An interesting lisp program. It calculates postfix operations. See if you have better solutions.
Operating System Concepts Hierarchy Diagram
Operating System concepts hierarchy diagram. This contains all major topics of this course.
Posts under this category is mainly about questions from major computer science courses.
Operating System concepts hierarchy diagram. This contains all major topics of this course.
How compiler works is not easy to explain in one sentence. The best way is to use an example. A compiler is a computer program that transforms source code written in a high-level programming language into a lower level language. Basically, a compiler consists the following phases: Lexical Analysis, Syntax Analysis, Semantic Analysis, IR Generation, … Read more
How can we find the minimum element in a list in Lisp? Given a large number m as an argument, get a minimum value from a list. The following code returns the minimum element in a list. (defun get-min (m l) ; takes a list ; return the minimum value (cond ((null (car l)) m) … Read more
An interesting lisp program. It calculates postfix operations. See if you have better solutions.