net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryBasic Java Examples

The following examples show how to use net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryBasic. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From TofuCraftReload with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public EntityTofunian(World worldIn) {
    this.villagerInventory = new InventoryBasic("Items", false, 8);
    this.setSize(0.45F, 1.4F);
    ((PathNavigateGround) this.getNavigator()).setBreakDoors(true);
Example #2
Source File:    From NotEnoughItems with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private void openPotionGui(EntityPlayerMP player, PacketCustom packet) {
    InventoryBasic b = new InventoryBasic("potionStore", true, 9);
    for (int i = 0; i < b.getSizeInventory(); i++) {
        b.setInventorySlotContents(i, packet.readItemStack());
    ServerUtils.openSMPContainer(player, new ContainerPotionCreator(player.inventory, b), (player1, windowId) -> {
        PacketCustom packet1 = new PacketCustom(channel, 24);
Example #3
Source File:    From NotEnoughItems with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public ContainerPotionCreator(InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, IInventory potionStoreInv) {
    playerInv = inventoryPlayer;
    potionInv = new InventoryBasic("Potion", true, 1);
    this.potionStoreInv = potionStoreInv;

    addSlotToContainer(new SlotPotion(potionInv, 0, 25, 102));
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        addSlotToContainer(new SlotPotionStore(potionStoreInv, i, 8 + i * 18, 14));
    bindPlayerInventory(inventoryPlayer, 8, 125);
Example #4
Source File:    From NotEnoughItems with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public ContainerPotionCreator(InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, IInventory potionStoreInv) {
    playerInv = inventoryPlayer;
    potionInv = new InventoryBasic("Potion", true, 1);
    this.potionStoreInv = potionStoreInv;

    addSlotToContainer(new SlotPotion(potionInv, 0, 25, 102));
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        addSlotToContainer(new SlotPotionStore(potionStoreInv, i, 8 + i * 18, 14));
    bindPlayerInventory(inventoryPlayer, 8, 125);
Example #5
Source File:    From TofuCraftReload with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Keep ticking a continuous task that has already been started
public void updateTask()
    this.villager.getLookHelper().setLookPosition((double)this.destinationBlock.getX() + 0.5D, (double)(this.destinationBlock.getY() + 1), (double)this.destinationBlock.getZ() + 0.5D, 10.0F, (float)this.villager.getVerticalFaceSpeed());

    if (this.getIsAboveDestination())
        World world =;
        BlockPos blockpos = this.destinationBlock.up();
        IBlockState iblockstate = world.getBlockState(blockpos);
        Block block = iblockstate.getBlock();

        if (this.currentTask == 0 && block instanceof BlockCrops && ((BlockCrops)block).isMaxAge(iblockstate))
            world.destroyBlock(blockpos, true);
        else if (this.currentTask == 1 && iblockstate.getMaterial() == Material.AIR)
            InventoryBasic inventorybasic = this.villager.getVillagerInventory();

            for (int i = 0; i < inventorybasic.getSizeInventory(); ++i)
                ItemStack itemstack = inventorybasic.getStackInSlot(i);
                boolean flag = false;

                if (!itemstack.isEmpty())
                    if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.WHEAT_SEEDS)
                        world.setBlockState(blockpos, Blocks.WHEAT.getDefaultState(), 3);
                        flag = true;
                    else if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.POTATO)
                        world.setBlockState(blockpos, Blocks.POTATOES.getDefaultState(), 3);
                        flag = true;
                    else if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.CARROT)
                        world.setBlockState(blockpos, Blocks.CARROTS.getDefaultState(), 3);
                        flag = true;
                    else if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.BEETROOT_SEEDS)
                        world.setBlockState(blockpos, Blocks.BEETROOTS.getDefaultState(), 3);
                        flag = true;
                    else if (itemstack.getItem() instanceof net.minecraftforge.common.IPlantable) {
                        if(((net.minecraftforge.common.IPlantable)itemstack.getItem()).getPlantType(world,blockpos) == net.minecraftforge.common.EnumPlantType.Crop) {
                            world.setBlockState(blockpos, ((net.minecraftforge.common.IPlantable)itemstack.getItem()).getPlant(world,blockpos),3);
                            flag = true;

                if (flag)

                    if (itemstack.isEmpty())
                        inventorybasic.setInventorySlotContents(i, ItemStack.EMPTY);


        this.currentTask = -1;
        this.runDelay = 10;
Example #6
Source File:    From TofuCraftReload with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public InventoryBasic getVillagerInventory() {
    return villagerInventory;
Example #7
Source File:    From Signals with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public InventoryBasic getFuelInv(){
    return fuelInv;
Example #8
Source File:    From PneumaticCraft with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the creative inventory
public InventoryBasic getInventory(){
    return inventory;
Example #9
Source File:    From HoloInventory with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public ResponseMessage onMessage(TileRequest message, MessageContext ctx)
    World world = DimensionManager.getWorld(message.dim);
    if (world == null) return null;
    TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(message.pos);
    if (te == null) return null;

    if (Helper.banned.contains(te.getClass().getCanonicalName())) return null;
    if (te instanceof ILockableContainer && !ctx.getServerHandler().player.canOpen(((ILockableContainer) te).getLockCode())) return null;

    if (te instanceof TileEntityEnderChest)
        return new PlainInventory(message.pos, ctx.getServerHandler().player.getInventoryEnderChest());
    else if (te instanceof BlockJukebox.TileEntityJukebox)
        InventoryBasic ib = new InventoryBasic("minecraft:jukebox", false, 1);
        ib.setInventorySlotContents(0, ((BlockJukebox.TileEntityJukebox) te).getRecord());
        return new PlainInventory(message.pos, ib).setName(Blocks.JUKEBOX.getUnlocalizedName());
    else if (te instanceof TileEntityChest)
        Block b = world.getBlockState(message.pos).getBlock();
        if (b instanceof BlockChest)
            IInventory i = ((BlockChest) b).getLockableContainer(world, message.pos);
            if (i != null) return new PlainInventory(message.pos, i);
            return null;
        return new PlainInventory(message.pos, ((TileEntityChest) te));
    else if (te instanceof IInventory)
        return new PlainInventory(message.pos, (IInventory) te);
    else if (te.hasCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, null))
        IItemHandler iih = te.getCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, null);
        if (iih == null)
            HoloInventory.getLogger().warn("Error: Block at {} (Class: {} Te: {} Block: {}) returned null after indicating the capability is available.", message.pos, te.getClass().getName(), te, te.getBlockType());
            return null;
        if (te instanceof INamedItemHandler) {
        	INamedItemHandler namedHandler = (INamedItemHandler) te;
        	return new PlainInventory(message.pos, namedHandler.getItemHandlerName(), iih);
        return new PlainInventory(message.pos, te.getBlockType().getUnlocalizedName(), iih);

    return null;