mil.nga.sf.proj.Projection Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Constructor * * @param context app context * @param geoPackage GeoPackage * @param tableName table name * @param tileUrl tile url * @param minZoom min zoom * @param maxZoom max zoom * @param boundingBox tiles bounding box * @param projection tiles projection * @since 1.3.0 */ public UrlTileGenerator(Context context, GeoPackage geoPackage, String tableName, String tileUrl, int minZoom, int maxZoom, BoundingBox boundingBox, Projection projection) { super(context, geoPackage, tableName, minZoom, maxZoom, boundingBox, projection); try { this.tileUrl = URLDecoder.decode(tileUrl, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new GeoPackageException("Failed to decode tile url: " + tileUrl, e); } this.urlHasXYZ = hasXYZ(tileUrl); this.urlHasBoundingBox = hasBoundingBox(tileUrl); if (!this.urlHasXYZ && !this.urlHasBoundingBox) { throw new GeoPackageException( "URL does not contain x,y,z or bounding box variables: " + tileUrl); } }
Example #2
Source File: From geopackage-java with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Create an expanded bounding box to handle features outside the tile that * overlap * * @param boundingBox * bounding box * @param projection * bounding box projection * @return bounding box * @since 3.2.0 */ public BoundingBox expandBoundingBox(BoundingBox boundingBox, Projection projection) { BoundingBox expandedBoundingBox = boundingBox; ProjectionTransform toWebMercator = projection .getTransformation(ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WEB_MERCATOR); if (!toWebMercator.isSameProjection()) { expandedBoundingBox = expandedBoundingBox.transform(toWebMercator); } expandedBoundingBox = expandBoundingBox(expandedBoundingBox); if (!toWebMercator.isSameProjection()) { ProjectionTransform fromWebMercator = toWebMercator .getInverseTransformation(); expandedBoundingBox = expandedBoundingBox .transform(fromWebMercator); } return expandedBoundingBox; }
Example #3
Source File: From geopackage-android-map with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Constructor with specified projection, see * {@link FeatureDao#getProjection} * * @param projection projection */ public GoogleMapShapeConverter(Projection projection) { this.projection = projection; if (projection != null) { toWgs84 = projection .getTransformation(ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WORLD_GEODETIC_SYSTEM); Projection wgs84 = toWgs84.getToProjection(); fromWgs84 = wgs84.getTransformation(projection); toWebMercator = projection.getTransformation(ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WEB_MERCATOR); Projection webMercator = toWebMercator.getToProjection(); fromWebMercator = webMercator.getTransformation(projection); } else { toWgs84 = null; fromWgs84 = null; toWebMercator = null; fromWebMercator = null; } }
Example #4
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Get the coverage data value at the coordinate * * @param geoPackage GeoPackage * @param algorithm algorithm * @param latitude latitude * @param longitude longitude * @param epsg epsg * @return coverage data value * @throws Exception */ public static Double getValue(GeoPackage geoPackage, CoverageDataAlgorithm algorithm, double latitude, double longitude, long epsg) throws Exception { Double value = null; List<String> coverageDataTables = CoverageData.getTables(geoPackage); TileMatrixSetDao dao = geoPackage.getTileMatrixSetDao(); for (String coverageTable : coverageDataTables) { TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet = dao.queryForId(coverageTable); TileDao tileDao = geoPackage.getTileDao(tileMatrixSet); Projection requestProjection = ProjectionFactory .getProjection(epsg); // Test getting the coverage data value of a single coordinate CoverageData<?> coverageData = CoverageData.getCoverageData(geoPackage, tileDao, requestProjection); coverageData.setAlgorithm(algorithm); value = coverageData.getValue(latitude, longitude); } return value; }
Example #5
Source File: From geopackage-java with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BoundingBox getFeatureBoundingBox(Projection projection, String table, boolean manual) { BoundingBox boundingBox = null; FeatureIndexManager indexManager = new FeatureIndexManager(this, table); try { if (manual || indexManager.isIndexed()) { boundingBox = indexManager.getBoundingBox(projection); } } finally { indexManager.close(); } return boundingBox; }
Example #6
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(Projection projection) { BoundingBox boundingBox = getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox != null && projection != null) { ProjectionTransform projectionTransform = featureDao .getProjection().getTransformation(projection); boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(projectionTransform); } return boundingBox; }
Example #7
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Constructor, specified tile size and projection * * @param tileDao tile dao * @param width requested width * @param height requested height * @param requestProjection requested projection */ public TileCreator(TileDao tileDao, Integer width, Integer height, Projection requestProjection) { this.tileDao = tileDao; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.requestProjection = requestProjection; tileMatrixSet = tileDao.getTileMatrixSet(); tilesProjection = tileDao.getTileMatrixSet().getProjection(); tileSetBoundingBox = tileMatrixSet.getBoundingBox(); // Check if the projections have the same units sameProjection = (requestProjection.getUnit().name.equals(tilesProjection.getUnit().name)); }
Example #8
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Get a Tiled Gridded Coverage Data * * @param geoPackage GeoPackage * @param tileDao tile dao * @param width coverage data response width * @param height coverage data response height * @param requestProjection request projection * @return coverage data */ public static CoverageData<?> getCoverageData(GeoPackage geoPackage, TileDao tileDao, Integer width, Integer height, Projection requestProjection) { TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet = tileDao.getTileMatrixSet(); GriddedCoverageDao griddedCoverageDao = geoPackage .getGriddedCoverageDao(); GriddedCoverage griddedCoverage = null; try { if (griddedCoverageDao.isTableExists()) { griddedCoverage = griddedCoverageDao.query(tileMatrixSet); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new GeoPackageException( "Failed to get Gridded Coverage for table name: " + tileMatrixSet.getTableName(), e); } CoverageData<?> coverageData = null; GriddedCoverageDataType dataType = griddedCoverage.getDataType(); switch (dataType) { case INTEGER: coverageData = new CoverageDataPng(geoPackage, tileDao, width, height, requestProjection); break; case FLOAT: coverageData = new CoverageDataTiff(geoPackage, tileDao, width, height, requestProjection); break; default: throw new GeoPackageException( "Unsupported Gridded Coverage Data Type: " + dataType); } return coverageData; }
Example #9
Source File: From geopackage-android-map with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Perform a query based upon the map click location and build feature table data * * @param latLng location * @param zoom current zoom level * @param boundingBox click bounding box * @param tolerance distance tolerance * @param projection desired geometry projection * @return table data on what was clicked, or null */ private FeatureTableData buildMapClickTableData(LatLng latLng, double zoom, BoundingBox boundingBox, double tolerance, Projection projection) { FeatureTableData tableData = null; // Verify the features are indexed and we are getting information if (isIndexed() && (maxFeaturesInfo || featuresInfo)) { if (isOnAtCurrentZoom(zoom, latLng)) { // Get the number of features in the tile location long tileFeatureCount = tileFeatureCount(latLng, zoom); // If more than a configured max features to draw if (isMoreThanMaxFeatures(tileFeatureCount)) { // Build the max features message if (maxFeaturesInfo) { tableData = new FeatureTableData(featureTiles.getFeatureDao().getTableName(), tileFeatureCount); } } // Else, query for the features near the click else if (featuresInfo) { // Query for results and build the message FeatureIndexResults results = queryFeatures(boundingBox, projection); tableData = featureInfoBuilder.buildTableDataAndClose(results, tolerance, latLng, projection); } } } return tableData; }
Example #10
Source File: From geopackage-core-java with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Query for the feature index bounds and return in the provided projection * * @param projection * desired projection * @return bounding box * @since 3.1.0 */ public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(Projection projection) { BoundingBox boundingBox = getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox != null && projection != null) { ProjectionTransform projectionTransform = getProjection() .getTransformation(projection); boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(projectionTransform); } return boundingBox; }
Example #11
Source File: From geopackage-core-java with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Create a projection * * @param authority * authority * @param code * code * @return projection */ protected Projection createProjection(String authority, String code) { Projection projection = null; try { projection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(authority, code); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to create projection. Authority: " + authority + ", Code: " + code); } return projection; }
Example #12
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(Projection projection) { Contents contents = geometryColumns.getContents(); BoundingBox boundingBox = contents.getBoundingBox(projection); return boundingBox; }
Example #13
Source File: From geopackage-java with MIT License | 5 votes |
private static void createFeatureTileLinkExtension(GeoPackage geoPackage) throws SQLException, IOException { List<String> featureTables = geoPackage.getFeatureTables(); for (String featureTable : featureTables) { FeatureDao featureDao = geoPackage.getFeatureDao(featureTable); FeatureTiles featureTiles = new DefaultFeatureTiles(geoPackage, featureDao); BoundingBox boundingBox = featureDao.getBoundingBox(); Projection projection = featureDao.getProjection(); Projection requestProjection = ProjectionFactory .getProjection(ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WEB_MERCATOR); ProjectionTransform transform = projection .getTransformation(requestProjection); BoundingBox requestBoundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform); int zoomLevel = TileBoundingBoxUtils .getZoomLevel(requestBoundingBox); zoomLevel = Math.max(zoomLevel, 8); zoomLevel = Math.min(zoomLevel, 19); int minZoom = zoomLevel - 8; int maxZoom = zoomLevel + 2; TileGenerator tileGenerator = new FeatureTileGenerator(geoPackage, featureTable + "_tiles", featureTiles, minZoom, maxZoom, requestBoundingBox, requestProjection); tileGenerator.generateTiles(); } }
Example #14
Source File: From geopackage-core-java with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Get the Projected tile bounding box from the XYZ tile grid and zoom level * * @param projection * projection * @param tileGrid * tile grid * @param zoom * zoom level * @return bounding box */ public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBox(Projection projection, TileGrid tileGrid, int zoom) { BoundingBox boundingBox = getWebMercatorBoundingBox(tileGrid, zoom); if (projection != null) { ProjectionTransform transform = webMercator .getTransformation(projection); boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform); } return boundingBox; }
Example #15
Source File: From geopackage-core-java with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Get a bounding box in the provided projection * * @param projection * desired projection * * @return bounding box * @since 3.1.0 */ public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(Projection projection) { BoundingBox boundingBox = getBoundingBox(); if (projection != null) { ProjectionTransform transform = getProjection().getTransformation( projection); if (!transform.isSameProjection()) { boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform); } } return boundingBox; }
Example #16
Source File: From geopackage-core-java with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Get the CRS from the projection * * @param projection * projection * @return crs */ protected Crs getCrs(Projection projection) { String version = null; switch (projection.getAuthority()) { case ProjectionConstants.AUTHORITY_OGC: version = OGC_VERSION; break; default: version = EPSG_VERSION; } return new Crs(projection.getAuthority(), version, projection.getCode()); }
Example #17
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(Projection projection) { throw new GeoPackageException( "Bounding Box not supported for Attributes"); }
Example #18
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Test transforming geometries between projections * * @param geoPackage * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException */ public static void testGeometryProjectionTransform(GeoPackage geoPackage) throws SQLException, IOException { GeometryColumnsDao geometryColumnsDao = geoPackage .getGeometryColumnsDao(); if (geometryColumnsDao.isTableExists()) { List<GeometryColumns> results = geometryColumnsDao.queryForAll(); for (GeometryColumns geometryColumns : results) { FeatureDao dao = geoPackage.getFeatureDao(geometryColumns); TestCase.assertNotNull(dao); FeatureCursor cursor = dao.queryForAll(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { GeoPackageGeometryData geometryData = cursor.getGeometry(); if (geometryData != null) { Geometry geometry = geometryData.getGeometry(); if (geometry != null) { SpatialReferenceSystemDao srsDao = geoPackage .getSpatialReferenceSystemDao(); long srsId = geometryData.getSrsId(); SpatialReferenceSystem srs = srsDao .queryForId(srsId); long epsg = srs.getOrganizationCoordsysId(); Projection projection = srs.getProjection(); long toEpsg = -1; if (epsg == ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WORLD_GEODETIC_SYSTEM) { toEpsg = ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WEB_MERCATOR; } else { toEpsg = ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WORLD_GEODETIC_SYSTEM; } ProjectionTransform transformTo = projection .getTransformation(toEpsg); ProjectionTransform transformFrom = srs.getTransformation(transformTo .getToProjection()); byte[] bytes = geometryData.getWkbBytes(); Geometry projectedGeometry = transformTo .transform(geometry); GeoPackageGeometryData projectedGeometryData = new GeoPackageGeometryData( -1); projectedGeometryData .setGeometry(projectedGeometry); projectedGeometryData.toBytes(); byte[] projectedBytes = projectedGeometryData .getWkbBytes(); if (epsg > 0) { TestCase.assertFalse(equalByteArrays(bytes, projectedBytes)); } Geometry restoredGeometry = transformFrom .transform(projectedGeometry); compareGeometries(geometry, restoredGeometry, .001); } } } cursor.close(); } } }
Example #19
Source File: From geopackage-core-java with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(Projection projection, String table) { return getBoundingBox(projection, table, false); }
Example #20
Source File: From geopackage-mapcache-android with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Load tiles from features * * @param activity * @param callback * @param active * @param geoPackage * @param tableName * @param featureTiles * @param minZoom * @param maxZoom * @param compressFormat * @param compressQuality * @param googleTiles * @param boundingBox * @param scaling * @param authority * @param code */ public static void loadTiles(Activity activity, ILoadTilesTask callback, GeoPackageDatabases active, GeoPackage geoPackage, String tableName, FeatureTiles featureTiles, int minZoom, int maxZoom, CompressFormat compressFormat, Integer compressQuality, boolean googleTiles, BoundingBox boundingBox, TileScaling scaling, String authority, String code) { GeoPackageUtils.prepareFeatureTiles(featureTiles); Projection projection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(authority, code); BoundingBox bbox = transform(boundingBox, projection); TileGenerator tileGenerator = new FeatureTileGenerator(activity, geoPackage, tableName, featureTiles, minZoom, maxZoom, bbox, projection); setTileGenerator(activity, tileGenerator, minZoom, maxZoom, compressFormat, compressQuality, googleTiles, boundingBox, scaling); loadTiles(activity, callback, active, geoPackage, tableName, tileGenerator); }
Example #21
Source File: From mage-android with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Add the GeoPackage Feature Table Cache Overlay * @param enabledCacheOverlays * @param featureTableCacheOverlay * @param geoPackage */ private void addGeoPackageFeatureCacheOverlay(Map<String, CacheOverlay> enabledCacheOverlays, GeoPackageFeatureTableCacheOverlay featureTableCacheOverlay, GeoPackage geoPackage){ // Retrieve the cache overlay if it already exists (and remove from cache overlays) CacheOverlay cacheOverlay = cacheOverlays.remove(featureTableCacheOverlay.getCacheName()); if(cacheOverlay != null){ // If the existing cache overlay is being replaced, create a new cache overlay if(featureTableCacheOverlay.getParent().isAdded()){ cacheOverlay = null; } for(GeoPackageTileTableCacheOverlay linkedTileTable: featureTableCacheOverlay.getLinkedTileTables()){ cacheOverlays.remove(linkedTileTable.getCacheName()); } } if(cacheOverlay == null) { // Add the features to the map FeatureDao featureDao = geoPackage.getFeatureDao(featureTableCacheOverlay.getName()); // If indexed, add as a tile overlay if(featureTableCacheOverlay.isIndexed()){ FeatureTiles featureTiles = new DefaultFeatureTiles(getActivity(), geoPackage, featureDao, getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density); Integer maxFeaturesPerTile = null; if(featureDao.getGeometryType() == GeometryType.POINT){ maxFeaturesPerTile = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.geopackage_feature_tiles_max_points_per_tile); }else{ maxFeaturesPerTile = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.geopackage_feature_tiles_max_features_per_tile); } featureTiles.setMaxFeaturesPerTile(maxFeaturesPerTile); NumberFeaturesTile numberFeaturesTile = new NumberFeaturesTile(getActivity()); // Adjust the max features number tile draw paint attributes here as needed to // change how tiles are drawn when more than the max features exist in a tile featureTiles.setMaxFeaturesTileDraw(numberFeaturesTile); // Adjust the feature tiles draw paint attributes here as needed to change how // features are drawn on tiles FeatureOverlay featureOverlay = new FeatureOverlay(featureTiles); featureOverlay.setMinZoom(featureTableCacheOverlay.getMinZoom()); // Get the tile linked overlay BoundedOverlay overlay = GeoPackageOverlayFactory.getLinkedFeatureOverlay(featureOverlay, geoPackage); FeatureOverlayQuery featureOverlayQuery = new FeatureOverlayQuery(getActivity(), overlay, featureTiles); featureTableCacheOverlay.setFeatureOverlayQuery(featureOverlayQuery); TileOverlayOptions overlayOptions = createFeatureTileOverlayOptions(overlay); TileOverlay tileOverlay = map.addTileOverlay(overlayOptions); featureTableCacheOverlay.setTileOverlay(tileOverlay); } // Not indexed, add the features to the map else { int maxFeaturesPerTable = 0; if(featureDao.getGeometryType() == GeometryType.POINT){ maxFeaturesPerTable = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.geopackage_features_max_points_per_table); }else{ maxFeaturesPerTable = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.geopackage_features_max_features_per_table); } Projection projection = featureDao.getProjection(); GoogleMapShapeConverter shapeConverter = new GoogleMapShapeConverter(projection); FeatureCursor featureCursor = featureDao.queryForAll(); try { final int totalCount = featureCursor.getCount(); int count = 0; while (featureCursor.moveToNext()) { try { FeatureRow featureRow = featureCursor.getRow(); GeoPackageGeometryData geometryData = featureRow.getGeometry(); if (geometryData != null && !geometryData.isEmpty()) { Geometry geometry = geometryData.getGeometry(); if (geometry != null) { GoogleMapShape shape = shapeConverter.toShape(geometry); // Set the Shape Marker, PolylineOptions, and PolygonOptions here if needed to change color and style featureTableCacheOverlay.addShapeToMap(featureRow.getId(), shape, map); if (++count >= maxFeaturesPerTable) { if (count < totalCount) { Toast.makeText(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), featureTableCacheOverlay.getCacheName() + "- added " + count + " of " + totalCount, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } break; } } } }catch(Exception e){ Log.e(LOG_NAME, "Failed to display feature. GeoPackage: " + geoPackage.getName() + ", Table: " + featureDao.getTableName() + ", Row: " + featureCursor.getPosition(), e); } } } finally { featureCursor.close(); } } cacheOverlay = featureTableCacheOverlay; } // Add the cache overlay to the enabled cache overlays enabledCacheOverlays.put(cacheOverlay.getCacheName(), cacheOverlay); }
Example #22
Source File: From geopackage-android-map with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Perform a query based upon the map click location and build feature table data * * @param latLng location * @param view view * @param map Google Map * @param projection desired geometry projection * @return table data on what was clicked, or null * @since 1.2.7 */ public FeatureTableData buildMapClickTableData(LatLng latLng, View view, GoogleMap map, Projection projection) { // Get the zoom level double zoom = MapUtils.getCurrentZoom(map); // Build a bounding box to represent the click location BoundingBox boundingBox = MapUtils.buildClickBoundingBox(latLng, view, map, screenClickPercentage); // Get the map click distance tolerance double tolerance = MapUtils.getToleranceDistance(latLng, view, map, screenClickPercentage); FeatureTableData tableData = buildMapClickTableData(latLng, zoom, boundingBox, tolerance, projection); return tableData; }
Example #23
Source File: From geopackage-java with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Test 10 random locations and optionally print * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testRandomLocations() throws Exception { BoundingBox projectedBoundingBox = null; List<String> coverageDataTables = CoverageDataTiff .getTables(geoPackage); TileMatrixSetDao dao = geoPackage.getTileMatrixSetDao(); for (String coverageTable : coverageDataTables) { TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet = dao.queryForId(coverageTable); BoundingBox boundingBox = tileMatrixSet.getBoundingBox(); if (PRINT) { System.out.println("Min Latitude: " + boundingBox.getMinLatitude()); System.out.println("Max Latitude: " + boundingBox.getMaxLatitude()); System.out.println("Min Longitude: " + boundingBox.getMinLongitude()); System.out.println("Max Longitude: " + boundingBox.getMaxLongitude()); System.out.println(); } SpatialReferenceSystemDao srsDao = geoPackage .getSpatialReferenceSystemDao(); long srsId = tileMatrixSet.getSrsId(); SpatialReferenceSystem srs = srsDao.queryForId(srsId); Projection projection = srs.getProjection(); Projection requestProjection = ProjectionFactory .getProjection(ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WORLD_GEODETIC_SYSTEM); ProjectionTransform coverageToRequest = projection .getTransformation(requestProjection); projectedBoundingBox = boundingBox.transform(coverageToRequest); } if (PRINT) { System.out.println("Min Latitude: " + projectedBoundingBox.getMinLatitude()); System.out.println("Max Latitude: " + projectedBoundingBox.getMaxLatitude()); System.out.println("Min Longitude: " + projectedBoundingBox.getMinLongitude()); System.out.println("Max Longitude: " + projectedBoundingBox.getMaxLongitude()); System.out.println(); } double latDistance = projectedBoundingBox.getMaxLatitude() - projectedBoundingBox.getMinLatitude(); double lonDistance = projectedBoundingBox.getMaxLongitude() - projectedBoundingBox.getMinLongitude(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Get a random coordinate double latitude = latDistance * .9 * Math.random() + projectedBoundingBox.getMinLatitude() + (.05 * latDistance); double longitude = lonDistance * .9 * Math.random() + projectedBoundingBox.getMinLongitude() + (.05 * lonDistance); testLocation(latitude, longitude); if (PRINT) { System.out.println(); } } }
Example #24
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 4 votes |
* {@inheritDoc}
public Projection getProjection() {
return featureDao.getProjection();
Example #25
Source File: From geopackage-java with MIT License | 3 votes |
* Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param projection
* projection
* @param fieldValues
* field values
* @return count
* @since 3.4.0
public int countFeatures(BoundingBox boundingBox, Projection projection,
Map<String, Object> fieldValues) {
BoundingBox featureBoundingBox = projectBoundingBox(boundingBox,
return countFeatures(featureBoundingBox, fieldValues);
Example #26
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 3 votes |
* Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
* @param columns columns
* @param boundingBox bounding box
* @param projection projection
* @param where where clause
* @param whereArgs where arguments
* @return feature results
* @since 3.5.0
public FeatureCursor queryFeatures(String[] columns, BoundingBox boundingBox,
Projection projection, String where, String[] whereArgs) {
BoundingBox featureBoundingBox = getFeatureBoundingBox(boundingBox,
return queryFeatures(columns, featureBoundingBox, where, whereArgs);
Example #27
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 3 votes |
* Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided
* projection
* @param columns columns
* @param boundingBox bounding box
* @param projection projection
* @return results
* @since 3.5.0
public ManualFeatureQueryResults query(String[] columns,
BoundingBox boundingBox, Projection projection) {
BoundingBox featureBoundingBox = featureDao
.projectBoundingBox(boundingBox, projection);
return query(columns, featureBoundingBox);
Example #28
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 3 votes |
* Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
* @param columns columns
* @param boundingBox bounding box
* @param projection projection
* @param fieldValues field values
* @return feature results
* @since 3.5.0
public FeatureCursor queryFeatures(String[] columns, BoundingBox boundingBox,
Projection projection, Map<String, Object> fieldValues) {
BoundingBox featureBoundingBox = getFeatureBoundingBox(boundingBox,
return queryFeatures(columns, featureBoundingBox, fieldValues);
Example #29
Source File: From geopackage-core-java with MIT License | 3 votes |
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the XYZ tile coordinates and
* zoom level
* @param projection
* projection
* @param x
* x coordinate
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBox(Projection projection,
long x, long y, int zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = getWebMercatorBoundingBox(x, y, zoom);
if (projection != null) {
ProjectionTransform transform = webMercator
boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform);
return boundingBox;
Example #30
Source File: From geopackage-android with MIT License | 3 votes |
* Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
* @param boundingBox bounding box
* @param projection projection
* @param where where clause
* @param whereArgs where arguments
* @return count
* @since 3.4.0
public int countFeatures(BoundingBox boundingBox, Projection projection,
String where, String[] whereArgs) {
BoundingBox featureBoundingBox = projectBoundingBox(boundingBox,
return countFeatures(featureBoundingBox, where, whereArgs);