Java Code Examples for
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Example 1
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test method for add( String, String... ) */ @Test public void testAddStringStringArray() throws LdapException { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry(); entry.add( "cn", ( String ) null ); assertEquals( 1, entry.size() ); Attribute attributeCN = entry.get( "cn" ); assertEquals( 1, attributeCN.size() ); assertNotNull( attributeCN.get() ); assertNull( attributeCN.get().getString() ); entry.add( "sn", "test", "test", "TEST" ); assertEquals( 2, entry.size() ); Attribute attributeSN = entry.get( "sn" ); assertEquals( 2, attributeSN.size() ); assertNotNull( attributeSN.get() ); assertTrue( attributeSN.contains( "test" ) ); assertTrue( attributeSN.contains( "TEST" ) ); }
Example 2
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test method for userCertificate;binary AT */ @Test public void testUserCertificateBinary() throws LdapException { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager ); entry.add( "objectClass", "top", "person", "inetorgPerson" ); entry.add( "cn", "test1", "test2" ); entry.add( "sn", "Test1", "Test2" ); entry.add( "userPassword", BYTES1, BYTES2 ); entry.add( "userCertificate;binary", Strings.getBytesUtf8( "secret" ) ); assertTrue( entry.containsAttribute( "userCertificate;binary" ) ); assertTrue( entry.containsAttribute( "userCertificate" ) ); entry.removeAttributes( "userCertificate;binary" ); assertFalse( entry.containsAttribute( "userCertificate;binary" ) ); assertFalse( entry.containsAttribute( "userCertificate" ) ); entry.add( "userCertificate", Strings.getBytesUtf8( "secret" ) ); assertTrue( entry.containsAttribute( "userCertificate;binary" ) ); assertTrue( entry.containsAttribute( "userCertificate" ) ); }
Example 3
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test method for contains( EntryAttribute... ) */ @Test public void testContainsEntryAttributeArray() throws LdapException { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( exampleDn ); Attribute attrOC = new DefaultAttribute( "objectClass", "top", "person" ); Attribute attrCN = new DefaultAttribute( "cn", "test1", "test2" ); Attribute attrSN = new DefaultAttribute( "sn", "Test1", "Test2" ); Attribute attrPWD = new DefaultAttribute( "userPassword", BYTES1, BYTES2 ); assertFalse( entry.contains( attrOC, attrCN ) ); entry.add( attrOC, attrCN ); assertTrue( entry.contains( attrOC, attrCN ) ); assertFalse( entry.contains( attrOC, attrCN, attrSN ) ); entry.add( attrSN, attrPWD ); assertTrue( entry.contains( attrSN, attrPWD ) ); }
Example 4
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test method for contains( String, byte[]... ) */ @Test public void testContainsStringByteArray() throws LdapException { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( exampleDn ); assertFalse( entry.containsAttribute( "objectClass" ) ); Attribute attrPWD = new DefaultAttribute( "userPassword", BYTES1, ( byte[] ) null, BYTES2 ); entry.add( attrPWD ); assertTrue( entry.contains( " userPASSWORD ", BYTES1, BYTES2 ) ); assertTrue( entry.contains( " userPASSWORD ", ( byte[] ) null ) ); // We can search for byte[] using Strings. the strings will be converted to byte[] assertTrue( entry.contains( " userPASSWORD ", "ab", "b" ) ); assertFalse( entry.contains( " userPASSWORD ", "ab", "b", "d" ) ); }
Example 5
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test method for remove( String, String... ) */ @Test public void testRemoveStringStringArray() throws LdapException { Entry entry = createEntry(); assertTrue( entry.remove( "cn", "test1" ) ); assertTrue( entry.remove( "cn", "test2" ) ); assertFalse( entry.containsAttribute( "cn" ) ); entry.add( "cn", "test1", ( String ) null, "test2" ); assertTrue( entry.remove( "cn", ( String ) null ) ); assertEquals( 2, entry.get( "cn" ).size() ); assertTrue( entry.remove( "cn", "test1", "test3" ) ); assertEquals( 1, entry.get( "cn" ).size() ); assertEquals( "test2", entry.get( "cn" ).get().getString() ); assertFalse( entry.remove( "cn", "test3" ) ); assertFalse( entry.remove( "void", "whatever" ) ); }
Example 6
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test method for clone() */ @Test public void testClone() throws LdapException { Entry entry1 = new DefaultEntry(); Entry entry2 = entry1.clone(); assertEquals( entry1, entry2 ); entry2.setDn( exampleDn ); assertEquals( Dn.EMPTY_DN, entry1.getDn() ); entry1.setDn( exampleDn ); entry2 = entry1.clone(); assertEquals( entry1, entry2 ); entry1.add( "objectClass", "top", "person" ); entry1.add( "cn", "test1", "test2" ); entry2 = entry1.clone(); assertEquals( entry1, entry2 ); entry1.add( "cn", "test3" ); assertEquals( 2, entry2.get( "cn" ).size() ); assertFalse( entry2.contains( "cn", "test3" ) ); entry1.add( "sn", ( String ) null ); assertFalse( entry2.containsAttribute( "sn" ) ); }
Example 7
Source File: From directory-fortress-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @param group * @throws * */ Group create( Group group ) throws CreateException { LdapConnection ld = null; String nodeDn = getDn( group.getName(), group.getContextId() ); try { LOG.debug( "create group dn [{}]", nodeDn ); Entry myEntry = new DefaultEntry( nodeDn ); myEntry.add( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, GROUP_OBJ_CLASS ); myEntry.add( SchemaConstants.CN_AT, group.getName() ); // protocol is required: myEntry.add( GROUP_PROTOCOL_ATTR_IMPL, group.getProtocol() ); // type is required: myEntry.add( GlobalIds.TYPE, group.getType().toString() ); loadAttrs( group.getMembers(), myEntry, SchemaConstants.MEMBER_AT ); loadProperties( group.getProperties(), myEntry, GROUP_PROPERTY_ATTR_IMPL, '=' ); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( group.getDescription() ) ) { myEntry.add( SchemaConstants.DESCRIPTION_AT, group.getDescription() ); } ld = getAdminConnection(); add( ld, myEntry ); } catch ( LdapException e ) { String error = "create group node dn [" + nodeDn + "] caught LDAPException=" + e; throw new CreateException( GlobalErrIds.GROUP_ADD_FAILED, error, e ); } finally { closeAdminConnection( ld ); } return group; }
Example 8
Source File: From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
/** * Partition initialization - loads schema entries from the files on classpath. * * @see */ @Override protected void doInit() throws Exception { if (initialized) return; LOG.debug("Initializing schema partition " + getId()); suffixDn.apply(schemaManager); super.doInit(); // load schema final Map<String, Boolean> resMap = ResourceMap.getResources(Pattern.compile("schema[/\\Q\\\\E]ou=schema.*")); for (String resourcePath : new TreeSet<String>(resMap.keySet())) { if (resourcePath.endsWith(".ldif")) { URL resource = DefaultSchemaLdifExtractor.getUniqueResource(resourcePath, "Schema LDIF file"); LdifReader reader = new LdifReader(resource.openStream()); LdifEntry ldifEntry =; reader.close(); Entry entry = new DefaultEntry(schemaManager, ldifEntry.getEntry()); // add mandatory attributes if (entry.get(SchemaConstants.ENTRY_CSN_AT) == null) { entry.add(SchemaConstants.ENTRY_CSN_AT, defaultCSNFactory.newInstance().toString()); } if (entry.get(SchemaConstants.ENTRY_UUID_AT) == null) { entry.add(SchemaConstants.ENTRY_UUID_AT, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } AddOperationContext addContext = new AddOperationContext(null, entry); super.add(addContext); } } }
Example 9
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Check that the correct reverse LDIF is produced for a modifyDn * operation that moves and renames the entry while preserving the * old rdn. * * @throws NamingException on error */ @Test public void testReverseModifyDNSuperior() throws LdapException { Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=john doe, dc=example, dc=com" ); Dn newSuperior = new Dn( "ou=system" ); Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn ); entry.add( "objectClass", "person", "uidObject" ); entry.add( "cn", "john doe", "jack doe" ); entry.add( "sn", "doe" ); entry.add( "uid", "jdoe" ); List<LdifEntry> reverseds = LdifRevertor.reverseMoveAndRename( entry, newSuperior, new Rdn( "cn=jack doe" ), false ); assertNotNull( reverseds ); assertEquals( 1, reverseds.size() ); LdifEntry reversed = reverseds.get( 0 ); assertEquals( "cn=jack doe,ou=system", reversed.getDn().getName() ); assertEquals( ChangeType.ModRdn, reversed.getChangeType() ); assertFalse( reversed.isDeleteOldRdn() ); assertEquals( "cn=john doe", reversed.getNewRdn() ); assertEquals( "dc=example, dc=com", Strings.trim( reversed.getNewSuperior() ) ); assertNull( reversed.getEntry() ); }
Example 10
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void injectCommon( SchemaObject object, Entry entry, SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws LdapException { injectNames( object.getNames(), entry, schemaManager ); entry.put( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OBSOLETE_AT, getBoolean( object.isObsolete() ) ); entry.put( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT, object.getOid() ); if ( object.getDescription() != null ) { entry.put( MetaSchemaConstants.M_DESCRIPTION_AT, object.getDescription() ); } // The extensions Map<String, List<String>> extensions = object.getExtensions(); if ( extensions != null ) { for ( Map.Entry<String, List<String>> mapEntry : extensions.entrySet() ) { String key = mapEntry.getKey(); List<String> values = mapEntry.getValue(); for ( String value : values ) { entry.add( key, value ); } } } }
Example 11
Source File: From directory-fortress-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @param se * @throws */ void create( Suffix se ) throws CreateException { LdapConnection ld = null; String nodeDn = getDn( se ); try { "create suffix dn [{}]", nodeDn ); Entry myEntry = new DefaultEntry( nodeDn ); myEntry.add( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, SUFFIX_OBJ_CLASS ); myEntry.add( SchemaConstants.DC_AT, se.getName() ); myEntry.add( SchemaConstants.O_AT, se.getDescription() ); ld = getAdminConnection(); add( ld, myEntry ); } catch ( LdapException e ) { String error = "create container node dn [" + nodeDn + "] caught LDAPException=" + e; throw new CreateException( GlobalErrIds.SUFX_CREATE_FAILED, error, e ); } finally { closeAdminConnection( ld ); } }
Example 12
Source File: From directory-fortress-core with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Create a new AdminRole entity using supplied data. Required attribute is {@link}. * This data will be stored in the {@link GlobalIds#ADMIN_ROLE_ROOT} container. * * @param entity record contains AdminRole data. Null attributes will be ignored. * @return input record back to client. * @throws in the event LDAP errors occur. */ AdminRole create( AdminRole entity ) throws CreateException { LdapConnection ld = null; String dn = getDn( entity ); try { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn ); entry.add( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, ADMIN_ROLE_OBJ_CLASS ); entity.setId(); entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_IID, entity.getId() ); entry.add( ROLE_NM, entity.getName() ); // description field is optional on this object class: if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDescription() ) ) { entry.add( SchemaConstants.DESCRIPTION_AT, entity.getDescription() ); } // CN attribute is required for this object class: entry.add( SchemaConstants.CN_AT, entity.getName() ); entry.add( GlobalIds.CONSTRAINT, ConstraintUtil.setConstraint( entity ) ); loadAttrs( entity.getOsPSet(), entry, ROLE_OSP ); loadAttrs( entity.getOsUSet(), entry, ROLE_OSU ); String szRaw = entity.getRoleRangeRaw(); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( szRaw ) ) { entry.add( ROLE_RANGE, szRaw ); } // These multi-valued attributes are optional. The utility function will return quietly if no items are loaded into collection: loadAttrs( entity.getParents(), entry, GlobalIds.PARENT_NODES ); ld = getAdminConnection(); add( ld, entry, entity ); } catch ( LdapException e ) { String error = "create role [" + entity.getName() + "] caught LdapException=" + e; throw new CreateException( GlobalErrIds.ARLE_ADD_FAILED, error, e ); } finally { closeAdminConnection( ld ); } return entity; }
Example 13
Source File: From directory-fortress-core with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * @param entity * @return * @throws */ SDSet create( SDSet entity ) throws CreateException { LdapConnection ld = null; String dn = getDn( entity.getName(), entity.getContextId() ); String[] objectClass = SSD_OBJ_CLASS; if ( entity.getType() == SDSet.SDType.DYNAMIC ) { objectClass = DSD_OBJ_CLASS; } try { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn ); entry.add( createAttributes( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, objectClass ) ); entity.setId(); entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_IID, entity.getId() ); entry.add( SD_SET_NM, entity.getName() ); // description field is optional on this object class: if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDescription() ) ) { entry.add( SchemaConstants.DESCRIPTION_AT, entity.getDescription() ); } // CN attribute is required for this object class: entry.add( SchemaConstants.CN_AT, entity.getName() ); loadAttrs( entity.getMembers(), entry, ROLES ); entry.add( SD_SET_CARDINALITY, "" + entity.getCardinality() ); ld = getAdminConnection(); add( ld, entry, entity ); } catch ( LdapException e ) { String error = "create SD set name [" + entity.getName() + "] type [" + entity.getType() + "] caught LdapException=" + e; int errCode; if ( entity.getType() == SDSet.SDType.DYNAMIC ) { errCode = GlobalErrIds.DSD_ADD_FAILED; } else { errCode = GlobalErrIds.SSD_ADD_FAILED; } throw new CreateException( errCode, error, e ); } finally { closeAdminConnection( ld ); } return entity; }
Example 14
Source File: From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void initDirectoryService() throws Exception { ds = new DefaultDirectoryService(); ds.setInstanceLayout(new InstanceLayout(workDir)); CacheService cacheService = new CacheService(); ds.setCacheService(cacheService); // first load the schema InstanceLayout instanceLayout = ds.getInstanceLayout(); File schemaPartitionDirectory = new File( instanceLayout.getPartitionsDirectory(), "schema"); SchemaLdifExtractor extractor = new DefaultSchemaLdifExtractor( instanceLayout.getPartitionsDirectory()); extractor.extractOrCopy(); SchemaLoader loader = new LdifSchemaLoader(schemaPartitionDirectory); SchemaManager schemaManager = new DefaultSchemaManager(loader); schemaManager.loadAllEnabled(); ds.setSchemaManager(schemaManager); // Init the LdifPartition with schema LdifPartition schemaLdifPartition = new LdifPartition(schemaManager); schemaLdifPartition.setPartitionPath(schemaPartitionDirectory.toURI()); // The schema partition SchemaPartition schemaPartition = new SchemaPartition(schemaManager); schemaPartition.setWrappedPartition(schemaLdifPartition); ds.setSchemaPartition(schemaPartition); JdbmPartition systemPartition = new JdbmPartition(ds.getSchemaManager()); systemPartition.setId("system"); systemPartition.setPartitionPath(new File( ds.getInstanceLayout().getPartitionsDirectory(), systemPartition.getId()).toURI()); systemPartition.setSuffixDn(new Dn(ServerDNConstants.SYSTEM_DN)); systemPartition.setSchemaManager(ds.getSchemaManager()); ds.setSystemPartition(systemPartition); ds.getChangeLog().setEnabled(false); ds.setDenormalizeOpAttrsEnabled(true); ds.addLast(new KeyDerivationInterceptor()); // create one partition String orgName= conf.getProperty(ORG_NAME).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); String orgDomain = conf.getProperty(ORG_DOMAIN).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); JdbmPartition partition = new JdbmPartition(ds.getSchemaManager()); partition.setId(orgName); partition.setPartitionPath(new File( ds.getInstanceLayout().getPartitionsDirectory(), orgName).toURI()); partition.setSuffixDn(new Dn("dc=" + orgName + ",dc=" + orgDomain)); ds.addPartition(partition); // indexes Set<Index<?, ?, String>> indexedAttributes = new HashSet<Index<?, ?, String>>(); indexedAttributes.add(new JdbmIndex<String, Entry>("objectClass", false)); indexedAttributes.add(new JdbmIndex<String, Entry>("dc", false)); indexedAttributes.add(new JdbmIndex<String, Entry>("ou", false)); partition.setIndexedAttributes(indexedAttributes); // And start the ds ds.setInstanceId(conf.getProperty(INSTANCE)); ds.startup(); // context entry, after ds.startup() Dn dn = new Dn("dc=" + orgName + ",dc=" + orgDomain); Entry entry = ds.newEntry(dn); entry.add("objectClass", "top", "domain"); entry.add("dc", orgName); ds.getAdminSession().add(entry); }
Example 15
Source File: From directory-fortress-core with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * @param entity * @return * @throws CreateException */ Role create( Role entity ) throws CreateException { LdapConnection ld = null; String dn = getDn( entity.getName(), entity.getContextId() ); try { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn ); entry.add( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, ROLE_OBJ_CLASS ); entity.setId(); entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_IID, entity.getId() ); entry.add( ROLE_NM, entity.getName() ); // description field is optional on this object class: if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDescription() ) ) { entry.add( SchemaConstants.DESCRIPTION_AT, entity.getDescription() ); } // CN attribute is required for this object class: entry.add( SchemaConstants.CN_AT, entity.getName() ); entry.add( GlobalIds.CONSTRAINT, ConstraintUtil.setConstraint( entity ) ); // These multi-valued attributes are optional. The utility function will return quietly if items are not loaded into collection: loadAttrs( entity.getParents(), entry, GlobalIds.PARENT_NODES ); if ( IS_RFC2307 ) { // Supporting RFC2307 posixGroups attributes on fortress roles. loadGidNumber( entity ); entry.add( GlobalIds.GID_NUMBER, entity.getGidNumber() ); } ld = getAdminConnection(); add( ld, entry, entity ); } catch ( LdapException e ) { String error = "create role [" + entity.getName() + "] caught LdapException=" + e; throw new CreateException( GlobalErrIds.ROLE_ADD_FAILED, error, e ); } finally { closeAdminConnection( ld ); } return entity; }
Example 16
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Test method for equals() */ @Test public void testEqualsObject() throws LdapException { Entry entry1 = new DefaultEntry(); Entry entry2 = new DefaultEntry(); assertEquals( entry1, entry2 ); entry1.setDn( exampleDn ); assertNotSame( entry1, entry2 ); entry2.setDn( exampleDn ); assertEquals( entry1, entry2 ); Attribute attrOC = new DefaultAttribute( "objectClass", "top", "person" ); Attribute attrCN = new DefaultAttribute( "cn", "test1", "test2" ); Attribute attrSN = new DefaultAttribute( "sn", "Test1", "Test2" ); Attribute attrPWD = new DefaultAttribute( "userPassword", BYTES1, BYTES2 ); entry1.put( attrOC, attrCN, attrSN, attrPWD ); entry2.put( attrOC, attrCN, attrSN ); assertNotSame( entry1, entry2 ); entry2.put( attrPWD ); assertEquals( entry1, entry2 ); Attribute attrL1 = new DefaultAttribute( "l", "Paris", "New-York" ); Attribute attrL2 = new DefaultAttribute( "l", "Paris", "Tokyo" ); entry1.put( attrL1 ); entry2.put( attrL1 ); assertEquals( entry1, entry2 ); entry1.add( "l", "London" ); assertNotSame( entry1, entry2 ); entry2.add( attrL2 ); assertNotSame( entry1, entry2 ); entry1.clear(); entry2.clear(); assertEquals( entry1, entry2 ); }
Example 17
Source File: From directory-fortress-core with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * * @param entity * @param attributeSetName * @return * @throws CreateException */ PermissionAttribute createPermissionAttribute( PermissionAttribute entity, String attributeSetName ) throws CreateException { LdapConnection ld = null; String dn = getDn( entity, attributeSetName, entity.getContextId() ); try { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn ); entry.add( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, PERM_ATTR_OBJ_CLASS ); // this will generate a new random, unique id on this entity: entity.setInternalId(); // create the internal id: entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_IID, entity.getInternalId() ); entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_PERMISSION_ATTRIBUTE, entity.getAttributeName() ); entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_PERMISSION_ATTRIBUTE_SET, attributeSetName ); // description is optional if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDescription() ) ) { entry.add( SchemaConstants.DESCRIPTION_AT, entity.getDescription() ); } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDataType() ) ) { entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_PERMISSION_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPE, entity.getDataType() ); } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDefaultOperator() ) ) { entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_PERMISSION_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_OPERATOR, entity.getDefaultOperator() ); } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDefaultStrategy() ) ) { entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_PERMISSION_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, entity.getDefaultStrategy() ); } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDefaultValue() ) ) { entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_PERMISSION_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_VALUE, entity.getDefaultValue() ); } //add one to many valid values for(String validValue : entity.getValidValues()){ entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_PERMISSION_ATTRIBUTE_VALID_VALUES, validValue ); } // organizational name requires CN attribute: entry.add( SchemaConstants.CN_AT, entity.getAttributeName() ); // now add the new entry to directory: ld = getAdminConnection(); add( ld, entry, entity ); entity.setDn( dn ); } catch ( LdapException e ) { String error = "createPermissionAttribute name [" + entity.getAttributeName() + "] caught LdapException=" + e; throw new CreateException( GlobalErrIds.PERM_ATTR_ADD_FAILED, error, e ); } finally { closeAdminConnection( ld ); } return entity; }
Example 18
Source File: From directory-fortress-core with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * @param entity * @return * @throws * */ PermObj createObject( PermObj entity ) throws CreateException { LdapConnection ld = null; String dn = getDn( entity, entity.getContextId() ); try { Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn ); entry.add( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, PERM_OBJ_OBJ_CLASS ); entry.add( GlobalIds.POBJ_NAME, entity.getObjName() ); // this will generatre a new random, unique id on this entity: entity.setInternalId(); // create the rDN: entry.add( GlobalIds.FT_IID, entity.getInternalId() ); // ou is required: entry.add( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, entity.getOu() ); // description is optional: if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDescription() ) ) { entry.add( SchemaConstants.DESCRIPTION_AT, entity.getDescription() ); } // type is optional: if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getType() ) ) { entry.add( GlobalIds.TYPE, entity.getType() ); } // props are optional as well: //if the props is null don't try to load these attributes if ( PropUtil.isNotEmpty( entity.getProperties() ) ) { loadProperties( entity.getProperties(), entry, GlobalIds.PROPS ); } // now add the new entry to directory: ld = getAdminConnection(); add( ld, entry, entity ); entity.setDn( dn ); } catch ( LdapException e ) { String error = "createObject perm obj [" + entity.getObjName() + "] caught LdapException=" + e; throw new CreateException( GlobalErrIds.PERM_ADD_FAILED, error, e ); } finally { closeAdminConnection( ld ); } return entity; }
Example 19
Source File: From cloudstack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testUserCreation() { LdapConnection connection = new LdapNetworkConnection( "localhost", 10389 ); try { connection.bind( "uid=admin,ou=system", "secret" ); connection.add(new DefaultEntry( "ou=acsadmins,ou=users,ou=system", "objectClass: organizationalUnit", // might also need to be objectClass: top "ou: acsadmins" )); connection.add(new DefaultEntry( "uid=dahn,ou=acsadmins,ou=users,ou=system", "objectClass: inetOrgPerson", "objectClass: top", "cn: dahn", "sn: Hoogland", "givenName: Daan", "mail: d@b.c", "uid: dahn" )); connection.add( new DefaultEntry( "cn=JuniorAdmins,ou=groups,ou=system", // The Dn "objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames", "ObjectClass: top", "cn: JuniorAdmins", "uniqueMember: uid=dahn,ou=acsadmins,ou=system,ou=users") ); assertTrue( connection.exists( "cn=JuniorAdmins,ou=groups,ou=system" ) ); assertTrue( connection.exists( "uid=dahn,ou=acsadmins,ou=users,ou=system" ) ); Entry ourUser = connection.lookup("uid=dahn,ou=acsadmins,ou=users,ou=system"); ourUser.add("memberOf", "cn=JuniorAdmins,ou=groups,ou=system"); AddRequest addRequest = new AddRequestImpl(); addRequest.setEntry( ourUser ); AddResponse response = connection.add( addRequest ); assertNotNull( response ); // We would need to either // assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS, response.getLdapResult().getResultCode() ); // or have the automatic virtual attribute List<LdapUser> usahs = ldapManager.getUsers(1L); assertEquals("now an admin and a normal user should be present",2, usahs.size()); } catch (LdapException | NoLdapUserMatchingQueryException e) { fail(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
Example 20
Source File: From directory-fortress-core with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Given an ldap attribute name and a set of attribute values, construct an ldap attribute set to be added to * directory. * * @param values set of type string containing attribute values to load into attribute set. * @param entry contains ldap entry to pull attrs from. * @param attrName name of ldap attribute being added. * @throws LdapException If we weren't able to add the values into the entry */ protected void loadAttrs( Set<String> values, Entry entry, String attrName ) throws LdapException { if ( ( values != null ) && ( values.size() > 0 ) ) { entry.add( attrName, values.toArray( new String[] {} ) ); } }