net.minecraft.item.BlockItem Java Examples

The following examples show how to use net.minecraft.item.BlockItem. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void drawShulkerToolTip(Slot slot, int mX, int mY) {
	if (!(slot.getStack().getItem() instanceof BlockItem)) return;
	if (!(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ShulkerBoxBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ChestBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof DispenserBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof HopperBlock)) return;
	List<ItemStack> items = ItemContentUtils.getItemsInContainer(slot.getStack());
	Block block = ((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock();
	int count = block instanceof HopperBlock || block instanceof DispenserBlock ? 18 : 0;
	if (block instanceof HopperBlock) renderTooltipBox(mX, mY - 21, 13, 82, true);
	else if (block instanceof DispenserBlock) renderTooltipBox(mX, mY - 21, 13, 150, true);
	else renderTooltipBox(mX, mY - 55, 47, 150, true);
	for (ItemStack i: items) {
		if (count > 26) break;
		int x = mX + 10 + (17 * (count % 9));
		int y = mY - 69 + (17 * (count / 9));
		mc.getItemRenderer().renderGuiItem(i, x, y);
	    mc.getItemRenderer().renderGuiItemOverlay(mc.textRenderer, i, x, y, i.getCount() > 1 ? i.getCount() + "" : "");
Example #2
Source File:    From carpet-extra with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
@Inject(method = "onUse", at = @At("HEAD"))
private void onActivate(BlockState blockState_1, World world_1, BlockPos blockPos_1, PlayerEntity playerEntity_1, Hand hand_1, BlockHitResult blockHitResult_1, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> cir)
    if (CarpetExtraSettings.flowerPotChunkLoading && world_1.getServer() != null && !world_1.isClient)
        ItemStack stack = playerEntity_1.getStackInHand(hand_1);
        Item item = stack.getItem();
        Block block = item instanceof BlockItem ? (Block) CONTENT_TO_POTTED.getOrDefault(((BlockItem) item).getBlock(), Blocks.AIR) : Blocks.AIR;
        boolean boolean_1 = block == Blocks.AIR;
        boolean boolean_2 = this.content == Blocks.AIR;
        ServerWorld serverWorld = world_1.getServer().getWorld(world_1.getDimension().getType());

        if (boolean_1 != boolean_2 && (block == Blocks.POTTED_WITHER_ROSE || this.content == Blocks.WITHER_ROSE))
            // System.out.println("Chunk load status = " + boolean_2);
            serverWorld.setChunkForced(blockPos_1.getX() >> 4, blockPos_1.getZ() >> 4, boolean_2);
Example #3
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void drawShulkerToolTip(Slot slot, int mX, int mY) {
	if (!(slot.getStack().getItem() instanceof BlockItem)) return;
	if (!(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ShulkerBoxBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ChestBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof DispenserBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof HopperBlock)) return;
	List<ItemStack> items = ItemContentUtils.getItemsInContainer(slot.getStack());
	Block block = ((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock();
	int count = block instanceof HopperBlock || block instanceof DispenserBlock ? 18 : 0;
	if (block instanceof HopperBlock) renderTooltipBox(mX, mY - 21, 13, 82, true);
	else if (block instanceof DispenserBlock) renderTooltipBox(mX, mY - 21, 13, 150, true);
	else renderTooltipBox(mX, mY - 55, 47, 150, true);
	for (ItemStack i: items) {
		if (count > 26) break;
		int x = mX + 10 + (17 * (count % 9));
		int y = mY - 69 + (17 * (count / 9));
		mc.getItemRenderer().renderGuiItem(i, x, y);
	    mc.getItemRenderer().renderGuiItemOverlay(mc.textRenderer, i, x, y, i.getCount() > 1 ? i.getCount() + "" : "");
Example #4
Source File:    From Wurst7 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private boolean equipTorch()
	for(int slot = 0; slot < 9; slot++)
		// filter out non-block items
		ItemStack stack = MC.player.inventory.getStack(slot);
		if(stack.isEmpty() || !(stack.getItem() instanceof BlockItem))
		// filter out non-torch blocks
		Block block = Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem());
		if(!(block instanceof TorchBlock))
		MC.player.inventory.selectedSlot = slot;
		return true;
	return false;
Example #5
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void drawShulkerToolTip(Slot slot, int mX, int mY) {
	if (!(slot.getStack().getItem() instanceof BlockItem)) return;
	if (!(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ShulkerBoxBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ChestBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof DispenserBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof HopperBlock)) return;
	List<ItemStack> items = ItemContentUtils.getItemsInContainer(slot.getStack());
	Block block = ((BlockItem) slot.getStack().getItem()).getBlock();
	int count = block instanceof HopperBlock || block instanceof DispenserBlock ? 18 : 0;
	if (block instanceof HopperBlock) renderTooltipBox(mX, mY - 21, 13, 82, true);
	else if (block instanceof DispenserBlock) renderTooltipBox(mX, mY - 21, 13, 150, true);
	else renderTooltipBox(mX, mY - 55, 47, 150, true);
	for (ItemStack i: items) {
		if (count > 26) break;
		int x = mX + 10 + (17 * (count % 9));
		int y = mY - 69 + (17 * (count / 9));
		mc.getItemRenderer().renderGuiItemIcon(i, x, y);
	    mc.getItemRenderer().renderGuiItemOverlay(mc.textRenderer, i, x, y, i.getCount() > 1 ? i.getCount() + "" : "");
Example #6
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void drawItem(double x, double y, double z, double offX, double offY, double scale, ItemStack item) {
	glSetup(x, y, z);
    GL11.glScaled(0.4*scale, 0.4*scale, 0);
    GL11.glTranslated(offX, offY, 0);
    if (item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem) GL11.glRotatef(180F, 1F, 180F, 10F);
    mc.getItemRenderer().renderItem(new ItemStack(
    		item.getItem()), Mode.GUI, 0, 0, new MatrixStack(), mc.getBufferBuilders().getEntityVertexConsumers());
    if (item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem) GL11.glRotatef(-180F, -1F, -180F, -10F);
    GL11.glScalef(-0.05F, -0.05F, 0);
    if (item.getCount() > 0) {
	    int w = mc.textRenderer.getWidth("x" + item.getCount()) / 2;
	    mc.textRenderer.drawWithShadow(new MatrixStack(), "x" + item.getCount(), 7 - w, 5, 0xffffff);
    GL11.glScalef(0.85F, 0.85F, 0.85F);
    int c = 0;
    for (Entry<Enchantment, Integer> m: EnchantmentHelper.get(item).entrySet()) {
    	int w1 = mc.textRenderer.getWidth(I18n.translate(m.getKey().getName(2).asString()).substring(0, 2) + m.getValue()) / 2;
    	mc.textRenderer.drawWithShadow(new MatrixStack(),
    			I18n.translate(m.getKey().getName(2).asString()).substring(0, 2) + m.getValue(), -4 - w1, c*10-1,
    			m.getKey() == Enchantments.VANISHING_CURSE || m.getKey() == Enchantments.BINDING_CURSE
    			? 0xff5050 : 0xffb0e0);
    GL11.glScalef(0.6F, 0.6F, 0.6F);
    String dur = item.getMaxDamage() - item.getDamage() + "";
       int color = 0x000000;
       try{ color = MathHelper.hsvToRgb(((float) (item.getMaxDamage() - item.getDamage()) / item.getMaxDamage()) / 3.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); } catch (Exception e) {}
    if (item.isDamageable()) mc.textRenderer.drawWithShadow(new MatrixStack(), dur, -8 - dur.length() * 3, 15,
    		new Color(color >> 16 & 255, color >> 8 & 255, color & 255).getRGB());
Example #7
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onCommand(String command, String[] args) throws Exception {
	ItemStack item = mc.player.inventory.getMainHandStack();
	if (!(item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem)) {
		BleachLogger.errorMessage("Must be holding a containter to peek.");
	if (!(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ShulkerBoxBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ChestBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof DispenserBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof HopperBlock)) {
		BleachLogger.errorMessage("Must be holding a containter to peek.");
	List<ItemStack> items = ItemContentUtils.getItemsInContainer(item);
	BasicInventory inv = new BasicInventory(items.toArray(new ItemStack[27]));
	BleachQueue.queue.add(() -> {
		mc.openScreen(new ShulkerBoxScreen(
				new ShulkerBoxContainer(420, mc.player.inventory, inv),
Example #8
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onCommand(String command, String[] args) throws Exception {
	ItemStack item = mc.player.inventory.getCurrentItem();
	if (!(item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem)) {
		BleachLogger.errorMessage("Must be holding a containter to peek.");
	if (!(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ContainerBlock)) {
		BleachLogger.errorMessage("Must be holding a containter to peek.");
	NonNullList<ItemStack> items = NonNullList.withSize(27, new ItemStack(Items.AIR));
	CompoundNBT nbt = item.getTag();
	if (nbt != null && nbt.contains("BlockEntityTag")) {
		CompoundNBT itemnbt = nbt.getCompound("BlockEntityTag");
		if (itemnbt.contains("Items")) ItemStackHelper.loadAllItems(itemnbt, items);
	Inventory inv = new Inventory(items.toArray(new ItemStack[27]));
	BleachQueue.queue.add(() -> {
		mc.displayGuiScreen(new ShulkerBoxScreen(
				new ShulkerBoxContainer(420, mc.player.inventory, inv),
Example #9
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onCommand(String command, String[] args) throws Exception {
	ItemStack item = mc.player.inventory.getMainHandStack();
	if (!(item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem)) {
		BleachLogger.errorMessage("Must be holding a containter to peek.");
	if (!(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ShulkerBoxBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ChestBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof DispenserBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof HopperBlock)) {
		BleachLogger.errorMessage("Must be holding a containter to peek.");
	List<ItemStack> items = ItemContentUtils.getItemsInContainer(item);
	SimpleInventory inv = new SimpleInventory(items.toArray(new ItemStack[27]));
	BleachQueue.queue.add(() -> {
		mc.openScreen(new ShulkerBoxScreen(
				new ShulkerBoxScreenHandler(420, mc.player.inventory, inv),
Example #10
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void drawItem(double x, double y, double z, double offX, double offY, double scale, ItemStack item) {
	glSetup(x, y, z);
    GL11.glScaled(0.4*scale, 0.4*scale, 0);
    GL11.glTranslated(offX, offY, 0);
    if (item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem) GL11.glRotatef(180F, 1F, 180F, 10F);
    mc.getItemRenderer().renderItem(new ItemStack(item.getItem()), ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType.GUI);
    if (item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem) GL11.glRotatef(-180F, -1F, -180F, -10F);
    GL11.glScalef(-0.05F, -0.05F, 0);
    if (item.getCount() > 0) {
	    int w = mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth("x" + item.getCount()) / 2;
	    mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow("x" + item.getCount(), 7 - w, 5, 0xffffff);
    GL11.glScalef(0.85F, 0.85F, 0.85F);
    int c = 0;
    for (Entry<Enchantment, Integer> m: EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantments(item).entrySet()) {
    	int w1 = mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(I18n.format(m.getKey().getName()).substring(0, 2) + m.getValue()) / 2;
    			I18n.format(m.getKey().getName()).substring(0, 2) + m.getValue(), -4 - w1, c*10-1,
    			m.getKey() == Enchantments.VANISHING_CURSE || m.getKey() == Enchantments.BINDING_CURSE
    			? 0xff5050 : 0xffb0e0);
Example #11
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onGuiDraw(GuiScreenEvent.DrawScreenEvent.Post event) {
	if (!(event.getGui() instanceof ContainerScreen<?>)) return;
	ContainerScreen<?> screen = (ContainerScreen<?>) event.getGui();
	if (screen.getSlotUnderMouse() == null) return;
	if (!(screen.getSlotUnderMouse().getStack().getItem() instanceof BlockItem)) return;
	if (!(((BlockItem) screen.getSlotUnderMouse().getStack().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ContainerBlock)) return;
	NonNullList<ItemStack> items = NonNullList.withSize(27, new ItemStack(Items.AIR));
	CompoundNBT nbt = screen.getSlotUnderMouse().getStack().getTag();
	if (nbt != null && nbt.contains("BlockEntityTag")) {
		CompoundNBT itemnbt = nbt.getCompound("BlockEntityTag");
		if (itemnbt.contains("Items")) ItemStackHelper.loadAllItems(itemnbt, items);
	GlStateManager.translatef(0.0F, 0.0F, 500.0F);
	Block block = ((BlockItem) screen.getSlotUnderMouse().getStack().getItem()).getBlock();
	int count = block instanceof HopperBlock || block instanceof DispenserBlock ? 18 : 0;
	for (ItemStack i: items) {
		if (count > 26) break;
		int x = event.getMouseX() + 8 + (17 * (count % 9));
		int y = event.getMouseY() - 68 + (17 * (count / 9));
		if (i.getItem() != Items.AIR) {
			Screen.fill(x, y, x+17, y+17, 0x90000000);
			Screen.fill(x, y, x+17, y+1, 0xff000000); Screen.fill(x, y+1, x+1, y+17, 0xff000000);
			Screen.fill(x+16, y+1, x+17, y+17, 0xff000000); Screen.fill(x+1, y+16, x+17, y+17, 0xff000000);
	    mc.getItemRenderer().renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI(i, x, y);
	    mc.getItemRenderer().renderItemOverlayIntoGUI(mc.fontRenderer, i, x, y, i.getCount() > 1 ? i.getCount() + "" : "");
Example #12
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onUpdate() {
	if (this.isToggled()) {
		HashMap<BlockPos, Integer> tempMap = new HashMap<>();
		for (Entry<BlockPos, Integer> e: lastPlaced.entrySet()) {
			if (e.getValue() > 0) tempMap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue() - 1);
		if (!(mc.player.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItem() instanceof BlockItem)) return;
		double range = getSettings().get(0).toSlider().getValue();
		for (int r = 0; r < 5; r++) {
			Vec3d r1 = new Vec3d(0,-0.85,0);
			if (r == 1) r1 = r1.add(range, 0, 0);
			if (r == 2) r1 = r1.add(-range, 0, 0);
			if (r == 3) r1 = r1.add(0, 0, range);
			if (r == 4) r1 = r1.add(0, 0, -range);
			if (WorldUtils.NONSOLID_BLOCKS.contains( BlockPos(mc.player.getPositionVec().add(r1))).getBlock())) {
				placeBlockAuto(new BlockPos(mc.player.getPositionVec().add(r1)));
Example #13
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onCommand(String command, String[] args) throws Exception {
	ItemStack item = mc.player.inventory.getMainHandStack();
	if (!(item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem)) {
		BleachLogger.errorMessage("Must be holding a containter to peek.");
	if (!(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ShulkerBoxBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ChestBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof DispenserBlock)
			 && !(((BlockItem) item.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof HopperBlock)) {
		BleachLogger.errorMessage("Must be holding a containter to peek.");
	List<ItemStack> items = ItemContentUtils.getItemsInContainer(item);
	BasicInventory inv = new BasicInventory(items.toArray(new ItemStack[27]));
	BleachQueue.queue.add(() -> {
		mc.openScreen(new ShulkerBoxScreen(
				new ShulkerBoxContainer(420, mc.player.inventory, inv),
Example #14
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void drawItem(double x, double y, double z, double offX, double offY, double scale, ItemStack item) {
	glSetup(x, y, z);
    GL11.glScaled(0.4*scale, 0.4*scale, 0);
    GL11.glTranslated(offX, offY, 0);
    if (item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem) GL11.glRotatef(180F, 1F, 180F, 10F);
    mc.getItemRenderer().renderItem(new ItemStack(item.getItem()), Type.GUI);
    if (item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem) GL11.glRotatef(-180F, -1F, -180F, -10F);
    GL11.glScalef(-0.05F, -0.05F, 0);
    if (item.getCount() > 0) {
	    int w = mc.textRenderer.getStringWidth("x" + item.getCount()) / 2;
	    mc.textRenderer.drawWithShadow("x" + item.getCount(), 7 - w, 5, 0xffffff);
    GL11.glScalef(0.85F, 0.85F, 0.85F);
    int c = 0;
    for (Entry<Enchantment, Integer> m: EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantments(item).entrySet()) {
    	int w1 = mc.textRenderer.getStringWidth(I18n.translate(m.getKey().getName(2).asString()).substring(0, 2) + m.getValue()) / 2;
    			I18n.translate(m.getKey().getName(2).asString()).substring(0, 2) + m.getValue(), -4 - w1, c*10-1,
    			m.getKey() == Enchantments.VANISHING_CURSE || m.getKey() == Enchantments.BINDING_CURSE
    			? 0xff5050 : 0xffb0e0);
    GL11.glScalef(0.6F, 0.6F, 0.6F);
    String dur = item.getMaxDamage() - item.getDamage() + "";
       int color = 0x000000;
       try{ color = MathHelper.hsvToRgb(((float) (item.getMaxDamage() - item.getDamage()) / item.getMaxDamage()) / 3.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); } catch (Exception e) {}
    if (item.isDamageable()) mc.textRenderer.drawWithShadow(dur, -8 - dur.length() * 3, 15,
    		new Color(color >> 16 & 255, color >> 8 & 255, color & 255).getRGB());
Example #15
Source File:    From bleachhack-1.14 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void drawItem(double x, double y, double z, double offX, double offY, double scale, ItemStack item) {
	glSetup(x, y, z);
    GL11.glScaled(0.4*scale, 0.4*scale, 0);
    GL11.glTranslated(offX, offY, 0);
    if (item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem) GL11.glRotatef(180F, 1F, 180F, 10F);
    mc.getItemRenderer().renderItem(new ItemStack(
    		item.getItem()), Mode.GUI, 0, 0, new MatrixStack(), mc.getBufferBuilders().getEntityVertexConsumers());
    if (item.getItem() instanceof BlockItem) GL11.glRotatef(-180F, -1F, -180F, -10F);
    GL11.glScalef(-0.05F, -0.05F, 0);
    if (item.getCount() > 0) {
	    int w = mc.textRenderer.getStringWidth("x" + item.getCount()) / 2;
	    mc.textRenderer.drawWithShadow("x" + item.getCount(), 7 - w, 5, 0xffffff);
    GL11.glScalef(0.85F, 0.85F, 0.85F);
    int c = 0;
    for (Entry<Enchantment, Integer> m: EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantments(item).entrySet()) {
    	int w1 = mc.textRenderer.getStringWidth(I18n.translate(m.getKey().getName(2).asString()).substring(0, 2) + m.getValue()) / 2;
    			I18n.translate(m.getKey().getName(2).asString()).substring(0, 2) + m.getValue(), -4 - w1, c*10-1,
    			m.getKey() == Enchantments.VANISHING_CURSE || m.getKey() == Enchantments.BINDING_CURSE
    			? 0xff5050 : 0xffb0e0);
    GL11.glScalef(0.6F, 0.6F, 0.6F);
    String dur = item.getMaxDamage() - item.getDamage() + "";
       int color = 0x000000;
       try{ color = MathHelper.hsvToRgb(((float) (item.getMaxDamage() - item.getDamage()) / item.getMaxDamage()) / 3.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); } catch (Exception e) {}
    if (item.isDamageable()) mc.textRenderer.drawWithShadow(dur, -8 - dur.length() * 3, 15,
    		new Color(color >> 16 & 255, color >> 8 & 255, color & 255).getRGB());
Example #16
Source File:    From LibGui with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onInitialize() {
	Registry.register(Registry.ITEM, new Identifier(MODID, "client_gui"), new GuiItem());
	GUI_BLOCK = new GuiBlock();
	Registry.register(Registry.BLOCK, new Identifier(MODID, "gui"), GUI_BLOCK);
	GUI_BLOCK_ITEM = new BlockItem(GUI_BLOCK, new Item.Settings().group(ItemGroup.MISC));
	Registry.register(Registry.ITEM, new Identifier(MODID, "gui"), GUI_BLOCK_ITEM);
	GUI_BLOCKENTITY_TYPE = BlockEntityType.Builder.create(GuiBlockEntity::new, GUI_BLOCK).build(null);
	Registry.register(Registry.BLOCK_ENTITY_TYPE, new Identifier(MODID, "gui"), GUI_BLOCKENTITY_TYPE);
	GUI_SCREEN_HANDLER_TYPE = ScreenHandlerRegistry.registerSimple(new Identifier(MODID, "gui"), (int syncId, PlayerInventory inventory) -> {
		return new TestDescription(GUI_SCREEN_HANDLER_TYPE, syncId, inventory, ScreenHandlerContext.EMPTY);

	Optional<ModContainer> containerOpt = FabricLoader.getInstance().getModContainer("jankson");
	if (containerOpt.isPresent()) {
		ModContainer jankson = containerOpt.get();
		System.out.println("Jankson root path: "+jankson.getRootPath());
		try {
					System.out.println("        Filestore: ";
				System.out.println("    "+path.toAbsolutePath());
		} catch (IOException e) {
		Path modJson = jankson.getPath("/fabric.mod.json");
		System.out.println("Jankson fabric.mod.json path: "+modJson);
		System.out.println(Files.exists(modJson) ? "Exists" : "Does Not Exist");
	} else {
		System.out.println("Container isn't present!");
Example #17
Source File:    From Sandbox with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@Inject(method = "set", at = @At(value = "HEAD"), cancellable = true)
public <V extends T> void set(int i, Identifier identifier, V object, CallbackInfoReturnable<V> ci) {
    if (hasStored) {
        if (object instanceof BlockItem) {
            ((BlockItem) object).appendBlocks(Item.BLOCK_ITEMS, (BlockItem) object);
        if (object instanceof Block) {
            ((Block) object).getStateManager().getStates().forEach(Block.STATE_IDS::add);
            //TODO: Also need to reset the state ids
Example #18
Source File:    From fabric-carpet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static boolean flippinEligibility(Entity entity)
    if (CarpetSettings.flippinCactus && (entity instanceof PlayerEntity))
        PlayerEntity player = (PlayerEntity)entity;
        return (!player.getOffHandStack().isEmpty()
                && player.getOffHandStack().getItem() instanceof BlockItem &&
                ((BlockItem) (player.getOffHandStack().getItem())).getBlock() == Blocks.CACTUS);
    return false;
Example #19
Source File:    From carpet-extra with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected ItemStack dispenseSilently(BlockPointer source, ItemStack stack) {
    BlockPos pos = source.getBlockPos().offset((Direction) source.getBlockState().get(DispenserBlock.FACING));
    List<AnimalEntity> list = source.getWorld().getEntities(AnimalEntity.class, new Box(pos),null);
    boolean failure = false;

    for(AnimalEntity mob : list) {
        if(!mob.isBreedingItem(stack)) continue;
        if(mob.getBreedingAge() != 0 || mob.isInLove()) {
            failure = true;
        return stack;
    if(failure) return stack;
    // fix here for now - if problem shows up next time, will need to fix it one level above.
            CarpetExtraSettings.dispenserPlacesBlocks &&
            stack.getItem() instanceof BlockItem &&
            PlaceBlockDispenserBehavior.canPlace(((BlockItem) stack.getItem()).getBlock())
        return PlaceBlockDispenserBehavior.getInstance().dispenseSilently(source, stack);
        return super.dispenseSilently(source, stack);
Example #20
Source File:    From multiconnect with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<RecipeInfo<?>> getCraftingRecipes() {
    List<RecipeInfo<?>> recipes = super.getCraftingRecipes();
    recipes.removeIf(recipe -> {
        if (recipe.getOutput().getItem() instanceof BlockItem && ((BlockItem) recipe.getOutput().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ConcretePowderBlock) {
            return true;
        return false;
    return recipes;
Example #21
Source File:    From multiconnect with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<RecipeInfo<?>> getCraftingRecipes() {
    List<RecipeInfo<?>> recipes = super.getCraftingRecipes();
    recipes.removeIf(recipe -> recipe.getOutput().getItem() instanceof BlockItem && ((BlockItem) recipe.getOutput().getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ShulkerBoxBlock);
    recipes.removeIf(recipe -> recipe.getOutput().getItem() == Items.OBSERVER);
    return recipes;
Example #22
Source File:    From fabric-carpet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@Inject(method="<init>(Lnet/minecraft/world/World;DDDLnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)V", at = @At("RETURN"))
private void removeEmptyShulkerBoxTags(World worldIn, double x, double y, double z, ItemStack stack, CallbackInfo ci)
    if (CarpetSettings.stackableShulkerBoxes
            && stack.getItem() instanceof BlockItem
            && ((BlockItem)stack.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ShulkerBoxBlock)
        if (InventoryHelper.cleanUpShulkerBoxTag(stack)) {
            ((ItemEntity) (Object) this).setStack(stack);
Example #23
Source File:    From Wurst7 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean checkHeldItem()
		return true;
	ItemStack stack = MC.player.inventory.getMainHandStack();
	return !stack.isEmpty() && stack.getItem() instanceof BlockItem;
Example #24
Source File:    From Wurst7 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean equipSolidBlock(BlockPos pos)
	for(int slot = 0; slot < 9; slot++)
		// filter out non-block items
		ItemStack stack = MC.player.inventory.getStack(slot);
		if(stack.isEmpty() || !(stack.getItem() instanceof BlockItem))
		Block block = Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem());
		// filter out non-solid blocks
		BlockState state = block.getDefaultState();
		if(!state.isFullCube(EmptyBlockView.INSTANCE, BlockPos.ORIGIN))
		// filter out blocks that would fall
		if(block instanceof FallingBlock && FallingBlock
		MC.player.inventory.selectedSlot = slot;
		return true;
	return false;
Example #25
Source File:    From fabric-carpet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
        method = "canMerge",
        at = @At(
                value = "INVOKE",
                target = "Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;getMaxCount()I"
private int getItemStackMaxAmount(ItemStack stack) {
    if (CarpetSettings.stackableShulkerBoxes && stack.getItem() instanceof BlockItem && ((BlockItem)stack.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ShulkerBoxBlock)

    return stack.getMaxCount();
Example #26
Source File:    From the-hallow with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
static <T extends Block> T register(String name, T block, BlockItem item) {
	T b = Registry.register(Registry.BLOCK,, block);
	if (item != null) {
		HallowedItems.register(name, item);
	return b;
Example #27
Source File:    From fabric-carpet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
        method = "tryMerge(Lnet/minecraft/entity/ItemEntity;)V",
        at = @At("HEAD"),
        cancellable = true
private void tryStackShulkerBoxes(ItemEntity other, CallbackInfo ci)
    ItemEntity self = (ItemEntity)(Object)this;
    ItemStack selfStack = self.getStack();
    if (!CarpetSettings.stackableShulkerBoxes || !(selfStack.getItem() instanceof BlockItem) || !(((BlockItem)selfStack.getItem()).getBlock() instanceof ShulkerBoxBlock)) {

    ItemStack otherStack = other.getStack();
    if (selfStack.getItem() == otherStack.getItem()
            && !InventoryHelper.shulkerBoxHasItems(selfStack)
            && !InventoryHelper.shulkerBoxHasItems(otherStack)
            && selfStack.hasTag() == otherStack.hasTag()
            && selfStack.getCount() + otherStack.getCount() <= SHULKERBOX_MAX_STACK_AMOUNT)
        int amount = Math.min(otherStack.getCount(), SHULKERBOX_MAX_STACK_AMOUNT - selfStack.getCount());


        this.pickupDelay = Math.max(((ItemEntityInterface)other).getPickupDelayCM(), this.pickupDelay);
        this.age = Math.min(((ItemEntityInterface)other).getAgeCM(), this.age);

        if (otherStack.isEmpty())
Example #28
Source File:    From MineLittlePony with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void render(MatrixStack stack, VertexConsumerProvider renderContext, int lightUv, T entity, float limbDistance, float limbAngle, float tickDelta, float age, float headYaw, float headPitch) {
    ItemStack itemstack = entity.getEquippedStack(EquipmentSlot.HEAD);
    if (!itemstack.isEmpty()) {
        M model = getContext().getModelWrapper().getBody();
        Item item = itemstack.getItem();


        model.transform(BodyPart.HEAD, stack);

        if (model instanceof AbstractPonyModel) {
            stack.translate(0, 0.225F, 0);
        } else {
            stack.translate(0, 0, 0.15F);

        if (item instanceof BlockItem && ((BlockItem) item).getBlock() instanceof AbstractSkullBlock) {
            boolean isVillager = entity instanceof VillagerDataContainer;

            renderSkull(stack, renderContext, itemstack, isVillager, limbDistance, lightUv);
        } else if (!(item instanceof ArmorItem) || ((ArmorItem)item).getSlotType() != EquipmentSlot.HEAD) {
            renderBlock(stack, renderContext, entity, itemstack, lightUv);


Example #29
Source File:    From Survivalist with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void onAttackEntity(AttackEntityEvent ev)
    if (!ConfigManager.SERVER.enableTorchFire.get())

    if (!ev.getTarget().func_230279_az_() && !ev.getTarget().world.isRemote)
        PlayerEntity player = ev.getPlayer();
        ItemStack stack = player.getHeldItem(Hand.MAIN_HAND);
        if (stack.getCount() > 0 && stack.getItem() instanceof BlockItem)
            BlockItem b = (BlockItem) stack.getItem();
            Block bl = b.getBlock();
            if (bl == Blocks.TORCH)
                if (!ev.getPlayer().isCreative() && rnd.nextFloat() > 0.25)
                    if (stack.getCount() <= 0)
                        player.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(player.inventory.currentItem, ItemStack.EMPTY);
Example #30
Source File:    From Survivalist with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
public MiniBlock<T> withItem(Item.Properties properties)
    return withItem((block) -> new BlockItem(block.get(), properties));