recursiveForward(current.next, count-1);

    ListNode forward=newNextListNode.next;
    return forward;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    ListNode head, current;
    ReorderList reorderList;

    head=new ListNode(0);
    for (int i = 1; i <=3; i++) {
    ListNode newNode=new ListNode(i);
    reorderList=new ReorderList();

    head=new ListNode(0);
    for (int i = 1; i <=4; i++) {
    ListNode newNode=new ListNode(i);
    reorderList=new ReorderList();


    public static void outputList(ListNode head) {
    while(head!=null) {
    System.out.print(head.val+" ");
    System.out.println(" ");

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