Java Code Examples for io.pravega.client.EventStreamClientFactory#withScope()
The following examples show how to use
io.pravega.client.EventStreamClientFactory#withScope() .
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Example 1
Source File: From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void run(String routingKey, String message) { StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(controllerURI); final boolean scopeIsNew = streamManager.createScope(scope); StreamConfiguration streamConfig = StreamConfiguration.builder() .scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(1)) .build(); final boolean streamIsNew = streamManager.createStream(scope, streamName, streamConfig); try (EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build()); EventStreamWriter<String> writer = clientFactory.createEventWriter(streamName, new JavaSerializer<String>(), EventWriterConfig.builder().build())) { System.out.format("Writing message: '%s' with routing-key: '%s' to stream '%s / %s'%n", message, routingKey, scope, streamName); final CompletableFuture writeFuture = writer.writeEvent(routingKey, message); } }
Example 2
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Checkpoint createCheckPointAndVerify(final ReaderGroup readerGroup, final String checkPointName) {"Create and verify check point {}", checkPointName); String readerId = "checkPointReader"; CompletableFuture<Checkpoint> checkpoint = null; final ClientConfig clientConfig = Utils.buildClientConfig(controllerURI); try (EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE_1, clientConfig); EventStreamReader<Integer> reader = clientFactory.createReader(readerId, READER_GROUP_NAME, new JavaSerializer<Integer>(), readerConfig)) { checkpoint = readerGroup.initiateCheckpoint(checkPointName, executor); //create checkpoint //verify checkpoint event. EventRead<Integer> event = reader.readNextEvent(READ_TIMEOUT); assertTrue("Read for Checkpoint event", (event != null) && (event.isCheckpoint())); assertEquals("CheckPoint Name", checkPointName, event.getCheckpointName()); } return checkpoint.join(); }
Example 3
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void writeAnEvent(int tokenTtlInSeconds) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { ClusterWrapper pravegaCluster = new ClusterWrapper(true, tokenTtlInSeconds); try { pravegaCluster.initialize(); String scope = "testscope"; String streamName = "teststream"; int numSegments = 1; String message = "test message"; ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder() .controllerURI(URI.create(pravegaCluster.controllerUri())) .credentials(new DefaultCredentials("1111_aaaa", "admin")) .build(); log.debug("Done creating client config."); createScopeStream(scope, streamName, numSegments, clientConfig); @Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, clientConfig); //@Cleanup EventStreamWriter<String> writer = clientFactory.createEventWriter(streamName, new JavaSerializer<String>(), EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); // Note: A TokenException is thrown here if token verification fails on the server. writer.writeEvent(message).get(); log.debug("Done writing message '{}' to stream '{} / {}'", message, scope, streamName); } finally { pravegaCluster.close(); } }
Example 4
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(expected = TruncatedDataException.class, timeout = 50000) public void testBatchClientWithStreamTruncationPostGetSegments() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { @Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig); createTestStreamWithEvents(clientFactory); @Cleanup BatchClientFactory batchClient = BatchClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig); // 1. Fetch Segments. ArrayList<SegmentRange> segmentsPostTruncation = Lists.newArrayList( batchClient.getSegments(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM), StreamCut.UNBOUNDED, StreamCut.UNBOUNDED).getIterator()); // 2. Create a StreamCut at the end of segment 0 ( offset = 3 * 30 = 90) StreamCut streamCut90L = new StreamCutImpl(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM), ImmutableMap.of(new Segment(SCOPE, STREAM, 0), 90L)); // 3. Truncate stream. assertTrue("truncate stream", controllerWrapper.getController().truncateStream(SCOPE, STREAM, streamCut90L).join()); // 4. Use SegmentRange obtained before truncation. SegmentRange s0 = segmentRange -> segmentRange.getSegmentId() == 0L).findFirst().get(); // 5. Read non existent segment. List<String> eventList = new ArrayList<>(); @Cleanup SegmentIterator<String> segmentIterator = batchClient.readSegment(s0, serializer); eventList.addAll(Lists.newArrayList(segmentIterator)); }
Example 5
Source File: From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void run() { setRunning(true); final String readerGroup = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""); final ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder() .stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName)) .build(); try (ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, controllerURI)) { readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(readerGroup, readerGroupConfig); } try (EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build()); EventStreamReader<T> reader = clientFactory.createReader("reader", readerGroup, serializer, ReaderConfig.builder().build())) { while (isRunning()) { try { EventRead<T> event = reader.readNextEvent(READER_TIMEOUT_MS); T eventData = event.getEvent(); if (eventData != null) { onNext.accept(event.getEvent()); } } catch (ReinitializationRequiredException e) { onError.accept(e); } } } }
Example 6
Source File: From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void run() { StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(controllerURI); final boolean scopeIsNew = streamManager.createScope(scope); StreamConfiguration streamConfig = StreamConfiguration.builder() .scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(1)) .build(); final boolean streamIsNew = streamManager.createStream(scope, streamName, streamConfig); final String readerGroup = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""); final ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder() .stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName)) .build(); try (ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, controllerURI)) { readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(readerGroup, readerGroupConfig); } try (EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build()); EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader("reader", readerGroup, new JavaSerializer<String>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build())) { System.out.format("Reading all the events from %s/%s%n", scope, streamName); EventRead<String> event = null; do { try { event = reader.readNextEvent(READER_TIMEOUT_MS); if (event.getEvent() != null) { System.out.format("Read event '%s'%n", event.getEvent()); } } catch (ReinitializationRequiredException e) { //There are certain circumstances where the reader needs to be reinitialized e.printStackTrace(); } } while (event.getEvent() != null); System.out.format("No more events from %s/%s%n", scope, streamName); } }
Example 7
Source File: From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public RecordWriter<String, V> getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration(); final String scopeName = Optional.ofNullable(conf.get(OUTPUT_SCOPE_NAME)).orElseThrow(() -> new IOException("The input scope name must be configured (" + OUTPUT_SCOPE_NAME + ")")); final String streamName = Optional.ofNullable(conf.get(OUTPUT_STREAM_NAME)).orElseThrow(() -> new IOException("The input stream name must be configured (" + OUTPUT_STREAM_NAME + ")")); final URI controllerURI = Optional.ofNullable(conf.get(OUTPUT_URI_STRING)).map(URI::create).orElseThrow(() -> new IOException("The Pravega controller URI must be configured (" + OUTPUT_URI_STRING + ")")); final String deserializerClassName = Optional.ofNullable(conf.get(OUTPUT_DESERIALIZER)).orElseThrow(() -> new IOException("The event deserializer must be configured (" + OUTPUT_DESERIALIZER + ")")); final int segments = Integer.parseInt(conf.get(OUTPUT_STREAM_SEGMENTS, "3")); StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(controllerURI); streamManager.createScope(scopeName); StreamConfiguration streamConfig = StreamConfiguration.builder() .scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(segments)) .build(); streamManager.createStream(scopeName, streamName, streamConfig); EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = (externalClientFactory != null) ? externalClientFactory : EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scopeName, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build()); Serializer deserializer; try { Class<?> deserializerClass = Class.forName(deserializerClassName); deserializer = (Serializer<V>) deserializerClass.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { log.error("Exception when creating deserializer: {}", e); throw new IOException( "Unable to create the event deserializer (" + deserializerClassName + ")", e); } EventStreamWriter<V> writer = clientFactory.createEventWriter(streamName, deserializer, EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); return new PravegaOutputRecordWriter<V>(writer); }
Example 8
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(timeout = 30000) public void testTransactionMetrics() throws Exception { String txScopeName = "scopeTx"; String txStreamName = "streamTx"; controllerWrapper.getControllerService().createScope(txScopeName).get(); if (!controller.createStream(txScopeName, txStreamName, config).get()) { log.error("Stream {} for tx testing already existed, exiting", txScopeName + "/" + txStreamName); return; } @Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(txScopeName, ClientConfig.builder() .controllerURI(URI.create("tcp://localhost:" + controllerPort)).build()); @Cleanup TransactionalEventStreamWriter<String> writer = clientFactory.createTransactionalEventWriter(Stream.of(txScopeName, txStreamName).getStreamName(), new JavaSerializer<>(), EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); Transaction<String> transaction = writer.beginTxn(); assertEquals(1, (long) MetricRegistryUtils.getCounter(MetricsNames.CREATE_TRANSACTION, streamTags(txScopeName, txStreamName)).count()); transaction.writeEvent("Test"); transaction.flush(); transaction.commit(); AssertExtensions.assertEventuallyEquals(true, () -> transaction.checkStatus().equals(Transaction.Status.COMMITTED), 10000); AssertExtensions.assertEventuallyEquals(true, () -> MetricRegistryUtils.getCounter(MetricsNames.COMMIT_TRANSACTION, streamTags(txScopeName, txStreamName)) != null, 10000); assertEquals(1, (long) MetricRegistryUtils.getCounter(MetricsNames.COMMIT_TRANSACTION, streamTags(txScopeName, txStreamName)).count()); Transaction<String> transaction2 = writer.beginTxn(); transaction2.writeEvent("Test"); transaction2.abort(); AssertExtensions.assertEventuallyEquals(true, () -> transaction2.checkStatus().equals(Transaction.Status.ABORTED), 10000); AssertExtensions.assertEventuallyEquals(true, () -> MetricRegistryUtils.getCounter(MetricsNames.ABORT_TRANSACTION, streamTags(txScopeName, txStreamName)) != null, 10000); assertEquals(1, (long) MetricRegistryUtils.getCounter(MetricsNames.ABORT_TRANSACTION, streamTags(txScopeName, txStreamName)).count()); }
Example 9
Source File: From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { ParameterTool params = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args); // The writer will contact with the Pravega controller to get information about segments. URI pravegaControllerURI = URI.create(params.get(Constants.CONTROLLER_ADDRESS_PARAM, Constants.CONTROLLER_ADDRESS)); final int numEvents = params.getInt(Constants.NUM_EVENTS_PARAM, Constants.NUM_EVENTS); // StreamManager helps us to easily manage streams and copes. StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(pravegaControllerURI); // A scope is a namespace that will be used to group streams (e.g., like dirs and files). streamManager.createScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE); // Here we configure the new stream (e.g., name, scope, scaling policy, retention policy). StreamConfiguration streamConfiguration = StreamConfiguration.builder() .scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(Constants.PARALLELISM)) .build(); // Create a Pravega stream to write data (if it does not exist yet). streamManager.createStream(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE, Constants.PRODUCER_STREAM, streamConfiguration); // Create the client factory to instantiate writers and readers. try (EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(pravegaControllerURI).build())) { // Create a writer to write events in the stream. EventStreamWriter<Tuple2<Integer, Double>> writer = clientFactory.createEventWriter(Constants.PRODUCER_STREAM, new JavaSerializer<>(), EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); for (double i = 0; i < numEvents * EVENT_VALUE_INCREMENT; i += EVENT_VALUE_INCREMENT) { // Write an event for each sensor. for (int sensorId = 0; sensorId < Constants.PARALLELISM; sensorId++) { // Different starting values per sensor. final Tuple2<Integer, Double> value = new Tuple2<>(sensorId, Math.sin(i + sensorId)); writer.writeEvent(String.valueOf(sensorId), value); LOG.warn("Writing event: {} (routing key {}).", value, sensorId); } writer.flush(); Thread.sleep(WRITER_SLEEP_MS); } writer.close(); } System.exit(0); }
Example 10
Source File: From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Initialize the parameter utility tool in order to retrieve input parameters. ParameterTool params = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args); // The writer will contact with the Pravega controller to get information about streams. URI pravegaControllerURI = URI.create(params.get(Constants.CONTROLLER_ADDRESS_PARAM, Constants.CONTROLLER_ADDRESS)); PravegaConfig pravegaConfig = PravegaConfig .fromParams(params) .withControllerURI(pravegaControllerURI) .withDefaultScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE); // Create the scope if it is not present. StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(pravegaControllerURI); streamManager.createScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE); // We will read from the stream slices published by StreamBookmarker. ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder() .stream(Stream.of(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE, Constants.STREAMCUTS_STREAM)) .build(); // Instantiate the reader group manager to create the reader group and the client factory to create readers. try (ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE, pravegaControllerURI); EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(pravegaControllerURI).build())) { // Create the reader group to read the stream slices. readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(READER_GROUP_NAME, readerGroupConfig); EventStreamReader<SensorStreamSlice> sliceReader = clientFactory.createReader("sliceReader", READER_GROUP_NAME, new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build()); // The application locally executes bounded batch jobs for every slice received from StreamBookmarker. Note // that this is only for simplifying the demo and have the three processes working in a loop; but, in a real // setting, we could pass a representation of the SensorStreamSlice object as input argument for a batch job. EventRead<SensorStreamSlice> sliceToAnalyze; do { sliceToAnalyze = sliceReader.readNextEvent(READER_TIMEOUT_MS); // If we got a new stream slice to process, run a new batch job on it. if (sliceToAnalyze.getEvent() != null) { LOG.warn("Running batch job for slice: {}.", sliceToAnalyze.getEvent()); triggerBatchJobOnSlice(pravegaConfig, sliceToAnalyze.getEvent()); } } while (sliceToAnalyze.isCheckpoint() || sliceToAnalyze.getEvent() != null); sliceReader.close(); } }
Example 11
Source File: From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { ParameterTool params = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args); // The writer will contact with the Pravega controller to get information about segments. URI pravegaControllerURI = URI.create(params.get(Constants.CONTROLLER_ADDRESS_PARAM, Constants.CONTROLLER_ADDRESS)); // StreamManager helps us to easily manage streams and copes. StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(pravegaControllerURI); // A scope is a namespace that will be used to group streams (e.g., like dirs and files). streamManager.createScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE); PravegaConfig pravegaConfig = PravegaConfig.fromDefaults() .withControllerURI(pravegaControllerURI) .withDefaultScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE); // Here we configure the new stream (e.g. scaling policy, retention policy). StreamConfiguration streamConfiguration = StreamConfiguration.builder() .scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(Constants.PARALLELISM)) .build(); // Create a Pravega stream to write data (if it does not exist yet). streamManager.createStream(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE, Constants.RAW_DATA_STREAM, streamConfiguration); // Create the client factory to instantiate writers and readers. try (EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(Constants.DEFAULT_SCOPE, pravegaConfig.getClientConfig())) { // Create a writer to write events in the stream. EventStreamWriter<SensorData> writer = clientFactory.createEventWriter("watermarking-events", Constants.RAW_DATA_STREAM, new JavaSerializer<>(), EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); for (int i = 1; i <= Constants.EVENTS_NUMBER; i++) { // Write an event for each sensor. long eventTime = Constants.STARTING_EVENT_TIME + i * Constants.EVENT_TIME_PERIOD; for (int sensorId = 0; sensorId < Constants.SENSOR_NUMBER; sensorId++) { // Different starting values per sensor. final SensorData value = new SensorData(sensorId, Math.sin(i * Constants.EVENT_VALUE_INCREMENT + sensorId), eventTime); writer.writeEvent(String.valueOf(sensorId), value); LOG.warn("Writing event: {} (routing key {}).", value, sensorId); } writer.flush(); Thread.sleep(Constants.WRITER_SLEEP_MS); // Notify the event time every 20 events if (i % 20 == 0) { writer.noteTime(eventTime); } } writer.close(); } System.exit(0); }
Example 12
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(timeout = 50000) public void testStreamSeek() throws Exception { createScope(SCOPE); createStream(STREAM1); createStream(STREAM2); @Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerUri).build()); @Cleanup EventStreamWriter<String> writer1 = clientFactory.createEventWriter(STREAM1, serializer, EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); @Cleanup ReaderGroupManager groupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(SCOPE, controllerUri); groupManager.createReaderGroup("group", ReaderGroupConfig.builder() .disableAutomaticCheckpoints() .groupRefreshTimeMillis(0) .stream(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM1)) .stream(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM2)) .build()); @Cleanup ReaderGroup readerGroup = groupManager.getReaderGroup("group"); //Prep the stream with data. //1.Write two events with event size of 30 writer1.writeEvent(keyGenerator.get(), getEventData.apply(1)).get(); writer1.writeEvent(keyGenerator.get(), getEventData.apply(2)).get(); //2.Scale stream Map<Double, Double> newKeyRanges = new HashMap<>(); newKeyRanges.put(0.0, 0.33); newKeyRanges.put(0.33, 0.66); newKeyRanges.put(0.66, 1.0); scaleStream(STREAM1, newKeyRanges); //3.Write three events with event size of 30 writer1.writeEvent(keyGenerator.get(), getEventData.apply(3)).get(); writer1.writeEvent(keyGenerator.get(), getEventData.apply(4)).get(); writer1.writeEvent(keyGenerator.get(), getEventData.apply(5)).get(); //Create a reader @Cleanup EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader("readerId", "group", serializer, ReaderConfig.builder().build()); //Offset of a streamCut is always set to zero. Map<Stream, StreamCut> streamCut1 = readerGroup.getStreamCuts(); //Stream cut 1 readAndVerify(reader, 1, 2); assertNull(reader.readNextEvent(100).getEvent()); //Sees the segments are empty prior to scaling readerGroup.initiateCheckpoint("cp1", executor); //Checkpoint to move past the scale readAndVerify(reader, 3, 4, 5); // Old segments are released and new ones can be read Map<Stream, StreamCut> streamCut2 = readerGroup.getStreamCuts(); //Stream cut 2 readerGroup.resetReaderGroup(ReaderGroupConfig.builder().startFromStreamCuts(streamCut1).build()); //reset the readers to offset 0. verifyReinitializationRequiredException(reader); @Cleanup EventStreamReader<String> reader1 = clientFactory.createReader("readerId", "group", serializer, ReaderConfig.builder().build()); //verify that we are at streamCut1 readAndVerify(reader1, 1, 2); readerGroup.resetReaderGroup(ReaderGroupConfig.builder().startFromStreamCuts(streamCut2).build()); // reset readers to post scale offset 0 verifyReinitializationRequiredException(reader1); @Cleanup EventStreamReader<String> reader2 = clientFactory.createReader("readerId", "group", serializer, ReaderConfig.builder().build()); //verify that we are at streamCut2 readAndVerify(reader2, 3, 4, 5); }
Example 13
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * This test verifies the correct operation of readers using StreamCuts. Concretely, the test creates two streams * with different number of segments and it writes some events (TOTAL_EVENTS / 2) in them. Then, the test creates a * list of StreamCuts that encompasses both streams every CUT_SIZE events. The test asserts that new groups of * readers can be initialized at these sequential StreamCut intervals and that only CUT_SIZE events are read. Also, * the test checks the correctness of different combinations of StreamCuts that have not been sequentially created. * After creating StreamCuts and tests the correctness of reads, the test also checks resetting a reader group to a * specific initial read point. The previous process is repeated twice: before and after scaling streams, to test if * StreamCuts work correctly under scaling events (thus writing TOTAL_EVENTS). Finally, this test checks reading * different StreamCut combinations in both streams for all events (encompassing events before and after scaling). */ @Test public void streamCutsTest() { final ClientConfig clientConfig = Utils.buildClientConfig(controllerURI); @Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig); @Cleanup ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig); readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(READER_GROUP, ReaderGroupConfig.builder() .stream(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM_ONE)) .stream(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM_TWO)).build()); @Cleanup ReaderGroup readerGroup = readerGroupManager.getReaderGroup(READER_GROUP); // Perform write of events, slice by slice StreamCuts test and combinations StreamCuts test."Write, slice by slice and combinations test before scaling."); final int parallelismBeforeScale = RG_PARALLELISM_ONE + RG_PARALLELISM_TWO; List<Map<Stream, StreamCut>> slicesBeforeScale = writeEventsAndCheckSlices(clientFactory, readerGroup, readerGroupManager, parallelismBeforeScale); // Now, we perform a manual scale on both streams and wait until it occurs. CompletableFuture<Boolean> scaleStreamOne = scaleStream(SCOPE, STREAM_ONE, RG_PARALLELISM_ONE * 2, executor); checkScaleStatus(scaleStreamOne); // Perform again the same test on the stream segments after scaling. final int parallelSegmentsAfterScale = RG_PARALLELISM_ONE * 2 + RG_PARALLELISM_TWO; final String newReaderGroupName = READER_GROUP + "new"; final Map<Stream, StreamCut> streamCutBeforeScale = slicesBeforeScale.get(slicesBeforeScale.size() - 1); readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(newReaderGroupName, ReaderGroupConfig.builder() .stream(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM_ONE)) .stream(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM_TWO)) .startingStreamCuts(streamCutBeforeScale).build()); @Cleanup ReaderGroup newReaderGroup = readerGroupManager.getReaderGroup(newReaderGroupName);"Checking slices again starting from {}.", streamCutBeforeScale); List<Map<Stream, StreamCut>> slicesAfterScale = writeEventsAndCheckSlices(clientFactory, newReaderGroup, readerGroupManager, parallelSegmentsAfterScale); // Perform combinations including StreamCuts before and after the scale event. slicesAfterScale.remove(0); slicesBeforeScale.addAll(slicesAfterScale);"Performing combinations in the whole stream."); combineSlicesAndVerify(readerGroupManager, clientFactory, parallelSegmentsAfterScale, slicesBeforeScale);"All events correctly read from StreamCut slices on multiple Streams. StreamCuts test passed."); }
Example 14
Source File: From flink-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Create a {@link EventStreamClientFactory} for this cluster and scope. */ public EventStreamClientFactory newClientFactory() { return EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(this.scope, getClientConfig()); }
Example 15
Source File: From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * A {@link StreamCut} is a collection of offsets, one for each open segment of a set of {@link Stream}s, which * indicates an event boundary. With a {@link StreamCut}, users can instruct readers to read from and/or up to a * particular event boundary (e.g., read events from 100 to 200, events created since Tuesday) on multiple * {@link Stream}s. To this end, Pravega allows us to create {@link StreamCut}s while readers are reading. In this * method, we read create two {@link StreamCut}s for a {@link Stream} according to the initial and final event * indexes passed by parameter. * * @param streamName Name of the {@link Stream} from which {@link StreamCut}s will be created. * @param iniEventIndex Index of the initial boundary for the {@link Stream} slice to process. * @param endEventIndex Index of the final boundary for the {@link Stream} slice to process. * @return Initial and final {@link Stream} boundaries represented as {@link StreamCut}s. */ public List<StreamCut> createStreamCutsByIndexFor(String streamName, int iniEventIndex, int endEventIndex) { // Create the StreamCuts for the streams. final List<StreamCut> streamCuts = new ArrayList<>(); final String randomId = String.valueOf(new Random(System.nanoTime()).nextInt()); // Free resources after execution. try (ReaderGroupManager manager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, controllerURI); EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build())) { // Create a reader group and a reader to read from the stream. final String readerGroupName = streamName + randomId; ReaderGroupConfig config = ReaderGroupConfig.builder().stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName)).build(); manager.createReaderGroup(readerGroupName, config); @Cleanup ReaderGroup readerGroup = manager.getReaderGroup(readerGroupName); @Cleanup EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader(randomId, readerGroup.getGroupName(), new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build()); // Read streams and create the StreamCuts during the read process. int eventIndex = 0; EventRead<String> event; do { // Here is where we create a StreamCut that points to the event indicated by the user. if (eventIndex == iniEventIndex || eventIndex == endEventIndex) { reader.close(); streamCuts.add(readerGroup.getStreamCuts().get(Stream.of(scope, streamName))); reader = clientFactory.createReader(randomId, readerGroup.getGroupName(), new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build()); } event = reader.readNextEvent(1000); eventIndex++; } while (event.isCheckpoint() || event.getEvent() != null); // If there is only the initial StreamCut, this means that the final one is the tail of the stream. if (streamCuts.size() == 1) { streamCuts.add(StreamCut.UNBOUNDED); } } catch (ReinitializationRequiredException e) { // We do not expect this Exception from the reader in this situation, so we leave. log.error("Non-expected reader re-initialization."); } return streamCuts; }
Example 16
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(timeout = 30000) public void testGenerateStreamCuts() throws Exception { final Stream stream = Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM); final String group = "group"; createScope(SCOPE); createStream(SCOPE, STREAM, ScalingPolicy.fixed(1)); @Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build()); @Cleanup EventStreamWriter<String> writer = clientFactory.createEventWriter(STREAM, serializer, EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); //Prep the stream with data. //1.Write events with event size of 30 writer.writeEvent(randomKeyGenerator.get(), getEventData.apply(1)).join(); writer.writeEvent(randomKeyGenerator.get(), getEventData.apply(2)).join(); writer.writeEvent(randomKeyGenerator.get(), getEventData.apply(3)).join(); writer.writeEvent(randomKeyGenerator.get(), getEventData.apply(4)).join(); @Cleanup ReaderGroupManager groupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(SCOPE, controllerURI); groupManager.createReaderGroup(group, ReaderGroupConfig .builder().disableAutomaticCheckpoints().groupRefreshTimeMillis(1000) .stream(stream) .build()); ReaderGroup readerGroup = groupManager.getReaderGroup(group); //Create a reader @Cleanup EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader("readerId", group, serializer, ReaderConfig.builder().build()); readAndVerify(reader, 1); @Cleanup("shutdown") InlineExecutor backgroundExecutor = new InlineExecutor(); CompletableFuture<Map<Stream, StreamCut>> sc = readerGroup.generateStreamCuts(backgroundExecutor); // The reader group state will be updated after 1 second. TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); EventRead<String> data = reader.readNextEvent(15000); assertTrue(Futures.await(sc)); // wait until the streamCut is obtained. //expected segment 0 offset is 30L. Map<Segment, Long> expectedOffsetMap = ImmutableMap.of(getSegment(0, 0), 30L); Map<Stream, StreamCut> scMap = sc.join(); assertEquals("StreamCut for a single stream expected", 1, scMap.size()); assertEquals("StreamCut pointing ot offset 30L expected", new StreamCutImpl(stream, expectedOffsetMap), scMap.get(stream)); }
Example 17
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void testCreateSealAndDeleteStreams(String scope) { final ClientConfig clientConfig = Utils.buildClientConfig(controllerURI); for (int j = 1; j <= NUM_STREAMS; j++) { final String stream = String.valueOf(j); StreamConfiguration config = StreamConfiguration.builder().scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(j)).build(); // Create Stream with nonexistent scope, which should not be successful."Creating a stream in a deliberately nonexistent scope nonexistentScope/{}.", stream); assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> streamManager.createStream("nonexistentScope", stream, StreamConfiguration.builder().build())); long iniTime = System.nanoTime();"Creating stream {}/{}.", scope, stream); assertTrue("Creating stream", streamManager.createStream(scope, stream, config)); controllerPerfStats.get("createStreamMs").add(timeDiffInMs(iniTime)); // Update the configuration of the stream by doubling the number of segments. config = StreamConfiguration.builder().scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(j * 2)).build(); iniTime = System.nanoTime(); assertTrue(streamManager.updateStream(scope, stream, config)); controllerPerfStats.get("updateStreamMs").add(timeDiffInMs(iniTime)); // Perform tests on empty and non-empty streams. if (j % 2 == 0) {"Writing events in stream {}/{}.", scope, stream); @Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, clientConfig); writeEvents(clientFactory, stream, NUM_EVENTS); } // Update the configuration of the stream. config = StreamConfiguration.builder().scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(j * 2)).build(); assertTrue(streamManager.updateStream(scope, stream, config)); // Attempting to delete non-empty scope and non-sealed stream. assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> streamManager.deleteScope(scope)); assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> streamManager.deleteStream(scope, stream)); // Seal and delete stream."Attempting to seal and delete stream {}/{}.", scope, stream); iniTime = System.nanoTime(); assertTrue(streamManager.sealStream(scope, stream)); controllerPerfStats.get("sealStreamMs").add(timeDiffInMs(iniTime)); iniTime = System.nanoTime(); assertTrue(streamManager.deleteStream(scope, stream)); controllerPerfStats.get("deleteStreamMs").add(timeDiffInMs(iniTime)); // Seal and delete already sealed/deleted streams."Sealing and deleting an already deleted stream {}/{}.", scope, stream); assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> streamManager.sealStream(scope, stream)); assertFalse(streamManager.deleteStream(scope, stream)); } }
Example 18
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * This test verifies that truncation works specifying an offset that applies to multiple segments. To this end, * the test first writes a set of events on a Stream (with multiple segments) and truncates it at a specified offset * (truncatedEvents). The tests asserts that readers gets a TruncatedDataException after truncation and then it * (only) reads the remaining events that have not been truncated. */ @Test(timeout = 600000) public void testParallelSegmentOffsetTruncation() { final String scope = "truncationTests"; final String streamName = "testParallelSegmentOffsetTruncation"; final int parallelism = 2; final int totalEvents = 100; final int truncatedEvents = 25; StreamConfiguration streamConf = StreamConfiguration.builder().scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(parallelism)).build(); @Cleanup StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(controllerURI); @Cleanup ReaderGroupManager groupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, controllerURI); @Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerURI).build()); streamManager.createScope(scope); // Test truncation in new and re-created tests. for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { final String readerGroupName = "RGTestParallelSegmentOffsetTruncation" + i; streamManager.createStream(scope, streamName, streamConf); groupManager.createReaderGroup(readerGroupName, ReaderGroupConfig.builder().disableAutomaticCheckpoints() .stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName)).build()); ReaderGroup readerGroup = groupManager.getReaderGroup(readerGroupName); // Write events to the Stream. writeEvents(clientFactory, streamName, totalEvents); // Instantiate readers to consume from Stream up to truncatedEvents. List<CompletableFuture<Integer>> futures = ReadWriteUtils.readEvents(clientFactory, readerGroupName, parallelism, truncatedEvents); Futures.allOf(futures).join(); // Perform truncation on stream segment Checkpoint cp = readerGroup.initiateCheckpoint("myCheckpoint" + i, executor).join(); StreamCut streamCut = cp.asImpl().getPositions().values().iterator().next(); assertTrue(streamManager.truncateStream(scope, streamName, streamCut)); // Just after the truncation, trying to read the whole stream should raise a TruncatedDataException. final String newGroupName = readerGroupName + "new"; groupManager.createReaderGroup(newGroupName, ReaderGroupConfig.builder().stream(Stream.of(scope, streamName)).build()); futures = readEvents(clientFactory, newGroupName, parallelism); Futures.allOf(futures).join(); assertEquals("Expected read events: ", totalEvents - (truncatedEvents * parallelism), (int), b) -> a + b).get()); assertTrue(streamManager.sealStream(scope, streamName)); assertTrue(streamManager.deleteStream(scope, streamName)); } }
Example 19
Source File: From pravega-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void read() throws ReinitializationRequiredException { /* * Note about setting the client config for HTTPS: * - The client config below is configured to use an optional truststore. The truststore is expected to be * the certificate of the certification authority (CA) that was used to sign the server certificates. * If this is null or empty, the default JVM trust store is used. In this demo, we use a provided * "cert.pem" as the CA certificate, which is also provided on the server-side. If the cluster uses a * different CA (which it should), use that CA's certificate as the truststore instead. * * - Also, the client config below disables host name verification. If the cluster's server certificates * have DNS names / IP addresses of the servers specified in them, you may turn this on. In a production * deployment, it is recommended to keep this on. * * Note about setting the client config for auth: * - The client config below is configured with an object of DefaultCredentials class. The user name * and password arguments passed to the object represent the credentials used for authentication * and authorization. The assumption we are making here is that the username is valid on the server, * the password is correct and the username has all the permissions necessary for performing the * subsequent operations. */ ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder() .controllerURI(this.controllerURI) // "tls://localhost:9090" // TLS-related client-side configuration .trustStore(this.truststorePath) .validateHostName(this.validateHostName) // Auth-related client-side configuration .credentials(new DefaultCredentials(this.password, this.username)) .build(); System.out.println("Done creating a client config."); // Everything below depicts the usual flow of reading events. All client-side security configuration is // done through the ClientConfig object as shown above. EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = null; ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = null; EventStreamReader<String> reader = null; try { ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig = ReaderGroupConfig.builder() .stream(Stream.of(this.scope, .disableAutomaticCheckpoints() .build(); System.out.println("Done creating a reader group config with specified scope: [" + this.scope +"] and stream name: [" + + "]."); String readerGroupName = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""); readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(this.scope, clientConfig); readerGroupManager.createReaderGroup(readerGroupName, readerGroupConfig); System.out.println("Done creating a reader group with specified name and config."); clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(this.scope, clientConfig); System.out.println("Done creating a client factory with the specified scope and client config."); reader = clientFactory.createReader("readerId", readerGroupName, new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build()); System.out.println("Done creating a reader."); String readMessage = reader.readNextEvent(2000).getEvent(); System.out.println("Done reading an event: [" + readMessage + "]."); } finally { if (reader != null) reader.close(); if (clientFactory != null) clientFactory.close(); if (readerGroupManager != null) readerGroupManager.close(); } System.err.println("All done with reading! Exiting..."); }
Example 20
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test(timeout = 60000) public void progressingWatermarkWithWriterTimeouts() throws Exception { String scope = "Timeout"; String streamName = "Timeout"; int numSegments = 1; URI controllerUri = URI.create("tcp://localhost:" + controllerPort); ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(controllerUri).build(); @Cleanup StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(controllerUri); assertNotNull(streamManager); streamManager.createScope(scope); streamManager.createStream(scope, streamName, StreamConfiguration.builder() .scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(numSegments)) .build()); @Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scope, clientConfig); @Cleanup SynchronizerClientFactory syncClientFactory = SynchronizerClientFactory.withScope(scope, clientConfig); String markStream = NameUtils.getMarkStreamForStream(streamName); RevisionedStreamClient<Watermark> watermarkReader = syncClientFactory.createRevisionedStreamClient(markStream, new WatermarkSerializer(), SynchronizerConfig.builder().build()); LinkedBlockingQueue<Watermark> watermarks = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); AtomicBoolean stopFlag = new AtomicBoolean(false); fetchWatermarks(watermarkReader, watermarks, stopFlag); // create two writers and write two sevent and call note time for each writer. @Cleanup EventStreamWriter<String> writer1 = clientFactory.createEventWriter(streamName, new JavaSerializer<>(), EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); writer1.writeEvent("1").get(); writer1.noteTime(100L); @Cleanup EventStreamWriter<String> writer2 = clientFactory.createEventWriter(streamName, new JavaSerializer<>(), EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); writer2.writeEvent("2").get(); writer2.noteTime(102L); // writer0 should timeout. writer1 and writer2 should result in two more watermarks with following times: // 1: 100L-101L 2: 101-101 // then first writer should timeout and be discarded. But second writer should continue to be active as its time // is higher than first watermark. This should result in a second watermark to be emitted. AssertExtensions.assertEventuallyEquals(true, () -> watermarks.size() == 2, 100000); Watermark watermark1 = watermarks.poll(); Watermark watermark2 = watermarks.poll(); assertEquals(100L, watermark1.getLowerTimeBound()); assertEquals(102L, watermark1.getUpperTimeBound()); assertEquals(102L, watermark2.getLowerTimeBound()); assertEquals(102L, watermark2.getUpperTimeBound()); // stream cut should be same assertTrue(watermark2.getStreamCut().entrySet().stream().allMatch(x -> watermark1.getStreamCut().get(x.getKey()).equals(x.getValue()))); // bring back writer1 and post an event with note time smaller than current watermark writer1.writeEvent("3").get(); writer1.noteTime(101L); // no watermark should be emitted. Watermark nullMark = watermarks.poll(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertNull(nullMark); }