Java Code Examples for com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlElement#click()
The following examples show how to use
com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlElement#click() .
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Example 1
Source File: From htmlunit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test reuse of a single {@link HtmlPage} object to submit the same form multiple times. * @throws Exception if test fails */ @Test public void reusingHtmlPageToSubmitFormMultipleTimes() throws Exception { final String firstContent = "<html><head><title>First</title></head>\n" + "<body onload='document.myform.mysubmit.focus()'>\n" + "<form action='" + URL_SECOND + "' name='myform'>\n" + "<input type='submit' name='mysubmit'>\n" + "</form></body></html>"; final String secondContent = "<html><head><title>Second</title></head><body>Second</body></html>"; final WebClient webClient = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, firstContent); webConnection.setDefaultResponse(secondContent); webClient.setWebConnection(webConnection); final HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage(URL_FIRST); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { final HtmlElement button = page.getFormByName("myform").getInputByName("mysubmit");; } }
Example 2
Source File: From htmlunit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test that the opened window becomes the current one. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("Pop-up window is Open") public void popupWindowBecomesCurrent() throws Exception { final String content = "<html><head><title>First</title><body>\n" + "<span id='button' onClick='openPopup()'>Push me</span>\n" + "<script>\n" + " function openPopup() {\n " + "'', '_blank', 'width=640, height=600, scrollbars=yes');\n" + " alert('Pop-up window is Open');\n " + " }\n" + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>"; final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>(); final HtmlPage page = loadPage(content, collectedAlerts); final HtmlElement button = page.getHtmlElementById("button"); final HtmlPage secondPage =; final String[] expectedAlerts = {"Pop-up window is Open"}; assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); assertEquals("about:blank", secondPage.getUrl()); assertSame(secondPage.getEnclosingWindow(), secondPage.getWebClient().getCurrentWindow()); }
Example 3
Source File: From docker-commons-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void configRoundTripUpdateCertificates() throws Exception { CredentialsStore store = CredentialsProvider.lookupStores(j.getInstance()).iterator().next(); assertThat(store, instanceOf(SystemCredentialsProvider.StoreImpl.class)); Domain domain = new Domain("docker", "A domain for docker credentials", Collections.singletonList(new DockerServerDomainSpecification())); DockerServerCredentials credentials = new DockerServerCredentials(CredentialsScope.GLOBAL, "foo", "desc", Secret.fromString("key"), "client-cert", "ca-cert"); store.addDomain(domain, credentials); HtmlForm form = getUpdateForm(domain, credentials); for (HtmlElement button : form.getElementsByAttribute("input", "class", "secret-update-btn")) {; } form.getTextAreaByName("_.clientKeySecret").setText("new key"); form.getTextAreaByName("_.clientCertificate").setText("new cert"); form.getTextAreaByName("_.serverCaCertificate").setText("new ca cert"); j.submit(form); DockerServerCredentials expected = new DockerServerCredentials( credentials.getScope(), credentials.getId(), credentials.getDescription(), Secret.fromString("new key"), "new cert", "new ca cert"); j.assertEqualDataBoundBeans(expected, findFirstWithId(credentials.getId())); }
Example 4
Source File: From htmlunit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ @Test public void mail() throws Exception { final HtmlPage page = loadGWTPage("Mail", null, "//div[@class='MGJ']"); assertSame(page.getEnclosingWindow(), page.getWebClient().getCurrentWindow()); final HtmlDivision cell = page.getFirstByXPath("//div[@class='MGJ']"); assertElementValue(cell, "Welcome back,"); final String[] selectedRow = {"markboland05", "", "URGENT -[Mon, 24 Apr 2006 02:17:27 +0000]"}; final List<?> selectedRowCells = page.getByXPath("//tr[@class='MKI']/td"); assertEquals(selectedRow.length, selectedRowCells.size()); for (int i = 0; i < selectedRow.length; i++) { final HtmlTableDataCell selectedRowCell = (HtmlTableDataCell) selectedRowCells.get(i); assertElementValue(selectedRowCell, selectedRow[i]); } verifyStartMailBody(page, "Dear Friend,", "I am Mr. Mark Boland the Bank Manager of ABN AMRO BANK 101 Moorgate, London, EC2M 6SB."); // click on email from Hollie Voss final HtmlElement elt = page.getFirstByXPath("//td[text() = 'Hollie Voss']"); final HtmlPage page2 =; assertSame(page, page2); verifyStartMailBody(page, ">> Componentes e decodificadores; confira aqui;", "", "THE GOVERNING AWARD"); }
Example 5
Source File: From htmlunit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * If a reference has been hold on a page and the page is not * anymore the one contained in "its" window, JavaScript should not be executed. * (see {@link}). * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void scopeInInactivePage() throws Exception { final String firstContent = "<html><head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "var foo = 'foo';\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + " <a href='page2.html'>to page 2</a>\n" + " <div id='testdiv' onclick='alert(foo)'>foo</div>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>"; final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); webConnection.setDefaultResponse("<html></html>"); webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, firstContent); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final String[] expectedAlerts = {"foo"}; final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(URL_FIRST); final HtmlElement div = page.getHtmlElementById("testdiv");; assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); collectedAlerts.clear(); page.getAnchors().get(0).click(); // ignore response, and click in the page again that is not "active" anymore; assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), collectedAlerts); }
Example 6
Source File: From htmlunit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * This was causing a ClassCastException in Location.setHref as of 2013-10-08 because the TextPage * used for the attachment was wrongly associated to the HTMLDocument of the first page. * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ @Test public void jsChangeLocationAfterReceptionOfAttachment() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><body>\n" + "<form action='action'>\n" + "<input type='submit' onclick='window.location=\"foo\"; return false'>\n" + "</form>\n" + "<a href='" + URL_SECOND + "'>download</a>\n" + "</body></html>"; final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<>(); client.setAttachmentHandler(new CollectingAttachmentHandler(attachments)); final List<NameValuePair> headers = new ArrayList<>(); headers.add(new NameValuePair("Content-Disposition", "attachment")); final MockWebConnection conn = getMockWebConnection(); conn.setDefaultResponse(""); conn.setResponse(URL_SECOND, "some text", 200, "OK", MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN, headers); final HtmlPage page = loadPage(html); // download text attachment page.getAnchors().get(0).click(); assertEquals(1, attachments.size()); final HtmlElement htmlElement = (HtmlElement) page.getFirstByXPath("//input");; // exception was occurring here }
Example 7
Source File: From htmlunit with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Basic test for the <tt>showModalDialog</tt> method. See bug #703. * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ @Test @Alerts(DEFAULT = {"undefined", "Jane", "Smith", "sdg", "finished"}, CHROME = "not available", FF = "not available", FF68 = "not available", FF60 = "not available") public void showModalDialog() throws Exception { final String html1 = "<html><head><script>\n" + " function test() {\n" + " if (!window.showModalDialog) {alert('not available'); return; }\n" + " alert(window.returnValue);\n" + " var o = new Object();\n" + " o.firstName = 'Jane';\n" + " o.lastName = 'Smith';\n" + " var ret = showModalDialog('myDialog.html', o, 'dialogHeight:300px; dialogLeft:200px;');\n" + " alert(ret);\n" + " alert('finished');\n" + " }\n" + "</script></head><body>\n" + " <button onclick='test()' id='b'>Test</button>\n" + "</body></html>"; final String html2 = "<html><head><script>\n" + " var o = window.dialogArguments;\n" + " alert(o.firstName);\n" + " alert(o.lastName);\n" + " window.returnValue = 'sdg';\n" + "</script></head>\n" + "<body>foo</body></html>"; final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final List<String> actual = new ArrayList<>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(actual)); final MockWebConnection conn = new MockWebConnection(); conn.setResponse(URL_FIRST, html1); conn.setResponse(new URL(URL_FIRST, "myDialog.html"), html2); client.setWebConnection(conn); final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(URL_FIRST); final HtmlElement button = page.getHtmlElementById("b"); final HtmlPage dialogPage =; if (getExpectedAlerts().length > 1) { final DialogWindow dialog = (DialogWindow) dialogPage.getEnclosingWindow(); dialog.close(); } assertEquals(getExpectedAlerts(), actual); }
Example 8
Source File: From htmlunit with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Test for the <tt>showModalDialog</tt> method. * This tests blocking until the window gets closed. * Can not currently be tested with WebDriver * * * To fix this, we need to allow user to interact with the opened dialog before showModalDialog() returns * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ @Test @Alerts(DEFAULT = {"undefined", "result", "finished"}, CHROME = {"undefined", "not available"}, FF = {"undefined", "not available"}, FF68 = {"undefined", "not available"}, FF60 = {"undefined", "not available"}) @NotYetImplemented(IE) public void showModalDialogWithButton() throws Exception { final String html1 = "<html><head>\n" + " <script>\n" + " function test() {\n" + " alert(window.returnValue);\n" + " if (!window.showModalDialog) {alert('not available'); return; }\n" + " var res = showModalDialog('myDialog.html', null, 'dialogHeight:300px; dialogLeft:200px;');\n" + " alert(res);\n" + " alert('finished');\n" + " }\n" + " </script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + " <button onclick='test()' id='openDlg'>Test</button>\n" + "</body></html>"; final String html2 = "<html><head>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + " <button id='closeDlg' onclick='window.returnValue = \"result\"; window.close();'></button>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>"; final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final List<String> actual = new ArrayList<>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(actual)); final MockWebConnection conn = new MockWebConnection(); conn.setResponse(URL_FIRST, html1); conn.setResponse(new URL(URL_FIRST, "myDialog.html"), html2); client.setWebConnection(conn); final HtmlPage page = getWebClient().getPage(URL_FIRST); final HtmlElement button = page.getHtmlElementById("openDlg");; // TODO: <button id='closeDlg'> should be clicked assertEquals(getExpectedAlerts(), actual); }
Example 9
Source File: From htmlunit with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Basic test for the <tt>showModelessDialog</tt> method. See bug #703. * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ @Test @Alerts(DEFAULT = "", IE = {"[object Window]", "a"}) public void showModelessDialog() throws Exception { final String html1 = "<html><head><script>\n" + " var userName = '';\n" + " function test() {\n" + " if (window.showModelessDialog) {\n" + " var newWindow = showModelessDialog('myDialog.html', window, 'status:false');\n" + " alert(newWindow);\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " function update() { alert(userName); }\n" + "</script></head><body>\n" + " <input type='button' id='b' value='Test' onclick='test()'>\n" + "</body></html>"; final String html2 = "<html><head><script>\n" + "function update() {\n" + " var w = dialogArguments;\n" + " w.userName = document.getElementById('name').value;\n" + " w.update();\n" + "}\n" + "</script></head><body>\n" + " Name: <input id='name'><input value='OK' id='b' type='button' onclick='update()'>\n" + "</body></html>"; final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final List<String> actual = new ArrayList<>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(actual)); final MockWebConnection conn = new MockWebConnection(); conn.setResponse(URL_FIRST, html1); conn.setResponse(new URL(URL_FIRST, "myDialog.html"), html2); client.setWebConnection(conn); final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(URL_FIRST); final HtmlElement button = page.getHtmlElementById("b"); final HtmlPage dialogPage =; if (!dialogPage.getUrl().equals(URL_FIRST)) { final HtmlInput input = dialogPage.getHtmlElementById("name"); input.setValueAttribute("a"); final HtmlButtonInput button2 = (HtmlButtonInput) dialogPage.getHtmlElementById("b");; assertEquals(getExpectedAlerts(), actual); } }
Example 10
Source File: From simplejmx with ISC License | 4 votes |
@Test(timeout = 10000) public void testSimple() throws Exception { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage("http://" + WEB_SERVER_NAME + ":" + WEB_SERVER_PORT); assertTrue(page.asText().contains("JMX Domains")); String domain = "java.lang"; HtmlAnchor anchor = page.getAnchorByText(domain); assertNotNull(anchor); page =; assertTrue(page.asText().contains("Beans in domain " + domain)); anchor = page.getAnchorByName("text"); TextPage textPage =; String bean = "type=Memory"; assertTrue(textPage.getContent().contains(domain + ":" + bean)); anchor = page.getAnchorByText(bean); page =; assertTrue(page.asText().contains("Information about object " + domain + ":" + bean)); anchor = page.getAnchorByName("text"); textPage =; assertTrue(textPage.getContent().contains("Verbose")); HtmlForm form = page.getFormByName("Verbose"); assertNotNull(form); HtmlInput input = form.getInputByName("val"); assertEquals("false", input.getValueAttribute()); assertNotNull(input); input.setValueAttribute("true"); HtmlElement button = (HtmlElement) page.createElement("button"); button.setAttribute("type", "submit"); // append the button to the form to simulate form.appendChild(button); // submit the form page =; assertTrue(page.asText().contains("Information about object " + domain + ":" + bean)); form = page.getFormByName("Verbose"); assertNotNull(form); input = form.getInputByName("val"); assertEquals("true", input.getValueAttribute()); String operation = "gc"; form = page.getFormByName(operation); assertNotNull(form); input = form.getInputByValue(operation); page =; assertTrue(page.asText().contains("Invoking Operation " + operation)); assertTrue(page.asText().contains(operation + " method successfully invoked.")); anchor = page.getAnchorByName("text"); assertNotNull(anchor); textPage =; assertEquals(operation + " method successfully invoked.\n", textPage.getContent()); }