`resize image` C++ Examples
21 C++ code examples are found related to "resize image".
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Example 1
Source File: Resize.cpp From PRLib with MIT License | 7 votes |
void prl::resize(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int scaleX, int scaleY, int nProcessedImageSize) { cv::Mat imageToProc; //! Store source image size cv::Size sourceImageSize(src.size()); cv::Size newImageSize; if (scaleX > 0 && scaleY > 0) { newImageSize = cv::Size( static_cast<int>(src.cols * scaleX), static_cast<int>(src.rows * scaleY) ); cv::resize(src, imageToProc, newImageSize, 0, 0, cv::INTER_AREA); } else {
Example 2
Source File: ImageResize.cpp From BlueshiftEngine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
void ResizeImageNearest(const T *src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, T *dst, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int numComponents) { int srcPitch = srcWidth * numComponents; float ratioX = (float)srcWidth / dstWidth; float ratioY = (float)srcHeight / dstHeight; for (int y = 0; y < dstHeight; y++) { int iY = y * ratioY; int offsetY = iY * srcPitch; for (int x = 0; x < dstWidth; x++) { int iX = x * ratioX; int offsetX = iX * numComponents; const T *srcPtrY = &src[offsetY]; for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) { *dst++ = srcPtrY[offsetX + i]; } } } }
Example 3
Source File: MEImage.cpp From MOTDemo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
void MEImage::Resize(int new_width, int new_height) { if (new_height < 1) { printf("Invalid new height: %d < 1\n", new_height); return; } if (new_width < 1) { printf("Invalid new width: %d < 1\n", new_width); return; } IplImage* TempImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(new_width, new_height), 8, ME_CAST_TO_IPLIMAGE(cvImg)->nChannels); cvResize(ME_CAST_TO_IPLIMAGE(cvImg), TempImg, CV_INTER_NN); ME_RELEASE_IPLIMAGE(cvImg); cvImg = TempImg; }
Example 4
Source File: detector_gpu.cpp From ros_opencl_caffe with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
cv::Mat DetectorGpu::resizeImage(const cv::Mat& image) { cv::Mat image_resized; if (image.size() == input_size_) { return image; } if (image.cols != image.rows) { if ((input_size_.width * 1.0 / image.cols) < (input_size_.height * 1.0 / image.rows)) { input_size_resized_.width = input_size_.width; input_size_resized_.height = (image.rows * input_size_.width) / image.cols; } else { input_size_resized_.height = input_size_.height; input_size_resized_.width = (image.cols * input_size_.height) / image.rows; } }
Example 5
Source File: neutral_ops.cpp From nncase with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
kernel_call_result resize_image(resize_image_options &options, interpreter_t &interpreter, interpreter_step_t step) { auto input = interpreter.memory_at<uint8_t>(options.input); auto output = interpreter.memory_at<uint8_t>(options.output); if (options.mode == image_resize_bilinear) { #define RESIZE_BL_KERNEL(T) \ kernels::neutral::resize_bilinear(reinterpret_cast<const T *>(input.data()), reinterpret_cast<T *>(output.data()), options.in_shape, options.out_h, options.out_w, options.align_corners); FP_OR_Q_IMPL(options.input.datatype, RESIZE_BL_KERNEL); return kcr_done; #undef RESIZE_BL_KERNEL } else {
Example 6
Source File: resize_image.cpp From nncase with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
void tflite_importer::convert_resize_image(const tflite::Operator &op, image_resize_mode_t mode) { auto &input = get_tensor(op.inputs(), 0); auto new_size_tensor = load_tensor<int32_t, 1>(get_tensor(op.inputs(), 1)); std::array<int32_t, 2> new_size { new_size_tensor[0], new_size_tensor[1] }; auto align_corners = op.builtin_options_type() == tflite::BuiltinOptions_ResizeBilinearOptions ? op.builtin_options_as_ResizeBilinearOptions()->align_corners() : op.builtin_options_as_ResizeNearestNeighborOptions()->align_corners(); auto pre_trans = nhwc_to_nchw(dt_float32, get_shape(input.shape())); auto node = graph_.emplace<resize_image>(to_data_type(input.type()), mode, pre_trans->output().shape(), new_size, align_corners); auto sur_trans = nchw_to_nhwc(dt_float32, node->output().shape()); node->input().connect(pre_trans->output()); sur_trans->input().connect(node->output()); input_tensors_.emplace(&pre_trans->input(), op.inputs()->Get(0)); output_tensors_.emplace(op.outputs()->Get(0), &sur_trans->output()); }
Example 7
Source File: MEImage.cpp From MOTDemo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
void MEImage::ResizeScaleX(int new_width) { if (new_width < 1) { printf("Invalid new width: %d < 1\n", new_width); return; } Resize(new_width, (int)((float)new_width*GetRatio())); }
Example 8
Source File: MEImage.cpp From MOTDemo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
void MEImage::ResizeScaleY(int new_height) { if (new_height < 1) { printf("Invalid new height: %d < 1\n", new_height); return; } Resize((int)((float)new_height * 1 / GetRatio()), new_height); }
Example 9
Source File: resize_image_lmdb.cpp From O-CNN with MIT License | 5 votes |
void resize_image_database(const string& db_name_input, const string& db_name_output, const int width, const int height) { scoped_ptr<db::DB> db_input(db::GetDB(FLAGS_backend)); db_input->Open(db_name_input, db::READ); scoped_ptr<db::Cursor> cursor_input(db_input->NewCursor()); LOG(INFO) << "Writing data to DB"; scoped_ptr<db::DB> db_output(db::GetDB(FLAGS_backend)); db_output->Open(db_name_output, db::NEW); scoped_ptr<db::Transaction> txn_output(db_output->NewTransaction()); LOG(INFO) << "Starting ..."; int count = 0; string octree_output, out_str; Datum datum_input, datum_output; while (cursor_input->valid()) { string key_str = cursor_input->key(); datum_input.ParseFromString(cursor_input->value()); cv::Mat img = DatumToCVMat(datum_input); cv::Mat img_resize; cv::resize(img, img_resize, cv::Size(width, height)); CVMatToDatum(img_resize, &datum_output); datum_output.set_label(datum_input.label()); CHECK(datum_output.SerializeToString(&out_str)); txn_output->Put(key_str, out_str); cursor_input->Next(); if (++count % 1000 == 0) { txn_output->Commit(); txn_output.reset(db_output->NewTransaction()); LOG(INFO) << "Processed " << count << " files."; } } if (count % 10000 != 0) { txn_output->Commit(); LOG(INFO) << "Processed " << count << " files."; } }
Example 10
Source File: Region.cpp From PerfectShow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
cv::Mat Region::resize(const cv::Mat& image, const Point2f& pivot, float left_scale, float top_scale, float right_scale, float bottom_scale, int interpolation/* = INTER_LINEAR */) { int pivot_x = cvRound(pivot.x), pivot_y = cvRound(pivot.y); // printf("pivot: %d %d, image(%dx%d)", pivot_x, pivot_y, image.cols, image.rows); assert(0 <= pivot_x && pivot_x < image.cols); assert(0 <= pivot_y && pivot_y < image.rows); cv::Mat top, bottom; // seperate the whole image vertically image(Rect2i(0, 0, image.cols, pivot_y)).copyTo(top); image(Rect2i(0, pivot_y, image.cols, image.rows - pivot_y)).copyTo(bottom); const cv::Size EMPTY(0, 0); cv::resize(top, top, EMPTY, 1.0f, top_scale, interpolation); cv::resize(bottom, bottom, EMPTY, 1.0f, bottom_scale, interpolation); cv::Mat result; cv::vconcat(top, bottom, result); cv::Mat left, right; // seperate the whole image horizontally result(Rect2i(0, 0, pivot_x, result.rows)).copyTo(left); result(Rect2i(pivot_x, 0, result.cols - pivot_x, result.rows)).copyTo(right); cv::resize(left, left, EMPTY, left_scale, 1.0f, interpolation); cv::resize(right, right, EMPTY, right_scale, 1.0f, interpolation); cv::hconcat(left, right, result); return result; }
Example 11
Source File: crop_and_resize_gpu.cpp From mlcpp with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
void crop_and_resize_gpu_backward( at::Tensor grads, at::Tensor boxes, // [y1, x1, y2, x2] at::Tensor box_index, // range in [0, batch_size) at::Tensor grads_image // resize to [bsize, c, hc, wc] ) { // shape const int batch_size = grads_image.size(0); const int depth = grads_image.size(1); const int image_height = grads_image.size(2); const int image_width = grads_image.size(3); const int num_boxes = grads.size(0); const int crop_height = grads.size(2); const int crop_width = grads.size(3); // init output space grads_image.zero_(); CropAndResizeBackpropImageLaucher( grads.data<float>(), boxes.data<float>(), box_index.data<int>(), num_boxes, batch_size, image_height, image_width, crop_height, crop_width, depth, grads_image.data<float>()); }
Example 12
Source File: image_manipulation.cpp From jpp with MIT License | 5 votes |
uchar* resize_image( uchar* &image, int h, int w, int nh, int nw, bool in_place ) { uchar* out = kutility::zeros<uchar>( nh*nw ); double ratioy = h / (double)nh; double ratiox = w / (double)nw; int y, x, ynw; double ny, nx; #pragma omp parallel for private( y, x, ny, nx, ynw ) for( y=0; y<nh; y++ ) { ny = y * ratioy; ynw = y * nw; for( x=0; x<nw; x++ ) { nx = x * ratiox; out[ ynw + x ] = (uchar)bilinear_interpolation( image, w, nx, ny ); } } if( in_place ) { deallocate( image ); image = out; } return out; }
Example 13
Source File: qimdebug.cpp From ClothDesigner with MIT License | 5 votes |
void resizeImage(int w, int h) { if (m_img) { if (!(m_img->width() == w && m_img->height() == h)) { delete m_img; m_img = new QImage(w, h, QImage::Format::Format_ARGB32); } } else
Example 14
Source File: ImageResize.cxx From HopeFOAM with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
int ImageResize(int argc, char *argv[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> iren = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor>::New(); vtkSmartPointer<vtkInteractorStyle> style = vtkSmartPointer<vtkInteractorStyle>::New(); vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow> renWin = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow>::New(); iren->SetRenderWindow(renWin); iren->SetInteractorStyle(style); vtkSmartPointer<vtkPNGReader> reader = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPNGReader>::New(); char* fname = vtkTestUtilities::ExpandDataFileName( argc, argv, "Data/fullhead15.png"); reader->SetFileName(fname); delete[] fname; double range[2] = { 0, 4095 }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageResize> resize = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageResize>::New(); resize->SetInputConnection(reader->GetOutputPort()); resize->SetOutputDimensions(64, 64, 1); vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageSliceMapper> imageMapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageSliceMapper>::New(); imageMapper->SetInputConnection(resize->GetOutputPort()); imageMapper->BorderOn(); if ((i & 1) == 0) { resize->BorderOff(); } else { resize->BorderOn(); } if ((i & 2) == 0) { resize->InterpolateOff(); } else {
Example 15
Source File: ImageResize.cpp From BlueshiftEngine with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
static void ResizeImageBilinear(const T *src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, T *dst, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int numComponents) { int srcPitch = srcWidth * numComponents; float ratioX = (float)srcWidth / dstWidth; float ratioY = (float)srcHeight / dstHeight; for (int y = 0; y < dstHeight; y++) { float fY0 = y * ratioY; float fracY = Math::Fract(fY0); int iY0 = fY0 - fracY; int iY1 = Min(iY0 + 1, srcHeight - 1); int offsetY0 = iY0 * srcPitch; int offsetY1 = iY1 * srcPitch; for (int x = 0; x < dstWidth; x++) { float fX0 = x * ratioX; float fracX = Math::Fract(fX0); int iX0 = fX0 - fracX; int iX1 = Min(iX0 + 1, srcWidth - 1); int offsetX0 = iX0 * numComponents; int offsetX1 = iX1 * numComponents; const T *srcPtrY[2]; srcPtrY[0] = &src[offsetY0]; srcPtrY[1] = &src[offsetY1]; for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) { int index0 = offsetX0 + i; int index1 = offsetX1 + i; // NOTE: Should we need to lerp in linear color space ? float p0 = Lerp<float>(srcPtrY[0][index0], srcPtrY[0][index1], fracX); float p1 = Lerp<float>(srcPtrY[1][index0], srcPtrY[1][index1], fracX); float po = Lerp<float>(p0, p1, fracY); *dst++ = po; } } } }
Example 16
Source File: ImageResize.cpp From BlueshiftEngine with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
static void ResizeImageBicubic(const T *src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, T *dst, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int numComponents) { int srcPitch = srcWidth * numComponents; float ratioX = (float)srcWidth / dstWidth; float ratioY = (float)srcHeight / dstHeight; for (int y = 0; y < dstHeight; y++) { float fY1 = y * ratioY; float fracY = Math::Fract(fY1); int iY1 = fY1 - fracY; int iY0 = Max(iY1 - 1, 0); int iY2 = Min(iY1 + 1, srcHeight - 1); int iY3 = Min(iY1 + 2, srcHeight - 1); int offsetY0 = iY0 * srcPitch; int offsetY1 = iY1 * srcPitch; int offsetY2 = iY2 * srcPitch; int offsetY3 = iY3 * srcPitch; for (int x = 0; x < dstWidth; x++) { float fX1 = x * ratioX; float fracX = Math::Fract(fX1); int iX1 = fX1 - fracX; int iX0 = Max(iX1 - 1, 0); int iX2 = Min(iX1 + 1, srcWidth - 1); int iX3 = Min(iX1 + 2, srcWidth - 1); int offsetX0 = iX0 * numComponents; int offsetX1 = iX1 * numComponents; int offsetX2 = iX2 * numComponents; int offsetX3 = iX3 * numComponents; const T *srcPtrY[4]; srcPtrY[0] = &src[offsetY0]; srcPtrY[1] = &src[offsetY1]; srcPtrY[2] = &src[offsetY2]; srcPtrY[3] = &src[offsetY3]; for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) { int index0 = offsetX0 + i; int index1 = offsetX1 + i; int index2 = offsetX2 + i; int index3 = offsetX3 + i; // NOTE: Should we need to lerp in linear color space ? float p0 = Cerp<float>(srcPtrY[0][index0], srcPtrY[0][index1], srcPtrY[0][index2], srcPtrY[0][index3], fracX); float p1 = Cerp<float>(srcPtrY[1][index0], srcPtrY[1][index1], srcPtrY[1][index2], srcPtrY[1][index3], fracX); float p2 = Cerp<float>(srcPtrY[2][index0], srcPtrY[2][index1], srcPtrY[2][index2], srcPtrY[2][index3], fracX); float p3 = Cerp<float>(srcPtrY[3][index0], srcPtrY[3][index1], srcPtrY[3][index2], srcPtrY[3][index3], fracX); float po = Cerp<float>(p0, p1, p2, p3, fracY); *dst++ = ClampFloat(std::numeric_limits<T>::min(), std::numeric_limits<T>::max(), po); } } } }
Example 17
Source File: image_resizer.cpp From streaming_connected_component_discovery with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
image_resizer::ImageResizer::ResizeResult image_resizer::ImageResizer::resize_image( const unsigned char * const input_image_data, const int input_image_width, const int input_image_height, const core::colorspace::Colorspace input_image_colorspace, unsigned char * const output_preallocated_image_data, const int output_preallocated_image_data_size) { if (m_resize_mode == Resized) { // Test to see if the image needs to be resized. if (input_image_width > m_resized_image_dimension || input_image_height > m_resized_image_dimension) { // The image needs to be resized, so create an OpenCV wrapper around // the input image. const cv::Mat input_image( input_image_height, // Number of rows. input_image_width, // Number of columns. core::colorspace::convert_to_opencv(input_image_colorspace), const_cast<unsigned char *>(input_image_data)); ResizeResult result; // Compute the new (resized) width and height of the image. if (input_image_width > input_image_height) { result.scale = float(m_resized_image_dimension) / float(input_image_width); result.width = m_resized_image_dimension; result.height = static_cast<int>(result.scale * float(input_image_height) + 0.5f); } else // if (input_image_width <= input_image_height) { result.scale = float(m_resized_image_dimension) / float(input_image_height); result.height = m_resized_image_dimension; result.width = static_cast<int>(result.scale * float(input_image_width) + 0.5f); } const int required_data_size = result.width * result.height * core::colorspace::num_bytes_per_pixel(input_image_colorspace); if (required_data_size > output_preallocated_image_data_size) { std::cerr << "ERROR: ImageResizer::resize_image() - not enough preallocated image data" << std::endl; result.clear(); return result; } // Create an OpenCV wrapper for the final image. cv::Mat resized_image( result.height, result.width, core::colorspace::convert_to_opencv(input_image_colorspace), output_preallocated_image_data); // Resize the image. cv::resize( input_image, resized_image, cv::Size(result.width, result.height), 0, 0, CV_INTER_AREA); return result; } else // if (input_image_width <= m_resized_image_dimension && // input_image_height <= m_resized_image_dimension) {
Example 18
Source File: interp_float.cpp From Tengine with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
static void resize_bilinear_image(float* src, float* dst, float* alpha, int* xofs, float* beta, int* yofs, int out_h, int out_w, int in_h, int in_w) { int w = out_w; //dst.w; int h = out_h; //dst.h; // loop body float* rowsbuf0 = ( float* )std::malloc(w * sizeof(float)); float* rowsbuf1 = ( float* )std::malloc(w * sizeof(float)); float* rows0 = rowsbuf0; float* rows1 = rowsbuf1; int prev_sy1 = -2; for (int dy = 0; dy < h; dy++ ) { int sy = yofs[dy]; if (sy == prev_sy1) { // reuse all rows } else if (sy == prev_sy1 + 1) { // hresize one row float* rows0_old = rows0; rows0 = rows1; rows1 = rows0_old; const float* S1 = src + (sy+1)*in_w; //src.row(sy+1); const float* alphap = alpha; float* rows1p = rows1; // neon for (int dx = 0; dx+1 < w; dx += 2 ) { int sx = xofs[dx]; int sxn = xofs[dx+1]; const float* S1p = S1 + sx; const float* S1np = S1 + sxn; float32x4_t _a = vld1q_f32(alphap); float32x2_t _S1 = vld1_f32(S1p); float32x2_t _S1n = vld1_f32(S1np); float32x4_t _S1S1n = vcombine_f32(_S1, _S1n); float32x4_t _ms1 = vmulq_f32(_S1S1n, _a); float32x2_t _rows1 = vpadd_f32(vget_low_f32(_ms1), vget_high_f32(_ms1)); vst1_f32(rows1p + dx, _rows1); alphap += 4; } // for (int dx = 0; dx < w; dx++) // { // int sx = xofs[dx]; // const float* S1p = S1 + sx; // float a0 = alphap[0]; // float a1 = alphap[1]; // rows1p[dx] = S1p[0]*a0 + S1p[1]*a1; // alphap += 2; // } } else {
Example 19
Source File: DirectXTexResize.cpp From Xbox-ATG-Samples with MIT License | 4 votes |
HRESULT PerformResizeUsingWIC( const Image& srcImage, DWORD filter, const WICPixelFormatGUID& pfGUID, const Image& destImage) noexcept { if (!srcImage.pixels || !destImage.pixels) return E_POINTER; assert(srcImage.format == destImage.format); bool iswic2 = false; auto pWIC = GetWICFactory(iswic2); if (!pWIC) return E_NOINTERFACE; ComPtr<IWICComponentInfo> componentInfo; HRESULT hr = pWIC->CreateComponentInfo(pfGUID, componentInfo.GetAddressOf()); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; ComPtr<IWICPixelFormatInfo2> pixelFormatInfo; hr = componentInfo.As(&pixelFormatInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; BOOL supportsTransparency = FALSE; hr = pixelFormatInfo->SupportsTransparency(&supportsTransparency); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (srcImage.rowPitch > UINT32_MAX || srcImage.slicePitch > UINT32_MAX || destImage.rowPitch > UINT32_MAX || destImage.slicePitch > UINT32_MAX) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW); ComPtr<IWICBitmap> source; hr = pWIC->CreateBitmapFromMemory(static_cast<UINT>(srcImage.width), static_cast<UINT>(srcImage.height), pfGUID, static_cast<UINT>(srcImage.rowPitch), static_cast<UINT>(srcImage.slicePitch), srcImage.pixels, source.GetAddressOf()); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if ((filter & TEX_FILTER_SEPARATE_ALPHA) && supportsTransparency) { hr = _ResizeSeparateColorAndAlpha(pWIC, iswic2, source.Get(), destImage.width, destImage.height, filter, &destImage); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } else {
Example 20
Source File: resize_nearest_neighbor.cc From mace with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
inline void ResizeImageNCHW(const OpContext *context, const T *images, const index_t batch_size, const index_t in_height, const index_t in_width, const index_t out_height, const index_t out_width, const index_t channels, const float height_scale, const float width_scale, bool align_corners, T *output) { utils::ThreadPool &thread_pool = context->device()->cpu_runtime()->thread_pool(); thread_pool.Compute2D([=](index_t start0, index_t end0, index_t step0, index_t start1, index_t end1, index_t step1) { for (index_t b = start0; b < end0; b += step0) { for (index_t c = start1; c < end1; c += step1) { const T *channel_input_ptr = images + (b * channels + c) * in_height * in_width; T *channel_output_ptr = output + (b * channels + c) * out_height * out_width; for (index_t y = 0; y < out_height; ++y) { const index_t in_y = std::min( (align_corners) ? static_cast<index_t>(roundf(y * height_scale)) : static_cast<index_t>(floorf(y * height_scale)), in_height - 1); for (int x = 0; x < out_width; ++x) { const index_t in_x = std::min( (align_corners) ? static_cast<index_t>(roundf(x * width_scale)) : static_cast<index_t>(floorf(x * width_scale)), in_width - 1); channel_output_ptr[y * out_width + x] = channel_input_ptr[in_y * in_width + in_x]; } } } } }, 0, batch_size, 1, 0, channels, 1); }
Example 21
Source File: resize.c From awtk with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
static int image_resize(const char* ifilename, const char* ofilename, int ow, int oh) { int n = 0; int iw = 0; int ih = 0; int ret = 0; unsigned char* odata = NULL; unsigned char* idata = stbi_load(ifilename, &iw, &ih, &n, 0); if (idata != NULL) { if (ow == 0) { ow = (oh * iw) / ih; } if (oh == 0) { oh = (ow * ih) / iw; } odata = (unsigned char*)malloc(ow * oh * n); if (odata != NULL) { ret = stbir_resize_uint8(idata, iw, ih, iw * n, odata, ow, oh, ow * n, n); if (ret != 0) { if (strstr(ofilename, ".png") != NULL) { ret = stbi_write_png(ofilename, ow, oh, n, odata, ow * n); } else if (strstr(ofilename, ".jpg") != NULL) { ret = stbi_write_jpg(ofilename, ow, oh, n, odata, 90); } else { ret = 0; printf("not supported file format.\n"); } if (ret != 0) { int w = 0; int h = 0; unsigned char* data = stbi_load(ofilename, &w, &h, &n, 0); assert(w == ow && h == oh && data != NULL); if (w == ow && h == oh) { printf("image resize success:%s(%dx%d) => %s(%dx%dx%d)\n", ifilename, iw, ih, ofilename, ow, oh, n); } stbi_image_free(data); } else { printf("write failed\n"); } }