Here is the code:
<div class="content"> <a href="#">A</a></div> <div class="content"> <a href="#">B</a></div> <div class="content"> <a href="#">C</a></div> |
Funny Stuff
The flatMap() method can be used for combining a stream of streams to one stream of objects. In this post I will show how to use flatMap() by using several use cases. Use Case 1 Suppose you have a list of orders and each order contains a list of items. class Order{ String orderId; ArrayList<Item> … Read more
Sometimes, Java standard library is not good at string manipulation. Google Guava is a library written by Google which provides some nice features. The following example shows how to use Google Guava Splitter’s Modifier methods. Before starting, you need to download Google Guava jar file first and add it to your project path. Splitter.on(“…”) is … Read more
When you write an article or something in text or in latex, you may want to spell check the content. Word is a very good tool, you may want to use it. However, it is not free, and you will need to pay. Actually you can use word online and do spell checking. The following … Read more
最近更新: 2013å¹´12月17æ—¥ Moto G 11月底在北美低调上市,8Gå’Œ16G售价分别为179美元和199美元,分别有美国版和全çƒç‰ˆæœ¬ï¼Œå·®åˆ«åœ¨äºŽåŒ—美版多了一个GSM频段。如æ¤äº²æ°‘çš„ä»·æ ¼è®©å®ƒä¸€ä¸¾æˆä¸ºä½Žç«¯æ™ºèƒ½æœºå¸‚åœºçš„æ–°å® ï¼Œå…³äºŽMotoG会å¦åœ¨ä¸å›½å¤§é™†ä¸Šå¸‚,Google官方称,由于ä¸å›½å¤§é™†æ— 法使用GoogleæœåŠ¡ï¼Œå› æ¤MotoGä¸ä¼šåœ¨å¤§é™†ä¸Šå¸‚。待第一批åƒèžƒèŸ¹çš„人拿到真机,æ‰å‘现北美版MotoGå…¨çƒç‰ˆå†…ç½®è¯è¨€åªæœ‰å››ç§ï¼ŒåŒ…括英文,西ç牙è¯ï¼Œæ³•è¯å’Œè‘¡è„牙è¯ã€‚è¿™æ— å¼‚äºŽä¸€ç›†å†·æ°´æµ‡åœ¨å¿ƒå¤´ï¼Œå¦‚ä½•æ‹¥æœ‰ä¸æ–‡ç‰ˆMotoG呢? 首先有人想到让Antroid自动å‡çº§æ›´æ–°è¯è¨€åŒ…,MotoG自带Antroid 4.3 Jelly Bean系统,如果系统å‡çº§åˆ°Antroid 4.4 Kitkat,MotoG是å¦å°±èƒ½è‡ªåŠ¨æ‹¥æœ‰å®Œæ•´è¯è¨€åŒ…了呢?事实è¯æ˜Žï¼Œè¯è¨€é—®é¢˜çš„关键在于北美版MotoGçš„Stock Romä¸åŒï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥è¦åœ¨åŒ—ç¾Žç‰ˆå¢žåŠ ä¸æ–‡è¯è¨€ï¼Œåªå‰©ä¸‹åˆ·æœºä¸€æ¡è·¯äº†ï¼Œ 所幸早å‰åœ¨è‹±å›½ä¸Šå¸‚çš„MotoG拥有完整è¯è¨€åŒ…,所以我们åªè¦å®‰è£…上英国版的Stock Rom就能使用ä¸æ–‡äº†ã€‚下é¢æˆ‘们就æ¥çœ‹ä¸€ä¸‹ä¸€ä¸ªå°ç™½çš„三æ¥èµ°åˆ·æœºæ”»ç•¥ã€‚ ç¬¬ä¸€æ¥ Â è§£é”手机 在这一æ¥ï¼Œä½ 需è¦ä¸€ä¸ªmotorola 或者google的账户。 首先进入Moto官网手机解é”页é¢ã€‚ 第一页是Motorolaçš„è¦å‘Šï¼Œä¸€æ—¦è§£é”ï¼Œä½ å°†ä¸å†æ‹¥æœ‰Motorolaçš„ä¿ä¿®ï¼Œæ— 所ç•æƒ§åœ°æŒ‰ä¸‹â€œNEXTâ€ï¼Œé€šè¿‡google或motorola账户登录,接下æ¥å°±æ˜¯è§£é”了。作为一个å°ç™½ï¼Œæˆ‘肯定ä¸ä¼šæœ‰Antroid SDKå’ŒMotorola USB Driverï¼Œæ ¹æ®éœ€è¦é€‰æ‹©Windows, MAC OS或者Linux系统的版本进行下载。解压缩和安装完毕åŽï¼Œæ‰“å¼€command prompt(Windows)或者terminal(MAC OS),到已解压缩的Antroid sdk目录下,进入/sdk/platforms-tools/,确认fastboot这个文件在当å‰æ–‡ä»¶å¤¹ä¸ã€‚ 拿出MotoG,é‡å¯è¿›å…¥fastboot模å¼ï¼ˆå…ˆå…³æœºï¼Œç„¶åŽé•¿æŒ‰è§£é”键和调低音é‡çš„按钮),进入fastboot模å¼åŽï¼Œè¿žæŽ¥ç”µè„‘和手机。 在prompt或termial输入 $ fastboot oem get_unlock_data å±å¹•ä¼šè¿”回一串五行的unlock key,å¤åˆ¶è¿™æ®µkey, 注æ„ä¸è¦åŒ…å«ç©ºæ ¼æˆ–者(bootloader),粘贴到之å‰moto网页的输入æ ,按下 Can my device be unlocked? 如果手机ä¸èƒ½è¢«è§£é”,网页底部会显示 REQUEST UNLOCK KEY, æŒ‰ä¸‹é‚£ä¸ªæŒ‰é’®ï¼Œä½ çš„é‚®ç®±10秒钟åŽä¼šæ”¶åˆ°ä¸€ä¸²unlock key。 然åŽåœ¨å‘½ä»¤è¡Œè¾“入: $ fastboot oem get_unlock_data 把get_unlock_data替æ¢æˆé‚®ä»¶æ”¶åˆ°çš„key,敲人回车åŽï¼Œæ‰‹æœºå°±å·²æˆåŠŸè§£é”,é‡å¯åŽæ‰‹æœºä¼šæ˜¾ç¤º ç¬¬äºŒæ¥ … Read more
Magento is an open-source eCommerce platform developed by Varien Inc that is widely used for online businesses. is a web hosting company specialized in WordPress based sites. AceWordPress is a free WordPress-based content management system, developed by the author of WordPress and built by a team of developers in cooperation with the community. … Read more
The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for processing of natural language text. It includes a sentence detector, a tokenizer, a name finder, a parts-of-speech (POS) tagger, a chunker, and a parser. It has very good APIs that can be easily integrated with a Java program. However, the documentation contains unupdated information. … Read more
Below is a simple example for showing how to use Calendar.getInstance() to get current time. public static String getCurrentTime(){ Calendar c=Calendar.getInstance(); String hour="" + c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); String min="" + c.get(Calendar.MINUTE); String sec="" + c.get(Calendar.SECOND); if (hour.length() == 1) hour="0" + hour; if (min.length() == 1) min="0" + min; if (sec.length() == 1) sec="0" + sec; return … Read more
Update on 2020/10/07: This list was created nearly 10 years ago. The new list is available here. This article summarizes the most popular and widely used Java libraries for a variety of different applications. 1. Core Apache Commons Lang – Apache’s library that provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API, such as … Read more
I was doing a simple JQuery program. I need to add new rows and there is a delete button in each of them. The “delete” link is for deleting using Ajax. There is no problem for me to add a row using JQuery Ajax function. But the “delete” link in the newly added rows doesn’t … Read more
Here is the code:
<div class="content"> <a href="#">A</a></div> <div class="content"> <a href="#">B</a></div> <div class="content"> <a href="#">C</a></div> |