elemental.dom.Element Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: ResourceLoader.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Adds an onload listener to the given element, which should be a link or a * script tag. The listener is called whenever loading is complete or an * error occurred. * * @param element * the element to attach a listener to * @param listener * the listener to call * @param event * the event passed to the listener */ public static native void addOnloadHandler(Element element, ResourceLoadListener listener, ResourceLoadEvent event) /*-{ element.onload = $entry(function() { element.onload = null; element.onerror = null; element.onreadystatechange = null; listener.@com.vaadin.client.ResourceLoader.ResourceLoadListener::onLoad(Lcom/vaadin/client/ResourceLoader$ResourceLoadEvent;)(event); }); element.onerror = $entry(function() { element.onload = null; element.onerror = null; element.onreadystatechange = null; listener.@com.vaadin.client.ResourceLoader.ResourceLoadListener::onError(Lcom/vaadin/client/ResourceLoader$ResourceLoadEvent;)(event); }); element.onreadystatechange = function() { if ("loaded" === element.readyState || "complete" === element.readyState ) { element.onload(arguments[0]); } }; }-*/;
Example #2
Source File: SimpleElementBindingStrategy.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private native void bindPolymerModelProperties(StateNode node, Element element) /*-{ if ( @com.vaadin.client.PolymerUtils::isPolymerElement(*)(element) ) { this.@SimpleElementBindingStrategy::hookUpPolymerElement(*)(node, element); } else if ( @com.vaadin.client.PolymerUtils::mayBePolymerElement(*)(element) ) { var self = this; try { $wnd.customElements.whenDefined(element.localName).then( function () { if ( @com.vaadin.client.PolymerUtils::isPolymerElement(*)(element) ) { self.@SimpleElementBindingStrategy::hookUpPolymerElement(*)(node, element); } }); } catch (e) { // ignore the exception: the element cannot be a custom element } } }-*/;
Example #3
Source File: SystemErrorHandler.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Shows an error notification for an error which is unrecoverable, using * the given parameters. * * @param caption * the caption of the message * @param message * the message body * @param details * message details or {@code null} if there are no details * @param url * a URL to redirect to when the user clicks the message or * {@code null} to refresh on click * @param querySelector * query selector to find the element under which the error will * be added . If element is not found or the selector is * {@code null}, body will be used */ public void handleUnrecoverableError(String caption, String message, String details, String url, String querySelector) { if (caption == null && message == null && details == null) { if (!isWebComponentMode()) { WidgetUtil.redirect(url); } return; } Element systemErrorContainer = handleError(caption, message, details, querySelector); if (!isWebComponentMode()) { systemErrorContainer.addEventListener("click", e -> WidgetUtil.redirect(url), false); Browser.getDocument().addEventListener(Event.KEYDOWN, e -> { int keyCode = ((KeyboardEvent) e).getKeyCode(); if (keyCode == KeyCode.ESC) { e.preventDefault(); WidgetUtil.redirect(url); } }, false); } }
Example #4
Source File: GwtBasicElementBinderTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void testVirtualChild() { Binder.bind(node, element); StateNode childNode = createChildNode("child"); NodeMap elementData = childNode.getMap(NodeFeatures.ELEMENT_DATA); JsonObject object = Json.createObject(); object.put(NodeProperties.TYPE, NodeProperties.IN_MEMORY_CHILD); elementData.getProperty(NodeProperties.PAYLOAD).setValue(object); NodeList virtialChildren = node.getList(NodeFeatures.VIRTUAL_CHILDREN); virtialChildren.add(0, childNode); Reactive.flush(); assertEquals(element.getChildElementCount(), 0); Element childElement = (Element) childNode.getDomNode(); assertEquals("SPAN", childElement.getTagName()); assertEquals("child", childElement.getId()); }
Example #5
Source File: GwtPolymerModelTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private native void setupSetMethod(Element element) /*-{ element.set = function(path, newValue) { var split = path.split("."); var prop = element; for (var i = 0; i < split.length - 1; i++) { if (!prop) { break; } prop = prop[split[i]]; } if (prop) { prop[split[split.length - 1]] = newValue; } } }-*/;
Example #6
Source File: ElementUtil.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Searches the shadow root of the given context element for the given id or * searches the light DOM if the element has no shadow root. * * @param context * the container element to search through * @param id * the identifier of the element to search for * @return the element with the given {@code id} if found, otherwise * <code>null</code> */ public static native Element getElementById(Node context, String id) /*-{ if (document.body.$ && document.body.$[id]) { // Exported WCs add their id to body.$ and cannot be found using a real id attribute return document.body.$[id]; } else if (context.shadowRoot) { return context.shadowRoot.getElementById(id); } else if (context.getElementById) { return context.getElementById(id); } else if (id && id.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*$")) { // No funky characters in id so querySelector can be used directly return context.querySelector("#" + id); } else { // Find all elements with an id attribute and filter out the correct one return Array.from(context.querySelectorAll('[id]')).find(function(e) {return e.id == id}); } }-*/;
Example #7
Source File: FeatureHandler.java From ThinkMap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private boolean handleMissing() { if (hasFailed) { DivElement el = Browser.getDocument().createDivElement(); el.getClassList().add("fade-background"); Browser.getDocument().getBody().appendChild(el); DivElement message = Browser.getDocument().createDivElement(); message.getClassList().add("center-message"); Element title = Browser.getDocument().createElement("h1"); title.setInnerHTML("Failed to start ThinkMap"); message.appendChild(title); for (String feature : missingFeatures) { Element header = Browser.getDocument().createElement("h2"); header.setInnerHTML(featureTitles.get(feature)); message.appendChild(header); ParagraphElement body = Browser.getDocument().createParagraphElement(); body.setInnerHTML(featureErrors.get(feature)); message.appendChild(body); } Browser.getDocument().getBody().appendChild(message); } return !hasFailed; }
Example #8
Source File: GwtMultipleBindingTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private native void initPolymer(Element element) /*-{ $wnd.Polymer = function() {}; $wnd.Polymer.dom = function(node){ return node; }; $wnd.Polymer.Element = {}; element.__proto__ = $wnd.Polymer.Element; if( !element.removeAttribute ) { element.removeAttribute = function(attribute){ element[attribute] = null; }; } if ( !element.getAttribute ){ element.getAttribute = function( attribute ){ return element[attribute]; }; } if ( !element.setAttribute ){ element.setAttribute = function( attribute , value){ element[attribute] = value; }; } }-*/;
Example #9
Source File: GwtMultipleBindingTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void testBindModelPropertiesDoubleBind() { String name = "custom-div"; Element element = Browser.getDocument().createElement(name); WidgetUtil.setJsProperty(element, "localName", name); initPolymer(element); NativeFunction function = NativeFunction.create(""); WidgetUtil.setJsProperty(element, "set", function); Binder.bind(node, element); node.getMap(NodeFeatures.ELEMENT_PROPERTIES).getProperty("foo") .setValue("bar"); Reactive.flush(); node.setBound(); Binder.bind(node, element); }
Example #10
Source File: SimpleElementBindingStrategy.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void updateProperty(MapProperty mapProperty, Element element) { String name = mapProperty.getName(); if (mapProperty.hasValue()) { Object treeValue = mapProperty.getValue(); Object domValue = WidgetUtil.getJsProperty(element, name); // We compare with the current property to avoid setting properties // which are updated on the client side, e.g. when synchronizing // properties to the server (won't work for readonly properties). if (WidgetUtil.isUndefined(domValue) || !Objects.equals(domValue, treeValue)) { Reactive.runWithComputation(null, () -> WidgetUtil.setJsProperty(element, name, PolymerUtils.createModelTree(treeValue))); } } else if (WidgetUtil.hasOwnJsProperty(element, name)) { WidgetUtil.deleteJsProperty(element, name); } else { // Can't delete inherited property, so instead just clear // the value WidgetUtil.setJsProperty(element, name, null); } }
Example #11
Source File: AnotherTest.java From vertxui with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void printStructure(Element element) { console.log("<" + element.getNodeName()); NamedNodeMap attributes = element.getAttributes(); if (attributes != null) { for (int x = 0; x < attributes.length(); x++) { Node attr = attributes.item(x); console.log(" " + attr.getNodeName() + "=" + attr.getNodeValue()); } } console.log(">"); if (element.getTextContent() != null) { console.log(element.getTextContent()); } NodeList children = element.getChildNodes(); for (int x = 0; x < children.getLength(); x++) { printStructure((Element) children.at(x)); } console.log("</" + element.getNodeName() + ">"); }
Example #12
Source File: DomApiAbstractionUsageTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static void verifyMethod(String callingMethod, String targetClassName, String targetMethod) { // Won't care about overhead of loading all // classes since this is just a test Class<?> targetClass = getClass(targetClassName); if (!Node.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass)) { return; } if (ignoredElementalClasses.contains(targetClass)) { return; } if ((Element.class == targetClass || Node.class == targetClass) && ignoredElementMethods.contains(targetMethod)) { return; } Assert.fail(callingMethod + " calls " + targetClass.getName() + "." + targetMethod); }
Example #13
Source File: GwtBasicElementBinderTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void assertDeferredPolymerElement_originalReadyIsCalled( Element element) { initPolymer(element); mockWhenDefined(element); NativeFunction function = NativeFunction.create("this['foo']='bar';"); WidgetUtil.setJsProperty(element, "ready", function); Binder.bind(node, element); runWhenDefined(element); NativeFunction readyCall = new NativeFunction("this.ready();"); readyCall.call(element); assertEquals("bar", WidgetUtil.getJsProperty(element, "foo")); }
Example #14
Source File: GwtRouterLinkHandlerTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testRouterLink_altClick_eventNotIntercepted() { currentEvent = null; assertInvocations(0); Element target = createTarget("a", "foobar", true); boundElement.appendChild(target); fireClickEvent(target, true, false, false, false); assertInvocations(0); assertEventDefaultNotPrevented(); }
Example #15
Source File: ExecuteJavaScriptElementUtils.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Integer getExistingIdOrUpdate(StateNode parent, int serverSideId, Element existingElement, Integer existingId) { if (existingId == null) { ExistingElementMap map = parent.getTree().getRegistry() .getExistingElementMap(); Integer fromMap = map.getId(existingElement); if (fromMap == null) { map.add(serverSideId, existingElement); return serverSideId; } return fromMap; } return existingId; }
Example #16
Source File: Elements.java From core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the element which was stored using {@link #rememberAs(String)}. * * @throws NoSuchElementException if no element was stored under that id. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends Element> T referenceFor(String id) { if (!references.containsKey(id)) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No element reference found for '" + id + "'"); } return (T) references.get(id); }
Example #17
Source File: Elements.java From core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Adds the given event listener to the the last added element. */ public Builder on(EventType type, EventListener listener) { assertCurrent(); Element element = elements.peek().element; type.register(element, listener); return this; }
Example #18
Source File: GwtBasicElementBinderTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private native void mockWhenDefined(Element element) /*-{ $wnd.OldPolymer = $wnd.Polymer; $wnd.Polymer = null; $wnd.customElements = { whenDefined: function() { return { then: function (callback) { element.callback = callback; } } } }; }-*/;
Example #19
Source File: Elements.java From core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Removes all child elements from {@code element} */ public static void removeChildrenFrom(final Element element) { if (element != null) { while (element.getFirstChild() != null) { element.removeChild(element.getFirstChild()); } } }
Example #20
Source File: GwtPolymerModelTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private native void addMockMethods(Element element) /*-{ element.propertiesChangedCallCount = 0; element._propertiesChanged = function() { element.propertiesChangedCallCount += 1; }; element.callbackCallCount = 0; $wnd.customElements = { whenDefined: function() { return { then: function (callback) { $wnd.Polymer = $wnd.OldPolymer; element.callbackCallCount += 1; callback(); } } } }; if( !element.removeAttribute ) { element.removeAttribute = function(attribute){ element[attribute] = null; }; } if ( !element.getAttribute ){ element.getAttribute = function( attribute ){ return element[attribute]; }; } if ( !element.setAttribute ){ element.setAttribute = function( attribute, value ){ element[attribute] = value; }; } }-*/;
Example #21
Source File: DefaultReconnectDialog.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates a new instance. */ public DefaultReconnectDialog() { root = Browser.getDocument().createElement("div"); root.setClassName("v-reconnect-dialog"); Element spinner = Browser.getDocument().createElement("div"); spinner.setClassName("spinner"); label = Browser.getDocument().createElement("span"); label.setClassName("text"); root.appendChild(spinner); root.appendChild(label); }
Example #22
Source File: GwtStateTreeTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static native boolean createMockPromise(Element element) /*-{ var eventObject = element.$server["}p"]; eventObject.promiseResult = null; eventObject.promises[0] = [function() { eventObject.promiseResult = true; },function() { eventObject.promiseResult = false; }]; }-*/;
Example #23
Source File: GwtBasicElementBinderTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testVirtualBindChild_noCorrespondingElementInShadowRoot_searchById() { Element shadowRootElement = addShadowRootElement(element); String childId = "childElement"; String tag = "a"; StateNode child = createChildNode(childId, tag); addVirtualChild(node, child, NodeProperties.INJECT_BY_ID, Json.create(childId)); Element elementWithDifferentId = createAndAppendElementToShadowRoot( shadowRootElement, "otherId", tag); assertNotSame( "Element added to shadow root should not have same id as virtual child node", childId, elementWithDifferentId.getId()); Binder.bind(node, element); Reactive.flush(); assertEquals( "Unexpected 'sendExistingElementWithIdAttachToServer' method call number", 4, tree.existingElementRpcArgs.size()); assertEquals( "Unexpected requested node id value argument in the 'sendExistingElementWithIdAttachToServer' method call", node, tree.existingElementRpcArgs.get(0)); assertEquals( "Unexpected requested node id value argument in the 'sendExistingElementWithIdAttachToServer' method call", child.getId(), tree.existingElementRpcArgs.get(1)); assertEquals( "Unexpected attached node id value argument in the 'sendExistingElementWithIdAttachToServer' method call", -1, tree.existingElementRpcArgs.get(2)); assertEquals( "Unexpected identifier value argument in the 'sendExistingElementWithIdAttachToServer' method call", childId, tree.existingElementRpcArgs.get(3)); }
Example #24
Source File: PolymerUtils.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Fires the ready event for the {@code polymerElement}. * * @param polymerElement * the custom (polymer) element whose state is "ready" */ public static void fireReadyEvent(Element polymerElement) { if (readyListeners == null) { return; } JsSet<Runnable> listeners = readyListeners.get(polymerElement); if (listeners != null) { readyListeners.delete(polymerElement); listeners.forEach(Runnable::run); } }
Example #25
Source File: ChildrenIterator.java From core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
@Override public Element next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } Element child = (Element) children.item(index); index++; return child; }
Example #26
Source File: GwtEventHandlerTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Add a function to the element prototype ("default" function) for * {@code methodName} that adds the second argument to the event (first * argument) as a result * * @param element * Element to add "default" method to * @param methodName * Name of event to add method to */ private native void setPrototypeEventHandler(Element element, String methodName) /*-{ Object.getPrototypeOf(element)[methodName] = function(event) { if(this !== element) { throw "This and target element didn't match"; }; event.result = arguments[1]; } }-*/;
Example #27
Source File: GwtBasicElementBinderTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testVirtualBindChild_wrongTag_searchById() { Element shadowRootElement = addShadowRootElement(element); String childId = "childElement"; StateNode child = createChildNode(childId, "a"); addVirtualChild(node, child, NodeProperties.INJECT_BY_ID, Json.create(childId)); Element elementWithDifferentId = createAndAppendElementToShadowRoot( shadowRootElement, "otherId", "div"); assertNotSame( "Element added to shadow root should not have same id as virtual child node", childId, elementWithDifferentId.getId()); Binder.bind(node, element); Reactive.flush(); assertEquals( "Unexpected 'sendExistingElementWithIdAttachToServer' method call number", 4, tree.existingElementRpcArgs.size()); assertEquals( "Unexpected node argument in the 'sendExistingElementWithIdAttachToServer' method call", node, tree.existingElementRpcArgs.get(0)); assertEquals( "Unexpected requested node id value argument in the 'sendExistingElementWithIdAttachToServer' method call", child.getId(), tree.existingElementRpcArgs.get(1)); assertEquals( "Unexpected attached node id value argument in the 'sendExistingElementWithIdAttachToServer' method call", -1, tree.existingElementRpcArgs.get(2)); assertEquals( "Unexpected identifier value argument in the 'sendExistingElementWithIdAttachToServer' method call", childId, tree.existingElementRpcArgs.get(3)); }
Example #28
Source File: GwtRouterLinkHandlerTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testRouterLink_anchorWithRouterLink_ui_stopped() { currentEvent = null; assertInvocations(0); registry.getUILifecycle().setState(UIState.TERMINATED); Element target = createTarget("a", "foobar", true); boundElement.appendChild(target); fireClickEvent(target); assertInvocations(0); assertEventDefaultNotPrevented(); }
Example #29
Source File: GwtPolymerModelTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private native void emulatePolymerPropertyChange(Element element, String propertyName, String newPropertyValue) /*-{ var changedProperties = {}; changedProperties[propertyName] = newPropertyValue; element._propertiesChanged({}, changedProperties, {}); }-*/;
Example #30
Source File: GwtEventHandlerTest.java From flow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private JsArray<String> getPublishedServerMethods(Element element) { ServerEventObject serverEventObject = WidgetUtil .crazyJsoCast(WidgetUtil.getJsProperty(element, "$server")); if (serverEventObject == null) { return JsCollections.array(); } else { return serverEventObject.getMethods(); } }