Java Code Examples for javax.mail.internet.AddressException#printStackTrace()
The following examples show how to use
javax.mail.internet.AddressException#printStackTrace() .
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Example 1
Source File: From translationstudio8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * 用来取得 Email 地址的友好称呼。 * @param emailAddress * Email 地址 * @return String * 例如: emailAddress="John <>" 就返回 John。 */ public static String getAddressName(String emailAddress) { String result = ""; if (emailAddress == null) { return result; } try { InternetAddress address = new InternetAddress(emailAddress); String text = address.getPersonal(); if (text == null) { result = emailAddress; } else { result = text; } } catch (AddressException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return emailAddress; } return result; }
Example 2
Source File: From translationstudio8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * 用来取得 Email 地址。 * @param emailAddress * the email address * @return String * 例如: emailAddress="John <>" 就返回 */ public static String getAddress(String emailAddress) { String result = ""; if (emailAddress == null) { return result; } try { InternetAddress address = new InternetAddress(emailAddress); String text = address.getAddress(); if (text == null) { result = emailAddress; } else { result = text; } } catch (AddressException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return emailAddress; } return result; }
Example 3
Source File: From tmxeditor8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * 用来取得 Email 地址的友好称呼。 * @param emailAddress * Email 地址 * @return String * 例如: emailAddress="John <>" 就返回 John。 */ public static String getAddressName(String emailAddress) { String result = ""; if (emailAddress == null) { return result; } try { InternetAddress address = new InternetAddress(emailAddress); String text = address.getPersonal(); if (text == null) { result = emailAddress; } else { result = text; } } catch (AddressException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return emailAddress; } return result; }
Example 4
Source File: From tmxeditor8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * 用来取得 Email 地址。 * @param emailAddress * the email address * @return String * 例如: emailAddress="John <>" 就返回 */ public static String getAddress(String emailAddress) { String result = ""; if (emailAddress == null) { return result; } try { InternetAddress address = new InternetAddress(emailAddress); String text = address.getAddress(); if (text == null) { result = emailAddress; } else { result = text; } } catch (AddressException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return emailAddress; } return result; }
Example 5
Source File: From awacs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
Group(String[] addr) { this.recipients = new Address[addr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < addr.length; i++) { try { this.recipients[i] = new InternetAddress(addr[i]); } catch (AddressException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Example 6
Source File: From Ardulink-1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Before public void setUp() { try { address = new InternetAddress(""); } catch (AddressException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } assertNotNull(address); subject = "test message"; body = "this is a test message body"; }
Example 7
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Address[] getAddress(String[] add) { Address[] a = new Address[add.length]; for (int i = 0; i < add.length; i++) { try { a[i] = new InternetAddress(add[i]); } catch (AddressException e) { LOGGER.error("地址出现异常", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } return a; }
Example 8
Source File: From oncokb with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private static Boolean sendFromGMail(String from, String pass, String[] to, String subject, String body) { Properties props = System.getProperties(); String host = ""; props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); props.put("", host); props.put("mail.smtp.user", from); props.put("mail.smtp.password", pass); props.put("mail.smtp.port", "587"); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props); MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session); try { message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); InternetAddress[] toAddress = new InternetAddress[to.length]; // To get the array of addresses for( int i = 0; i < to.length; i++ ) { toAddress[i] = new InternetAddress(to[i]); } for( int i = 0; i < toAddress.length; i++) { message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress[i]); } message.setSubject(subject); message.setText(body); Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp"); transport.connect(host, from, pass); transport.sendMessage(message, message.getAllRecipients()); transport.close(); return true; } catch (AddressException ae) { ae.printStackTrace(); } catch (MessagingException me) { me.printStackTrace(); } return false; }