java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap Java Examples

The following examples show how to use java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void initMappings() throws Exception {
   //initialize mapping variables used in this test
  //create an Unencoded String native
  test_native1 = "TEST1";

  //create a DataFlavor from Button class
  test_flavor1 = new DataFlavor(Class.forName("java.awt.Button"), "Button");

  //create an Encoded String native using Button class MIME Type
  String buttonMIME = test_flavor1.getMimeType();
  test_encoded = SystemFlavorMap.encodeJavaMIMEType(buttonMIME);

  //create a DataFlavor from the Encoded String native
  test_flavor2 = SystemFlavorMap.decodeDataFlavor(test_encoded);

  //create and initialize DataFlavor arrays
  test_flavors_set = new DataFlavor[] {test_flavor2};

  //create and initialize String native arrays
  test_natives_set = new String[] {test_encoded};
Example #2
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void initMappings() {
    //initialize mapping variables used in this test
    flavorMap = (SystemFlavorMap)SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    //create a DataFlavor with valid parameters (mimeType, humanPresentableName)
    test_flav = new DataFlavor("text/plain; charset=ascii","ASCII Flavor");

    //create a String native
    test_nat = "TEXT_TEST";

    //create a DataFlavor array
    test_flavors = new DataFlavor[] {test_flav};

    //create a String native array
    test_natives = new String[] {test_nat};
Example #3
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Verifies that the encoded native is added only for DataFlavors
 * that has no mappings and that DataFlavor is properly encoded.
public static void test4() throws ClassNotFoundException {
    final DataFlavor flavor =
            new DataFlavor("unknown/unknown");

    final java.util.List natives = fm.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

    if (natives.size() == 1) {
        String element = (String) natives.get(0);
        if (SystemFlavorMap.isJavaMIMEType(element)) {
            final DataFlavor decodedFlavor =
            if (!flavor.equals(decodedFlavor)) {
                System.err.println("DataFlavor is not properly incoded:");
                System.err.println("    encoded flavor: " + flavor);
                System.err.println("    decoded flavor: " + decodedFlavor);
                throw new RuntimeException("getFlavorsForNative() returns:"
                        + natives);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("getFlavorsForNative() returns:"
                + natives);
Example #4
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Verifies that the encoded native is not added if there are other
 * natives mapped to this DataFlavor.
public static void test1() throws ClassNotFoundException {
    final DataFlavor flavor =
            new DataFlavor("text/plain-TEST; charset=Unicode");

    final java.util.List natives = fm.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

    if (natives.size() > 1) {
        for (final Iterator i = natives.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            String element = (String);
            if (SystemFlavorMap.isJavaMIMEType(element)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("getFlavorsForNative() returns: "
                        + natives);
Example #5
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new DropTarget given the <code>Component</code>
 * to associate itself with, an <code>int</code> representing
 * the default acceptable action(s) to
 * support, a <code>DropTargetListener</code>
 * to handle event processing, a <code>boolean</code> indicating
 * if the <code>DropTarget</code> is currently accepting drops, and
 * a <code>FlavorMap</code> to use (or null for the default <CODE>FlavorMap</CODE>).
 * <P>
 * The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.
 * @param c         The <code>Component</code> with which this <code>DropTarget</code> is associated
 * @param ops       The default acceptable actions for this <code>DropTarget</code>
 * @param dtl       The <code>DropTargetListener</code> for this <code>DropTarget</code>
 * @param act       Is the <code>DropTarget</code> accepting drops.
 * @param fm        The <code>FlavorMap</code> to use, or null for the default <CODE>FlavorMap</CODE>
 * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
 *            returns true
 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
public DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl,
                  boolean act, FlavorMap fm)
    throws HeadlessException
    if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        throw new HeadlessException();

    component = c;


    if (dtl != null) try {
    } catch (TooManyListenersException tmle) {
        // do nothing!

    if (c != null) {

    if (fm != null) {
        flavorMap = fm;
    } else {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();
Example #6
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new DropTarget given the <code>Component</code>
 * to associate itself with, an <code>int</code> representing
 * the default acceptable action(s) to
 * support, a <code>DropTargetListener</code>
 * to handle event processing, a <code>boolean</code> indicating
 * if the <code>DropTarget</code> is currently accepting drops, and
 * a <code>FlavorMap</code> to use (or null for the default <CODE>FlavorMap</CODE>).
 * <P>
 * The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.
 * @param c         The <code>Component</code> with which this <code>DropTarget</code> is associated
 * @param ops       The default acceptable actions for this <code>DropTarget</code>
 * @param dtl       The <code>DropTargetListener</code> for this <code>DropTarget</code>
 * @param act       Is the <code>DropTarget</code> accepting drops.
 * @param fm        The <code>FlavorMap</code> to use, or null for the default <CODE>FlavorMap</CODE>
 * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
 *            returns true
 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
public DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl,
                  boolean act, FlavorMap fm)
    throws HeadlessException
    if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        throw new HeadlessException();

    component = c;


    if (dtl != null) try {
    } catch (TooManyListenersException tmle) {
        // do nothing!

    if (c != null) {

    if (fm != null) {
        flavorMap = fm;
    } else {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();
Example #7
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static public DataFlavor getByteDataFlavorForNative(String[] nats) {
    FlavorTable flavorTable = (FlavorTable) SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    for (String nat : nats) {
        java.util.List<DataFlavor> flavors = flavorTable.getFlavorsForNative(nat);
        for (DataFlavor flavor : flavors) {
            if (flavor != null
                    && flavor.getRepresentationClass().equals(byte[].class)) {
                return flavor;
    throw new RuntimeException("No data flavor was found for natives: " + Arrays.toString(nats));
Example #8
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static String[] retrieveFormatsToTest() {
    SystemFlavorMap sfm = (SystemFlavorMap) SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();
    java.util.List<String> ln = sfm.getNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor.imageFlavor);
    if (OSInfo.OSType.WINDOWS.equals(OSInfo.getOSType()) && !ln.contains("METAFILEPICT")) {
        // for test failing on JDK without this fix
    return ln.toArray(new String[ln.size()]);
Example #9
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Deserializes this <code>DragSource</code>. This method first performs
 * default deserialization. Next, this object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is
 * deserialized by using the next object in the stream.
 * If the resulting <code>FlavorMap</code> is <code>null</code>, this
 * object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is set to the default FlavorMap for
 * this thread's <code>ClassLoader</code>.
 * Next, this object's listeners are deserialized by reading a
 * <code>null</code>-terminated sequence of 0 or more key/value pairs
 * from the stream:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceListenerK</code>, a <code>DragSourceListener</code> is
 * deserialized using the corresponding value object and added to this
 * <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceMotionListenerK</code>, a
 * <code>DragSourceMotionListener</code> is deserialized using the
 * corresponding value object and added to this <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>Otherwise, the key/value pair is skipped.
 * </ul>
 * @see java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap#getDefaultFlavorMap
 * @since 1.4
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
  throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {

    // 'flavorMap' was written explicitly
    flavorMap = (FlavorMap)s.readObject();

    // Implementation assumes 'flavorMap' is never null.
    if (flavorMap == null) {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    Object keyOrNull;
    while (null != (keyOrNull = s.readObject())) {
        String key = ((String)keyOrNull).intern();

        if (dragSourceListenerK == key) {
        } else if (dragSourceMotionListenerK == key) {
        } else {
            // skip value for unrecognized key
Example #10
Source File:    From jdk-1.7-annotated with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Deserializes this <code>DragSource</code>. This method first performs
 * default deserialization. Next, this object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is
 * deserialized by using the next object in the stream.
 * If the resulting <code>FlavorMap</code> is <code>null</code>, this
 * object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is set to the default FlavorMap for
 * this thread's <code>ClassLoader</code>.
 * Next, this object's listeners are deserialized by reading a
 * <code>null</code>-terminated sequence of 0 or more key/value pairs
 * from the stream:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceListenerK</code>, a <code>DragSourceListener</code> is
 * deserialized using the corresponding value object and added to this
 * <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceMotionListenerK</code>, a
 * <code>DragSourceMotionListener</code> is deserialized using the
 * corresponding value object and added to this <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>Otherwise, the key/value pair is skipped.
 * </ul>
 * @see java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap#getDefaultFlavorMap
 * @since 1.4
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
  throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {

    // 'flavorMap' was written explicitly
    flavorMap = (FlavorMap)s.readObject();

    // Implementation assumes 'flavorMap' is never null.
    if (flavorMap == null) {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    Object keyOrNull;
    while (null != (keyOrNull = s.readObject())) {
        String key = ((String)keyOrNull).intern();

        if (dragSourceListenerK == key) {
        } else if (dragSourceMotionListenerK == key) {
        } else {
            // skip value for unrecognized key
Example #11
Source File:    From Java8CN with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Deserializes this <code>DragSource</code>. This method first performs
 * default deserialization. Next, this object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is
 * deserialized by using the next object in the stream.
 * If the resulting <code>FlavorMap</code> is <code>null</code>, this
 * object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is set to the default FlavorMap for
 * this thread's <code>ClassLoader</code>.
 * Next, this object's listeners are deserialized by reading a
 * <code>null</code>-terminated sequence of 0 or more key/value pairs
 * from the stream:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceListenerK</code>, a <code>DragSourceListener</code> is
 * deserialized using the corresponding value object and added to this
 * <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceMotionListenerK</code>, a
 * <code>DragSourceMotionListener</code> is deserialized using the
 * corresponding value object and added to this <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>Otherwise, the key/value pair is skipped.
 * </ul>
 * @see java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap#getDefaultFlavorMap
 * @since 1.4
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
  throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {

    // 'flavorMap' was written explicitly
    flavorMap = (FlavorMap)s.readObject();

    // Implementation assumes 'flavorMap' is never null.
    if (flavorMap == null) {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    Object keyOrNull;
    while (null != (keyOrNull = s.readObject())) {
        String key = ((String)keyOrNull).intern();

        if (dragSourceListenerK == key) {
        } else if (dragSourceMotionListenerK == key) {
        } else {
            // skip value for unrecognized key
Example #12
Source File:    From Java8CN with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new DropTarget given the <code>Component</code>
 * to associate itself with, an <code>int</code> representing
 * the default acceptable action(s) to
 * support, a <code>DropTargetListener</code>
 * to handle event processing, a <code>boolean</code> indicating
 * if the <code>DropTarget</code> is currently accepting drops, and
 * a <code>FlavorMap</code> to use (or null for the default <CODE>FlavorMap</CODE>).
 * <P>
 * The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.
 * @param c         The <code>Component</code> with which this <code>DropTarget</code> is associated
 * @param ops       The default acceptable actions for this <code>DropTarget</code>
 * @param dtl       The <code>DropTargetListener</code> for this <code>DropTarget</code>
 * @param act       Is the <code>DropTarget</code> accepting drops.
 * @param fm        The <code>FlavorMap</code> to use, or null for the default <CODE>FlavorMap</CODE>
 * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
 *            returns true
 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
public DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl,
                  boolean act, FlavorMap fm)
    throws HeadlessException
    if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        throw new HeadlessException();

    component = c;


    if (dtl != null) try {
    } catch (TooManyListenersException tmle) {
        // do nothing!

    if (c != null) {

    if (fm != null) {
        flavorMap = fm;
    } else {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();
Example #13
Source File:    From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new DropTarget given the <code>Component</code>
 * to associate itself with, an <code>int</code> representing
 * the default acceptable action(s) to
 * support, a <code>DropTargetListener</code>
 * to handle event processing, a <code>boolean</code> indicating
 * if the <code>DropTarget</code> is currently accepting drops, and
 * a <code>FlavorMap</code> to use (or null for the default <CODE>FlavorMap</CODE>).
 * <P>
 * The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.
 * @param c         The <code>Component</code> with which this <code>DropTarget</code> is associated
 * @param ops       The default acceptable actions for this <code>DropTarget</code>
 * @param dtl       The <code>DropTargetListener</code> for this <code>DropTarget</code>
 * @param act       Is the <code>DropTarget</code> accepting drops.
 * @param fm        The <code>FlavorMap</code> to use, or null for the default <CODE>FlavorMap</CODE>
 * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
 *            returns true
 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
public DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl,
                  boolean act, FlavorMap fm)
    throws HeadlessException
    if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        throw new HeadlessException();

    component = c;


    if (dtl != null) try {
    } catch (TooManyListenersException tmle) {
        // do nothing!

    if (c != null) {

    if (fm != null) {
        flavorMap = fm;
    } else {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();
Example #14
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void doTest() {
    flavorMap = (SystemFlavorMap)SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    // Get SystemFlavorMap Maps of String Natives and DataFlavors
    mapFlavors = flavorMap.getNativesForFlavors(null);
    mapNatives = flavorMap.getFlavorsForNatives(null);

    hashFlavors = new Hashtable(mapFlavors);
    hashNatives = new Hashtable(mapNatives);

    // Assertion: Verify getNativesForFlavors(null) is returning the full list
    //            of String Native entries
    List listNatives = flavorMap.getNativesForFlavor(null);

    // Assertion: Verify getFlavorsForNatives(null) is returning the full list
    //            of DataFlavor entries
    List listFlavors = flavorMap.getFlavorsForNative(null);

    // Assertion: Verify getNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor flav) is returning the list
    //            of Native Strings (for all supported DataFlavors)
    //            Verify that the first list item is the most preferred Native

    // Assertion: Verify getFlavorsForNative(String nat) is returning the list
    //            of DataFlavors(for all supported natives)
    //            Verify that the first list item is the most preferred DataFlavor
Example #15
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void doTest() {
    flavorMap = (SystemFlavorMap)SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    // Get SystemFlavorMap Maps of String Natives and DataFlavors
    mapFlavors = flavorMap.getNativesForFlavors(null);
    mapNatives = flavorMap.getFlavorsForNatives(null);

    hashFlavors = new Hashtable(mapFlavors);
    hashNatives = new Hashtable(mapNatives);

    // Test setFlavorsForNative(String nat, DataFlavors[] flavors);
    // Enumerate through all the system defined String natives,
    // and for each String native, define it again to the SystemFlavorMap
    // with a slightly modified String native (name).
    // For verification, a seperate Hashtable will be maintained of the additions.
    String key;
    hashVerify = new Hashtable();

    for (Enumeration e = hashNatives.keys() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
        key = (String)e.nextElement();

        java.util.List listFlavors = flavorMap.getFlavorsForNative(key);
        Vector vectorFlavors = new Vector(listFlavors);
        DataFlavor[] arrayFlavors = (DataFlavor[])vectorFlavors.toArray(new DataFlavor[0]);

        key = key.concat("TEST");   // construct a unique String native
                                    // define the new String native entry
        flavorMap.setFlavorsForNative(key, arrayFlavors);
                                    // keep track of this new native entry
        hashVerify.put(key, vectorFlavors);

    // After establishing "new" mappings, verify that the defined
    // DataFlavors can be retrieved and that the List (order) is preserved.
Example #16
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static String[] retrieveFormatsToTest() {
    SystemFlavorMap sfm = (SystemFlavorMap) SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();
    java.util.List<String> ln = sfm.getNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor.imageFlavor);
    if (OSInfo.OSType.WINDOWS.equals(OSInfo.getOSType()) && !ln.contains("METAFILEPICT")) {
        // for test failing on JDK without this fix
    return ln.toArray(new String[ln.size()]);
Example #17
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
void doTest() throws Exception {
    flavorMap = (SystemFlavorMap)SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    // Test addFlavorForUnencodedNative(String nat, DataFlavor flav);
    // Enumerate through all the system defined String natives,
    // and for each String native, define it again to the SystemFlavorMap
    // with a slightly modified String native (name).
    // As a list of DataFlavors will be returned for each String native,
    // the method addFlavorForUnencodedNative will be called for each
    // DataFlavor in the list.
    hashVerify = new Hashtable();

    for (String key : flavorMap.getFlavorsForNatives(null).keySet()) {
        Set<DataFlavor> flavorsSet = new HashSet<>(flavorMap.getFlavorsForNative(key));
        // construct a unique String native
        key = key.concat("TEST");

        for (DataFlavor element : flavorsSet) {
            flavorMap.addFlavorForUnencodedNative(key, element);
        hashVerify.put(key, new Vector(flavorsSet));

    // Assertions: After establishing "new" mappings, verify that the defined
    //             DataFlavors can be retrieved and that the List is preserved.
Example #18
Source File:    From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static public DataFlavor getByteDataFlavorForNative(String[] nats) {
    FlavorTable flavorTable = (FlavorTable) SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    for (String nat : nats) {
        java.util.List<DataFlavor> flavors = flavorTable.getFlavorsForNative(nat);
        for (DataFlavor flavor : flavors) {
            if (flavor != null
                    && flavor.getRepresentationClass().equals(byte[].class)) {
                return flavor;
    throw new RuntimeException("No data flavor was found for natives: " + Arrays.toString(nats));
Example #19
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final String nativeString = "NATIVE";

        final SystemFlavorMap fm =

                               new String[] { nativeString });

        final java.util.List natives =

        if (natives.size() != 1 || !natives.contains(nativeString)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("getNativesForFlavor() returns:" +

        final DataFlavor dataFlavor =
            new DataFlavor("text/unknown; class=java.lang.String");

        fm.setFlavorsForNative(nativeString, new DataFlavor[] { dataFlavor });

        final java.util.List flavors = fm.getFlavorsForNative(nativeString);

        if (flavors.size() != 1 || !flavors.contains(dataFlavor)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("getFlavorsForNative() returns:" +
Example #20
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Deserializes this <code>DragSource</code>. This method first performs
 * default deserialization. Next, this object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is
 * deserialized by using the next object in the stream.
 * If the resulting <code>FlavorMap</code> is <code>null</code>, this
 * object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is set to the default FlavorMap for
 * this thread's <code>ClassLoader</code>.
 * Next, this object's listeners are deserialized by reading a
 * <code>null</code>-terminated sequence of 0 or more key/value pairs
 * from the stream:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceListenerK</code>, a <code>DragSourceListener</code> is
 * deserialized using the corresponding value object and added to this
 * <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceMotionListenerK</code>, a
 * <code>DragSourceMotionListener</code> is deserialized using the
 * corresponding value object and added to this <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>Otherwise, the key/value pair is skipped.
 * </ul>
 * @see java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap#getDefaultFlavorMap
 * @since 1.4
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
  throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {

    // 'flavorMap' was written explicitly
    flavorMap = (FlavorMap)s.readObject();

    // Implementation assumes 'flavorMap' is never null.
    if (flavorMap == null) {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    Object keyOrNull;
    while (null != (keyOrNull = s.readObject())) {
        String key = ((String)keyOrNull).intern();

        if (dragSourceListenerK == key) {
        } else if (dragSourceMotionListenerK == key) {
        } else {
            // skip value for unrecognized key
Example #21
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void doTest() throws Exception {
    // Initialize DataFlavors and arrays used for test data

    boolean passed = true;
    flavorMap = (SystemFlavorMap)SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    // Get all the native strings and preferred DataFlavor mappings
    hash = new Hashtable(flavorMap.getFlavorsForNatives(null));
    hashSize = hash.size();

    // GetNativesForFlavor using unknown DataFlavor (verify 2-way mapping)
    // If a new DataFlavor is specified, the method should establish a mapping
    // in both directions between specified DataFlavor and an encoded
    // version of its MIME type as its native.
    System.out.println("GetNativesForFlavor using new DataFlavor");

    comp1 = new Vector(Arrays.asList(test_natives_set));
    comp2 = new Vector(flavorMap.getNativesForFlavor(test_flavor1));

    comp3 = new Vector(Arrays.asList(test_flavors_set));
    comp4 = new Vector(flavorMap.getFlavorsForNative(test_encoded));

    if ( !comp1.equals(comp2) || !comp3.equals(comp4) ) {
        throw new RuntimeException("\n*** After passing a new DataFlavor" +
            "\nwith getNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor flav)" +
            "\nthe mapping in both directions was not established.");
       System.out.println("GetNativesForFlavor using new DataFlavor: Test Passes");
Example #22
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static public DataFlavor getByteDataFlavorForNative(String[] nats) {
    FlavorTable flavorTable = (FlavorTable) SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    for (String nat : nats) {
        java.util.List<DataFlavor> flavors = flavorTable.getFlavorsForNative(nat);
        for (DataFlavor flavor : flavors) {
            if (flavor != null
                    && flavor.getRepresentationClass().equals(byte[].class)) {
                return flavor;
    throw new RuntimeException("No data flavor was found for natives: " + Arrays.toString(nats));
Example #23
Source File:    From jdk8u-dev-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Deserializes this <code>DragSource</code>. This method first performs
 * default deserialization. Next, this object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is
 * deserialized by using the next object in the stream.
 * If the resulting <code>FlavorMap</code> is <code>null</code>, this
 * object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is set to the default FlavorMap for
 * this thread's <code>ClassLoader</code>.
 * Next, this object's listeners are deserialized by reading a
 * <code>null</code>-terminated sequence of 0 or more key/value pairs
 * from the stream:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceListenerK</code>, a <code>DragSourceListener</code> is
 * deserialized using the corresponding value object and added to this
 * <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceMotionListenerK</code>, a
 * <code>DragSourceMotionListener</code> is deserialized using the
 * corresponding value object and added to this <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>Otherwise, the key/value pair is skipped.
 * </ul>
 * @see java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap#getDefaultFlavorMap
 * @since 1.4
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
  throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {

    // 'flavorMap' was written explicitly
    flavorMap = (FlavorMap)s.readObject();

    // Implementation assumes 'flavorMap' is never null.
    if (flavorMap == null) {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    Object keyOrNull;
    while (null != (keyOrNull = s.readObject())) {
        String key = ((String)keyOrNull).intern();

        if (dragSourceListenerK == key) {
        } else if (dragSourceMotionListenerK == key) {
        } else {
            // skip value for unrecognized key
Example #24
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new DropTarget given the {@code Component}
 * to associate itself with, an {@code int} representing
 * the default acceptable action(s) to
 * support, a {@code DropTargetListener}
 * to handle event processing, a {@code boolean} indicating
 * if the {@code DropTarget} is currently accepting drops, and
 * a {@code FlavorMap} to use (or null for the default {@code FlavorMap}).
 * <P>
 * The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.
 * @param c         The {@code Component} with which this {@code DropTarget} is associated
 * @param ops       The default acceptable actions for this {@code DropTarget}
 * @param dtl       The {@code DropTargetListener} for this {@code DropTarget}
 * @param act       Is the {@code DropTarget} accepting drops.
 * @param fm        The {@code FlavorMap} to use, or null for the default {@code FlavorMap}
 * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
 *            returns true
 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
public DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl,
                  boolean act, FlavorMap fm)
    throws HeadlessException
    if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        throw new HeadlessException();

    component = c;


    if (dtl != null) try {
    } catch (TooManyListenersException tmle) {
        // do nothing!

    if (c != null) {

    if (fm != null) {
        flavorMap = fm;
    } else {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();
Example #25
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Deserializes this {@code DragSource}. This method first performs
 * default deserialization. Next, this object's {@code FlavorMap} is
 * deserialized by using the next object in the stream.
 * If the resulting {@code FlavorMap} is {@code null}, this
 * object's {@code FlavorMap} is set to the default FlavorMap for
 * this thread's {@code ClassLoader}.
 * Next, this object's listeners are deserialized by reading a
 * {@code null}-terminated sequence of 0 or more key/value pairs
 * from the stream:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If a key object is a {@code String} equal to
 * {@code dragSourceListenerK}, a {@code DragSourceListener} is
 * deserialized using the corresponding value object and added to this
 * {@code DragSource}.
 * <li>If a key object is a {@code String} equal to
 * {@code dragSourceMotionListenerK}, a
 * {@code DragSourceMotionListener} is deserialized using the
 * corresponding value object and added to this {@code DragSource}.
 * <li>Otherwise, the key/value pair is skipped.
 * </ul>
 * @see java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap#getDefaultFlavorMap
 * @since 1.4
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
  throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {

    // 'flavorMap' was written explicitly
    flavorMap = (FlavorMap)s.readObject();

    // Implementation assumes 'flavorMap' is never null.
    if (flavorMap == null) {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    Object keyOrNull;
    while (null != (keyOrNull = s.readObject())) {
        String key = ((String)keyOrNull).intern();

        if (dragSourceListenerK == key) {
        } else if (dragSourceMotionListenerK == key) {
        } else {
            // skip value for unrecognized key
Example #26
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a new DropTarget given the {@code Component}
 * to associate itself with, an {@code int} representing
 * the default acceptable action(s) to
 * support, a {@code DropTargetListener}
 * to handle event processing, a {@code boolean} indicating
 * if the {@code DropTarget} is currently accepting drops, and
 * a {@code FlavorMap} to use (or null for the default {@code FlavorMap}).
 * <P>
 * The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.
 * @param c         The {@code Component} with which this {@code DropTarget} is associated
 * @param ops       The default acceptable actions for this {@code DropTarget}
 * @param dtl       The {@code DropTargetListener} for this {@code DropTarget}
 * @param act       Is the {@code DropTarget} accepting drops.
 * @param fm        The {@code FlavorMap} to use, or null for the default {@code FlavorMap}
 * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
 *            returns true
 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
public DropTarget(Component c, int ops, DropTargetListener dtl,
                  boolean act, FlavorMap fm)
    throws HeadlessException
    if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        throw new HeadlessException();

    component = c;


    if (dtl != null) try {
    } catch (TooManyListenersException tmle) {
        // do nothing!

    if (c != null) {

    if (fm != null) {
        flavorMap = fm;
    } else {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();
Example #27
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static public DataFlavor getByteDataFlavorForNative(String[] nats) {
    FlavorTable flavorTable = (FlavorTable) SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    for (String nat : nats) {
        java.util.List<DataFlavor> flavors = flavorTable.getFlavorsForNative(nat);
        for (DataFlavor flavor : flavors) {
            if (flavor != null
                    && flavor.getRepresentationClass().equals(byte[].class)) {
                return flavor;
    throw new RuntimeException("No data flavor was found for natives: " + Arrays.toString(nats));
Example #28
Source File:    From jdk8u_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static public DataFlavor getByteDataFlavorForNative(String[] nats) {
    FlavorTable flavorTable = (FlavorTable) SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    for (String nat : nats) {
        java.util.List<DataFlavor> flavors = flavorTable.getFlavorsForNative(nat);
        for (DataFlavor flavor : flavors) {
            if (flavor != null
                    && flavor.getRepresentationClass().equals(byte[].class)) {
                return flavor;
    throw new RuntimeException("No data flavor was found for natives: " + Arrays.toString(nats));
Example #29
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static String[] retrieveFormatsToTest() {
    SystemFlavorMap sfm = (SystemFlavorMap) SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();
    java.util.List<String> ln = sfm.getNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor.imageFlavor);
    if (OSInfo.OSType.WINDOWS.equals(OSInfo.getOSType()) && !ln.contains("METAFILEPICT")) {
        // for test failing on JDK without this fix
    return ln.toArray(new String[ln.size()]);
Example #30
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Deserializes this <code>DragSource</code>. This method first performs
 * default deserialization. Next, this object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is
 * deserialized by using the next object in the stream.
 * If the resulting <code>FlavorMap</code> is <code>null</code>, this
 * object's <code>FlavorMap</code> is set to the default FlavorMap for
 * this thread's <code>ClassLoader</code>.
 * Next, this object's listeners are deserialized by reading a
 * <code>null</code>-terminated sequence of 0 or more key/value pairs
 * from the stream:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceListenerK</code>, a <code>DragSourceListener</code> is
 * deserialized using the corresponding value object and added to this
 * <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>If a key object is a <code>String</code> equal to
 * <code>dragSourceMotionListenerK</code>, a
 * <code>DragSourceMotionListener</code> is deserialized using the
 * corresponding value object and added to this <code>DragSource</code>.
 * <li>Otherwise, the key/value pair is skipped.
 * </ul>
 * @see java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap#getDefaultFlavorMap
 * @since 1.4
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
  throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {

    // 'flavorMap' was written explicitly
    flavorMap = (FlavorMap)s.readObject();

    // Implementation assumes 'flavorMap' is never null.
    if (flavorMap == null) {
        flavorMap = SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap();

    Object keyOrNull;
    while (null != (keyOrNull = s.readObject())) {
        String key = ((String)keyOrNull).intern();

        if (dragSourceListenerK == key) {
        } else if (dragSourceMotionListenerK == key) {
        } else {
            // skip value for unrecognized key