Java Code Examples for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair#getValue()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair#getValue() .
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Example 1
Source File: From Bats with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Visit the tables in the given schema. The * @param schemaPath the path to the given schema * @param schema the given schema */ public void visitTables(String schemaPath, SchemaPlus schema) { final AbstractSchema drillSchema = schema.unwrap(AbstractSchema.class); for (Pair<String, ? extends Table> tableNameToTable : drillSchema.getTablesByNames(schema.getTableNames())) { final String tableName = tableNameToTable.getKey(); final Table table = tableNameToTable.getValue(); final TableType tableType = table.getJdbcTableType(); // Visit the table, and if requested ... if(shouldVisitTable(schemaPath, tableName, tableType) && visitTable(schemaPath, tableName, table)) { // ... do for each of the table's fields. final RelDataType tableRow = table.getRowType(new JavaTypeFactoryImpl(DRILL_REL_DATATYPE_SYSTEM)); for (RelDataTypeField field: tableRow.getFieldList()) { if (shouldVisitColumn(schemaPath, tableName, field.getName())) { visitField(schemaPath, tableName, field); } } } } }
Example 2
Source File: From PneumaticCraft with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public void update(){ entityItem.age += 4; ChunkPosition lastPos = pos; pos = drone.getTargetedBlock(); if(pos != null) { if(lastPos == null) { oldPos = pos; } else if(!pos.equals(lastPos)) { progress = 0; oldPos = lastPos; } } else { oldPos = null; } progress = Math.min((float)Math.PI, progress + 0.1F); Iterator<Pair<RenderCoordWireframe, Integer>> iterator = blackListWireframes.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { Pair<RenderCoordWireframe, Integer> wireframe =; wireframe.getKey().ticksExisted++; wireframe.setValue(wireframe.getValue() - 1); if(wireframe.getValue() <= 0) { iterator.remove(); } } }
Example 3
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void triggerScaleDown(String streamSegmentName, boolean silent) { Pair<Long, Long> pair = cache.getIfPresent(streamSegmentName); long lastRequestTs = 0; if (pair != null && pair.getValue() != null) { lastRequestTs = pair.getValue(); } long timestamp = getTimeMillis(); long requestId = requestIdGenerator.get(); if (timestamp - lastRequestTs > configuration.getMuteDuration().toMillis()) {, "sending request for scale down for {}", streamSegmentName); Segment segment = Segment.fromScopedName(streamSegmentName); AutoScaleEvent event = new AutoScaleEvent(segment.getScope(), segment.getStreamName(), segment.getSegmentId(), AutoScaleEvent.DOWN, timestamp, 0, silent, requestId); writeRequest(event, () -> { if (!silent) { // mute only scale downs cache.put(streamSegmentName, new ImmutablePair<>(0L, timestamp)); } }); } }
Example 4
Source File: From datacollector with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Optional<String> get(Pair<String, HBaseColumn> key) throws Exception { if (key.getKey().isEmpty()) { return Optional.absent(); } Get g = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(key.getKey())); HBaseColumn hBaseColumn = key.getValue(); if (hBaseColumn.getCf().isPresent() && hBaseColumn.getQualifier().isPresent()) { g.addColumn(hBaseColumn.getCf().get(), hBaseColumn.getQualifier().get()); } if (hBaseColumn.getTimestamp().isPresent()) { g.setTimeStamp(hBaseColumn.getTimestamp().getAsLong()); } Result result = hBaseProcessor.get(g); String value = getValue(hBaseColumn, result); return Optional.fromNullable(value); }
Example 5
Source File: From MantaroBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void handleRodBreak(Item item, Context ctx, Player p, DBUser u, SeasonPlayer sp, boolean isSeasonal) { Pair<Boolean, Player> breakage = handleDurability(ctx, item, p, u, sp, isSeasonal); if (!breakage.getKey()) return; //We need to get this again since reusing the old ones will cause :fire: Player pl = breakage.getValue(); Inventory inv = pl.getInventory(); if(u.getData().isAutoEquip() && inv.containsItem(item)) { u.getData().getEquippedItems().equipItem(item); inv.process(new ItemStack(item, -1));;; ctx.sendLocalized("", EmoteReference.CORRECT, item.getName()); } }
Example 6
Source File: From inception with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Range getRange(AnnotationFS aAnnotation) { // Get begin of the first token. Special cases: // 1) if the first token starts after the first char. For example, when there's // a space or line break in the beginning of the document. // 2) if the last token ends before the last char. Same as above. Pair<AnnotationFS, Integer> beginToken; if (tokenBeginIndex.floorEntry(aAnnotation.getBegin()) == null) { beginToken = tokenBeginIndex.firstEntry().getValue(); } else { beginToken = tokenBeginIndex.floorEntry(aAnnotation.getBegin()).getValue(); } Pair<AnnotationFS, Integer> endToken; if (tokenEndIndex.ceilingEntry(aAnnotation.getEnd()) == null) { endToken = tokenEndIndex.lastEntry().getValue(); } else { endToken = tokenEndIndex.ceilingEntry(aAnnotation.getEnd()).getValue(); } return new Range(beginToken.getValue(), endToken.getValue(), beginToken.getKey().getBegin(), endToken.getKey().getEnd()); }
Example 7
Source File: From systemds with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Pair<String, LineageItem> cleanupInputLiterals(Pair<String, LineageItem> li, ExecutionContext ec) { LineageItem item = li.getValue(); if( item.getInputs() == null ) return li; // fix literals referring to variables (e.g., for/parfor loop variable) for(int i=0; i<item.getInputs().length; i++) { LineageItem tmp = item.getInputs()[i]; if( tmp.getType() != LineageItemType.Literal) continue; //check if CPOperand is not a literal, w/o parsing if( tmp.getData().endsWith("false") ) { CPOperand cp = new CPOperand(tmp.getData()); if( cp.getDataType().isScalar() ) { cp.setLiteral(ec.getScalarInput(cp)); item.getInputs()[i] = getOrCreate(cp); } } } return li; }
Example 8
Source File: From gatk with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
/** * Common utility to configure a GATKReportTable columns * * Sets the column names to the strat names in stratsAndStates for the primary key in table * * @param table * @param primaryKey * @param stratsAndStates */ private static void setStratificationColumns(final GATKReportTable table, final String primaryKey, final List<Pair<VariantStratifier, Object>> stratsAndStates) { table.set(primaryKey, table.getTableName(), table.getTableName()); for ( final Pair<VariantStratifier, Object> stratAndState : stratsAndStates ) { final VariantStratifier vs = stratAndState.getKey(); final String columnName = vs.getName(); final Object strat = stratAndState.getValue(); if ( columnName == null || strat == null ) throw new GATKException("Unexpected null variant stratifier state at " + table + " key = " + primaryKey); table.set(primaryKey, columnName, strat); } }
Example 9
Source File: From systemds with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static LineageItem parseLineageTrace(String str, String name) { ExecutionContext ec = ExecutionContextFactory.createContext(); LineageItem li = null; Map<Long, LineageItem> map = new HashMap<>(); for (String line : str.split("\\r?\\n")) { li = null; Map<String, String> tokens = lineageTraceTokenizer.tokenize(line); Long id = Long.valueOf(tokens.get("id")); LineageItem.LineageItemType type = LineageItemUtils.getType(tokens.get("type")); String representation = tokens.get("representation"); switch (type) { case Creation: Instruction inst = InstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(representation); if (!(inst instanceof LineageTraceable)) throw new ParseException("Invalid Instruction (" + inst.getOpcode() + ") traced"); Pair<String,LineageItem> item = ((LineageTraceable) inst).getLineageItem(ec); if (item == null) throw new ParseException("Instruction without output (" + inst.getOpcode() + ") not supported"); li = new LineageItem(id, item.getValue()); break; case Literal: li = new LineageItem(id, representation); break; case Instruction: li = parseLineageInstruction(id, representation, map, name); break; default: throw new ParseException("Invalid LineageItemType given"); } map.put(id, li); } return li; }
Example 10
Source File: From with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private Triple<Event, String, TicketReservation> performExistingCategoryTest(List<TicketCategoryModification> categories, boolean bounded, List<Integer> attendeesNr, boolean addSeatsIfNotAvailable, boolean expectSuccess, int reservedTickets, int expectedEventSeats) { assertEquals("Test error: categories' size must be equal to attendees' size", categories.size(), attendeesNr.size()); Pair<Event, String> eventWithUsername = initEvent(categories, organizationRepository, userManager, eventManager, eventRepository); Event event = eventWithUsername.getKey(); String username = eventWithUsername.getValue(); DateTimeModification expiration = DateTimeModification.fromZonedDateTime(; CustomerData customerData = new CustomerData("Integration", "Test", "", "Billing Address", "reference", "en", "1234", "CH", null); Iterator<Integer> attendeesIterator = attendeesNr.iterator(); List<TicketCategory> existingCategories = ticketCategoryRepository.findAllTicketCategories(event.getId()); List<Attendee> allAttendees = new ArrayList<>(); List<TicketsInfo> ticketsInfoList = .map(existingCategory -> { Category category = new Category(existingCategory.getId(), existingCategory.getName(), existingCategory.getPrice()); List<Attendee> attendees = generateAttendees(; allAttendees.addAll(attendees); return new TicketsInfo(category, attendees, addSeatsIfNotAvailable, false); }).collect(toList()); AdminReservationModification modification = new AdminReservationModification(expiration, customerData, ticketsInfoList, "en", false,false, null, null); if(reservedTickets > 0) { TicketReservationModification trm = new TicketReservationModification(); trm.setAmount(reservedTickets); trm.setTicketCategoryId(existingCategories.get(0).getId()); TicketReservationWithOptionalCodeModification r = new TicketReservationWithOptionalCodeModification(trm, Optional.empty()); ticketReservationManager.createTicketReservation(event, Collections.singletonList(r), Collections.emptyList(), DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), 1), Optional.empty(), Locale.ENGLISH, false); } Result<Pair<TicketReservation, List<Ticket>>> result = adminReservationManager.createReservation(modification, event.getShortName(), username); if(expectSuccess) { validateSuccess(bounded, attendeesNr, event, username, existingCategories, result, allAttendees, expectedEventSeats, reservedTickets); } else { assertFalse(result.isSuccess()); return null; } return Triple.of(eventWithUsername.getLeft(), eventWithUsername.getRight(), result.getData().getKey()); }
Example 11
Source File: From geowave with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public AdapterPersistenceEncoding encode( final Pair<byte[], byte[]> entry, final CommonIndexModel indexModel) { return new AdapterPersistenceEncoding( getDataId(entry), new MultiFieldPersistentDataset<>(), new SingleFieldPersistentDataset<>(SINGLETON_FIELD_NAME, entry.getValue())); }
Example 12
Source File: From RAMPART with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public double[] parseWeightings(List<Pair<String, Double>> list) { double[] weightings = new double[this.nbMetrics]; for(Pair<String, Double> kv : list) { String key = kv.getKey(); double value = kv.getValue(); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_NB_BASES)) { weightings[IDX_NB_BASES] = value; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_NB_BASES_GT_1KB)) { weightings[IDX_NB_BASES_GT_1KB] = value; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_GC_PERC)) { weightings[IDX_GC_PERC] = value; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_NB_GENES)) { weightings[IDX_NB_GENES] = value; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_CEG_COMPLETE)) { weightings[IDX_CEG_COMPLETE] = value; } } return weightings; }
Example 13
Source File: From azure-cosmosdb-java with MIT License | 5 votes |
public static ResourceId parse(String id) throws IllegalArgumentException { Pair<Boolean, ResourceId> pair = ResourceId.tryParse(id); if (!pair.getKey()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Invalid resource id %s", id)); } return pair.getValue(); }
Example 14
Source File: From PneumaticCraft with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void registerHeatFrameCoolRecipe(Object input, ItemStack output){ if(input == null) throw new NullPointerException("Input can't be null!"); if(!(input instanceof ItemStack) && !(input instanceof Pair)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input needs to be of type ItemStack or (Apache's) Pair<String, Integer>. Violating object: " + input); if(input instanceof Pair) { Pair pair = (Pair)input; if(!(pair.getKey() instanceof String)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Pair key needs to be a String (ore dict entry)"); if(!(pair.getValue() instanceof Integer)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value key needs to be an Integer (amount)"); } if(output == null) throw new NullPointerException("Output can't be null!"); heatFrameCoolingRecipes.add(new ImmutablePair(input, output)); }
Example 15
Source File: From recheck with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public V remove( final Object k1 ) { for ( int idx = 0; idx < mappings.size(); idx++ ) { final Pair<K, V> mapping = mappings.get( idx ); final K k2 = mapping.getKey(); if ( k1 == null && k2 == null || k2 != null && k2.equals( k1 ) ) { mappings.remove( idx ); return mapping.getValue(); } } return null; }
Example 16
Source File: From RAMPART with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public double[] parseWeightings(List<Pair<String, Double>> list) { double[] weightings = new double[this.nbMetrics]; for(Pair<String, Double> kv : list) { String key = kv.getKey(); double value = kv.getValue(); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_NB_SEQS)) { weightings[IDX_NB_SEQS] = value; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_NB_SEQS_GT_1KB)) { weightings[IDX_NB_SEQS_GT_1KB] = value; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_MAX_LEN)) { weightings[IDX_MAX_LEN] = value; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_N50)) { weightings[IDX_N50] = value; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_NA50)) { weightings[IDX_NA50] = value; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(M_L50)) { weightings[IDX_L50] = value; } } return weightings; }
Example 17
Source File: From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object getFirstContextValue(String label) { for (final Pair<String, Object> pair : contextValues) { if (StringUtils.equals(label, pair.getKey())) { return pair.getValue(); } } return null; }
Example 18
Source File: From esigate with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Perform rendering on a single url content, and append result to "writer". Automatically follows redirects * * @param pageUrl * Address of the page containing the template * @param incomingRequest * originating request object * @param renderers * the renderers to use in order to transform the output * @return The resulting response * @throws IOException * If an IOException occurs while writing to the writer * @throws HttpErrorPage * If an Exception occurs while retrieving the template */ public CloseableHttpResponse render(String pageUrl, IncomingRequest incomingRequest, Renderer... renderers) throws IOException, HttpErrorPage { DriverRequest driverRequest = new DriverRequest(incomingRequest, this, pageUrl); // Replace ESI variables in URL // TODO: should be performed in the ESI extension String resultingPageUrl = VariablesResolver.replaceAllVariables(pageUrl, driverRequest); String targetUrl = ResourceUtils.getHttpUrlWithQueryString(resultingPageUrl, driverRequest, false); String currentValue; CloseableHttpResponse response; // Retrieve URL // Get from cache to prevent multiple request to the same url if // multiple fragments are used. String cacheKey = CACHE_RESPONSE_PREFIX + targetUrl; Pair<String, CloseableHttpResponse> cachedValue = incomingRequest.getAttribute(cacheKey); // content and response were not in cache if (cachedValue == null) { OutgoingRequest outgoingRequest = requestExecutor.createOutgoingRequest(driverRequest, targetUrl, false); headerManager.copyHeaders(driverRequest, outgoingRequest); response = requestExecutor.execute(outgoingRequest); int redirects = MAX_REDIRECTS; try { while (redirects > 0 && this.redirectStrategy.isRedirected(outgoingRequest, response, outgoingRequest.getContext())) { // Must consume the entity EntityUtils.consumeQuietly(response.getEntity()); redirects--; // Perform new request outgoingRequest = this.requestExecutor.createOutgoingRequest( driverRequest, this.redirectStrategy.getLocationURI(outgoingRequest, response, outgoingRequest.getContext()).toString(), false); this.headerManager.copyHeaders(driverRequest, outgoingRequest); response = requestExecutor.execute(outgoingRequest); } } catch (ProtocolException e) { throw new HttpErrorPage(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_GATEWAY, "Invalid response from server", e); } response = this.headerManager.copyHeaders(outgoingRequest, incomingRequest, response); currentValue = HttpResponseUtils.toString(response, this.eventManager); // Cache cachedValue = new ImmutablePair<>(currentValue, response); incomingRequest.setAttribute(cacheKey, cachedValue); } currentValue = cachedValue.getKey(); response = cachedValue.getValue(); logAction("render", pageUrl, renderers); // Apply renderers currentValue = performRendering(pageUrl, driverRequest, response, currentValue, renderers); response.setEntity(new StringEntity(currentValue, HttpResponseUtils.getContentType(response))); return response; }
Example 19
Source File: From feast with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Makes Job Update Tasks required to reconcile the current ingestion jobs with the given source * to store map. Compares the current ingestion jobs and source to store mapping to determine * which whether jobs have started/stopped/updated in terms of Job Update tasks. Only tries to * stop ingestion jobs its the required ingestions to maintained ingestion jobs are already * RUNNING. * * @param sourceToStores a iterable of source to stores pairs where ingestion jobs would have to * be maintained for ingestion to work correctly. * @return list of job update tasks required to reconcile the current ingestion jobs to the state * that is defined by sourceStoreMap. */ List<JobTask> makeJobUpdateTasks(Iterable<Pair<Source, Set<Store>>> sourceToStores) { List<JobTask> jobTasks = new LinkedList<>(); // Ensure a running job for each source to store mapping List<Job> activeJobs = new LinkedList<>(); boolean isSafeToStopJobs = true; for (Pair<Source, Set<Store>> mapping : sourceToStores) { Source source = mapping.getKey(); Set<Store> stores = mapping.getValue(); Set<FeatureSet> featureSets = .flatMap(s -> getFeatureSetsForStore(s).stream()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); Job job = groupingStrategy.getOrCreateJob(source, stores); if (job.isDeployed()) { if (!job.isRunning()) { jobTasks.add(UpdateJobStatusTask.builder().setJob(job).setJobManager(jobManager).build()); // Mark that it is not safe to stop jobs without disrupting ingestion isSafeToStopJobs = false; continue; } if (jobRequiresUpgrade(job, stores) && job.isRunning()) { // Since we want to upgrade job without downtime // it would make sense to spawn clone of current job // and terminate old version on the next Poll. // Both jobs should be in the same consumer group and not conflict with each other job = job.clone(); job.setId(groupingStrategy.createJobId(job)); job.setStores(stores); isSafeToStopJobs = false; jobTasks.add(CreateJobTask.builder().setJob(job).setJobManager(jobManager).build()); } else { jobTasks.add(UpdateJobStatusTask.builder().setJob(job).setJobManager(jobManager).build()); } } else { job.setId(groupingStrategy.createJobId(job)); jobTasks.add(CreateJobTask.builder().setJob(job).setJobManager(jobManager).build()); } allocateFeatureSets(job, featureSets); // Record the job as required to safeguard it from getting stopped activeJobs.add(job); } // Stop extra jobs that are not required to maintain ingestion when safe if (isSafeToStopJobs) { getExtraJobs(activeJobs) .forEach( extraJob -> { jobTasks.add( TerminateJobTask.builder().setJob(extraJob).setJobManager(jobManager).build()); }); } return jobTasks; }
Example 20
Source File: From titan1withtp3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void mutateStores(Map.Entry<String, Map<String, IndexMutation>> stores, KeyInformation.IndexRetriever informations) throws IOException, BackendException { IndexReader reader = null; try { String storename = stores.getKey(); IndexWriter writer = getWriter(storename); reader =, true); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); for (Map.Entry<String, IndexMutation> entry : stores.getValue().entrySet()) { String docid = entry.getKey(); IndexMutation mutation = entry.getValue(); if (mutation.isDeleted()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Deleted entire document [{}]", docid); writer.deleteDocuments(new Term(DOCID, docid)); continue; } Pair<Document, Map<String, Shape>> docAndGeo = retrieveOrCreate(docid, searcher); Document doc = docAndGeo.getKey(); Map<String, Shape> geofields = docAndGeo.getValue(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(doc); for (IndexEntry del : mutation.getDeletions()) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!del.hasMetaData(), "Lucene index does not support indexing meta data: %s", del); String key = del.field; if (doc.getField(key) != null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Removing field [{}] on document [{}]", key, docid); doc.removeFields(key); geofields.remove(key); } } addToDocument(storename, docid, doc, mutation.getAdditions(), geofields, informations); //write the old document to the index with the modifications writer.updateDocument(new Term(DOCID, docid), doc); } writer.commit(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } }