Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testBundleSplitIsJustSource() throws Exception { PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); List<GCSFilesSource> bundles = source.splitIntoBundles(0, null); assertEquals(bundles.size(), 1); assertEquals(bundles.get(0), source); bundles = source.splitIntoBundles(0, options); assertEquals(bundles.size(), 1); assertEquals(bundles.get(0), source); bundles = source.splitIntoBundles(1, options); assertEquals(bundles.size(), 1); assertEquals(bundles.get(0), source); bundles = source.splitIntoBundles(100000, options); assertEquals(bundles.size(), 1); assertEquals(bundles.get(0), source); bundles = source.splitIntoBundles(10, null); assertEquals(bundles.size(), 1); assertEquals(bundles.get(0), source); }
Example 2
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testReaderGetCurrent() { String projectName = "sampleProject"; String objectName = REPOSITORY + this.source.getDirDelimiter() + projectName; String fileContent = "sample file content"; ByteArrayOutputStream[] out = new ByteArrayOutputStream[1]; PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); setUpGetFilesPage(objectName); setUpGetFileContent(fileContent, out); try { BoundedReader<KV<List<String>, String>> reader = this.source.createReader(options); reader.start(); KV<List<String>, String> value = reader.getCurrent(); assertEquals(value.getKey().size(), 2); assertEquals(value.getKey().get(0), REPOSITORY); assertEquals(value.getKey().get(1), projectName); assertEquals(value.getValue(), fileContent); } catch (IOException e) { fail(); } }
Example 3
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testReaderAdvance() { String objectName = REPOSITORY + this.source.getDirDelimiter() + "sampleProject"; PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); BoundedReader<KV<List<String>, String>> reader; try { setUpGetFilesPage(objectName, 0); reader = this.source.createReader(options); assertFalse(reader.start()); setUpGetFilesPage(objectName, 1); reader = this.source.createReader(options); assertTrue(reader.start()); assertFalse(reader.advance()); setUpGetFilesPage(objectName, 2); reader = this.source.createReader(options); assertTrue(reader.start()); assertTrue(reader.advance()); assertFalse(reader.advance()); } catch (IOException e) { fail(); } }
Example 4
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testBundleSplitIsJustSource() throws Exception { PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); List<LiveProjectSource> bundles = source.splitIntoBundles(0, null); assertEquals(bundles.size(), 1); assertEquals(bundles.get(0), source); bundles = source.splitIntoBundles(0, options); assertEquals(bundles.size(), 1); assertEquals(bundles.get(0), source); bundles = source.splitIntoBundles(1, options); assertEquals(bundles.size(), 1); assertEquals(bundles.get(0), source); bundles = source.splitIntoBundles(100000, options); assertEquals(bundles.size(), 1); assertEquals(bundles.get(0), source); bundles = source.splitIntoBundles(10, null); assertEquals(bundles.size(), 1); assertEquals(bundles.get(0), source); }
Example 5
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testAdvanceWithoutStart() { PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); LiveProjectReader reader; this.listProjectsResponse.setProjects(new ArrayList<Project>(0)); this.listProjectsResponse.setNextPageToken(null); try { reader = (LiveProjectReader) this.source.createReader(options); assertFalse(reader.advance()); assertNull(reader.getNextPageToken()); assertTrue(reader.getProjects().isEmpty()); reader.getCurrent(); } catch (IOException e) { fail("IOException in reader.start"); } catch (NoSuchElementException ignored) { // test passed. } }
Example 6
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testReaderStart() { String objectName = REPOSITORY + this.source.getDirDelimiter() + "sampleProject"; PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); setUpGetFilesPage(objectName); try { assertTrue(this.source.createReader(options).start()); } catch (IOException e) { fail(); } }
Example 7
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testAdvanceWhenPageTokenNull() { String projectName = "sampleProjectName"; String projectId = "sampleProjectId"; String orgId = ORG; ResourceId resourceId = new ResourceId().setId(orgId); GCPProject gcpProject = new GCPProject(projectId, orgId, projectName); Project project = new Project() .setProjectId(projectId) .setParent(resourceId) .setName(projectName) .setLifecycleState("ACTIVE"); List<Project> projects = Arrays.asList(project); PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); LiveProjectReader reader; this.listProjectsResponse.setProjects(projects); this.listProjectsResponse.setNextPageToken(null); try { reader = (LiveProjectReader) this.source.createReader(options); assertTrue(reader.start()); assertEquals(reader.getNextPageToken(), null); assertEquals(reader.getCurrent(), gcpProject); assertFalse(reader.advance()); reader.getCurrent(); fail("No exception when reading from empty source"); } catch (IOException e) { fail("IOException in reader.start"); } catch (NoSuchElementException ignored) { // test passed. } }
Example 8
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testUnmatchedStatesOutputIsCorrect() throws IOException { // create the policy for the live project String editorRole = "roles/editor"; String editorMember = ""; String ownerRole = "roles/owner"; String ownerMember = ""; String fileContent = "[\n" + " {\n" + " \"role\": \"" + ownerRole + "\",\n" + " \"members\": [\n" + " \"" + ownerMember + "\"\n" + " ]\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"role\": \"" + editorRole + "\",\n" + " \"members\": [\n" + " \"" + editorMember + "\"\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " ]"; String liveProjectName = "someLiveProjectName"; String liveProjectId = "someLiveProjectId"; String orgId = ORG_ID; ResourceId resourceId = new ResourceId().setId(orgId); Project liveProject = new Project() .setProjectId(liveProjectId) .setParent(resourceId) .setName(liveProjectName) .setLifecycleState("ACTIVE"); Binding editorBinding = new Binding() .setRole(editorRole) .setMembers(Arrays.asList(editorMember)); Binding ownerBinding = new Binding() .setRole(ownerRole) .setMembers(Arrays.asList(ownerMember)); List<Binding> bindings = Arrays.asList(ownerBinding, editorBinding); Policy iamPolicy = new Policy().setBindings(bindings); // when calling projects().list(), return the live project when(listProjects.execute()) .thenReturn(this.listProjectsResponse .setNextPageToken("halting string") .setProjects(Arrays.asList(liveProject))); when(this.getIamPolicy.execute()).thenReturn(iamPolicy); // mock out the desired policy String desiredProjectId = "someKnownGoodProject"; String desiredPolicyPath = ORG_ID + DELIM + desiredProjectId + DELIM + POLICY_FILE; setUpGetFileContent(fileContent); setUpGetFilesPage(desiredPolicyPath); PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); LiveStateChecker liveStateChecker = new LiveStateChecker(options, this.checkedSource, ORG_ID) .build(); String[] expectedOutput = new String[] { "DESIRED:someKnownGoodProject", "LIVE:someLiveProjectId" }; DataflowAssert .that(liveStateChecker.getUnmatchedStatesOutput()) .containsInAnyOrder(expectedOutput);; }
Example 9
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private PipelineOptions getLocalExecutionOptions() { return PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); }
Example 10
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testPipeline() throws IOException { String editorRole = "roles/editor"; String editorMember = ""; String editorMemberLive = ""; String ownerRole = "roles/owner"; String ownerMember = ""; String fileContent = "[\n" + " {\n" + " \"role\": \"" + ownerRole + "\",\n" + " \"members\": [\n" + " \"" + ownerMember + "\"\n" + " ]\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"role\": \"" + editorRole + "\",\n" + " \"members\": [\n" + " \"" + editorMember + "\"\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " ]"; String filePath = ORG_ID + DELIM + PROJECT_ID + DELIM + POLICY_FILE; String projectName = "sampleProjectName"; String projectId = PROJECT_ID; String orgId = ORG_ID; ResourceId resourceId = new ResourceId().setId(orgId); Project project = new Project() .setProjectId(projectId) .setParent(resourceId) .setName(projectName) .setLifecycleState("ACTIVE"); Binding editorBinding = new Binding() .setRole(editorRole) .setMembers(Arrays.asList(editorMemberLive)); Binding ownerBinding = new Binding() .setRole(ownerRole) .setMembers(Arrays.asList(ownerMember)); List<Binding> bindings = Arrays.asList(ownerBinding, editorBinding); Policy iamPolicy = new Policy().setBindings(bindings); PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); setUpGetFileContent(fileContent); setUpGetFilesPage(filePath); when(listProjects.execute()) .thenReturn(this.listProjectsResponse .setNextPageToken("halting string") .setProjects(Arrays.asList(project))); when(this.getIamPolicy.execute()).thenReturn(iamPolicy); GCPProject.setProjectsApiStub(this.projectsObject); // setting up the output objects. GCPProject gcpProject = new GCPProject(projectId, orgId, projectName); PolicyBinding ownerPolicyBinding = new PolicyBinding(ownerRole, Arrays.asList(ownerMember)); PolicyBinding editorPolicyBinding = new PolicyBinding(editorRole, Arrays.asList(editorMember)); PolicyBinding editorPolicyBindingLive = new PolicyBinding(editorRole, Arrays.asList(editorMemberLive)); GCPResourcePolicy desiredPolicy = new GCPResourcePolicy( gcpProject, Arrays.asList(ownerPolicyBinding, editorPolicyBinding)); GCPResourcePolicy livePolicy = new GCPResourcePolicy( gcpProject, Arrays.asList(ownerPolicyBinding, editorPolicyBindingLive)); GCPResourcePolicyDiff diff = GCPResourcePolicyDiff.diff(desiredPolicy, livePolicy); MessageConstructor messageConstructor = new MessageConstructor(gcpProject, desiredPolicy, livePolicy, diff); new LiveStateChecker(options, this.checkedSource, ORG_ID) .build() .appendAssertContains(new String[]{messageConstructor.constructMessage()}) .run(); }
Example 11
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testPipeline() throws IOException { String editorRole = "roles/editor"; String editorMember = ""; String editorMemberLive = ""; String ownerRole = "roles/owner"; String ownerMember = ""; String fileContent = "[\n" + " {\n" + " \"role\": \"" + ownerRole + "\",\n" + " \"members\": [\n" + " \"" + ownerMember + "\"\n" + " ]\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"role\": \"" + editorRole + "\",\n" + " \"members\": [\n" + " \"" + editorMember + "\"\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " ]"; String filePath = ORG_ID + DELIM + PROJECT_ID + DELIM + POLICY_FILE; String projectName = "sampleProjectName"; String projectId = PROJECT_ID; String orgId = ORG_ID; ResourceId resourceId = new ResourceId().setId(orgId); Project project = new Project() .setProjectId(projectId) .setParent(resourceId) .setName(projectName) .setLifecycleState("ACTIVE"); Binding liveEditorBinding = new Binding() .setRole(editorRole) .setMembers(Arrays.asList(editorMemberLive)); Binding editorBinding = new Binding() .setRole(editorRole) .setMembers(Arrays.asList(editorMember)); Binding ownerBinding = new Binding() .setRole(ownerRole) .setMembers(Arrays.asList(ownerMember)); List<Binding> liveBindings = Arrays.asList(ownerBinding, liveEditorBinding); List<Binding> checkedBindings = Arrays.asList(ownerBinding, editorBinding); Policy liveIamPolicy = new Policy().setBindings(liveBindings); Policy checkedIamPolicy = new Policy().setBindings(checkedBindings); PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); final Policy[] fixedPolicy = new Policy[1]; setUpGetFileContent(fileContent); setUpGetFilesPage(filePath); setUpSetIamPolicy(fixedPolicy); when(listProjects.execute()) .thenReturn(this.listProjectsResponse .setNextPageToken("halting string") .setProjects(Arrays.asList(project))); when(this.getIamPolicy.execute()).thenReturn(liveIamPolicy); GCPProject.setProjectsApiStub(this.projectsObject); // setting up the output objects. GCPProject gcpProject = new GCPProject(projectId, orgId, projectName); PolicyBinding ownerPolicyBinding = new PolicyBinding(ownerRole, Arrays.asList(ownerMember)); PolicyBinding editorPolicyBinding = new PolicyBinding(editorRole, Arrays.asList(editorMember)); PolicyBinding editorPolicyBindingLive = new PolicyBinding(editorRole, Arrays.asList(editorMemberLive)); GCPResourcePolicy checkedPolicy = new GCPResourcePolicy( gcpProject, Arrays.asList(ownerPolicyBinding, editorPolicyBinding)); GCPResourcePolicy livePolicy = new GCPResourcePolicy( gcpProject, Arrays.asList(ownerPolicyBinding, editorPolicyBindingLive)); Map<StateSource, GCPResourceState> outputMap = new HashMap<>(2); outputMap.put(StateSource.DESIRED, checkedPolicy); outputMap.put(StateSource.LIVE, livePolicy); try { new DesiredStateEnforcer(options, this.checkedSource, ORG_ID) .appendAssertContains(new String[]{constructMessage(gcpProject, outputMap)}) .run(); } catch (AggregatorRetrievalException are) { are.printStackTrace(); } assertEquals(fixedPolicy[0], checkedIamPolicy); }
Example 12
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testPipeline() throws IOException { String editorRole = "roles/editor"; String editorMember = ""; String editorMemberLive = ""; String ownerRole = "roles/owner"; String ownerMember = ""; String fileContent = "[\n" + " {\n" + " \"role\": \"" + ownerRole + "\",\n" + " \"members\": [\n" + " \"" + ownerMember + "\"\n" + " ]\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"role\": \"" + editorRole + "\",\n" + " \"members\": [\n" + " \"" + editorMember + "\"\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " ]"; String filePath = ORG_ID + DELIM + PROJECT_ID + DELIM + POLICY_FILE; String projectName = "sampleProjectName"; String projectId = PROJECT_ID; String orgId = ORG_ID; ResourceId resourceId = new ResourceId().setId(orgId); Project project = new Project() .setProjectId(projectId) .setParent(resourceId) .setName(projectName) .setLifecycleState("ACTIVE"); Binding editorBinding = new Binding() .setRole(editorRole) .setMembers(Arrays.asList(editorMemberLive)); Binding ownerBinding = new Binding() .setRole(ownerRole) .setMembers(Arrays.asList(ownerMember)); List<Binding> bindings = Arrays.asList(ownerBinding, editorBinding); Policy iamPolicy = new Policy().setBindings(bindings); PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); setUpGetFileContent(fileContent); setUpGetFilesPage(filePath); when(listProjects.execute()) .thenReturn(this.listProjectsResponse .setNextPageToken("halting string") .setProjects(Arrays.asList(project))); when(this.getIamPolicy.execute()).thenReturn(iamPolicy); GCPProject.setProjectsApiStub(this.projectsObject); // setting up the output objects. GCPProject gcpProject = new GCPProject(projectId, orgId, projectName); PolicyBinding ownerPolicyBinding = new PolicyBinding(ownerRole, Arrays.asList(ownerMember)); PolicyBinding editorPolicyBinding = new PolicyBinding(editorRole, Arrays.asList(editorMember)); PolicyBinding editorPolicyBindingLive = new PolicyBinding(editorRole, Arrays.asList(editorMemberLive)); GCPResourcePolicy checkedPolicy = new GCPResourcePolicy( gcpProject, Arrays.asList(ownerPolicyBinding, editorPolicyBinding)); GCPResourcePolicy livePolicy = new GCPResourcePolicy( gcpProject, Arrays.asList(ownerPolicyBinding, editorPolicyBindingLive)); Map<StateSource, GCPResourceState> outputMap = new HashMap<>(2); outputMap.put(StateSource.DESIRED, checkedPolicy); outputMap.put(StateSource.LIVE, livePolicy); new OnDemandLiveStateChecker(options, this.checkedSource) .appendAssertContains(new String[]{constructMessage(gcpProject, outputMap)}) .run(); }
Example 13
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testAdvance() { String projectName = "sampleProjectName"; String projectId = "sampleProjectId"; String orgId = "sampleOrgId"; ResourceId resourceId = new ResourceId().setId(orgId); GCPProject gcpProject = new GCPProject(projectId, orgId, projectName); Project project = new Project() .setProjectId(projectId) .setParent(resourceId) .setName(projectName) .setLifecycleState("ACTIVE"); List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<>(); String nextPageToken = null; PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); LiveProjectReader reader; projects = Arrays.asList(project); nextPageToken = "samplePageToken"; this.listProjectsResponse.setProjects(projects); this.listProjectsResponse.setNextPageToken(nextPageToken); try { reader = (LiveProjectReader) this.source.createReader(options); assertTrue(reader.start()); assertEquals(reader.getNextPageToken(), nextPageToken); assertEquals(reader.getProjects().size(), 1); assertEquals(reader.getCurrent(), gcpProject); this.listProjectsResponse.setNextPageToken(null); assertTrue(reader.advance()); assertEquals(reader.getProjects().size(), 1); assertEquals(reader.getCurrent(), gcpProject); assertFalse(reader.advance()); assertEquals(reader.getProjects().size(), 0); projects = Arrays.asList(project, project); this.listProjectsResponse.setProjects(projects); reader = (LiveProjectReader) this.source.createReader(options); assertTrue(reader.start()); assertEquals(reader.getProjects().size(), 2); assertEquals(reader.getCurrent(), gcpProject); assertTrue(reader.advance()); assertEquals(reader.getProjects().size(), 1); assertEquals(reader.getCurrent(), gcpProject); projects = new ArrayList<>(); this.listProjectsResponse.setProjects(projects); assertFalse(reader.advance()); assertEquals(reader.getProjects().size(), 0); assertFalse(reader.advance()); assertEquals(reader.getProjects().size(), 0); } catch (IOException e) { fail("IOException in reader.start"); } }
Example 14
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testProducesSortedKeys() throws Exception { PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); assertFalse(source.producesSortedKeys(options)); assertFalse(source.producesSortedKeys(null)); }
Example 15
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testProducesSortedKeys() throws Exception { PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); assertFalse(source.producesSortedKeys(options)); assertFalse(source.producesSortedKeys(null)); }
Example 16
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private PipelineOptions getLocalExecutionOptions() { return PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); }
Example 17
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static PipelineOptions getLocalExecutionOptions() { return PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); }
Example 18
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private PipelineOptions getLocalExecutionOptions() { return PipelineOptionsFactory.create(); }