Java Code Examples for org.apache.jena.query.ResultSet#hasNext()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.jena.query.ResultSet#hasNext() .
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Example 1
Source File: From AGDISTIS with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public String sparql(String subject) { // First query takes the most specific class from a given resource. String ontology_service = endpoint; String endpointsSparql = "select ?label where {<" + subject + "> <> ?label FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en')} LIMIT 100"; Query sparqlQuery = QueryFactory.create(endpointsSparql, Syntax.syntaxARQ); QueryEngineHTTP qexec = (QueryEngineHTTP) QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(ontology_service, sparqlQuery); qexec.setModelContentType(WebContent.contentTypeRDFXML); ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); String property = null; while (results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; property = qs.getLiteral("?label").getLexicalForm(); } return property; }
Example 2
Source File: From sparql-generate with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private List<List<NodeValue>> getListNodeValues(ResultSet result) { List<String> resultVars = result.getResultVars(); List<List<NodeValue>> listNodeValues = new ArrayList<>(); while (result.hasNext()) { List<NodeValue> nodeValues = new ArrayList<>(); QuerySolution sol =; for (String var : resultVars) { RDFNode rdfNode = sol.get(var); if (rdfNode != null) { NodeValue n = new NodeValueNode(rdfNode.asNode()); nodeValues.add(n); } else { nodeValues.add(null); } } listNodeValues.add(nodeValues); } return listNodeValues; }
Example 3
Source File: From incubator-taverna-language with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static List<RDFNode> creatingAgentsFor(Resource r) { logger.fine("Finding creator of " + r); String queryStr = sparqlPrefixes + "SELECT ?agent WHERE { \n" + " { \n" + " ?r dct:creator [ \n" + " rdfs:member ?agent \n" + " ] \n" + " } UNION { \n" + " ?r dct:creator ?agent .\n " + " FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?agent rdfs:member ?member } \n" + " } \n" + "} \n"; logger.finer(QueryFactory.create(queryStr).toString()); QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(queryStr, r.getModel()); QuerySolutionMap binding = new QuerySolutionMap(); binding.add("r", r); qexec.setInitialBinding(binding); ResultSet select = qexec.execSelect(); List<RDFNode> agents = new ArrayList<>(); while (select.hasNext()) { RDFNode agent ="agent"); logger.fine("Found: " + agent); agents.add(agent); } return agents; }
Example 4
Source File: From NLIWOD with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private static void updateGoldenAnswers(QueryExecutionFactory qef, IQuestion q) { Set<String> uris = new HashSet<>(); if (null != q && null != q.getSparqlQuery() && !q.getSparqlQuery().contains("ASK")) { try (QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(q.getSparqlQuery())) { ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; RDFNode node = qs.get("uri"); if (node != null && node.isResource()) { uris.add(node.asResource().getURI()); } } } q.setGoldenAnswers(uris); } else {// TODO what happens if q is null? } }
Example 5
Source File: From incubator-taverna-language with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static Resource mboxForAgent(Resource agentResource) { logger.fine("Finding mbox of " + agentResource); String queryStr = sparqlPrefixes + "SELECT ?mbox WHERE { \n" + " { ?agent foaf:mbox ?mbox } \n" + " UNION \n" + " { ?agent vcard:hasEmail ?mbox } \n" + " UNION \n" + " { ?agent vcard:email ?email . \n" + " BIND(IRI(CONCAT(\"mbox:\", ?email)) AS ?mbox) \n" // legacy + " } \n" + "} \n"; logger.finer(QueryFactory.create(queryStr).toString()); QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(queryStr, agentResource.getModel()); QuerySolutionMap binding = new QuerySolutionMap(); binding.add("agent", agentResource); qexec.setInitialBinding(binding); ResultSet select = qexec.execSelect(); if (select.hasNext()) { Resource mbox ="mbox"); logger.fine("Found mbox: " + mbox); return mbox; } logger.fine("mbox not found"); return null; }
Example 6
Source File: From tarql with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
private void assertSelect(TarqlQuery tq, Binding... bindings) throws IOException{ TarqlQueryExecution ex; if (csv == null) { ex = TarqlQueryExecutionFactory.create(tq, options); } else { ex = TarqlQueryExecutionFactory.create(tq, InputStreamSource.fromBytes(csv.getBytes("utf-8")), options); } ResultSet rs = ex.execSelect(); int counter = 0; while (rs.hasNext()) { if (counter >= bindings.length) { fail("Too many bindings in result; expected " + bindings.length); } assertEquals(bindings[counter], rs.nextBinding()); counter += 1; } assertEquals(bindings.length, counter); }
Example 7
Source File: From xcurator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static void main(String... argv) { // Direct way: Make a TDB-back Jena model in the named directory. String directory = "MyDatabases/DB1" ; Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory) ; // Potentially expensive query. String sparqlQueryString = "SELECT (count(*) AS ?count) { ?s ?p ?o }" ; // See Query query = QueryFactory.create(sparqlQueryString) ; QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, dataset) ; try { ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect() ; for ( ; results.hasNext() ; ) { QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution() ; int count = soln.getLiteral("count").getInt() ; System.out.println("count = "+count) ; } } finally { qexec.close() ; } // Close the dataset. dataset.close(); }
Example 8
Source File: From SDA with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
/** * subscribe uri ê°€ì ¸ì˜¤ê¸° * @return List<String> */ public List<String> getSubscribeUri() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); String query = this.makeQueryString(); String serviceURI = Utils.getSdaProperty("com.pineone.icbms.sda.knowledgebase.dw.sparql.endpoint"); String baseuri = Utils.getSdaProperty("com.pineone.icbms.sda.knowledgebase.uri"); QueryExecution queryExec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(serviceURI, query); ResultSet rs = queryExec.execSelect(); for (; rs.hasNext();) { QuerySolution qs = rs.nextSolution(); result.add(getProperContainerType( new String(qs.get("res").toString().replaceAll(baseuri, "")))); } return result; }
Example 9
Source File: From SDA with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
public List<String> getSubscribeUri() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); String query = this.makeQueryString(); String serviceURI = Utils.getSdaProperty("com.pineone.icbms.sda.knowledgebase.sparql.endpoint"); String baseuri = Utils.getSdaProperty("com.pineone.icbms.sda.knowledgebase.uri"); QueryExecution queryExec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(serviceURI, query); ResultSet rs = queryExec.execSelect(); for (; rs.hasNext();) { QuerySolution qs = rs.nextSolution(); result.add(getProperContainerType( new String(qs.get("uri").toString().replaceAll(baseuri, "")))); } return result; }
Example 10
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public ExtendedIterator<RDFNode> eval(RDFNode focusNode, NodeExpressionContext context) { List<RDFNode> focusNodes; NodeExpression input = getInput(); if(input != null) { focusNodes = input.eval(focusNode, context).toList(); } else { focusNodes = Collections.singletonList(focusNode); } List<RDFNode> results = new LinkedList<>(); for(RDFNode f : focusNodes) { QuerySolutionMap binding = new QuerySolutionMap(); binding.add(SH.thisVar.getName(), f); try(QueryExecution qexec = ARQFactory.get().createQueryExecution(query, focusNode.getModel(), binding)) { if(query.isAskType()) { results.add(qexec.execAsk() ? JenaDatatypes.TRUE : JenaDatatypes.FALSE); } else { ResultSet rs = qexec.execSelect(); String varName = rs.getResultVars().get(0); while(rs.hasNext()) { RDFNode node =; if(node != null) { results.add(node); } } } } } return WrappedIterator.create(results.iterator()); }
Example 11
Source File: From NLIWOD with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Executes a select query for the given endpoint and query. Returns the answer as an {@link Results} object. * @param query * @param endpoint * @return */ public static Results executeSelect(final String query, final String endpoint) { QueryExecutionFactory qef = new QueryExecutionFactoryHttp(endpoint); QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(query); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); Results res = new Results(); res.header.addAll(rs.getResultVars()); while(rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution sol = rs.nextSolution(); res.table.add(new ArrayList<String>()); for(String head: res.header) { String answer = ""; if(sol.get(head).isResource()) { answer = sol.getResource(head).toString(); } else { String temp = sol.get(head).toString(); if(temp.contains("@")) { answer = "\"" + temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf("@")) + "\"" + temp.substring(temp.indexOf("@")); } else if (temp.contains("^^")){ answer = "\"" + temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf("^")) + "\"^^<" + temp.substring(temp.indexOf("^")+2) + ">"; } else { answer = temp; } } res.table.get(res.table.size()-1).add(answer); } } closeExecFactory(qef); return res; }
Example 12
Source File: From xcurator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void execQuery(String sparqlQueryString, Dataset dataset) { Query query = QueryFactory.create(sparqlQueryString) ; QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, dataset) ; try { ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect() ; for ( ; results.hasNext() ; ) { QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution() ; int count = soln.getLiteral("count").getInt() ; System.out.println("count = "+count) ; } } finally { qexec.close() ; } }
Example 13
Source File: From NLIWOD with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * An exact copy of this code is {@link SPARQL#sparql(String)}. Please consider using this, or even {@link ThreadedSPARQL} * * @param service * @param query * @return */ @Deprecated public static Set<RDFNode> sparql(final String service, final String query) { Set<RDFNode> set = Sets.newHashSet(); QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(service, query); if ((qe != null) && (query != null)) { if (QALD4_EvaluationUtils.isAskType(query)) { set.add(new ResourceImpl(String.valueOf(qe.execAsk()))); } else { ResultSet results = qe.execSelect(); String firstVarName = results.getResultVars().get(0); while (results.hasNext()) { RDFNode node =; /** * Instead of returning a set with size 1 and value (null) in it, when no answers are found, this ensures that Set is empty */ if (node != null) { set.add(node); } } } qe.close(); } return set; }
Example 14
Source File: From gerbil with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * The Wikipedia Id or -1 if the Id couldn't be retrieved. * * FIXME The method throws an exception for ""Empire_State"". this * might be happen because of the quotes inside the URI. * * @param dbpediaUri * @return */ @Deprecated public static int getIdFromDBpedia(String dbpediaUri) { int id = -1; ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString( "SELECT ?id WHERE { ?dbpedia dbo:wikiPageID ?id .}", prefixes); query.setIri("dbpedia", dbpediaUri); QueryExecution qexec = null; try { qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query.asQuery(), model); } catch (QueryParseException e) { LOGGER.error("Got a bad dbpediaUri \"" + dbpediaUri + "\" which couldn't be parse inside of a SPARQL query. Returning -1.", e); return id; } ResultSet result = qexec.execSelect(); if (result.hasNext()) { id ="id").asLiteral().getInt(); return id; } qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService( "", query.asQuery()); result = qexec.execSelect(); if (result.hasNext()) { id ="id").asLiteral().getInt(); model.add(new StatementImpl(model.createResource(dbpediaUri), model .createProperty(""), model.createTypedLiteral(id))); return id; } model.add(new StatementImpl(model.createResource(dbpediaUri), model .createProperty(""), model.createTypedLiteral(id))); return id; }
Example 15
Source File: From NLIWOD with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { CLASS_SURFACE_FORMS = DIRECTORY + "class_surface_forms.ttl"; // create an empty model Model inputModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); // use the FileManager to find the input file InputStream in = FileManager.get().open(DBPEDIA_CLASSE_FILE); if (in == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("File: " + DBPEDIA_CLASSE_FILE + " not found"); } // read the RDF/XML file, null, "N-TRIPLE"); Model outputModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory .create("SELECT ?s ?label WHERE{?s a <>." + " ?s <> ?label. " + "FILTER (lang(?label) = \"en\")}", inputModel); ResultSet rs = qExec.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; Resource uri = qs.get("?s").asResource(); RDFNode label = qs.get("?label"); StatementImpl s = new StatementImpl(uri, RDFS.label, label); outputModel.add(s); } qExec.close(); FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(CLASS_SURFACE_FORMS); RDFDataMgr.write(outputFile, outputModel, RDFFormat.NTRIPLES); }
Example 16
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Set<DefaultCandidate> getCandidates(ResultSet rs, String idField, String nameField) { Set<DefaultCandidate> candidates = new HashSet<>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; Map<String, String> fieldsMap = new HashMap<>(); qs.varNames() .forEachRemaining( varName -> fieldsMap.put(varName, new DBPediaLanguageString(qs.get(varName)).raw())); DBPediaLanguageString id = new DBPediaLanguageString(qs.get(idField)); DBPediaLanguageString name = new DBPediaLanguageString(qs.get(nameField)); candidates.add(new DefaultCandidate(id.raw(), name.raw(), fieldsMap)); } return candidates; }
Example 17
Source File: From NLIWOD with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private void evaluate(Set<String>answers,Query query,String question){ QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(query); LOGGER.debug(query.toString()); LOGGER.debug("Question:"+ question); double truepositive=0; double falsepositive=0; try { ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; RDFNode node = qs.get("s"); if (node != null && node.isResource()) { String resourceString = (node.asResource().toString().replace(NAMESPACE, "")); resourceString = resourceString.replace(NAMESPACE2, ""); if (answers.contains(resourceString)) { truepositive++; //LOGGER.debug("truepositive: " + resourceString); } else { falsepositive++; //LOGGER.debug("falsepositive: " + resourceString); } } } }catch(Exception e){ LOGGER.error("Executing SPARQL Query"+query.toString()+"failed"); } if(truepositive>0||falsepositive>0) { double falsenegative = answers.size() - truepositive; double recall = truepositive / (truepositive + falsepositive); double precision = truepositive / (truepositive + falsenegative); double accuracy = truepositive / (truepositive + falsenegative + falsepositive); double f1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall); if(f1==1.0) correct++; if(Double.isNaN(f1)) f1=0.0; f1sum+=f1; if(Double.isNaN(accuracy)) accuracy=0.0; accsum+=accuracy; LOGGER.debug("Evaluation: tp:" + truepositive + " fp:" + falsepositive + " fn:" + falsenegative + " recall:" + recall + " precision:" + precision + " f1:" + f1 + " accuracy:" + accuracy); evaluation.add(new String[]{question, truepositive + "", falsepositive + "" , falsenegative + "", recall + "", precision + "", f1 + "", accuracy + ""}); } else{ LOGGER.debug("No results for question: "+question); f1sum+=0.0; accsum+=0.0; evaluation.add(new String[]{question,"0.0","0.0","0.0","0.0","0.0","0.0","0.0"}); } }
Example 18
Source File: From Server.Java with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * * @param subject * @param predicate * @param object * @param offset * @param limit * @return */ @Override protected ILinkedDataFragment createFragment( final ITriplePatternElement<RDFNode,String,String> subject, final ITriplePatternElement<RDFNode,String,String> predicate, final ITriplePatternElement<RDFNode,String,String> object, final long offset, final long limit ) { // FIXME: The following algorithm is incorrect for cases in which // the requested triple pattern contains a specific variable // multiple times; // e.g., (?x foaf:knows ?x ) or (_:bn foaf:knows _:bn) // see QuerySolutionMap map = new QuerySolutionMap(); if ( ! subject.isVariable() ) { map.add("s", subject.asConstantTerm()); } if ( ! predicate.isVariable() ) { map.add("p", predicate.asConstantTerm()); } if ( ! object.isVariable() ) { map.add("o", object.asConstantTerm()); } query.setOffset(offset); query.setLimit(limit); Model triples = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); // Build the SPARQL-endpoint URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(endpointURI); addCredentials(uriBuilder); final String endpoint; try { endpoint =; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } ParameterizedSparqlString queryWithParams = new ParameterizedSparqlString(query.serialize(), map); try (QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(endpoint, queryWithParams.asQuery())) { qexec.execConstruct(triples); } if (triples.isEmpty()) { return createEmptyTriplePatternFragment(); } // Try to get an estimate long size = triples.size(); long estimate = -1; ParameterizedSparqlString countQueryWithParams = new ParameterizedSparqlString(countQuery.serialize(), map); try (QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.createServiceRequest(endpoint, countQueryWithParams.asQuery())) { ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); if (results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution() ; Literal literal = soln.getLiteral("count"); estimate = literal.getLong(); } } /*GraphStatisticsHandler stats = model.getGraph().getStatisticsHandler(); if (stats != null) { Node s = (subject != null) ? subject.asNode() : null; Node p = (predicate != null) ? predicate.asNode() : null; Node o = (object != null) ? object.asNode() : null; estimate = stats.getStatistic(s, p, o); }*/ // No estimate or incorrect if (estimate < offset + size) { estimate = (size == limit) ? offset + size + 1 : offset + size; } // create the fragment final boolean isLastPage = ( estimate < offset + limit ); return createTriplePatternFragment( triples, estimate, isLastPage ); }
Example 19
Source File: From NLIWOD with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Overriding Original search method to implement Quepy's two step requests for * QA */ @Override public void search(IQuestion question, String language) throws Exception { String questionString; if (!question.getLanguageToQuestion().containsKey(language)) { return; } questionString = question.getLanguageToQuestion().get(language); log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + questionString); this.getParamMap().put(this.getQueryKey(), questionString); if (this.setLangPar) { this.getParamMap().put(this.getLangKey(), language); } HttpResponse response = this.getIsPostReq() ? fetchPostResponse(getUrl(), getParamMap()) : fetchGetResponse(getUrl(), getParamMap()); // Test if error occured if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() >= 400) { throw new Exception("QUEPY Server could not answer due to: " + response.getStatusLine()); } // Fetch the SPARQL String sparqlStr = null; JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject responsejson = (JSONObject) parser.parse(responseparser.responseToString(response)); JSONArray queriesArr = (JSONArray) responsejson.get("queries"); for (int i = 0; i < queriesArr.size(); i++) { JSONObject queryObj = (JSONObject) queriesArr.get(i); if (queryObj.get("language").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("sparql") && queryObj.get("query") != null) { sparqlStr = queryObj.get("query").toString(); break; } } if (sparqlStr != null) { HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); question.setSparqlQuery(sparqlStr); // Fetch results using sparql Query query = QueryFactory.create(sparqlStr); // Remote execution. QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(SPARQL_ENDPOINT, query); // Set the DBpedia specific timeout. ((QueryEngineHTTP) qexec).addParam("timeout", "10000"); // Execute. ResultSet rs = qexec.execSelect(); // Get the values and push them to the question while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; Iterator<String> varIt = qs.varNames(); while (varIt.hasNext()) { RDFNode node = qs.get(; result.add(node.asLiteral().getString()); } } question.setGoldenAnswers(result); } }
Example 20
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void run(Model results) { Resource testCase = getResource(); FunctionRegistry oldFR = FunctionRegistry.get(); CurrentThreadFunctionRegistry threadFR = new CurrentThreadFunctionRegistry(oldFR); FunctionRegistry.set(ARQ.getContext(), threadFR); CurrentThreadFunctions old = CurrentThreadFunctionRegistry.register(testCase.getModel()); Statement expectedResultS = testCase.getProperty(DASH.expectedResult); String queryString = "SELECT (<" + getResource() + ">() AS ?result) WHERE {}"; Query query = ARQFactory.get().createQuery(testCase.getModel(), queryString); try(QueryExecution qexec = ARQFactory.get().createQueryExecution(query, testCase.getModel())) { ResultSet rs = qexec.execSelect(); if(!rs.hasNext()) { if(expectedResultS != null) { createFailure(results, "Expression returned no result, but expected: " + expectedResultS.getObject()); return; } } else { RDFNode result ="result"); if(expectedResultS == null) { if(result != null) { createFailure(results, "Expression returned a result, but none expected: " + result); return; } } else if(!expectedResultS.getObject().equals(result)) { createFailure(results, "Mismatching result. Expected: " + expectedResultS.getObject() + ". Found: " + result); return; } } } finally { CurrentThreadFunctionRegistry.unregister(old); FunctionRegistry.set(ARQ.getContext(), oldFR); } createResult(results, DASH.SuccessTestCaseResult); }