JUnit Tutorial (2) – Annotations

This article contains JUnit annotations and examples for showing how to use them. Annotations enables us to use any method names without following any conventions. Actually, it has becomes a very popular way for a lot of projects, framework, etc. You may ask questions like: How to skip a test case in Junit? How to … Read more

JUnit Tutorial (1) – Use JUnit under Eclipse

Introduction and Installation JUnit is the defacto standard for unit testing. JUnit is part of Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT). So, we can either install JDT via Software Updates site, or download and install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Using JUnit in Eclipse Environment 1. Create a project and create a class. This should contains the method you want … Read more

Why do we need software testing?

Why do we need to test our program? When people talk about the importance of software testing, common examples they give frequently are military software, aircraft, etc. That is not concrete enough to understand why we need to test our software. Here I provide an example from daily programming work. You don’t need to work … Read more