Start from length & length() in Java

First of all, can you quickly answer the following question?

Without code autocompletion of any IDE, how to get the length of an array? And how to get the length of a String?

I asked this question to developers of different levels: entry and intermediate. They can not answer the question correctly or confidently. While IDE provides convenient code autocompletion, it also brings the problem of “surface understanding”. In this post, I will explain some key concepts about Java arrays.

The answer:

int[] arr = new int[3];
System.out.println(arr.length);//length for array
String str = "abc";
System.out.println(str.length());//length() for string

The question is why array has the length field but string does not? Or why string has the length() method while array does not?

Q1. Why arrays have length property?

First of all, an array is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type. After an array is created, its length never changes[1]. The array’s length is available as a final instance variable length. Therefore, length can be considered as a defining attribute of an array.

An array can be created by two methods: 1) an array creation expression and 2) an array initializer. When it is created, the size is specified.

An array creation expression is used in the example above. It specifies the element type, the number of levels of nested arrays, and the length of the array for at least one of the levels of nesting.

This declaration is also legal, since it specifies one of the levels of nesting.

int[][] arr = new int[3][];

An array initializer creates an array and provides initial values for all its components. It is written as a comma-separated list of expressions, enclosed by braces { and }.

For example,

int[] arr = {1,2,3};

Q2. Why there is not a class “Array” defined similarly like “String”?

Since an array is an object, the following code is legal.

Object obj = new int[10];

An array contains all the members inherited from class Object(except clone). Why there is not a class definition of an array? We can not find an file. A rough explanation is that they’re hidden from us. You can think about the question – if there IS a class Array, what would it look like? It would still need an array to hold the array data, right? Therefore, it is not a good idea to define such a class.

Actually we can get the class of an array by using the following code:

int[] arr = new int[3];


class [I

“class [I” stands for the run-time type signature for the class object “array with component type int”.

Q3. Why String has length() method?

The backup data structure of a String is a char array. There is no need to define a field that is not necessary for every application. Unlike C, an Array of characters is not a String in Java.


[1] Arrays
[2] JLS Array

2 thoughts on “Start from length & length() in Java”

  1. Yes, it’s good to understand that Java arrays are different from other collections, and from strings. But no need to act like that’s A Good Thing just because Java does it that way. The fact that we can’t get to the class for arrays is annoying in many ways. More recent (and, older) languages have included arrays that meet a Collections interface with `get`, `set`, and `size` methods, rather than inventing a type with its own syntax for get & set.

  2. I’m in my second year in comp. sci. and personally I hate Eclipse and autocompletion. (Espeically when those prints automatically turn into println’s). I’ll take Notepad++ and CMD any day of the week. But I can certainly understand the benefits of faster writing.

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