org.bukkit.Chunk Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From EntityAPI with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
@EventHandler public void onUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent event) { Chunk unloadedChunk = event.getChunk(); for (Entity entity : unloadedChunk.getEntities()) { if (entity instanceof LivingEntity) { Object handle = BukkitUnwrapper.getInstance().unwrap(entity); if (handle instanceof ControllableEntityHandle) { ControllableEntity controllableEntity = ((ControllableEntityHandle) handle).getControllableEntity(); if (controllableEntity != null && controllableEntity.isSpawned()) { this.SPAWN_QUEUE.add(new EntityChunkData(controllableEntity, entity.getLocation())); controllableEntity.despawn(DespawnReason.CHUNK_UNLOAD); } } } } }
Example #2
Source File: From Thermos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void chunkLoadPostProcess( chunk, int x, int z) { if (chunk != null) { world.theChunkProviderServer.loadedChunkHashMap_KC.add(LongHash.toLong(x, z), chunk); // Passes to chunkt_TH world.theChunkProviderServer.loadedChunks.add(chunk); // Cauldron - vanilla compatibility chunk.onChunkLoad(); if (!chunk.isTerrainPopulated && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x + 1, z + 1) && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x, z + 1) && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x + 1, z)) { world.theChunkProviderServer.populate(world.theChunkProviderServer, x, z); } if (world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x - 1, z) && !world.theChunkProviderServer.provideChunk(x - 1, z).isTerrainPopulated && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x - 1, z + 1) && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x, z + 1) && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x - 1, z)) { world.theChunkProviderServer.populate(world.theChunkProviderServer, x - 1, z); } if (world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x, z - 1) && !world.theChunkProviderServer.provideChunk(x, z - 1).isTerrainPopulated && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x + 1, z - 1) && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x, z - 1) && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x + 1, z)) { world.theChunkProviderServer.populate(world.theChunkProviderServer, x, z - 1); } if (world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x - 1, z - 1) && !world.theChunkProviderServer.provideChunk(x - 1, z - 1).isTerrainPopulated && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x - 1, z - 1) && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x, z - 1) && world.theChunkProviderServer.chunkExists(x - 1, z)) { world.theChunkProviderServer.populate(world.theChunkProviderServer, x - 1, z - 1); } } }
Example #3
Source File: From uSkyBlock with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Removes all unnamed {@link Monster}'s at the given {@link Location}. * @param target Location to remove unnamed monsters. */ public void removeCreatures(@Nullable final Location target) { if (!Settings.island_removeCreaturesByTeleport || target == null || target.getWorld() == null) { return; } final int px = target.getBlockX(); final int py = target.getBlockY(); final int pz = target.getBlockZ(); for (int x = -1; x <= 1; ++x) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; ++z) { Chunk chunk = target.getWorld().getChunkAt( new Location(target.getWorld(), (px + x * 16), py, (pz + z * 16))); .filter(entity -> entity instanceof Monster) .filter(entity -> entity.getCustomName() == null) .forEach(Entity::remove); } } }
Example #4
Source File: From ClaimChunk with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static void handleToFromEvent(@Nonnull BlockFromToEvent e) { if (e.isCancelled()) return; // Only continue if we should stop the spread from the config. if (!config.getBool("protection", "blockFluidSpreadIntoClaims")) return; // If the block isn't water or lava, we don't protect it. Material blockType = e.getBlock().getType(); if (blockType != Material.WATER && blockType != Material.LAVA) return; Chunk from = e.getBlock().getChunk(); Chunk to = e.getToBlock().getChunk(); // If the from and to chunks have the same owner or if the to chunk is // unclaimed, the flow is allowed. final ChunkHandler CHUNK = ClaimChunk.getInstance().getChunkHandler(); if (getChunksSameOwner(CHUNK, from, to) || !CHUNK.isClaimed(to)) return; // Cancel the flow e.setCancelled(true); }
Example #5
Source File: From Skript with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, int matchedPattern, Kleenean isDelayed, ParseResult parseResult) { types = (Expression<? extends EntityData<?>>) exprs[0]; if (matchedPattern % 2 == 0) { for (EntityData<?> d : ((Literal<EntityData<?>>) types).getAll()) { if (d.isPlural().isFalse() || d.isPlural().isUnknown() && !StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(parseResult.expr, "all")) return false; } } isUsingRadius = matchedPattern >= 2; if (isUsingRadius) { radius = (Expression<Number>) exprs[exprs.length - 2]; center = (Expression<Location>) exprs[exprs.length - 1]; } else { if (parseResult.mark == 1) { chunks = (Expression<Chunk>) exprs[2]; } else { worlds = (Expression<World>) exprs[1]; } } if (types instanceof Literal && ((Literal<EntityData<?>>) types).getAll().length == 1) returnType = ((Literal<EntityData<?>>) types).getSingle().getType(); return true; }
Example #6
Source File: From Holograms with MIT License | 6 votes |
@EventHandler public void onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent event) { Chunk chunk = event.getChunk(); if (chunk == null || !chunk.isLoaded()) { return; } Collection<Hologram> holograms = plugin.getHologramManager().getActiveHolograms().values(); for (Hologram holo : holograms) { int chunkX = (int) Math.floor(holo.getLocation().getBlockX() / 16.0D); int chunkZ = (int) Math.floor(holo.getLocation().getBlockZ() / 16.0D); if (chunkX == chunk.getX() && chunkZ == chunk.getZ()) { plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(plugin, holo::spawn, 10L); } } }
Example #7
Source File: From WorldGuardExtraFlagsPlugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Override public boolean doUnloadChunkFlagCheck(org.bukkit.World world, Chunk chunk) { for (ProtectedRegion region : this.getRegionContainer().get(world).getApplicableRegions(new ProtectedCuboidRegion("UnloadChunkFlagTester", * 16, 0, chunk.getZ() * 16), * 16 + 15, 256, chunk.getZ() * 16 + 15)))) { if (region.getFlag(Flags.CHUNK_UNLOAD) == State.DENY) { if (WorldGuardSevenCommunicator.supportsForceLoad) { chunk.setForceLoaded(true); chunk.load(true); return true; } return false; } } return true; }
Example #8
Source File: From TabooLib with MIT License | 6 votes |
private int distance(Object from, Object to) { if (is11600) { String name1 = ((WorldDataServer) ((net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.Chunk) from).world.getWorldData()).getName(); String name2 = ((WorldDataServer) ((net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.Chunk) to).world.getWorldData()).getName(); if (!name1.equals(name2)) { return 100; } } else { if (!((net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.Chunk) from).world.getWorldData().getName().equals(((net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.Chunk) to).world.getWorldData().getName())) { return 100; } } double var2 = ((net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.Chunk) to).getPos().x - ((net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.Chunk) from).getPos().x; double var4 = ((net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.Chunk) to).getPos().z - ((net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.Chunk) from).getPos().z; return (int) Math.sqrt(var2 * var2 + var4 * var4); }
Example #9
Source File: From Shopkeepers with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Unloads (deactivates) all shopkeepers in the given chunk. * * @param chunk * the chunk * @return the number of shops in the affected chunk */ int unloadShopkeepersInChunk(Chunk chunk) { assert chunk != null; int affectedShops = 0; List<Shopkeeper> shopkeepers = this.getShopkeepersInChunk(new ChunkData(chunk)); if (shopkeepers != null) { affectedShops = shopkeepers.size(); Log.debug("Unloading " + affectedShops + " shopkeepers in chunk " + chunk.getX() + "," + chunk.getZ()); for (Shopkeeper shopkeeper : shopkeepers) { // inform shopkeeper about chunk unload: shopkeeper.onChunkUnload(); // skip shopkeepers which are kept active all the time (ex. sign, citizens shops): if (!shopkeeper.needsSpawning()) continue; // deactivate: this.deactivateShopkeeper(shopkeeper, false); } } return affectedShops; }
Example #10
Source File: From CardinalPGM with MIT License | 6 votes |
@EventHandler public void onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent event) { final Chunk chunk = event.getChunk(); Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(GameHandler.getGameHandler().getPlugin(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Block block36 : chunk.getBlocks(Material.getMaterial(36))) { block36.setType(Material.AIR); block36.setMetadata("block36", new FixedMetadataValue(GameHandler.getGameHandler().getPlugin(), true)); } for (Block door : chunk.getBlocks(Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK)) { if (door.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType() != Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK && door.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType() != Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK) door.setType(Material.BARRIER); } } }); }
Example #11
Source File: From UhcCore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void populate(World world, Random random, Chunk chunk){ for (int x = 1; x < 15; x++) { for (int z = 1; z < 15; z++) { Block block = chunk.getBlock(x, 1, z); Biome replacementBiome = getReplacementBiome(block.getBiome()); if (UhcCore.getVersion() < 16){ if (replacementBiome != null) { block.setBiome(replacementBiome); } }else { for (int y = 0; y < 200; y++) { block = chunk.getBlock(x, y, z); if (replacementBiome != null) { block.setBiome(replacementBiome); } } } } } }
Example #12
Source File: From civcraft with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL) public void OnBlockFormEvent (BlockFormEvent event) { /* Disable cobblestone generators. */ if (ItemManager.getId(event.getNewState()) == CivData.COBBLESTONE) { ItemManager.setTypeId(event.getNewState(), CivData.GRAVEL); return; } Chunk spreadChunk = event.getNewState().getChunk(); coord.setX(spreadChunk.getX()); coord.setZ(spreadChunk.getZ()); coord.setWorldname(spreadChunk.getWorld().getName()); TownChunk tc = CivGlobal.getTownChunk(coord); if (tc == null) { return; } if (tc.perms.isFire() == false) { if(event.getNewState().getType() == Material.FIRE) { event.setCancelled(true); } } }
Example #13
Source File: From PGM with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onBlockChange(BlockTransformEvent event) { Match match = PGM.get().getMatchManager().getMatch(event.getWorld()); // Dont carry over old chunks into a new match if (match == null || match.isFinished()) return; Chunk chunk = event.getOldState().getChunk(); ChunkVector chunkVector = ChunkVector.of(chunk); if (!chunkSnapshots.containsKey(chunkVector)) { match.getLogger().fine("Copying chunk at " + chunkVector); ChunkSnapshot chunkSnapshot = chunk.getChunkSnapshot(); chunkSnapshot.updateBlock( event .getOldState()); // ChunkSnapshot is very likely to have the post-event state already, // so we have to correct it chunkSnapshots.put(chunkVector, chunkSnapshot); } }
Example #14
Source File: From QuickShop-Reremake with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onWorldUnload(WorldUnloadEvent e) { // FIXME: 24/11/2019 It's not necessary but ok. // This is a workaround, because I don't get parsed chunk events when a // world unloads, I think... // So manually tell all of these shops they're unloaded. for (final Chunk chunk : e.getWorld().getLoadedChunks()) { final Map<Location, Shop> inChunk = plugin.getShopManager().getShops(chunk); if (inChunk == null) { continue; } for (final Shop shop : inChunk.values()) { if (shop.isLoaded()) { //Don't unload already unloaded shops. shop.onUnload(); } } } }
Example #15
Source File: From Kettle with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public CraftChunk( chunk) { this.weakChunk = new WeakReference<>(chunk); worldServer = (WorldServer) getHandle().getWorld(); x = getHandle().x; z = getHandle().z; }
Example #16
Source File: From ProjectAres with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void checkChunk(ChunkPosition pos, @Nullable Chunk chunk) { if(repairedChunks.add(pos)) { if(chunk == null) { chunk = pos.getChunk(match.getWorld()); } for(BlockState state : chunk.getTileEntities()) { if(state instanceof Skull) { if(!NMSHacks.isSkullCached((Skull) state)) { Location loc = state.getLocation(); broadcastDeveloperWarning("Uncached skull \"" + ((Skull) state).getOwner() + "\" at " + loc.getBlockX() + ", " + loc.getBlockY() + ", " + loc.getBlockZ()); } } } // Replace formerly invisible half-iron-door blocks with barriers for(Block ironDoor : chunk.getBlocks(Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK)) { BlockFace half = (ironDoor.getData() & 8) == 0 ? BlockFace.DOWN : BlockFace.UP; if(ironDoor.getRelative(half.getOppositeFace()).getType() != Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK) { ironDoor.setType(Material.BARRIER, false); } } // Remove all block 36 and remember the ones at y=0 so VoidFilter can check them for(Block block36 : chunk.getBlocks(Material.PISTON_MOVING_PIECE)) { if(block36.getY() == 0) { block36Locations.add(block36.getX(), block36.getY(), block36.getZ()); } block36.setType(Material.AIR, false); } } }
Example #17
Source File: From ClaimChunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
private static void handlePistonEvent(@Nonnull Block piston, @Nonnull List<Block> blocks, @Nonnull BlockFace direction, @Nonnull Cancellable e) { if (e.isCancelled()) return; // If we don't protect against pistons, no work is needed. if (!config.getBool("protection", "blockPistonsIntoClaims")) return; Chunk pistonChunk = piston.getChunk(); List<Chunk> blockChunks = new ArrayList<>(); blockChunks.add(piston.getRelative(direction).getChunk()); // Add to the list of chunks possible affected by this piston // extension. This list should never be >2 in size but the world // is a weird place. for (Block block : blocks) { Chunk to = block.getRelative(direction).getChunk(); boolean added = false; for (Chunk ablockChunk : blockChunks) { if (getChunksEqual(ablockChunk, to)) { added = true; break; } } if (!added) blockChunks.add(to); } // If the from and to chunks have the same owner or if the to chunk is // unclaimed, the piston can extend into the blockChunk. final ChunkHandler CHUNK = ClaimChunk.getInstance().getChunkHandler(); boolean die = false; for (Chunk blockChunk : blockChunks) { if (!getChunksSameOwner(CHUNK, pistonChunk, blockChunk) && CHUNK.isClaimed(blockChunk)) { die = true; break; } } if (!die) return; e.setCancelled(true); }
Example #18
Source File: From askyblock with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Removes monsters around location l * * @param l location */ public void removeMobs(final Location l) { if (!inWorld(l)) { return; } //plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: removing mobs"); // Don't remove mobs if at spawn if (this.isAtSpawn(l)) { //plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: at spawn!"); return; } final int px = l.getBlockX(); final int py = l.getBlockY(); final int pz = l.getBlockZ(); for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { final Chunk c = l.getWorld().getChunkAt(new Location(l.getWorld(), px + x * 16, py, pz + z * 16)); if (c.isLoaded()) { for (final Entity e : c.getEntities()) { //plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: " + e.getType()); // Don't remove if the entity is an NPC or has a name tag if (e.getCustomName() != null || e.hasMetadata("NPC")) continue; if (e instanceof Monster && !Settings.mobWhiteList.contains(e.getType())) { e.remove(); } } } } } }
Example #19
Source File: From FastAsyncWorldedit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean hasEntities(net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.Chunk nmsChunk) { for (int i = 0; i < nmsChunk.entitySlices.length; i++) { List<Entity> slice = nmsChunk.entitySlices[i]; if (slice != null && !slice.isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; }
Example #20
Source File: From PaperLib with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public CompletableFuture<Chunk> getChunkAtAsync(World world, int x, int z, boolean gen, boolean isUrgent) { if (!gen && !PaperLib.isChunkGenerated(world, x, z)) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } else { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(world.getChunkAt(x, z)); } }
Example #21
Source File: From ClaimChunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
static boolean _isAllowedClaim(ClaimChunk claimChunk, Chunk chunk) { try { // Generate a region in the given chunk to get all intersecting regions int bx = chunk.getX() << 4; int bz = chunk.getZ() << 4; BlockVector3 pt1 =, 0, bz); BlockVector3 pt2 = + 15, 256, bz + 15); ProtectedCuboidRegion region = new ProtectedCuboidRegion("_", pt1, pt2); RegionManager regionManager = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getRegionContainer().get(BukkitAdapter.adapt(chunk.getWorld())); // No regions in this world, claiming should be determined by the config if (regionManager == null) { return claimChunk.chConfig().getBool("worldguard", "allowClaimingInNonGuardedWorlds"); } // If any regions in the given chunk deny chunk claiming, false is returned for (ProtectedRegion regionIn : regionManager.getApplicableRegions(region)) { StateFlag.State flag = regionIn.getFlag(FLAG_CHUNK_CLAIM); if (flag == StateFlag.State.DENY) return false; } // No objections return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // An error occurred, better to be on the safe side so false is returned return false; }
Example #22
Source File: From GlobalWarming with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static List<Chunk> sortByDistance(Chunk[] chunks, Map<GChunk, Integer> waterLevel, List<Player> players, int height, int numChunks) { if (players.size() == 0) { return Arrays.asList(chunks).subList(0, Math.min(numChunks, chunks.length)); } else { List<Chunk> sortedChunks = new ArrayList<>(); for (Chunk chunk : chunks) { GChunk gchunk = new GChunk(chunk); if (waterLevel.containsKey(gchunk)) { int seaLevel = waterLevel.get(gchunk); if (seaLevel == height) { continue; } } sortedChunks.add(chunk); } sortedChunks.sort((o1, o2) -> { Location l1 = chunkToLocation(o1); Location l2 = chunkToLocation(o2); double d1 = 0; double d2 = 0; for (Player player : players) { d1 += l1.distance(player.getLocation()); d2 += l2.distance(player.getLocation()); } d1 /= players.size(); d2 /= players.size(); return, d2); }); return sortedChunks.subList(0, Math.min(numChunks, sortedChunks.size())); } }
Example #23
Source File: From civcraft with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public void show_cmd() throws CivException { Player player = getPlayer(); Chunk chunk = player.getLocation().getChunk(); for (Entity entity : chunk.getEntities()) { CivMessage.send(player, "E:"+entity.getType().name()+" UUID:"+entity.getUniqueId().toString());"E:"+entity.getType().name()+" UUID:"+entity.getUniqueId().toString()); } }
Example #24
Source File: From BedWars with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static boolean isChunkInArea(Chunk l, Location p1, Location p2) { if (!p1.getWorld().equals(l.getWorld())) { return false; } Chunk min = new Location(p1.getWorld(), Math.min(p1.getX(), p2.getX()), Math.min(p1.getY(), p2.getY()), Math.min(p1.getZ(), p2.getZ())).getChunk(); Chunk max = new Location(p1.getWorld(), Math.max(p1.getX(), p2.getX()), Math.max(p1.getY(), p2.getY()), Math.max(p1.getZ(), p2.getZ())).getChunk(); return (min.getX() <= l.getX() && min.getZ() <= l.getZ() && max.getX() >= l.getX() && max.getZ() >= l.getZ()); }
Example #25
Source File: From WorldGuardExtraFlagsPlugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true) public void onChunkUnloadEvent(ChunkUnloadEvent event) { World world = event.getWorld(); Chunk chunk = event.getChunk(); if (!this.plugin.getWorldGuardCommunicator().doUnloadChunkFlagCheck(world, chunk)) { event.setCancelled(true); } }
Example #26
Source File: From Thermos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public void setBiome(int x, int z, Biome bio) { bb = CraftBlock.biomeToBiomeBase(bio); if (, 0, z)) { chunk =, z); if (chunk != null) { byte[] biomevals = chunk.getBiomeArray(); biomevals[((z & 0xF) << 4) | (x & 0xF)] = (byte)bb.biomeID; } } }
Example #27
Source File: From HolographicDisplays with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@EventHandler (priority = EventPriority.MONITOR) public void onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent event) { Chunk chunk = event.getChunk(); // Other plugins could call this event wrongly, check if the chunk is actually loaded. if (chunk.isLoaded()) { // In case another plugin loads the chunk asynchronously always make sure to load the holograms on the main thread. if (Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) { processChunkLoad(chunk); } else { Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(HolographicDisplays.getInstance(), () -> processChunkLoad(chunk)); } } }
Example #28
Source File: From WorldGuardExtraFlagsPlugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public boolean doUnloadChunkFlagCheck(org.bukkit.World world, Chunk chunk) { for (ProtectedRegion region : this.getRegionContainer().get(world).getApplicableRegions(new ProtectedCuboidRegion("UnloadChunkFlagTester", new BlockVector(chunk.getX() * 16, 0, chunk.getZ() * 16), new BlockVector(chunk.getX() * 16 + 15, 256, chunk.getZ() * 16 + 15)))) { if (region.getFlag(Flags.CHUNK_UNLOAD) == State.DENY) { return false; } } return true; }
Example #29
Source File: From ClaimChunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void showTitle(Player player, Chunk newChunk) { // Get the UUID of the new chunk owner UUID newOwner = claimChunk.getChunkHandler().getOwner(newChunk.getWorld(), newChunk.getX(), newChunk.getZ()); // Check if this player doesn't own the new chunk if (newOwner != null && !player.getUniqueId().equals(newOwner)) { // Get the name of the chunks for the owner of this chunk and display it PlayerHandler ph = claimChunk.getPlayerHandler(); String newName = ph.getChunkName(newOwner); String text = ((newName == null) ? claimChunk.getMessages().unknownChunkOwner // Something probably went wrong with the PlayerHandler : claimChunk.getMessages().chunkOwner.replace("%%PLAYER%%", newName)); showTitleRaw(true, player, text); // Send a message to the chunk owner if possible if (ph.hasAlerts(newOwner)) { Player owner = Bukkit.getPlayer(newOwner); if (owner != null) { if (owner.canSee(player) || !claimChunk.chConfig().getBool("chunks", "hideAlertsForVanishedPlayers")) { showTitleRaw(false, owner, claimChunk.getMessages().playerEnterChunk.replace("%%PLAYER%%", player.getDisplayName())); } } } } else { // This chunk is owned by this player showTitleRaw(true, player, claimChunk.getMessages().chunkSelf); } }
Example #30
Source File: From FastAsyncWorldedit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean hasEntities(net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.Chunk nmsChunk) { try { final Collection<Entity>[] entities = (Collection<Entity>[]) getEntitySlices.invoke(nmsChunk); for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { Collection<Entity> slice = entities[i]; if (slice != null && !slice.isEmpty()) { return true; } } } catch (Throwable ignore) {} return false; }