Given a non-empty 2D matrix matrix and an integer k, find the max sum of a rectangle in the matrix such that its sum is no larger than k.
Given matrix = [ [1, 0, 1], [0, -2, 3] ] k = 2
The answer is 2. Because the sum of rectangle [[0, 1], [-2, 3]] is 2 and 2 is the max number no larger than k (k = 2).
The rectangle inside the matrix must have an area > 0.
What if the number of rows is much larger than the number of columns?
We can solve this problem by comparing each submatrix. This method is trivial and we need a better solution. The key to the optimal solution is using a tree set to calculate the maximum sum of subarray close to k.
Java Solution 1
public int maxSumSubmatrix(int[][] matrix, int k) { if(matrix==null||matrix.length==0||matrix[0].length==0) return 0; int m=matrix.length; int n=matrix[0].length; int result = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for(int c1=0; c1<n; c1++){ int[] each = new int[m]; for(int c2=c1; c2>=0; c2--){ for(int r=0; r<m; r++){ each[r]+=matrix[r][c2]; } result = Math.max(result, getLargestSumCloseToK(each, k)); } } return result; } public int getLargestSumCloseToK(int[] arr, int k){ int sum=0; TreeSet<Integer> set = new TreeSet<Integer>(); int result=Integer.MIN_VALUE; set.add(0); for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ sum=sum+arr[i]; Integer ceiling = set.ceiling(sum-k); if(ceiling!=null){ result = Math.max(result, sum-ceiling); } set.add(sum); } return result; } |
The time complexity is O(n*n*m*log(m)). If m is greater than n, this solution is fine. However, if m is less than n, then this solution is not optimal. In this case, we should reverse the row and column, like Solution 2.
Java Solution 2
public int maxSumSubmatrix(int[][] matrix, int k) { if(matrix==null||matrix.length==0||matrix[0].length==0) return 0; int row=matrix.length; int col=matrix[0].length; int m = Math.max(row, col); int n = Math.min(row, col); boolean isRowLarger = false; if(row>col) isRowLarger=true; int result = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for(int c1=0; c1<n; c1++){ int[] each = new int[m]; for(int c2=c1; c2>=0; c2--){ for(int r=0; r<m; r++){ each[r]+=isRowLarger?matrix[r][c2]:matrix[c2][r]; } result = Math.max(result, getLargestSumCloseToK(each, k)); } } return result; } public int getLargestSumCloseToK(int[] arr, int k){ int sum=0; TreeSet<Integer> set = new TreeSet<Integer>(); int result=Integer.MIN_VALUE; set.add(0); for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ sum=sum+arr[i]; Integer ceiling = set.ceiling(sum-k); if(ceiling!=null){ result = Math.max(result, sum-ceiling); } set.add(sum); } return result; } |