Java Code Examples for
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Example 1
Source File: From MicroCommunity with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * 保存商户属性信息 * * @param business 当前业务 * @param businessStoreAttrs 商户属性 */ private void doSaveBusinessStoreAttrs(Business business, JSONArray businessStoreAttrs) { JSONObject data = business.getDatas(); JSONObject businessStore = data.getJSONObject(StorePo.class.getSimpleName()); for (int storeAttrIndex = 0; storeAttrIndex < businessStoreAttrs.size(); storeAttrIndex++) { JSONObject storeAttr = businessStoreAttrs.getJSONObject(storeAttrIndex); Assert.jsonObjectHaveKey(storeAttr, "attrId", "businessStoreAttr 节点下没有包含 attrId 节点"); if (storeAttr.getString("attrId").startsWith("-")) { String attrId = GenerateCodeFactory.getAttrId(); storeAttr.put("attrId", attrId); } storeAttr.put("bId", business.getbId()); storeAttr.put("storeId", businessStore.getString("storeId")); storeAttr.put("operate", StatusConstant.OPERATE_ADD); storeServiceDaoImpl.saveBusinessStoreAttr(storeAttr); } }
Example 2
Source File: From chain33-sdk-java with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
/** * @description 获取区间区块头 GetHeaders 该接口用于获取指定高度区间的区块头部信息 * * @param start 开始区块高度 * @param end 结束区块高度 * @param isDetail 是否打印区块详细信息 */ public List<BlockResult> getHeaders(Long start, Long end, boolean isDetail) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("start", start); jsonObject.put("end", end); jsonObject.put("isDetail", isDetail); RpcRequest postData = getPostData(RpcMethod.GET_HEADERS); postData.addJsonParams(jsonObject); String result = HttpUtil.httpPostBody(getUrl(), postData.toJsonString()); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(result)) { JSONObject parseObject = JSONObject.parseObject(result); if (messageValidate(parseObject)) return null; JSONObject jsonResult = parseObject.getJSONObject("result"); JSONArray jsonArray = jsonResult.getJSONArray("items"); List<BlockResult> blockResultList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JSONObject blockJson = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); BlockResult blockResult = JSONObject.toJavaObject(blockJson, BlockResult.class); blockResult.setBlockTime(new Date(blockResult.getBlockTime().getTime() * 1000)); blockResultList.add(blockResult); } return blockResultList; } return null; }
Example 3
Source File: From DBus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void effectTopologyTable(JSONObject ctrl, boolean isStart) throws Exception { JSONObject payload = ctrl.getJSONObject("payload"); Integer projectTopoTableId = payload.getInteger("projectTopoTableId"); List<Sink> sinkVos = inner.dbHelper.loadSinks(inner.topologyId, projectTopoTableId); if (sinkVos != null && sinkVos.size() > 0) { for (Sink vo : sinkVos) { String key = StringUtils.joinWith(".", vo.getDsName(), vo.getSchemaName(), vo.getTableName()); topicMap.remove(key); topicMap.put(key, vo.getTopic()); sinksMap.remove(key); sinksMap.put(key, vo.getUrl()); kafkaProducerManager.close(); //String url = vo.getUrl(); /*if (!producerMap.containsKey(url)) { String clientId = StringUtils.joinWith("-", kafkaProducerConf.getProperty(""), String.valueOf(producerMap.size() + 1)); producerMap.put(url, obtainKafkaProducer(url, clientId)); }*/ if (isStart) { String path = StringUtils.joinWith("/", Constants.HEARTBEAT_PROJECT_MONITOR, vo.getProjectName(), inner.topologyId, key); inner.zkHelper.createNode(path); } } } inner.dbHelper.toggleProjectTopologyTableStatus(projectTopoTableId, DBusRouterConstants.PROJECT_TOPOLOGY_TABLE_STATUS_START);"kafka write bolt effect topology table:{} completed.", projectTopoTableId); }
Example 4
Source File: From chain33-sdk-java with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
/** * @description 生成随机的seed * * @param lang lang=0:英语,lang=1:简体汉字 * @return seed */ public String seedGen(Integer lang) { RpcRequest postData = getPostData(RpcMethod.GEN_SEED); JSONObject requestParam = new JSONObject(); requestParam.put("lang", lang); postData.addJsonParams(requestParam); String result = HttpUtil.httpPostBody(getUrl(), postData.toJsonString()); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(result)) { JSONObject parseObject = JSONObject.parseObject(result); if (messageValidate(parseObject)) return null; JSONObject resultJson = parseObject.getJSONObject("result"); String seed = resultJson.getString("seed"); return seed; } return null; }
Example 5
Source File: From chain33-sdk-java with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
/** * @description 导出私钥 * * @param addr 导出私钥的地址 * @return 私钥 */ public String dumpPrivkey(String addr) { RpcRequest postData = getPostData(RpcMethod.DUMP_PRIVKEY); JSONObject requestParam = new JSONObject(); requestParam.put("ReqStr", addr); postData.addJsonParams(requestParam); String requestResult = HttpUtil.httpPostBody(getUrl(), postData.toJsonString()); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(requestResult)) { JSONObject parseObject = JSONObject.parseObject(requestResult); if (messageValidate(parseObject)) return null; JSONObject resultObj = parseObject.getJSONObject("result"); String resultStr = resultObj.getString("replystr"); return resultStr; } return null; }
Example 6
Source File: From JustAuth with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override protected AuthUser getUserInfo(AuthToken authToken) { // 获取用户信息 String userResponse = doGetUserInfo(authToken); JSONObject userProfile = JSONObject.parseObject(userResponse); if ("error".equalsIgnoreCase(userProfile.getString("result"))) { throw new AuthException(userProfile.getString("description")); } JSONObject object = userProfile.getJSONObject("data"); AuthUser authUser = AuthUser.builder() .rawUserInfo(object) .uuid(authToken.getOpenId()) .username(object.getString("miliaoNick")) .nickname(object.getString("miliaoNick")) .avatar(object.getString("miliaoIcon")) .email(object.getString("mail")) .gender(AuthUserGender.UNKNOWN) .token(authToken) .source(source.toString()) .build(); // 获取用户邮箱手机号等信息 String emailPhoneUrl = MessageFormat.format("{0}?clientId={1}&token={2}", "", config .getClientId(), authToken.getAccessToken()); String emailResponse = new HttpUtils(config.getHttpConfig()).get(emailPhoneUrl); JSONObject userEmailPhone = JSONObject.parseObject(emailResponse); if (!"error".equalsIgnoreCase(userEmailPhone.getString("result"))) { JSONObject emailPhone = userEmailPhone.getJSONObject("data"); authUser.setEmail(emailPhone.getString("email")); } else { Log.warn("小米开发平台暂时不对外开放用户手机及邮箱信息的获取"); } return authUser; }
Example 7
Source File: From weixin4j with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 创建标签 * * <p> * 一个公众号,最多可以创建100个标签。</p> * * @param name 标签名,UTF8编码 * @return 包含标签ID的对象 * @throws org.weixin4j.WeixinException 微信操作异常 */ public Tag create(String name) throws WeixinException { //创建请求对象 HttpsClient http = new HttpsClient(); //拼接参数 JSONObject postTag = new JSONObject(); JSONObject postName = new JSONObject(); postName.put("name", name); postTag.put("tag", postName); //调用获创建标签接口 Response res ="" + weixin.getToken().getAccess_token(), postTag); //根据请求结果判定,是否验证成功 JSONObject jsonObj = res.asJSONObject(); //成功返回如下JSON: //{"tag":{"id":134, name":"广东"}} if (jsonObj != null) { if (Configuration.isDebug()) { System.out.println("获取/tags/create返回json:" + jsonObj.toString()); } Object errcode = jsonObj.get("errcode"); if (errcode != null && !errcode.toString().equals("0")) { //返回异常信息 throw new WeixinException(getCause(jsonObj.getIntValue("errcode"))); } else { JSONObject tagJson = jsonObj.getJSONObject("tag"); if (tagJson != null) { return JSONObject.toJavaObject(tagJson, Tag.class); } } } return null; }
Example 8
Source File: From DBus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String getMonitorNodePath(String dsName, JSONObject reqJson) { String monitorRoot = Constants.FULL_PULL_MONITOR_ROOT; String dbNameSpace = buildSlashedNameSpace(dsName, reqJson); String monitorNodePath; JSONObject projectJson = reqJson.getJSONObject("project"); if (projectJson != null && !projectJson.isEmpty()) { int projectId = projectJson.getIntValue("id"); String projectName = projectJson.getString("name"); monitorNodePath = String.format("%s/%s/%s_%s/%s", monitorRoot, "Projects", projectName, projectId, dbNameSpace); } else { monitorNodePath = buildZkPath(monitorRoot, dbNameSpace); } return monitorNodePath; }
Example 9
Source File: From MicroCommunity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 异常 * @return */ public String toJsonString() { JSONObject exceptionJson = JSONObject.parseObject("{\"exception\":{}"); JSONObject exceptionJsonObj = exceptionJson.getJSONObject("exception"); if (getResult() != null) exceptionJsonObj.putAll(JSONObject.parseObject(result.toString())); exceptionJsonObj.put("exceptionTrace",getMessage()); return exceptionJsonObj.toString(); }
Example 10
Source File: From ES-Fastloader with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public TemplateConfig(JSONObject root) throws Exception { if(root==null) { throw new Exception("root is null"); } for(String key : root.keySet()) { if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(TEMPLATE_STR)) { template.add((String) root.get(key)); } else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(INDEX_PATTERNS_STR)) { Object obj = root.get(key); if(obj instanceof JSONArray) { for(Object o : (JSONArray)obj) { template.add(o.toString()); } } else { template.add(obj.toString()); } } else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(ORDER_STR)) { order = root.getLong(key); } else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(SETTINGS_STR)) { setttings = root.getJSONObject(key); } else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(ALIASES_STR)) { aliases = root.getJSONObject(key); } else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(MAPPINGS_STR)) { mappings = new MappingConfig(root.getJSONObject(key)); } else { notUsedMap.put(key, root.get(key)); } } if(mappings==null) { throw new Exception("not have mapping, config:" + root.toJSONString()); } }
Example 11
Source File: From MicroCommunity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public DataFlow builderByBusiness(String businessInfo) throws Exception{ try{ Business business = null; JSONObject reqInfoObj = JSONObject.parseObject(businessInfo); this.setReqJson(reqInfoObj); this.setReqData(businessInfo); this.setDataFlowId(reqInfoObj.containsKey("dataFlowId")?reqInfoObj.getString("dataFlowId"):"-1"); //this.setAppId(orderObj.getString("appId")); this.setTransactionId(reqInfoObj.getString("transactionId")); this.setOrderTypeCd(reqInfoObj.getString("orderTypeCd")); this.setRequestTime(reqInfoObj.getString("responseTime")); this.setBusinessType(reqInfoObj.getString("businessType")); //this.setReqOrders(orderObj); JSONObject businessObj = new JSONObject(); businessObj.put("bId",reqInfoObj.getString("bId")); businessObj.put("serviceCode",reqInfoObj.getString("serviceCode")); JSONArray reqBusinesses = new JSONArray(); reqBusinesses.add(businessInfo); this.setReqBusiness(reqBusinesses); JSONObject response = reqInfoObj.getJSONObject("response"); this.setCode(response.getString("code")); this.setMessage(response.getString("message")); businessObj.put("response",response); this.businesses = new ArrayList<Business>(); business = new Business().builder(businessObj); businesses.add(business); this.setCurrentBusiness(business); }catch (Exception e){ throw e; } return this; }
Example 12
Source File: From litchi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void initialize(Litchi litchi) { this.litchi = litchi; this.blockOnConfigEmpty = litchi.currentNode().isLackConfigFileIsExit(); JSONObject config = litchi.config(Constants.Component.DATA_CONFIG); String dataSourceKey = config.getString("dataSource"); JSONObject redisConfig = config.getJSONObject(dataSourceKey); redisKey = redisConfig.getString("redisKey"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(redisKey)) { LOGGER.error("data config redis key is empty. please config it in {}", Constants.Component.DATA_CONFIG); return; } }
Example 13
Source File: From MicroCommunity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 异常 * @return */ public String toJsonString() { JSONObject exceptionJson = JSONObject.parseObject("{\"exception\":{}"); JSONObject exceptionJsonObj = exceptionJson.getJSONObject("exception"); if (getResult() != null) exceptionJsonObj.putAll(JSONObject.parseObject(result.toString())); exceptionJsonObj.put("exceptionTrace",getMessage()); return exceptionJsonObj.toString(); }
Example 14
Source File: From jeecg-cloud with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 根据ID获取索引数据,未查询到返回null * <p> * 查询地址:GET http://{baseUrl}/{indexName}/{typeName}/{dataId} * * @param indexName 索引名称 * @param typeName type,一个任意字符串,用于分类 * @param dataId 数据id * @return */ public JSONObject getDataById(String indexName, String typeName, String dataId) { String url = this.getBaseUrl(indexName, typeName).append("/").append(dataId).toString();"url:" + url); JSONObject result = RestUtil.get(url); boolean found = result.getBoolean("found"); if (found) { return result.getJSONObject("_source"); } else { return null; } }
Example 15
Source File: From MicroCommunity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 根据删除信息 查出Instance表中数据 保存至business表 (状态写DEL) 方便撤单时直接更新回去 * @param dataFlowContext 数据对象 * @param business 当前业务对象 */ @Override protected void doSaveBusiness(DataFlowContext dataFlowContext, Business business) { JSONObject data = business.getDatas(); Assert.notEmpty(data,"没有datas 节点,或没有子节点需要处理"); //处理 businessStore 节点 按理这里不应该处理,程序上支持,以防真有这种业务 if(data.containsKey(StorePo.class.getSimpleName())){ JSONObject businessStore = data.getJSONObject(BusinessTypeConstant.BUSINESS_TYPE_DELETE_STORE_INFO); doBusinessStore(business,businessStore); dataFlowContext.addParamOut("storeId",businessStore.getString("storeId")); } if(data.containsKey(StoreAttrPo.class.getSimpleName())){ JSONArray businessStoreAttrs = data.getJSONArray(StoreAttrPo.class.getSimpleName()); doSaveBusinessStoreAttrs(business,businessStoreAttrs); } if(data.containsKey(StorePhotoPo.class.getSimpleName())){ JSONArray businessStorePhotos = data.getJSONArray(StorePhotoPo.class.getSimpleName()); doBusinessStorePhoto(business,businessStorePhotos); } if(data.containsKey(StoreCerdentialPo.class.getSimpleName())){ JSONArray businessStoreCerdentialses = data.getJSONArray(StoreCerdentialPo.class.getSimpleName()); doBusinessStoreCerdentials(business,businessStoreCerdentialses); } }
Example 16
Source File: From rebuild with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * @param node * @return */ public static FlowNode valueOf(JSONObject node) { return new FlowNode( node.getString("nodeId"), node.getString("type"), node.getJSONObject("data")); }
Example 17
Source File: From SuitAgent with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static String getNodeNameOrId(int pid,int type) throws IOException { String selfNodeId = ""; String selfNodeName = ""; String netWorkHost = getNetworkHost(pid); int port = getHttpPort(pid); String url = getConnectionUrl(pid) + "/_nodes"; String responseText; try { responseText = HttpUtil.get(url).getResult(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("访问{}异常",url,e); return ""; } JSONObject responseJSON = JSONObject.parseObject(responseText); JSONObject nodes = responseJSON.getJSONObject("nodes"); if(nodes != null){ for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : nodes.entrySet()) { String nodeId = entry.getKey(); JSONObject nodeInfo = (JSONObject) entry.getValue(); String nodeName = nodeInfo.getString("name"); String httpAddress = nodeInfo.getString("http_address"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(httpAddress)) { selfNodeId = nodeId; selfNodeName = nodeName; }else { if("".equals(netWorkHost) || "localhost".equals(netWorkHost)){ if(httpAddress.contains("" + port) || httpAddress.contains("localhost:" + port)){ selfNodeId = nodeId; selfNodeName = nodeName; } }else{ if(httpAddress.contains(netWorkHost + ":" + port)){ selfNodeId = nodeId; selfNodeName = nodeName; } } } } }else{ log.error("elasticSearch json结果解析失败:{}",responseText); } switch (type){ case 1: return selfNodeId; case 2: return selfNodeName; default: return ""; } }
Example 18
Source File: From teaching with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * 获取菜单JSON数组 * @param jsonArray * @param metaList * @param parentJson */ private void getPermissionJsonArray(JSONArray jsonArray, List<SysPermission> metaList, JSONObject parentJson) { for (SysPermission permission : metaList) { if (permission.getMenuType() == null) { continue; } String tempPid = permission.getParentId(); JSONObject json = getPermissionJsonObject(permission); if(json==null) { continue; } if (parentJson == null && oConvertUtils.isEmpty(tempPid)) { jsonArray.add(json); if (!permission.isLeaf()) { getPermissionJsonArray(jsonArray, metaList, json); } } else if (parentJson != null && oConvertUtils.isNotEmpty(tempPid) && tempPid.equals(parentJson.getString("id"))) { // 类型( 0:一级菜单 1:子菜单 2:按钮 ) if (permission.getMenuType().equals(CommonConstant.MENU_TYPE_2)) { JSONObject metaJson = parentJson.getJSONObject("meta"); if (metaJson.containsKey("permissionList")) { metaJson.getJSONArray("permissionList").add(json); } else { JSONArray permissionList = new JSONArray(); permissionList.add(json); metaJson.put("permissionList", permissionList); } // 类型( 0:一级菜单 1:子菜单 2:按钮 ) } else if (permission.getMenuType().equals(CommonConstant.MENU_TYPE_1) || permission.getMenuType().equals(CommonConstant.MENU_TYPE_0)) { if (parentJson.containsKey("children")) { parentJson.getJSONArray("children").add(json); } else { JSONArray children = new JSONArray(); children.add(json); parentJson.put("children", children); } if (!permission.isLeaf()) { getPermissionJsonArray(jsonArray, metaList, json); } } } } }
Example 19
Source File: From RCT with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void handleAnalyzerStatusMessage(JSONObject message) { String analyzeIP = message.getString("ip"); if (message.get("scheduleInfo") == null || "".equals(message.getString("scheduleInfo").trim())) { return; } JSONObject scheduleInfo = message.getJSONObject("scheduleInfo"); Long scheduleID = scheduleInfo.getLong("scheduleID"); Map<String, Map<String, String>> rdbAnalyzeStatus = (Map<String, Map<String, String>>) message .get("rdbAnalyzeStatus"); List<ScheduleDetail> scheduleDetails = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, String> newScheduleDtailsInstance = new HashMap<>(); for (Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry : rdbAnalyzeStatus.entrySet()) { String port = entry.getKey(); if (entry.getValue() == null) { continue; } Map<String, String> analyzeInfo = entry.getValue(); AnalyzeStatus status = AnalyzeStatus.fromString(analyzeInfo.get("status")); String count = analyzeInfo.get("count"); String instance = analyzeIP + ":" + port; if (count == null || count.equals("")) { count = "0"; } ScheduleDetail s = new ScheduleDetail(scheduleID, instance, Integer.parseInt(count), true, status); scheduleDetails.add(s); newScheduleDtailsInstance.put(instance, instance); } // 将新旧信息合并 List<ScheduleDetail> oldScheduleDetails = AppCache.scheduleDetailMap.get(rdbAnalyze.getId()); List<ScheduleDetail> oldNeedScheduleDetails = new ArrayList<>(); if (oldScheduleDetails != null && oldScheduleDetails.size() > 0) { for (ScheduleDetail detail : oldScheduleDetails) { if (newScheduleDtailsInstance.containsKey(detail.getInstance())) { continue; } oldNeedScheduleDetails.add(detail); } scheduleDetails.addAll(oldNeedScheduleDetails); } AppCache.scheduleDetailMap.put(rdbAnalyze.getId(), scheduleDetails); }
Example 20
Source File: From DataLink with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * * Description: 异常处理 * Created on 2016-6-13 下午1:40:11 * @author 孔增( * @param json */ public Object checkError(JSONObject json) { if(json == null) { return null; } return json.getJSONObject(ERROR_NAME); }