Eclipse RCP Tutorials
- Install PDE
- Create a simple desktop app with a View
- Commonly-used Eclipse Workbench Extension Points
- Components of workbench window
- Add a Perspective
- Menu (1): Add a basic menu
- Menu (2): Add a popup menu when right clicking a file
- Menu (3): Add a popup menu to editor context
- Standard Widget Toolkit(SWT)
- Eclipse SWT and JFace widgets references
- Layouts: GridLayout, FormLayout
- Add Vertical Scroll Bar to Text area in RCP Apps
- Add A File Chooser/Selector for Eclipse RCP Development
- Drawing points
- How to Add a Progress Bar
- Export Eclipse RCP Application to be a Product
- Available Resources Online
- Steps in Making an RCP Application
- Learn Eclipse RCP by reading open source projects
- Eclipse GEF
Start with a simple rich client application to get the taste of RCP rich client application.
Extension points provide functionality with each usage.
Introduces how to make a progress bar by using a simple example and illustrate Eclipse Job for background processing.
This is about how to export eclipse RCP app as a product.
Other available good resources online.
Summary of general steps of making a RCP application, either plug-in or rich client application.
A simple example of adding connections for demonstration of GEG MVC design