org.apache.beam.runners.spark.SparkPipelineOptions Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void runSimplePipelineWithSparkContext(SparkConf conf) { SparkPipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create().as(TestSparkPipelineOptions.class); options.setRunner(TestSparkRunner.class); conf.set("spark.master", "local"); conf.setAppName("test"); JavaSparkContext javaSparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(conf); options.setUsesProvidedSparkContext(true);; Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(options); p.apply(Create.of("a")); // some operation to trigger pipeline construction; javaSparkContext.stop(); }
Example #2
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Bounded( SparkContext sc, BoundedSource<T> source, SerializablePipelineOptions options, String stepName) { super(sc, NIL, JavaSparkContext$.MODULE$.fakeClassTag()); this.source = source; this.options = options; // the input parallelism is determined by Spark's scheduler backend. // when running on YARN/SparkDeploy it's the result of max(totalCores, 2). // when running on Mesos it's 8. // when running local it's the total number of cores (local = 1, local[N] = N, // local[*] = estimation of the machine's cores). // ** the configuration "spark.default.parallelism" takes precedence over all of the above ** this.numPartitions = sc.defaultParallelism(); checkArgument(this.numPartitions > 0, "Number of partitions must be greater than zero."); this.bundleSize = options.get().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class).getBundleSize(); this.stepName = stepName; this.metricsAccum = MetricsAccumulator.getInstance(); }
Example #3
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static synchronized JavaSparkContext getSparkContext(SparkPipelineOptions options) { SparkContextOptions contextOptions =; usesProvidedSparkContext = contextOptions.getUsesProvidedSparkContext(); // reuse should be ignored if the context is provided. if (Boolean.getBoolean(TEST_REUSE_SPARK_CONTEXT) && !usesProvidedSparkContext) { // if the context is null or stopped for some reason, re-create it. if (sparkContext == null || { sparkContext = createSparkContext(contextOptions); sparkMaster = options.getSparkMaster(); } else if (!options.getSparkMaster().equals(sparkMaster)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Cannot reuse spark context " + "with different spark master URL. Existing: %s, requested: %s.", sparkMaster, options.getSparkMaster())); } return sparkContext; } else { return createSparkContext(contextOptions); } }
Example #4
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Nullable private static Partitioner getPartitioner(SparkTranslationContext context) { Long bundleSize = context.serializablePipelineOptions.get().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class).getBundleSize(); return (bundleSize > 0) ? null : new HashPartitioner(context.getSparkContext().defaultParallelism()); }
Example #5
Source File: From components with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Before public void setupLazyAvroCoder() { options =; options.setRunner(SparkRunner.class); options.setSparkMaster("local"); options.setStreaming(false); pWrite = Pipeline.create(options); pRead = Pipeline.create(options); }
Example #6
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Category(StreamingTest.class) @Test public void testInStreamingMode() throws Exception { assertThat(InMemoryMetrics.valueOf("emptyLines"), is(nullValue())); Instant instant = new Instant(0); CreateStream<String> source = CreateStream.of( StringUtf8Coder.of(), Duration.millis( (pipeline.getOptions().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class)) .getBatchIntervalMillis())) .emptyBatch() .advanceWatermarkForNextBatch(instant) .nextBatch( TimestampedValue.of(WORDS.get(0), instant), TimestampedValue.of(WORDS.get(1), instant), TimestampedValue.of(WORDS.get(2), instant)) .advanceWatermarkForNextBatch( .nextBatch( TimestampedValue.of(WORDS.get(3),, TimestampedValue.of(WORDS.get(4),, TimestampedValue.of(WORDS.get(5), .advanceNextBatchWatermarkToInfinity(); PCollection<String> output = pipeline .apply(source) .apply( Window.<String>into(FixedWindows.of(Duration.standardSeconds(3L))) .withAllowedLateness(Duration.ZERO)) .apply(new WordCount.CountWords()) .apply(MapElements.via(new WordCount.FormatAsTextFn())); PAssert.that(output).containsInAnyOrder(EXPECTED_COUNTS);; assertThat(InMemoryMetrics.<Double>valueOf("emptyLines"), is(1d)); }
Example #7
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
SourceDStream( StreamingContext ssc, UnboundedSource<T, CheckpointMarkT> unboundedSource, SerializablePipelineOptions options, Long boundMaxRecords) { super(ssc, JavaSparkContext$.MODULE$.fakeClassTag()); this.unboundedSource = unboundedSource; this.options = options; SparkPipelineOptions sparkOptions = options.get().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class); // Reader cache expiration interval. 50% of batch interval is added to accommodate latency. this.readerCacheInterval = 1.5 * sparkOptions.getBatchIntervalMillis(); this.boundReadDuration = boundReadDuration( sparkOptions.getReadTimePercentage(), sparkOptions.getMinReadTimeMillis()); // set initial parallelism once. this.initialParallelism = ssc().sparkContext().defaultParallelism(); checkArgument(this.initialParallelism > 0, "Number of partitions must be greater than zero."); this.boundMaxRecords = boundMaxRecords; try { this.numPartitions = createMicrobatchSource().split(sparkOptions).size(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
Example #8
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** Init aggregators accumulator if it has not been initiated. This method is idempotent. */ public static void init(SparkPipelineOptions opts, JavaSparkContext jsc) { if (instance == null) { synchronized (AggregatorsAccumulator.class) { if (instance == null) { Optional<CheckpointDir> maybeCheckpointDir = opts.isStreaming() ? Optional.of(new CheckpointDir(opts.getCheckpointDir())) : Optional.absent(); NamedAggregators namedAggregators = new NamedAggregators(); NamedAggregatorsAccumulator accumulator = new NamedAggregatorsAccumulator(namedAggregators);, ACCUMULATOR_NAME); if (maybeCheckpointDir.isPresent()) { Optional<NamedAggregators> maybeRecoveredValue = recoverValueFromCheckpoint(jsc, maybeCheckpointDir.get()); if (maybeRecoveredValue.isPresent()) { accumulator = new NamedAggregatorsAccumulator(maybeRecoveredValue.get()); } } instance = accumulator; } }"Instantiated aggregators accumulator: " + instance.value()); } }
Example #9
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** Add output of transform to context. */ public void pushDataset(String pCollectionId, Dataset dataset) { dataset.setName(pCollectionId); SparkPipelineOptions sparkOptions = serializablePipelineOptions.get().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class); if (!sparkOptions.isCacheDisabled() && consumptionCount.getOrDefault(pCollectionId, 0) > 1) { String storageLevel = sparkOptions.getStorageLevel(); @Nullable Coder coder = coderMap.get(pCollectionId); dataset.cache(storageLevel, coder); } datasets.put(pCollectionId, dataset); leaves.add(dataset); }
Example #10
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Nullable private static Partitioner getPartitioner(EvaluationContext context) { Long bundleSize = context.getSerializableOptions().get().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class).getBundleSize(); return (bundleSize > 0) ? null : new HashPartitioner(context.getSparkContext().defaultParallelism()); }
Example #11
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** Init metrics accumulator if it has not been initiated. This method is idempotent. */ public static void init(SparkPipelineOptions opts, JavaSparkContext jsc) { if (instance == null) { synchronized (MetricsAccumulator.class) { if (instance == null) { Optional<CheckpointDir> maybeCheckpointDir = opts.isStreaming() ? Optional.of(new CheckpointDir(opts.getCheckpointDir())) : Optional.absent(); MetricsContainerStepMap metricsContainerStepMap = new MetricsContainerStepMap(); MetricsContainerStepMapAccumulator accumulator = new MetricsContainerStepMapAccumulator(metricsContainerStepMap);, ACCUMULATOR_NAME); if (maybeCheckpointDir.isPresent()) { Optional<MetricsContainerStepMap> maybeRecoveredValue = recoverValueFromCheckpoint(jsc, maybeCheckpointDir.get()); if (maybeRecoveredValue.isPresent()) { accumulator = new MetricsContainerStepMapAccumulator(maybeRecoveredValue.get()); } } instance = accumulator; } }"Instantiated metrics accumulator: " + instance.value()); } else { instance.reset(); } }
Example #12
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public String storageLevel() { return serializableOptions.get().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class).getStorageLevel(); }
Example #13
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public SparkRunnerStreamingContextFactory( Pipeline pipeline, SparkPipelineOptions options, CheckpointDir checkpointDir) { this.pipeline = pipeline; this.options = options; this.checkpointDir = checkpointDir; }
Example #14
Source File: From hop with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public PipelineOptions getPipelineOptions() throws HopException { SparkPipelineOptions options = SparkPipelineOptions.class ); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getSparkMaster() ) ) { options.setSparkMaster( environmentSubstitute( getSparkMaster() ) ); } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getSparkBatchIntervalMillis() ) ) { long interval = Const.toLong( environmentSubstitute( getSparkBatchIntervalMillis() ), -1L ); if ( interval >= 0 ) { options.setBatchIntervalMillis( interval ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getSparkCheckpointDir() ) ) { options.setCheckpointDir( environmentSubstitute( getSparkCheckpointDir() ) ); } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getSparkCheckpointDurationMillis() ) ) { long duration = Const.toLong( environmentSubstitute( getSparkCheckpointDurationMillis() ), -1L ); if ( duration >= 0 ) { options.setCheckpointDurationMillis( duration ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getSparkMaxRecordsPerBatch() ) ) { long records = Const.toLong( environmentSubstitute( getSparkMaxRecordsPerBatch() ), -1L ); if ( records >= 0 ) { options.setMaxRecordsPerBatch( records ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getSparkMinReadTimeMillis() ) ) { long readTime = Const.toLong( environmentSubstitute( getSparkMinReadTimeMillis() ), -1L ); if ( readTime >= 0 ) { options.setMinReadTimeMillis( readTime ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getSparkReadTimePercentage() ) ) { double percentage = Const.toDouble( environmentSubstitute( getSparkReadTimePercentage() ), -1.0 ); if ( percentage >= 0 ) { options.setReadTimePercentage( percentage / 100 ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getSparkBundleSize() ) ) { long bundleSize = Const.toLong( environmentSubstitute( getSparkBundleSize() ), -1L ); if ( bundleSize >= 0 ) { options.setBundleSize( bundleSize ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getSparkStorageLevel() ) ) { options.setStorageLevel( environmentSubstitute( getSparkStorageLevel() ) ); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty( getFatJar() )) { options.setFilesToStage( Arrays.asList(fatJar) ); } return options; }
Example #15
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static Long getBatchDuration(final SerializablePipelineOptions options) { return options.get().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class).getCheckpointDurationMillis(); }
Example #16
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static <T, CheckpointMarkT extends CheckpointMark> UnboundedDataset<T> read( JavaStreamingContext jssc, SerializablePipelineOptions rc, UnboundedSource<T, CheckpointMarkT> source, String stepName) { SparkPipelineOptions options = rc.get().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class); Long maxRecordsPerBatch = options.getMaxRecordsPerBatch(); SourceDStream<T, CheckpointMarkT> sourceDStream = new SourceDStream<>(jssc.ssc(), source, rc, maxRecordsPerBatch); JavaPairInputDStream<Source<T>, CheckpointMarkT> inputDStream = JavaPairInputDStream$.MODULE$.fromInputDStream( sourceDStream, JavaSparkContext$.MODULE$.fakeClassTag(), JavaSparkContext$.MODULE$.fakeClassTag()); // call mapWithState to read from a checkpointable sources. JavaMapWithStateDStream< Source<T>, CheckpointMarkT, Tuple2<byte[], Instant>, Tuple2<Iterable<byte[]>, Metadata>> mapWithStateDStream = inputDStream.mapWithState( StateSpec.function( StateSpecFunctions.<T, CheckpointMarkT>mapSourceFunction(rc, stepName)) .numPartitions(sourceDStream.getNumPartitions())); // set checkpoint duration for read stream, if set. checkpointStream(mapWithStateDStream, options); // report the number of input elements for this InputDStream to the InputInfoTracker. int id = inputDStream.inputDStream().id(); JavaDStream<Metadata> metadataDStream = Tuple2MetadataFunction()); // register ReadReportDStream to report information related to this read. new ReadReportDStream(metadataDStream.dstream(), id, getSourceName(source, id), stepName) .register(); // output the actual (deserialized) stream. WindowedValue.FullWindowedValueCoder<T> coder = WindowedValue.FullWindowedValueCoder.of( source.getOutputCoder(), GlobalWindow.Coder.INSTANCE); JavaDStream<WindowedValue<T>> readUnboundedStream = mapWithStateDStream .flatMap(new Tuple2byteFlatMapFunction()) .map(CoderHelpers.fromByteFunction(coder)); return new UnboundedDataset<>(readUnboundedStream, Collections.singletonList(id)); }
Example #17
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static void checkpointStream(JavaDStream<?> dStream, SparkPipelineOptions options) { long checkpointDurationMillis = options.getCheckpointDurationMillis(); if (checkpointDurationMillis > 0) { dStream.checkpoint(new Duration(checkpointDurationMillis)); } }
Example #18
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private Duration batchDuration() { return Duration.millis( (pipeline.getOptions().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class)).getBatchIntervalMillis()); }
Example #19
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private Duration batchDuration() { return Duration.millis( (p.getOptions().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class)).getBatchIntervalMillis()); }
Example #20
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private Duration batchDuration() { return Duration.millis( (pipeline.getOptions().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class)).getBatchIntervalMillis()); }
Example #21
Source File: From kettle-beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void configureSparkOptions( BeamJobConfig config, SparkPipelineOptions options, VariableSpace space, String transformationName ) throws IOException { // options.setFilesToStage( BeamConst.findLibraryFilesToStage( null, config.getPluginsToStage(), true, true ) ); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( config.getSparkMaster() ) ) { options.setSparkMaster( space.environmentSubstitute( config.getSparkMaster() ) ); } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( config.getSparkBatchIntervalMillis() ) ) { long interval = Const.toLong( space.environmentSubstitute( config.getSparkBatchIntervalMillis() ), -1L ); if ( interval >= 0 ) { options.setBatchIntervalMillis( interval ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( config.getSparkCheckpointDir() ) ) { options.setCheckpointDir( space.environmentSubstitute( config.getSparkCheckpointDir() ) ); } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( config.getSparkCheckpointDurationMillis() ) ) { long duration = Const.toLong( space.environmentSubstitute( config.getSparkCheckpointDurationMillis() ), -1L ); if ( duration >= 0 ) { options.setCheckpointDurationMillis( duration ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( config.getSparkMaxRecordsPerBatch() ) ) { long records = Const.toLong( space.environmentSubstitute( config.getSparkMaxRecordsPerBatch() ), -1L ); if ( records >= 0 ) { options.setMaxRecordsPerBatch( records ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( config.getSparkMinReadTimeMillis() ) ) { long readTime = Const.toLong( space.environmentSubstitute( config.getSparkMinReadTimeMillis() ), -1L ); if ( readTime >= 0 ) { options.setMinReadTimeMillis( readTime ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( config.getSparkReadTimePercentage() ) ) { double percentage = Const.toDouble( space.environmentSubstitute( config.getSparkReadTimePercentage() ), -1.0 ); if ( percentage >= 0 ) { options.setReadTimePercentage( percentage / 100 ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( config.getSparkBundleSize() ) ) { long bundleSize = Const.toLong( space.environmentSubstitute( config.getSparkBundleSize() ), -1L ); if ( bundleSize >= 0 ) { options.setBundleSize( bundleSize ); } } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( config.getSparkStorageLevel() ) ) { options.setStorageLevel( space.environmentSubstitute( config.getSparkStorageLevel() ) ); } String appName = transformationName.replace( " ", "_" ); options.setAppName( appName ); }
Example #22
Source File: From kettle-beam with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Pipeline getPipeline( TransMeta transMeta, BeamJobConfig config ) throws KettleException { try { if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( config.getRunnerTypeName() ) ) { throw new KettleException( "You need to specify a runner type, one of : " + RunnerType.values().toString() ); } PipelineOptions pipelineOptions = null; VariableSpace space = transMeta; RunnerType runnerType = RunnerType.getRunnerTypeByName( transMeta.environmentSubstitute( config.getRunnerTypeName() ) ); switch ( runnerType ) { case Direct: pipelineOptions = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); break; case DataFlow: DataflowPipelineOptions dfOptions = DataflowPipelineOptions.class ); configureDataFlowOptions( config, dfOptions, space ); pipelineOptions = dfOptions; break; case Spark: SparkPipelineOptions sparkOptions; if (sparkContext!=null) { SparkContextOptions sparkContextOptions = SparkContextOptions.class ); sparkContextOptions.setProvidedSparkContext( sparkContext ); sparkOptions = sparkContextOptions; } else { sparkOptions = SparkPipelineOptions.class ); } configureSparkOptions( config, sparkOptions, space, transMeta.getName() ); pipelineOptions = sparkOptions; break; case Flink: FlinkPipelineOptions flinkOptions = FlinkPipelineOptions.class ); configureFlinkOptions( config, flinkOptions, space ); pipelineOptions = flinkOptions; break; default: throw new KettleException( "Sorry, this isn't implemented yet" ); } configureStandardOptions( config, transMeta.getName(), pipelineOptions, space ); setVariablesInTransformation( config, transMeta ); TransMetaPipelineConverter converter; if (stepPluginClasses!=null && xpPluginClasses!=null) { converter = new TransMetaPipelineConverter( transMeta, metaStore, stepPluginClasses, xpPluginClasses, jobConfig ); } else { converter = new TransMetaPipelineConverter( transMeta, metaStore, config.getPluginsToStage(), jobConfig ); } Pipeline pipeline = converter.createPipeline( pipelineOptions ); // Also set the pipeline options... // FileSystems.setDefaultPipelineOptions(pipelineOptions); return pipeline; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new KettleException( "Error configuring local Beam Engine", e ); } }
Example #23
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Cache PCollection if SparkPipelineOptions.isCacheDisabled is false or transform isn't * GroupByKey transformation and PCollection is used more then once in Pipeline. * * <p>PCollection is not cached in GroupByKey transformation, because Spark automatically persists * some intermediate data in shuffle operations, even without users calling persist. * * @param pvalue output of transform * @param transform the transform to check * @return if PCollection will be cached */ public boolean shouldCache(PTransform<?, ? extends PValue> transform, PValue pvalue) { if (serializableOptions.get().as(SparkPipelineOptions.class).isCacheDisabled() || transform instanceof GroupByKey) { return false; } return pvalue instanceof PCollection && cacheCandidates.getOrDefault(pvalue, 0L) > 1; }