Java Code Examples for java.util.GregorianCalendar#BC
The following examples show how to use
java.util.GregorianCalendar#BC .
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Example 1
Source File: From spearal-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static SpearalDateTime forGregorianCalendar(GregorianCalendar calendar) { calendar.setTimeZone(UTC); int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (calendar.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) year = -year; return new SpearalDateTime( year, calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, calendar.get(Calendar.DATE), calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE), calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND), calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) * 1000000, true, true ); }
Example 2
Source File: From XACML with MIT License | 5 votes |
public static ISO8601Date fromCalendar(Calendar calendar) { int year; if (calendar.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { year = 1 - calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); } else { year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); } return new ISO8601Date(calendar.getTimeZone(), year, calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); }
Example 3
Source File: From XACML with MIT License | 5 votes |
public int getYear() { int year = this.calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (this.calendar.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { return -(year - 1); } else { return year; } }
Example 4
Source File: From XACML with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void validateDate() { this.calendar.getTime(); int year = this.calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (this.calendar.isSet(Calendar.ERA) && this.calendar.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { year = 0 - year + 1; } }
Example 5
Source File: From XACML with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public String stringValue() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (this.calendar.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { int yearBC = this.calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1; stringBuilder.append('-'); stringBuilder.append(String.format("%d", yearBC)); } else { stringBuilder.append(String.format("%d", this.calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR))); } stringBuilder.append('-'); stringBuilder.append(String.format("%02d", this.calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); stringBuilder.append('-'); stringBuilder.append(String.format("%02d", this.calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); stringBuilder.append('T'); stringBuilder.append(String.format("%02d", this.calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))); stringBuilder.append(':'); stringBuilder.append(String.format("%02d", this.calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE))); stringBuilder.append(':'); stringBuilder.append(String.format("%02d", this.calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND))); int ms = this.calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND); if (ms != 0) { stringBuilder.append('.'); stringBuilder.append(String.format("%03d", ms)); } if (this.getHasTimeZone()) { stringBuilder.append(this.getTimeZone()); } return stringBuilder.toString(); }
Example 6
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Reported bug is that a GregorianCalendar with a cutover of Date(Long.MAX_VALUE) * doesn't behave as a pure Julian calendar. * CANNOT REPRODUCE THIS BUG */ public void Test4149677() { TimeZone[] zones = {TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), TimeZone.getTimeZone("PST"), TimeZone.getTimeZone("EAT")}; for (int i = 0; i < zones.length; ++i) { GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(zones[i]); // Make sure extreme values don't wrap around calendar.setTime(new Date(Long.MIN_VALUE)); if (calendar.get(ERA) != GregorianCalendar.BC) { errln("Fail: Date(Long.MIN_VALUE) has an AD year in " + zones[i]); } calendar.setTime(new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE)); if (calendar.get(ERA) != GregorianCalendar.AD) { errln("Fail: Date(Long.MAX_VALUE) has a BC year in " + zones[i]); } calendar.setGregorianChange(new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE)); // to obtain a pure Julian calendar boolean is100Leap = calendar.isLeapYear(100); if (!is100Leap) { errln("test failed with zone " + zones[i].getID()); errln(" cutover date is Date(Long.MAX_VALUE)"); errln(" isLeapYear(100) returns: " + is100Leap); } } }
Example 7
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * <p>Convert a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to XML Schema 1.0 * representation.</p> * * <table border="2" rules="all" cellpadding="2"> * <thead> * <tr> * <th align="center" colspan="2"> * Field by Field Conversion from * <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to this class * </th> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th><code>javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * <th><code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setYear(int)}</th> * <th><code>ERA == GregorianCalendar.BC ? -YEAR : YEAR</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setMonth(int)}</th> * <th><code>MONTH + 1</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setDay(int)}</th> * <th><code>DAY_OF_MONTH</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTime(int,int,int, BigDecimal)}</th> * <th><code>HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, SECOND, MILLISECOND</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTimezone(int)}<i>*</i></th> * <th><code>(ZONE_OFFSET + DST_OFFSET) / (60*1000)</code><br/> * <i>(in minutes)</i> * </th> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <p><i>*</i>conversion loss of information. It is not possible to represent * a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> daylight savings timezone id in the * XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatype representation.</p> * * <p>To compute the return value's <code>TimeZone</code> field, * <ul> * <li>when <code>this.getTimezone() != DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED</code>, * create a <code>java.util.TimeZone</code> with a custom timezone id * using the <code>this.getTimezone()</code>.</li> * <li>else use the <code>GregorianCalendar</code> default timezone value * for the host is defined as specified by * <code>java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()</code>.</li></p> * * @param cal <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> used to create <code>XMLGregorianCalendar</code> */ public XMLGregorianCalendarImpl(GregorianCalendar cal) { int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { year = -year; } this.setYear(year); // Calendar.MONTH is zero based, XSD Date datatype's month field starts // with JANUARY as 1. this.setMonth(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); this.setDay(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); this.setTime( cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); // Calendar ZONE_OFFSET and DST_OFFSET fields are in milliseconds. int offsetInMinutes = (cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (60 * 1000); this.setTimezone(offsetInMinutes); }
Example 8
Source File: From fosstrak-epcis with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
/** * Formats a <code>Calendar</code> value into an ISO8601-compliant * date/time string. * * @param cal * The time value to be formatted into a date/time string. * @return The formatted date/time string. */ public static String format(final Calendar cal) { if (cal == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument can not be null"); } // determine era and adjust year if necessary int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (cal.isSet(Calendar.ERA) && cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { /** * calculate year using astronomical system: year n BCE => * astronomical year -n + 1 */ year = 0 - year + 1; } /** * the format of the date/time string is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSTZD * note that we cannot use java.text.SimpleDateFormat for formatting * because it can't handle years <= 0 and TZD's */ StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // year ([-]YYYY) buf.append(XXXX_FORMAT.format(year)); buf.append('-'); // month (MM) buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); buf.append('-'); // day (DD) buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); buf.append('T'); // hour (hh) buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))); buf.append(':'); // minute (mm) buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE))); buf.append(':'); // second (ss) buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.SECOND))); buf.append('.'); // millisecond (SSS) buf.append(XXX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND))); // time zone designator (Z or +00:00 or -00:00) TimeZone tz = cal.getTimeZone(); // determine offset of timezone from UTC (incl. daylight saving) int offset = tz.getOffset(cal.getTimeInMillis()); if (offset != 0) { int hours = Math.abs((offset / (60 * 1000)) / 60); int minutes = Math.abs((offset / (60 * 1000)) % 60); buf.append(offset < 0 ? '-' : '+'); buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(hours)); buf.append(':'); buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(minutes)); } else { buf.append('Z'); } return buf.toString(); }
Example 9
Source File: From jdk-1.7-annotated with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Returns the string representation of this {@code FileTime}. The string * is returned in the <a * href="">ISO 8601</a> format: * <pre> * YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s+]Z * </pre> * where "{@code [.s+]}" represents a dot followed by one of more digits * for the decimal fraction of a second. It is only present when the decimal * fraction of a second is not zero. For example, {@code * FileTime.fromMillis(1234567890000L).toString()} yields {@code * "2009-02-13T23:31:30Z"}, and {@code FileTime.fromMillis(1234567890123L).toString()} * yields {@code "2009-02-13T23:31:30.123Z"}. * * <p> A {@code FileTime} is primarily intended to represent the value of a * file's time stamp. Where used to represent <i>extreme values</i>, where * the year is less than "{@code 0001}" or greater than "{@code 9999}" then * this method deviates from ISO 8601 in the same manner as the * <a href="">XML Schema * language</a>. That is, the year may be expanded to more than four digits * and may be negative-signed. If more than four digits then leading zeros * are not present. The year before "{@code 0001}" is "{@code -0001}". * * @return the string representation of this file time */ @Override public String toString() { String v = valueAsString; if (v == null) { // overflow saturates to Long.MIN_VALUE or Long.MAX_VALUE so this // limits the range: // [-292275056-05-16T16:47:04.192Z,292278994-08-17T07:12:55.807Z] long ms = toMillis(); // nothing to do when seconds/minutes/hours/days String fractionAsString = ""; if (unit.compareTo(TimeUnit.SECONDS) < 0) { long fraction = asDaysAndNanos().fractionOfSecondInNanos(); if (fraction != 0L) { // fraction must be positive if (fraction < 0L) { final long MAX_FRACTION_PLUS_1 = 1000L * 1000L * 1000L; fraction += MAX_FRACTION_PLUS_1; if (ms != Long.MIN_VALUE) ms--; } // convert to String, adding leading zeros as required and // stripping any trailing zeros String s = Long.toString(fraction); int len = s.length(); int width = 9 - len; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("."); while (width-- > 0) { sb.append('0'); } if (s.charAt(len-1) == '0') { // drop trailing zeros len--; while (s.charAt(len-1) == '0') len--; sb.append(s.substring(0, len)); } else { sb.append(s); } fractionAsString = sb.toString(); } } // create calendar to use with formatter. GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"), Locale.ROOT); if (value < 0L) cal.setGregorianChange(new Date(Long.MIN_VALUE)); cal.setTimeInMillis(ms); // years are negative before common era String sign = (cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) ? "-" : ""; // [-]YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s]Z v = new Formatter(Locale.ROOT) .format("%s%tFT%tR:%tS%sZ", sign, cal, cal, cal, fractionAsString) .toString(); valueAsString = v; } return v; }
Example 10
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * <p>Convert a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to XML Schema 1.0 * representation.</p> * * <table border="2" rules="all" cellpadding="2"> * <thead> * <tr> * <th align="center" colspan="2"> * Field by Field Conversion from * <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to this class * </th> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th><code>javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * <th><code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setYear(int)}</th> * <th><code>ERA == GregorianCalendar.BC ? -YEAR : YEAR</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setMonth(int)}</th> * <th><code>MONTH + 1</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setDay(int)}</th> * <th><code>DAY_OF_MONTH</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTime(int,int,int, BigDecimal)}</th> * <th><code>HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, SECOND, MILLISECOND</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTimezone(int)}<i>*</i></th> * <th><code>(ZONE_OFFSET + DST_OFFSET) / (60*1000)</code><br/> * <i>(in minutes)</i> * </th> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <p><i>*</i>conversion loss of information. It is not possible to represent * a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> daylight savings timezone id in the * XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatype representation.</p> * * <p>To compute the return value's <code>TimeZone</code> field, * <ul> * <li>when <code>this.getTimezone() != DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED</code>, * create a <code>java.util.TimeZone</code> with a custom timezone id * using the <code>this.getTimezone()</code>.</li> * <li>else use the <code>GregorianCalendar</code> default timezone value * for the host is defined as specified by * <code>java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()</code>.</li></p> * * @param cal <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> used to create <code>XMLGregorianCalendar</code> */ public XMLGregorianCalendarImpl(GregorianCalendar cal) { int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { year = -year; } this.setYear(year); // Calendar.MONTH is zero based, XSD Date datatype's month field starts // with JANUARY as 1. this.setMonth(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); this.setDay(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); this.setTime( cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); // Calendar ZONE_OFFSET and DST_OFFSET fields are in milliseconds. int offsetInMinutes = (cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (60 * 1000); this.setTimezone(offsetInMinutes); }
Example 11
Source File: From fosstrak-epcis with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
/** * Formats a <code>Calendar</code> value into an ISO8601-compliant * date/time string. This method is copied from * org.fosstrak.epcis.utils.TimeParser (module epcis-commons). * * @see org.fosstrak.epcis.utils.TimeParser#format(Calendar) * @param cal * The time value to be formatted into a date/time string. * @return The formatted date/time string. */ private static String format(final Calendar cal) { if (cal == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument can not be null"); } // determine era and adjust year if necessary int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (cal.isSet(Calendar.ERA) && cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { /** * calculate year using astronomical system: year n BCE => * astronomical year -n + 1 */ year = 0 - year + 1; } /** * the format of the date/time string is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSTZD * note that we cannot use java.text.SimpleDateFormat for formatting * because it can't handle years <= 0 and TZD's */ StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // year ([-]YYYY) buf.append(XXXX_FORMAT.format(year)); buf.append('-'); // month (MM) buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); buf.append('-'); // day (DD) buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); buf.append('T'); // hour (hh) buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))); buf.append(':'); // minute (mm) buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE))); buf.append(':'); // second (ss) buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.SECOND))); buf.append('.'); // millisecond (SSS) buf.append(XXX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND))); // time zone designator (+/-hh:mm) buf.append(getTimeZone(cal)); return buf.toString(); }
Example 12
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * <p>Convert a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to XML Schema 1.0 * representation.</p> * * <table border="2" rules="all" cellpadding="2"> * <thead> * <tr> * <th align="center" colspan="2"> * Field by Field Conversion from * <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to this class * </th> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th><code>javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * <th><code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setYear(int)}</th> * <th><code>ERA == GregorianCalendar.BC ? -YEAR : YEAR</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setMonth(int)}</th> * <th><code>MONTH + 1</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setDay(int)}</th> * <th><code>DAY_OF_MONTH</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTime(int,int,int, BigDecimal)}</th> * <th><code>HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, SECOND, MILLISECOND</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTimezone(int)}<i>*</i></th> * <th><code>(ZONE_OFFSET + DST_OFFSET) / (60*1000)</code><br/> * <i>(in minutes)</i> * </th> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <p><i>*</i>conversion loss of information. It is not possible to represent * a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> daylight savings timezone id in the * XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatype representation.</p> * * <p>To compute the return value's <code>TimeZone</code> field, * <ul> * <li>when <code>this.getTimezone() != DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED</code>, * create a <code>java.util.TimeZone</code> with a custom timezone id * using the <code>this.getTimezone()</code>.</li> * <li>else use the <code>GregorianCalendar</code> default timezone value * for the host is defined as specified by * <code>java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()</code>.</li></p> * * @param cal <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> used to create <code>XMLGregorianCalendar</code> */ public XMLGregorianCalendarImpl(GregorianCalendar cal) { int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { year = -year; } this.setYear(year); // Calendar.MONTH is zero based, XSD Date datatype's month field starts // with JANUARY as 1. this.setMonth(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); this.setDay(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); this.setTime( cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); // Calendar ZONE_OFFSET and DST_OFFSET fields are in milliseconds. int offsetInMinutes = (cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (60 * 1000); this.setTimezone(offsetInMinutes); save(); }
Example 13
Source File: From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * <p>Convert a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to XML Schema 1.0 * representation.</p> * * <table border="2" rules="all" cellpadding="2"> * <thead> * <tr> * <th align="center" colspan="2"> * Field by Field Conversion from * <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to this class * </th> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th><code>javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * <th><code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setYear(int)}</th> * <th><code>ERA == GregorianCalendar.BC ? -YEAR : YEAR</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setMonth(int)}</th> * <th><code>MONTH + 1</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setDay(int)}</th> * <th><code>DAY_OF_MONTH</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTime(int,int,int, BigDecimal)}</th> * <th><code>HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, SECOND, MILLISECOND</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTimezone(int)}<i>*</i></th> * <th><code>(ZONE_OFFSET + DST_OFFSET) / (60*1000)</code><br/> * <i>(in minutes)</i> * </th> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <p><i>*</i>conversion loss of information. It is not possible to represent * a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> daylight savings timezone id in the * XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatype representation.</p> * * <p>To compute the return value's <code>TimeZone</code> field, * <ul> * <li>when <code>this.getTimezone() != DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED</code>, * create a <code>java.util.TimeZone</code> with a custom timezone id * using the <code>this.getTimezone()</code>.</li> * <li>else use the <code>GregorianCalendar</code> default timezone value * for the host is defined as specified by * <code>java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()</code>.</li></p> * * @param cal <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> used to create <code>XMLGregorianCalendar</code> */ public XMLGregorianCalendarImpl(GregorianCalendar cal) { int year1 = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { year1 = -year1; } this.setYear(year1); // Calendar.MONTH is zero based, XSD Date datatype's month field starts // with JANUARY as 1. this.setMonth(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); this.setDay(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); this.setTime( cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); // Calendar ZONE_OFFSET and DST_OFFSET fields are in milliseconds. int offsetInMinutes = (cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (60 * 1000); this.setTimezone(offsetInMinutes); save(); }
Example 14
Source File: From ambiverse-nlu with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** Returns an ISO8601 string representation of the time given by the calendar*/ public static String ISOdate(Calendar c) { return ((c.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC ? "-" : "") + fourDigits.format(c.get(Calendar.YEAR)) + '-' + twoDigits .format(c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + '-' + twoDigits.format(c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); }
Example 15
Source File: From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * <p>Convert a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to XML Schema 1.0 * representation.</p> * * <table border="2" rules="all" cellpadding="2"> * <thead> * <tr> * <th align="center" colspan="2"> * Field by Field Conversion from * <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to this class * </th> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th><code>javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * <th><code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setYear(int)}</th> * <th><code>ERA == GregorianCalendar.BC ? -YEAR : YEAR</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setMonth(int)}</th> * <th><code>MONTH + 1</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setDay(int)}</th> * <th><code>DAY_OF_MONTH</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTime(int,int,int, BigDecimal)}</th> * <th><code>HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, SECOND, MILLISECOND</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTimezone(int)}<i>*</i></th> * <th><code>(ZONE_OFFSET + DST_OFFSET) / (60*1000)</code><br/> * <i>(in minutes)</i> * </th> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <p><i>*</i>conversion loss of information. It is not possible to represent * a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> daylight savings timezone id in the * XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatype representation.</p> * * <p>To compute the return value's <code>TimeZone</code> field, * <ul> * <li>when <code>this.getTimezone() != DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED</code>, * create a <code>java.util.TimeZone</code> with a custom timezone id * using the <code>this.getTimezone()</code>.</li> * <li>else use the <code>GregorianCalendar</code> default timezone value * for the host is defined as specified by * <code>java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()</code>.</li></p> * * @param cal <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> used to create <code>XMLGregorianCalendar</code> */ public XMLGregorianCalendarImpl(GregorianCalendar cal) { int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { year = -year; } this.setYear(year); // Calendar.MONTH is zero based, XSD Date datatype's month field starts // with JANUARY as 1. this.setMonth(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); this.setDay(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); this.setTime( cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); // Calendar ZONE_OFFSET and DST_OFFSET fields are in milliseconds. int offsetInMinutes = (cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (60 * 1000); this.setTimezone(offsetInMinutes); }
Example 16
Source File: From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * <p>Convert a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to XML Schema 1.0 * representation.</p> * * <table border="2" rules="all" cellpadding="2"> * <thead> * <tr> * <th align="center" colspan="2"> * Field by Field Conversion from * <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to this class * </th> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th><code>javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * <th><code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setYear(int)}</th> * <th><code>ERA == GregorianCalendar.BC ? -YEAR : YEAR</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setMonth(int)}</th> * <th><code>MONTH + 1</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setDay(int)}</th> * <th><code>DAY_OF_MONTH</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTime(int,int,int, BigDecimal)}</th> * <th><code>HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, SECOND, MILLISECOND</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTimezone(int)}<i>*</i></th> * <th><code>(ZONE_OFFSET + DST_OFFSET) / (60*1000)</code><br/> * <i>(in minutes)</i> * </th> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <p><i>*</i>conversion loss of information. It is not possible to represent * a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> daylight savings timezone id in the * XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatype representation.</p> * * <p>To compute the return value's <code>TimeZone</code> field, * <ul> * <li>when <code>this.getTimezone() != DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED</code>, * create a <code>java.util.TimeZone</code> with a custom timezone id * using the <code>this.getTimezone()</code>.</li> * <li>else use the <code>GregorianCalendar</code> default timezone value * for the host is defined as specified by * <code>java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()</code>.</li></p> * * @param cal <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> used to create <code>XMLGregorianCalendar</code> */ public XMLGregorianCalendarImpl(GregorianCalendar cal) { int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { year = -year; } this.setYear(year); // Calendar.MONTH is zero based, XSD Date datatype's month field starts // with JANUARY as 1. this.setMonth(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); this.setDay(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); this.setTime( cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); // Calendar ZONE_OFFSET and DST_OFFSET fields are in milliseconds. int offsetInMinutes = (cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (60 * 1000); this.setTimezone(offsetInMinutes); }
Example 17
Source File: From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * <p>Convert a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to XML Schema 1.0 * representation.</p> * * <table border="2" rules="all" cellpadding="2"> * <thead> * <tr> * <th align="center" colspan="2"> * Field by Field Conversion from * <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> to this class * </th> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th><code>javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * <th><code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> field</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setYear(int)}</th> * <th><code>ERA == GregorianCalendar.BC ? -YEAR : YEAR</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setMonth(int)}</th> * <th><code>MONTH + 1</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setDay(int)}</th> * <th><code>DAY_OF_MONTH</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTime(int,int,int, BigDecimal)}</th> * <th><code>HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, SECOND, MILLISECOND</code></th> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>{@link #setTimezone(int)}<i>*</i></th> * <th><code>(ZONE_OFFSET + DST_OFFSET) / (60*1000)</code><br/> * <i>(in minutes)</i> * </th> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <p><i>*</i>conversion loss of information. It is not possible to represent * a <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> daylight savings timezone id in the * XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatype representation.</p> * * <p>To compute the return value's <code>TimeZone</code> field, * <ul> * <li>when <code>this.getTimezone() != DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED</code>, * create a <code>java.util.TimeZone</code> with a custom timezone id * using the <code>this.getTimezone()</code>.</li> * <li>else use the <code>GregorianCalendar</code> default timezone value * for the host is defined as specified by * <code>java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()</code>.</li></p> * * @param cal <code>java.util.GregorianCalendar</code> used to create <code>XMLGregorianCalendar</code> */ public XMLGregorianCalendarImpl(GregorianCalendar cal) { int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) { year = -year; } this.setYear(year); // Calendar.MONTH is zero based, XSD Date datatype's month field starts // with JANUARY as 1. this.setMonth(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); this.setDay(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); this.setTime( cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); // Calendar ZONE_OFFSET and DST_OFFSET fields are in milliseconds. int offsetInMinutes = (cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (60 * 1000); this.setTimezone(offsetInMinutes); }
Example 18
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void validateLiteral(SqlLiteral literal) { switch (literal.getTypeName()) { case DECIMAL: // Decimal and long have the same precision (as 64-bit integers), so // the unscaled value of a decimal must fit into a long. // REVIEW jvs 4-Aug-2004: This should probably be calling over to // the available calculator implementations to see what they // support. For now use ESP instead. // // jhyde 2006/12/21: I think the limits should be baked into the // type system, not dependent on the calculator implementation. BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) literal.getValue(); BigInteger unscaled = bd.unscaledValue(); long longValue = unscaled.longValue(); if (!BigInteger.valueOf(longValue).equals(unscaled)) { // overflow throw newValidationError(literal, RESOURCE.numberLiteralOutOfRange(bd.toString())); } break; case DOUBLE: validateLiteralAsDouble(literal); break; case BINARY: final BitString bitString = (BitString) literal.getValue(); if ((bitString.getBitCount() % 8) != 0) { throw newValidationError(literal, RESOURCE.binaryLiteralOdd()); } break; case DATE: case TIME: case TIMESTAMP: Calendar calendar = literal.getValueAs(Calendar.class); final int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); final int era = calendar.get(Calendar.ERA); if (year < 1 || era == GregorianCalendar.BC || year > 9999) { throw newValidationError(literal, RESOURCE.dateLiteralOutOfRange(literal.toString())); } break; case INTERVAL_YEAR: case INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH: case INTERVAL_MONTH: case INTERVAL_DAY: case INTERVAL_DAY_HOUR: case INTERVAL_DAY_MINUTE: case INTERVAL_DAY_SECOND: case INTERVAL_HOUR: case INTERVAL_HOUR_MINUTE: case INTERVAL_HOUR_SECOND: case INTERVAL_MINUTE: case INTERVAL_MINUTE_SECOND: case INTERVAL_SECOND: if (literal instanceof SqlIntervalLiteral) { SqlIntervalLiteral.IntervalValue interval = (SqlIntervalLiteral.IntervalValue) literal.getValue(); SqlIntervalQualifier intervalQualifier = interval.getIntervalQualifier(); // ensure qualifier is good before attempting to validate literal validateIntervalQualifier(intervalQualifier); String intervalStr = interval.getIntervalLiteral(); // throws CalciteContextException if string is invalid int[] values = intervalQualifier.evaluateIntervalLiteral(intervalStr, literal.getParserPosition(), typeFactory.getTypeSystem()); Util.discard(values); } break; default: // default is to do nothing } }
Example 19
Source File: From fosstrak-epcis with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
* Formats a <code>Calendar</code> value into an ISO8601-compliant date/time
* string.
* @param cal
* The time value to be formatted into a date/time string.
* @return The formatted date/time string.
public static String format(final Calendar cal) {
if (cal == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument can not be null");
// determine era and adjust year if necessary
int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
if (cal.isSet(Calendar.ERA) && cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) {
* calculate year using astronomical system: year n BCE =>
* astronomical year -n + 1
year = 0 - year + 1;
* the format of the date/time string is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSTZD
* note that we cannot use java.text.SimpleDateFormat for formatting
* because it can't handle years <= 0 and TZD's
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
// year ([-]YYYY)
// month (MM)
buf.append(XX_FORMAT.format(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1));
// day (DD)
// hour (hh)
// minute (mm)
// second (ss)
// millisecond (SSS)
// time zone designator (+/-hh:mm)
return buf.toString();
Example 20
Source File: From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 3 votes |
* computeEncodedDate extracts the year, month and date from
* a Calendar value and encodes them as
* year << 16 + month << 8 + date
* Use this function will help to remember to add 1 to month
* which is 0 based in the Calendar class
* @param cal the Calendar
* @return the encodedDate
* @exception StandardException if the value is out of the DB2 date range
static int computeEncodedDate(Calendar cal) throws StandardException
if (cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC)
throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_DATE_RANGE_EXCEPTION);
return computeEncodedDate(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR),
cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1,