Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Parse the IDs, adding a realm if needed, setting the permissions * @param principalList id string * @param realm realm to add * @param perms permissions * @return the relevant ACLs * @throws IOException */ public List<ACL> buildACLs(String principalList, String realm, int perms) throws IOException { List<String> aclPairs = splitAclPairs(principalList, realm); List<ACL> ids = new ArrayList<ACL>(aclPairs.size()); for (String aclPair : aclPairs) { ACL newAcl = new ACL(); newAcl.setId(parse(aclPair, realm)); newAcl.setPerms(perms); ids.add(newAcl); } return ids; }
Example 2
Source File: From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Parse comma separated list of ACL entries to secure generated nodes, e.g. * <code>sasl:hdfs/host1@MY.DOMAIN:cdrwa,sasl:hdfs/host2@MY.DOMAIN:cdrwa</code> * * @return ACL list * @throws {@link BadAclFormatException} if an ACL is invalid */ public static List<ACL> parseACLs(String aclString) throws BadAclFormatException { List<ACL> acl = Lists.newArrayList(); if (aclString == null) { return acl; } List<String> aclComps = Lists.newArrayList( Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults() .split(aclString)); for (String a : aclComps) { // from ZooKeeperMain private method int firstColon = a.indexOf(':'); int lastColon = a.lastIndexOf(':'); if (firstColon == -1 || lastColon == -1 || firstColon == lastColon) { throw new BadAclFormatException( "ACL '" + a + "' not of expected form scheme:id:perm"); } ACL newAcl = new ACL(); newAcl.setId(new Id(a.substring(0, firstColon), a.substring( firstColon + 1, lastColon))); newAcl.setPerms(getPermFromString(a.substring(lastColon + 1))); acl.add(newAcl); } return acl; }
Example 3
Source File: From big-c with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Parse the IDs, adding a realm if needed, setting the permissions * @param principalList id string * @param realm realm to add * @param perms permissions * @return the relevant ACLs * @throws IOException */ public List<ACL> buildACLs(String principalList, String realm, int perms) throws IOException { List<String> aclPairs = splitAclPairs(principalList, realm); List<ACL> ids = new ArrayList<ACL>(aclPairs.size()); for (String aclPair : aclPairs) { ACL newAcl = new ACL(); newAcl.setId(parse(aclPair, realm)); newAcl.setPerms(perms); ids.add(newAcl); } return ids; }
Example 4
Source File: From big-c with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Parse comma separated list of ACL entries to secure generated nodes, e.g. * <code>sasl:hdfs/host1@MY.DOMAIN:cdrwa,sasl:hdfs/host2@MY.DOMAIN:cdrwa</code> * * @return ACL list * @throws {@link BadAclFormatException} if an ACL is invalid */ public static List<ACL> parseACLs(String aclString) throws BadAclFormatException { List<ACL> acl = Lists.newArrayList(); if (aclString == null) { return acl; } List<String> aclComps = Lists.newArrayList( Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults() .split(aclString)); for (String a : aclComps) { // from ZooKeeperMain private method int firstColon = a.indexOf(':'); int lastColon = a.lastIndexOf(':'); if (firstColon == -1 || lastColon == -1 || firstColon == lastColon) { throw new BadAclFormatException( "ACL '" + a + "' not of expected form scheme:id:perm"); } ACL newAcl = new ACL(); newAcl.setId(new Id(a.substring(0, firstColon), a.substring( firstColon + 1, lastColon))); newAcl.setPerms(getPermFromString(a.substring(lastColon + 1))); acl.add(newAcl); } return acl; }