org.eclipse.jgit.transport.PushResult Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From MergeProcessor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * {@code git push} */ private void push() { try { final Iterable<PushResult> resultIterable = repo.push().call(); for (final PushResult pushResult : resultIterable) { for (RemoteRefUpdate refUpdate : pushResult.getRemoteUpdates()) { if (refUpdate.getStatus() != RemoteRefUpdate.Status.OK) { // Push was rejected exception = new MergeUnitException(String .format("Could not push the local repository: '%s'", pushResult.getMessages())); return; } } } } catch (GitAPIException e) { exception = new MergeUnitException(String.format("Could not push the local repository '%s'.", repo), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } }
Example #2
Source File: From hop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void processPushResult( Iterable<PushResult> resultIterable ) throws Exception { resultIterable.forEach( result -> { // for each (push)url StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); result.getRemoteUpdates().stream() .filter( update -> update.getStatus() != RemoteRefUpdate.Status.OK ) .filter( update -> update.getStatus() != RemoteRefUpdate.Status.UP_TO_DATE ) .forEach( update -> { // for each failed refspec sb.append( result.getURI().toString() + "\n" + update.getSrcRef().toString() + "\n" + update.getStatus().toString() + ( update.getMessage() == null ? "" : "\n" + update.getMessage() ) + "\n\n" ); } ); if ( sb.length() == 0 ) { showMessageBox( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "Dialog.Success" ), BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "Dialog.Success" ) ); } else { showMessageBox( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "Dialog.Error" ), sb.toString() ); } } ); }
Example #3
Source File: From submarine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void pull() { if (token == null) { LOG.warn("Token not set!"); return; } else { gitUtils.add(LOCALPATH, "/"); gitUtils.commit(LOCALPATH, "add new file."); Iterable<PushResult> iterable = gitUtils.push(LOCALPATH, token, REMOTE_PATH); assertEquals(1, Lists.newArrayList(iterable).size()); PullResult pullResult = gitUtils.pull(LOCALPATH, token, "master"); assertEquals(1, pullResult.getFetchResult().getTrackingRefUpdates().size()); gitUtils.rm(LOCALPATH, "/"); gitUtils.commit(LOCALPATH, "add new file."); gitUtils.push(LOCALPATH, token, REMOTE_PATH); } }
Example #4
Source File: From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
@Override public String publish(String name) throws ConfigurationPersistenceException { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); String remoteName = gitRepository.getRemoteName(name); if (remoteName != null && gitRepository.isValidRemoteName(remoteName)) { try (Git git = gitRepository.getGit()) { Iterable<PushResult> result = git.push().setRemote(remoteName) .setRefSpecs(new RefSpec(gitRepository.getBranch() + ':' + gitRepository.getBranch())) .setPushTags().call(); for (PushResult pushResult : result) { for (RemoteRefUpdate refUpdate : pushResult.getRemoteUpdates()) { message.append(refUpdate.getMessage()).append(" ").append(refUpdate.getNewObjectId().name()).append('\n'); } } } catch (GitAPIException ex) { throw MGMT_OP_LOGGER.failedToPublishConfiguration(ex, name, ex.getMessage()); } } return message.toString(); }
Example #5
Source File: From app-runner with MIT License | 6 votes |
public synchronized void backup() throws Exception { repo.add().setUpdate(false).addFilepattern(".").call(); Status status = repo.status().setIgnoreSubmodules(SubmoduleWalk.IgnoreSubmoduleMode.ALL).call(); log.debug("status.getUncommittedChanges() = " + status.getUncommittedChanges()); if (!status.getUncommittedChanges().isEmpty()) { for (String missingPath : status.getMissing()) { repo.rm().addFilepattern(missingPath).call(); }"Changes detected in the following files: " + status.getUncommittedChanges()); repo.commit() .setMessage("Backing up data dir") .setAuthor("AppRunner BackupService", "") .call(); Iterable<PushResult> pushResults = repo.push().call(); for (PushResult pushResult : pushResults) {"Result of pushing to remote: " + pushResult.getRemoteUpdates()); } } else {"No changes to back up"); } }
Example #6
Source File: From jphp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static ArrayMemory valueOfPushResults(Iterable<PushResult> values) { ArrayMemory memory = new ArrayMemory(); for (PushResult value : values) { memory.add(valueOf(value)); } return memory; }
Example #7
Source File: From juneau with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void pushToRepo() throws IOException, JGitInternalException, InvalidRemoteException, GitAPIException { PushCommand pc = git.push(); pc.setCredentialsProvider(cp).setForce(true).setPushAll(); try { Iterator<PushResult> it =; if (it.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } catch (InvalidRemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
Example #8
Source File: From blueocean-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
public static void push(String remoteUrl, Repository repo, StandardCredentials credential, String localBranchRef, String remoteBranchRef) { try (org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git git = new org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git(repo)) { String pushSpec = "+" + localBranchRef + ":" + remoteBranchRef; PushCommand pushCommand = git.push(); addCredential(repo, pushCommand, credential); Iterable<PushResult> resultIterable = pushCommand .setRefSpecs(new RefSpec(pushSpec)) .setRemote(remoteUrl) .call(); PushResult result = resultIterable.iterator().next(); if (result.getRemoteUpdates().isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("No remote updates occurred"); } else { for (RemoteRefUpdate update : result.getRemoteUpdates()) { if (!RemoteRefUpdate.Status.OK.equals(update.getStatus())) { throw new ServiceException.UnexpectedErrorException("Remote update failed: " + update.getStatus().name() + ": " + update.getMessage()); } } } } catch (GitAPIException e) { if (e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("auth")) { throw new ServiceException.UnauthorizedException(e.getMessage(), e); } throw new ServiceException.UnexpectedErrorException("Unable to save and push to: " + remoteUrl + " - " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
Example #9
Source File: From blueocean-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Attempts to push to a non-existent branch to validate the user actually has push access * * @param repo local repository * @param remoteUrl git repo url * @param credential credential to use when accessing git */ public static void validatePushAccess(@Nonnull Repository repo, @Nonnull String remoteUrl, @Nullable StandardCredentials credential) throws GitException { try (org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git git = new org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git(repo)) { // we need to perform an actual push, so we try a deletion of a very-unlikely-to-exist branch // which needs to have push permissions in order to get a 'branch not found' message String pushSpec = ":this-branch-is-only-to-test-if-jenkins-has-push-access"; PushCommand pushCommand = git.push(); addCredential(repo, pushCommand, credential); Iterable<PushResult> resultIterable = pushCommand .setRefSpecs(new RefSpec(pushSpec)) .setRemote(remoteUrl) .setDryRun(true) // we only want to test .call(); PushResult result = resultIterable.iterator().next(); if (result.getRemoteUpdates().isEmpty()) { System.out.println("No remote updates occurred"); } else { for (RemoteRefUpdate update : result.getRemoteUpdates()) { if (!RemoteRefUpdate.Status.NON_EXISTING.equals(update.getStatus()) && !RemoteRefUpdate.Status.OK.equals(update.getStatus())) { throw new ServiceException.UnexpectedErrorException("Expected non-existent ref but got: " + update.getStatus().name() + ": " + update.getMessage()); } } } } catch (GitAPIException e) { if (e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("auth")) { throw new ServiceException.UnauthorizedException(e.getMessage(), e); } throw new ServiceException.UnexpectedErrorException("Unable to access and push to: " + remoteUrl + " - " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
Example #10
Source File: From fabric8-forge with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected RevCommit commitThenPush(Git git, CommitCommand commit) throws Exception { RevCommit answer =; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Committed " + answer.getId() + " " + answer.getFullMessage()); } if (isPushOnCommit()) { Iterable<PushResult> results = doPush(git); for (PushResult result : results) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Pushed " + result.getMessages() + " " + result.getURI() + " branch: " + branch + " updates: " + toString(result.getRemoteUpdates())); } } } return answer; }
Example #11
Source File: From fabric8-forge with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected Iterable<PushResult> doPush(Git git) throws Exception { PushCommand command = git.push(); configureCommand(command, userDetails); return command.setRemote(getRemote()).call(); }
Example #12
Source File: From verigreen with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public boolean push(String sourceBranch, String destinationBranch) { PushCommand command = _git.push(); boolean ret = true; RefSpec refSpec = new RefSpec().setSourceDestination(sourceBranch, destinationBranch); command.setRefSpecs(refSpec); try { List<Ref> remoteBranches = _git.branchList().setListMode(ListMode.REMOTE).call(); if(_cp != null) command.setCredentialsProvider(_cp); Iterable<PushResult> results =; for (PushResult pushResult : results) { Collection<RemoteRefUpdate> resultsCollection = pushResult.getRemoteUpdates(); Map<PushResult,RemoteRefUpdate> resultsMap = new HashMap<>(); for(RemoteRefUpdate remoteRefUpdate : resultsCollection) { resultsMap.put(pushResult, remoteRefUpdate); } RemoteRefUpdate remoteUpdate = pushResult.getRemoteUpdate(destinationBranch); if (remoteUpdate != null) { org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RemoteRefUpdate.Status status = remoteUpdate.getStatus(); ret = status.equals(org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RemoteRefUpdate.Status.OK) || status.equals(org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RemoteRefUpdate.Status.UP_TO_DATE); } if(remoteUpdate == null && !remoteBranches.toString().contains(destinationBranch)) { for(RemoteRefUpdate resultValue : resultsMap.values()) { if(resultValue.toString().contains("REJECTED_OTHER_REASON")) { ret = false; } } } } } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Failed to push [%s] into [%s]", sourceBranch, destinationBranch), e); } return ret; }
Example #13
Source File: From orion.server with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 4 votes |
private IStatus doPush(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CoreException, URISyntaxException, GitAPIException { ProgressMonitor gitMonitor = new EclipseGitProgressTransformer(monitor); // /git/remote/{remote}/{branch}/file/{path} File gitDir = GitUtils.getGitDir(path.removeFirstSegments(2)); Repository db = null; JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { db = FileRepositoryBuilder.create(gitDir); Git git = Git.wrap(db); PushCommand pushCommand = git.push(); pushCommand.setProgressMonitor(gitMonitor); pushCommand.setTransportConfigCallback(new TransportConfigCallback() { @Override public void configure(Transport t) { credentials.setUri(t.getURI()); if (t instanceof TransportHttp && cookie != null) { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put(GitConstants.KEY_COOKIE, cookie.getName() + "=" + cookie.getValue()); ((TransportHttp) t).setAdditionalHeaders(map); } } }); RemoteConfig remoteConfig = new RemoteConfig(git.getRepository().getConfig(), remote); credentials.setUri(remoteConfig.getURIs().get(0)); pushCommand.setCredentialsProvider(credentials); boolean pushToGerrit = branch.startsWith("for/"); RefSpec spec = new RefSpec(srcRef + ':' + (pushToGerrit ? "refs/" : Constants.R_HEADS) + branch); pushCommand.setRemote(remote).setRefSpecs(spec); if (tags) pushCommand.setPushTags(); pushCommand.setForce(force); Iterable<PushResult> resultIterable =; if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, GitActivator.PI_GIT, "Cancelled"); } PushResult pushResult = resultIterable.iterator().next(); boolean error = false; JSONArray updates = new JSONArray(); result.put(GitConstants.KEY_COMMIT_MESSAGE, pushResult.getMessages()); result.put(GitConstants.KEY_UPDATES, updates); for (final RemoteRefUpdate rru : pushResult.getRemoteUpdates()) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, GitActivator.PI_GIT, "Cancelled"); } final String rm = rru.getRemoteName(); // check status only for branch given in the URL or tags if (branch.equals(Repository.shortenRefName(rm)) || rm.startsWith(Constants.R_TAGS) || rm.startsWith(Constants.R_REFS + "for/")) { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); RemoteRefUpdate.Status status = rru.getStatus(); if (status != RemoteRefUpdate.Status.UP_TO_DATE || !rm.startsWith(Constants.R_TAGS)) { object.put(GitConstants.KEY_COMMIT_MESSAGE, rru.getMessage()); object.put(GitConstants.KEY_RESULT,; TrackingRefUpdate refUpdate = rru.getTrackingRefUpdate(); if (refUpdate != null) { object.put(GitConstants.KEY_REMOTENAME, Repository.shortenRefName(refUpdate.getLocalName())); object.put(GitConstants.KEY_LOCALNAME, Repository.shortenRefName(refUpdate.getRemoteName())); } else { object.put(GitConstants.KEY_REMOTENAME, Repository.shortenRefName(rru.getSrcRef())); object.put(GitConstants.KEY_LOCALNAME, Repository.shortenRefName(rru.getRemoteName())); } updates.put(object); } if (status != RemoteRefUpdate.Status.OK && status != RemoteRefUpdate.Status.UP_TO_DATE) error = true; } // TODO: return results for all updated branches once push is available for remote, see bug 352202 } // needs to handle multiple result.put("Severity", error ? "Error" : "Ok"); } catch (JSONException e) { } finally { if (db != null) { db.close(); } } return new ServerStatus(Status.OK_STATUS, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, result); }
Example #14
Source File: From wandora with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void execute(Wandora wandora, Context context) { try { Git git = getGit(); if(git != null) { if(isNotEmpty(getGitRemoteUrl())) { if(pushUI == null) { pushUI = new PushUI(); } pushUI.setPassword(getPassword()); pushUI.setUsername(getUsername()); pushUI.setRemoteUrl(getGitRemoteUrl()); pushUI.openInDialog(); if(pushUI.wasAccepted()) { setDefaultLogger(); setLogTitle("Git push"); String username = pushUI.getUsername(); String password = pushUI.getPassword(); String remoteUrl = pushUI.getRemoteUrl(); setUsername(username); setPassword(password); // setGitRemoteUrl(remoteUrl); PushCommand push = git.push(); log("Pushing local changes to upstream."); if(username != null && username.length() > 0) { CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider( username, password ); push.setCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider); } Iterable<PushResult> pushResults =; for(PushResult pushResult : pushResults) { String pushResultMessage = pushResult.getMessages(); if(isNotEmpty(pushResultMessage)) { log(pushResultMessage); } } log("Ready."); } } else { log("Repository has no remote origin and can't be pushed. " +"Initialize repository by cloning remote repository to set the remote origin."); } } else { logAboutMissingGitRepository(); } } catch(TransportException tre) { if(tre.toString().contains("origin: not found.")) { log("Git remote origin is not found. Check the remote url and remote git repository."); } } catch(GitAPIException gae) { log(gae.toString()); } catch(NoWorkTreeException nwte) { log(nwte.toString()); } catch(Exception e) { log(e); } setState(WAIT); }
Example #15
Source File: From ant-git-tasks with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override protected void doExecute() { try { StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig(); List<RemoteConfig> remoteConfigs = RemoteConfig.getAllRemoteConfigs(config); if (remoteConfigs.isEmpty()) { URIish uri = new URIish(getUri()); RemoteConfig remoteConfig = new RemoteConfig(config, Constants.DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME); remoteConfig.addURI(uri); remoteConfig.addFetchRefSpec(new RefSpec(DEFAULT_REFSPEC_STRING)); remoteConfig.addPushRefSpec(new RefSpec(DEFAULT_REFSPEC_STRING)); remoteConfig.update(config);; } String currentBranch = git.getRepository().getBranch(); List<RefSpec> specs = Arrays.asList(new RefSpec(currentBranch + ":" + currentBranch)); PushCommand pushCommand = git.push(). setPushAll(). setRefSpecs(specs). setDryRun(false). setRemote(getUri()); setupCredentials(pushCommand); if (includeTags) { pushCommand.setPushTags(); } if (getProgressMonitor() != null) { pushCommand.setProgressMonitor(getProgressMonitor()); } Iterable<PushResult> pushResults = pushCommand.setForce(true).call(); for (PushResult pushResult : pushResults) { GitTaskUtils.validateTrackingRefUpdates(PUSH_FAILED_MESSAGE, pushResult.getTrackingRefUpdates()); log(pushResult.getMessages()); } } catch (Exception e) { if (pushFailedProperty != null) { getProject().setProperty(pushFailedProperty, e.getMessage()); } throw new GitBuildException(PUSH_FAILED_MESSAGE, e); } }
Example #16
Source File: From jphp with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static ArrayMemory valueOf(PushResult value) { ArrayMemory memory = valueOf((OperationResult) value); memory.refOfIndex("remoteUpdates").assign(valueOfRemoteRefUpdates(value.getRemoteUpdates())); return memory; }
Example #17
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testPushRejectNonFastForward () throws Exception { String remoteUri = getRemoteRepository().getWorkTree().toURI().toString(); assertEquals(0, getClient(workDir).listRemoteBranches(remoteUri, NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR).size()); File f = new File(workDir, "f"); add(f); String id = getClient(workDir).commit(new File[] { f }, "bbb", null, null, NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR).getRevision(); Map<String, GitTransportUpdate> updates = getClient(workDir).push(remoteUri, Arrays.asList(new String[] { "refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master" }), Collections.<String>emptyList(), NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR).getRemoteRepositoryUpdates(); Map<String, GitBranch> remoteBranches = getClient(workDir).listRemoteBranches(remoteUri, NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR); assertEquals(1, remoteBranches.size()); assertEquals(id, remoteBranches.get("master").getId()); assertEquals(1, updates.size()); assertUpdate(updates.get("master"), "master", "master", id, null, new URIish(remoteUri).toString(), Type.BRANCH, GitRefUpdateResult.OK); // modification write(f, "huhu"); add(f); String newid = getClient(workDir).commit(new File[] { f }, "bbb", null, null, NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR).getRevision(); updates = getClient(workDir).push(remoteUri, Arrays.asList(new String[] { "refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master" }), Collections.<String>emptyList(), NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR).getRemoteRepositoryUpdates(); remoteBranches = getClient(workDir).listRemoteBranches(remoteUri, NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR); assertEquals(1, remoteBranches.size()); assertEquals(newid, remoteBranches.get("master").getId()); assertEquals(1, updates.size()); assertUpdate(updates.get("master"), "master", "master", newid, id, new URIish(remoteUri).toString(), Type.BRANCH, GitRefUpdateResult.OK); getClient(workDir).createBranch("localbranch", id, NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR); getClient(workDir).checkoutRevision("localbranch", true, NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR); write(f, "huhu2"); add(f); id = getClient(workDir).commit(new File[] { f }, "some change before merge", null, null, NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR).getRevision(); updates = getClient(workDir).push(remoteUri, Arrays.asList(new String[] { "+refs/heads/localbranch:refs/heads/master" }), Collections.<String>emptyList(), NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR).getRemoteRepositoryUpdates(); remoteBranches = getClient(workDir).listRemoteBranches(remoteUri, NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR); assertEquals(1, remoteBranches.size()); assertEquals(newid, remoteBranches.get("master").getId()); assertEquals(1, updates.size()); assertUpdate(updates.get("master"), "localbranch", "master", id, newid, new URIish(remoteUri).toString(), Type.BRANCH, GitRefUpdateResult.REJECTED_NONFASTFORWARD); updates = getClient(workDir).push(remoteUri, Arrays.asList(new String[] { "refs/heads/localbranch:refs/heads/master" }), Arrays.asList(new String[] { "+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master" }), NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR).getRemoteRepositoryUpdates(); remoteBranches = getClient(workDir).listRemoteBranches(remoteUri, NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR); assertEquals(1, remoteBranches.size()); assertEquals(newid, remoteBranches.get("master").getId()); assertEquals(1, updates.size()); assertUpdate(updates.get("master"), "localbranch", "master", id, newid, new URIish(remoteUri).toString(), Type.BRANCH, GitRefUpdateResult.REJECTED_NONFASTFORWARD); // if starts failing, the WA at GitTransportUpdate.(URIish uri, TrackingRefUpdate update) should be removed // this.result = GitRefUpdateResult.valueOf((update.getResult() == null ? RefUpdate.Result.NOT_ATTEMPTED : update.getResult()).name()); Transport transport =, new URIish(remoteUri)); transport.setDryRun(false); transport.setPushThin(true); PushResult pushResult = transport.push(new DelegatingProgressMonitor(NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR), Transport.findRemoteRefUpdatesFor(getRepository(getClient(workDir)), Collections.singletonList(new RefSpec("refs/heads/localbranch:refs/heads/master")), Collections.singletonList(new RefSpec("refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master")))); assertEquals(1, pushResult.getTrackingRefUpdates().size()); for (TrackingRefUpdate update : pushResult.getTrackingRefUpdates()) { // null but not NOT_ATTEMPTED, probably a bug // remove the WA if it starts failing here assertNull(update.getResult()); } }