Java Code Examples for cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D#copy()

The following examples show how to use cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D#copy() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
9 point stencil operation.
Applies a function to a moving <tt>3 x 3</tt> window.
@param A the matrix to operate on.
@param function the function to be applied to each window.
@param maxIterations the maximum number of times the stencil shall be applied to the matrix. 
	Should be a multiple of 2 because two iterations are always done in one atomic step.
@param hasConverged Convergence condition; will return before maxIterations are done when <tt>hasConverged.apply(A)==true</tt>.
	Set this parameter to <tt>null</tt> to indicate that no convergence checks shall be made.
@param convergenceIterations the number of iterations to pass between each convergence check.
	(Since a convergence may be expensive, you may want to do it only every 2,4 or 8 iterations.)
@return the number of iterations actually executed. 
public static int stencil9(DoubleMatrix2D A, cern.colt.function.Double9Function function, int maxIterations, DoubleMatrix2DProcedure hasConverged, int convergenceIterations) {
	DoubleMatrix2D B = A.copy();
	if (convergenceIterations <= 1) convergenceIterations=2;
	if (convergenceIterations%2 != 0) convergenceIterations++; // odd -> make it even

	int i=0;
	while (i<maxIterations) { // do two steps at a time for efficiency
		if (i%convergenceIterations == 0 && hasConverged!=null) {
			if (hasConverged.apply(A)) return i;
	return i;
Example 2
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 * Linear algebrax matrix-matrix multiply.
protected static Double2DProcedure funMatMultLarge() {
	return new Double2DProcedure() {
		public String toString() { return "xxxxxxx";	}
		public void setParameters(DoubleMatrix2D A, DoubleMatrix2D B) {
			// do not allocate mem for "D" --> safe some mem
			this.A = A;
			this.B = B;
			this.C = A.copy();
		public void init() { C.assign(0); }
		public void apply(cern.colt.Timer timer) { A.zMult(B,C); }
		public double operations() { // Mflops
			double m = A.rows();
			double n = A.columns();
			double p = B.columns();
			return 2.0*m*n*p / 1.0E6; 
Example 3
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
9 point stencil operation.
Applies a function to a moving <tt>3 x 3</tt> window.
@param A the matrix to operate on.
@param function the function to be applied to each window.
@param maxIterations the maximum number of times the stencil shall be applied to the matrix. 
	Should be a multiple of 2 because two iterations are always done in one atomic step.
@param hasConverged Convergence condition; will return before maxIterations are done when <tt>hasConverged.apply(A)==true</tt>.
	Set this parameter to <tt>null</tt> to indicate that no convergence checks shall be made.
@param convergenceIterations the number of iterations to pass between each convergence check.
	(Since a convergence may be expensive, you may want to do it only every 2,4 or 8 iterations.)
@return the number of iterations actually executed. 
public static int stencil9(DoubleMatrix2D A, cern.colt.function.Double9Function function, int maxIterations, DoubleMatrix2DProcedure hasConverged, int convergenceIterations) {
	DoubleMatrix2D B = A.copy();
	if (convergenceIterations <= 1) convergenceIterations=2;
	if (convergenceIterations%2 != 0) convergenceIterations++; // odd -> make it even

	int i=0;
	while (i<maxIterations) { // do two steps at a time for efficiency
		if (i%convergenceIterations == 0 && hasConverged!=null) {
			if (hasConverged.apply(A)) return i;
	return i;
Example 4
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
Solves <tt>A*X = B</tt>; returns <tt>X</tt>.
@param  B   A Matrix with as many rows as <tt>A</tt> and any number of columns.
@return     <tt>X</tt> so that <tt>L*L'*X = B</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if <tt>B.rows() != A.rows()</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if <tt>!isSymmetricPositiveDefinite()</tt>.
private DoubleMatrix2D XXXsolveBuggy(DoubleMatrix2D B) {
	cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
	if (B.rows() != n) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix row dimensions must agree.");
	if (!isSymmetricPositiveDefinite) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is not symmetric positive definite.");
	// Copy right hand side.
	DoubleMatrix2D X = B.copy();
	int nx = B.columns();
	// precompute and cache some views to avoid regenerating them time and again
	DoubleMatrix1D[] Xrows = new DoubleMatrix1D[n];
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) Xrows[k] = X.viewRow(k);
	// Solve L*Y = B;
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
		for (int i = k+1; i < n; i++) {
			// X[i,j] -= X[k,j]*L[i,k]
			Xrows[i].assign(Xrows[k], F.minusMult(L.getQuick(i,k)));
	// Solve L'*X = Y;
	for (int k = n-1; k >= 0; k--) {
		for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
			// X[i,j] -= X[k,j]*L[k,i]
			Xrows[i].assign(Xrows[k], F.minusMult(L.getQuick(k,i)));
	return X;
Example 5
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Demonstrates sorting with precomputation of aggregates, comparing mergesort with quicksort.
public static void zdemo7(int rows, int columns, boolean print) {
	// for reliable benchmarks, call this method twice: once with small dummy parameters to "warm up" the jitter, then with your real work-load
	System.out.println("now initializing... ");
	final cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
	DoubleMatrix2D A = cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(rows,columns);
	A.assign(new cern.jet.random.engine.DRand()); // initialize randomly
	DoubleMatrix2D B = A.copy();

	double[] v1 = A.viewColumn(0).toArray();
	double[] v2 = A.viewColumn(0).toArray();
	System.out.print("now quick sorting... ");
	cern.colt.Timer timer = new cern.colt.Timer().start();

	System.out.print("now merge sorting... ");

	System.out.print("now quick sorting with simple aggregation... ");

	System.out.print("now merge sorting with simple aggregation... ");
Example 6
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
Least squares solution of <tt>A*X = B</tt>; <tt>returns X</tt>.
@param B    A matrix with as many rows as <tt>A</tt> and any number of columns.
@return     <tt>X</tt> that minimizes the two norm of <tt>Q*R*X - B</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if <tt>B.rows() != A.rows()</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if <tt>!this.hasFullRank()</tt> (<tt>A</tt> is rank deficient).
public DoubleMatrix2D solve(DoubleMatrix2D B) {
	cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
	if (B.rows() != m) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix row dimensions must agree.");
	if (!this.hasFullRank()) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is rank deficient.");
	// Copy right hand side
	int nx = B.columns();
	DoubleMatrix2D X = B.copy();
	// Compute Y = transpose(Q)*B
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
			double s = 0.0; 
			for (int i = k; i < m; i++) {
				s += QR.getQuick(i,k)*X.getQuick(i,j);
			s = -s / QR.getQuick(k,k);
			for (int i = k; i < m; i++) {
				X.setQuick(i,j, X.getQuick(i,j) + s*QR.getQuick(i,k));
	// Solve R*X = Y;
	for (int k = n-1; k >= 0; k--) {
		for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
			X.setQuick(k,j, X.getQuick(k,j) / Rdiag.getQuick(k));
		for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
				X.setQuick(i,j, X.getQuick(i,j) - X.getQuick(k,j)*QR.getQuick(i,k));
	return X.viewPart(0,0,n,nx);
Example 7
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Linear algebraic matrix power; <tt>B = A<sup>k</sup> <==> B = A*A*...*A</tt>.
 * @param A the source matrix; must be square.
 * @param k the exponent, can be any number.
 * @return a new result matrix.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>!Testing.isSquare(A)</tt>.
private DoubleMatrix2D xpowSlow(DoubleMatrix2D A, int k) {
	//cern.colt.Timer timer = new cern.colt.Timer().start();
	DoubleMatrix2D result = A.copy();
	for (int i=0; i<k-1; i++) {
		result = mult(result,A);
	return result;
Example 8
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the inverse or pseudo-inverse of matrix <tt>A</tt>.
 * @return a new independent matrix; inverse(matrix) if the matrix is square, pseudoinverse otherwise.
public DoubleMatrix2D inverse(DoubleMatrix2D A) {
	if (property.isSquare(A) && property.isDiagonal(A)) {
		DoubleMatrix2D inv = A.copy();
		boolean isNonSingular = Diagonal.inverse(inv);
		if (!isNonSingular) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A is singular.");
		return inv;
	return solve(A, DoubleFactory2D.dense.identity(A.rows()));
Example 9
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Sets the matrices to operate upon.
public void setParameters(DoubleMatrix2D A, DoubleMatrix2D B) {
Example 10
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Demonstrates sorting with precomputation of aggregates, comparing mergesort with quicksort.
public static void zdemo7(int rows, int columns, boolean print) {
	// for reliable benchmarks, call this method twice: once with small dummy parameters to "warm up" the jitter, then with your real work-load
	System.out.println("now initializing... ");
	final cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
	DoubleMatrix2D A = cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(rows,columns);
	A.assign(new cern.jet.random.engine.DRand()); // initialize randomly
	DoubleMatrix2D B = A.copy();

	double[] v1 = A.viewColumn(0).toArray();
	double[] v2 = A.viewColumn(0).toArray();
	System.out.print("now quick sorting... ");
	cern.colt.Timer timer = new cern.colt.Timer().start();

	System.out.print("now merge sorting... ");

	System.out.print("now quick sorting with simple aggregation... ");

	System.out.print("now merge sorting with simple aggregation... ");
Example 11
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
Solves <tt>A*X = B</tt>; returns <tt>X</tt>.
@param  B   A Matrix with as many rows as <tt>A</tt> and any number of columns.
@return     <tt>X</tt> so that <tt>L*L'*X = B</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if <tt>B.rows() != A.rows()</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if <tt>!isSymmetricPositiveDefinite()</tt>.
private DoubleMatrix2D XXXsolveBuggy(DoubleMatrix2D B) {
	cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
	if (B.rows() != n) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix row dimensions must agree.");
	if (!isSymmetricPositiveDefinite) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is not symmetric positive definite.");
	// Copy right hand side.
	DoubleMatrix2D X = B.copy();
	int nx = B.columns();
	// precompute and cache some views to avoid regenerating them time and again
	DoubleMatrix1D[] Xrows = new DoubleMatrix1D[n];
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) Xrows[k] = X.viewRow(k);
	// Solve L*Y = B;
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
		for (int i = k+1; i < n; i++) {
			// X[i,j] -= X[k,j]*L[i,k]
			Xrows[i].assign(Xrows[k], F.minusMult(L.getQuick(i,k)));
	// Solve L'*X = Y;
	for (int k = n-1; k >= 0; k--) {
		for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
			// X[i,j] -= X[k,j]*L[k,i]
			Xrows[i].assign(Xrows[k], F.minusMult(L.getQuick(k,i)));
	return X;
Example 12
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
Least squares solution of <tt>A*X = B</tt>; <tt>returns X</tt>.
@param B    A matrix with as many rows as <tt>A</tt> and any number of columns.
@return     <tt>X</tt> that minimizes the two norm of <tt>Q*R*X - B</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if <tt>B.rows() != A.rows()</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if <tt>!this.hasFullRank()</tt> (<tt>A</tt> is rank deficient).
public DoubleMatrix2D solve(DoubleMatrix2D B) {
	cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
	if (B.rows() != m) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix row dimensions must agree.");
	if (!this.hasFullRank()) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is rank deficient.");
	// Copy right hand side
	int nx = B.columns();
	DoubleMatrix2D X = B.copy();
	// Compute Y = transpose(Q)*B
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
			double s = 0.0; 
			for (int i = k; i < m; i++) {
				s += QR.getQuick(i,k)*X.getQuick(i,j);
			s = -s / QR.getQuick(k,k);
			for (int i = k; i < m; i++) {
				X.setQuick(i,j, X.getQuick(i,j) + s*QR.getQuick(i,k));
	// Solve R*X = Y;
	for (int k = n-1; k >= 0; k--) {
		for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
			X.setQuick(k,j, X.getQuick(k,j) / Rdiag.getQuick(k));
		for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
				X.setQuick(i,j, X.getQuick(i,j) - X.getQuick(k,j)*QR.getQuick(i,k));
	return X.viewPart(0,0,n,nx);
Example 13
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Linear algebraic matrix power; <tt>B = A<sup>k</sup> <==> B = A*A*...*A</tt>.
 * @param A the source matrix; must be square.
 * @param k the exponent, can be any number.
 * @return a new result matrix.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>!Testing.isSquare(A)</tt>.
private DoubleMatrix2D xpowSlow(DoubleMatrix2D A, int k) {
	//cern.colt.Timer timer = new cern.colt.Timer().start();
	DoubleMatrix2D result = A.copy();
	for (int i=0; i<k-1; i++) {
		result = mult(result,A);
	return result;
Example 14
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the inverse or pseudo-inverse of matrix <tt>A</tt>.
 * @return a new independent matrix; inverse(matrix) if the matrix is square, pseudoinverse otherwise.
public DoubleMatrix2D inverse(DoubleMatrix2D A) {
	if (property.isSquare(A) && property.isDiagonal(A)) {
		DoubleMatrix2D inv = A.copy();
		boolean isNonSingular = Diagonal.inverse(inv);
		if (!isNonSingular) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A is singular.");
		return inv;
	return solve(A, DoubleFactory2D.dense.identity(A.rows()));
Example 15
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Sets the matrices to operate upon.
public void setParameters(DoubleMatrix2D A, DoubleMatrix2D B) {
Example 16
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
Constructs and returns a new QR decomposition object;  computed by Householder reflections;
The decomposed matrices can be retrieved via instance methods of the returned decomposition object.
@param A    A rectangular matrix.
@return     a decomposition object to access <tt>R</tt> and the Householder vectors <tt>H</tt>, and to compute <tt>Q</tt>.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>A.rows() < A.columns()</tt>.

public QRDecomposition (DoubleMatrix2D A) {

	cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
	// Initialize.
	QR = A.copy();
	m = A.rows();
	n = A.columns();
	Rdiag = A.like1D(n);
	//Rdiag = new double[n];
	cern.colt.function.DoubleDoubleFunction hypot = Algebra.hypotFunction();
	// precompute and cache some views to avoid regenerating them time and again
	DoubleMatrix1D[] QRcolumns = new DoubleMatrix1D[n];
	DoubleMatrix1D[] QRcolumnsPart = new DoubleMatrix1D[n];
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
		QRcolumns[k] = QR.viewColumn(k);
		QRcolumnsPart[k] = QR.viewColumn(k).viewPart(k,m-k);
	// Main loop.
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
		//DoubleMatrix1D QRcolk = QR.viewColumn(k).viewPart(k,m-k);
		// Compute 2-norm of k-th column without under/overflow.
		double nrm = 0;
		//if (k<m) nrm = QRcolumnsPart[k].aggregate(hypot,F.identity);
		for (int i = k; i < m; i++) { // fixes bug reported by
			nrm = Algebra.hypot(nrm,QR.getQuick(i,k));
		if (nrm != 0.0) {
			// Form k-th Householder vector.
			if (QR.getQuick(k,k) < 0) nrm = -nrm;
			for (int i = k; i < m; i++) {
			   QR[i][k] /= nrm;
			QR.setQuick(k,k, QR.getQuick(k,k) + 1);
			// Apply transformation to remaining columns.
			for (int j = k+1; j < n; j++) {
				DoubleMatrix1D QRcolj = QR.viewColumn(j).viewPart(k,m-k);
				double s = QRcolumnsPart[k].zDotProduct(QRcolj);
				// fixes bug reported by John Chambers
				DoubleMatrix1D QRcolj = QR.viewColumn(j).viewPart(k,m-k);
				double s = QRcolumnsPart[k].zDotProduct(QRcolumns[j]);
				double s = 0.0; 
				for (int i = k; i < m; i++) {
				  s += QR[i][k]*QR[i][j];
				s = -s / QR.getQuick(k,k);
				//QRcolumnsPart[j].assign(QRcolumns[k], F.plusMult(s));
				for (int i = k; i < m; i++) {
				  QR.setQuick(i,j, QR.getQuick(i,j) + s*QR.getQuick(i,k));
		Rdiag.setQuick(k, -nrm);
Example 17
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Linear algebraic matrix power; <tt>B = A<sup>k</sup> <==> B = A*A*...*A</tt>.
 * <ul>
 * <li><tt>p &gt;= 1: B = A*A*...*A</tt>.</li>
 * <li><tt>p == 0: B = identity matrix</tt>.</li>
 * <li><tt>p &lt;  0: B = pow(inverse(A),-p)</tt>.</li>
 * </ul>
 * Implementation: Based on logarithms of 2, memory usage minimized.
 * @param A the source matrix; must be square; stays unaffected by this operation.
 * @param p the exponent, can be any number.
 * @return <tt>B</tt>, a newly constructed result matrix; storage-independent of <tt>A</tt>.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>!property().isSquare(A)</tt>.
public DoubleMatrix2D pow(DoubleMatrix2D A, int p) {
	// matrix multiplication based on log2 method: A*A*....*A is slow, ((A * A)^2)^2 * ... is faster
	// allocates two auxiliary matrices as work space
	Blas blas = SmpBlas.smpBlas; // for parallel matrix mult; if not initialized defaults to sequential blas
	if (p<0) {
		A = inverse(A);
		p = -p;
	if (p==0) return DoubleFactory2D.dense.identity(A.rows());
	DoubleMatrix2D T =; // temporary
	if (p==1) return T.assign(A);  // safes one auxiliary matrix allocation
	if (p==2) {
		blas.dgemm(false,false,1,A,A,0,T); // mult(A,A); // safes one auxiliary matrix allocation
		return T;

	int k = cern.colt.bitvector.QuickBitVector.mostSignificantBit(p); // index of highest bit in state "true"
	this is the naive version:*/
	DoubleMatrix2D B = A.copy();
	for (int i=0; i<p-1; i++) {
		B = mult(B,A);
	return B;

	// here comes the optimized version:
	//cern.colt.Timer timer = new cern.colt.Timer().start();

/*	int i=0;
	while (i<=k && (p & (1<<i)) == 0) { // while (bit i of p == false)
		// A = mult(A,A); would allocate a lot of temporary memory
		blas.dgemm(false,false,1,A,A,0,T); // A.zMult(A,T);
		DoubleMatrix2D swap = A; A = T; T = swap; // swap A with T

	DoubleMatrix2D B = A.copy();
	for (; i<=k; i++) {
		// A = mult(A,A); would allocate a lot of temporary memory
		blas.dgemm(false,false,1,A,A,0,T); // A.zMult(A,T);	
		DoubleMatrix2D swap = A; A = T; T = swap; // swap A with T

		if ((p & (1<<i)) != 0) { // if (bit i of p == true)
			// B = mult(B,A); would allocate a lot of temporary memory
			blas.dgemm(false,false,1,B,A,0,T); // B.zMult(A,T);		
			swap = B; B = T; T = swap; // swap B with T
	return B;*/
Example 18
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
Constructs and returns a new QR decomposition object;  computed by Householder reflections;
The decomposed matrices can be retrieved via instance methods of the returned decomposition object.
@param A    A rectangular matrix.
@return     a decomposition object to access <tt>R</tt> and the Householder vectors <tt>H</tt>, and to compute <tt>Q</tt>.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>A.rows() < A.columns()</tt>.

public QRDecomposition (DoubleMatrix2D A) {

	cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
	// Initialize.
	QR = A.copy();
	m = A.rows();
	n = A.columns();
	Rdiag = A.like1D(n);
	//Rdiag = new double[n];
	cern.colt.function.DoubleDoubleFunction hypot = Algebra.hypotFunction();
	// precompute and cache some views to avoid regenerating them time and again
	DoubleMatrix1D[] QRcolumns = new DoubleMatrix1D[n];
	DoubleMatrix1D[] QRcolumnsPart = new DoubleMatrix1D[n];
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
		QRcolumns[k] = QR.viewColumn(k);
		QRcolumnsPart[k] = QR.viewColumn(k).viewPart(k,m-k);
	// Main loop.
	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
		//DoubleMatrix1D QRcolk = QR.viewColumn(k).viewPart(k,m-k);
		// Compute 2-norm of k-th column without under/overflow.
		double nrm = 0;
		//if (k<m) nrm = QRcolumnsPart[k].aggregate(hypot,F.identity);
		for (int i = k; i < m; i++) { // fixes bug reported by
			nrm = Algebra.hypot(nrm,QR.getQuick(i,k));
		if (nrm != 0.0) {
			// Form k-th Householder vector.
			if (QR.getQuick(k,k) < 0) nrm = -nrm;
			for (int i = k; i < m; i++) {
			   QR[i][k] /= nrm;
			QR.setQuick(k,k, QR.getQuick(k,k) + 1);
			// Apply transformation to remaining columns.
			for (int j = k+1; j < n; j++) {
				DoubleMatrix1D QRcolj = QR.viewColumn(j).viewPart(k,m-k);
				double s = QRcolumnsPart[k].zDotProduct(QRcolj);
				// fixes bug reported by John Chambers
				DoubleMatrix1D QRcolj = QR.viewColumn(j).viewPart(k,m-k);
				double s = QRcolumnsPart[k].zDotProduct(QRcolumns[j]);
				double s = 0.0; 
				for (int i = k; i < m; i++) {
				  s += QR[i][k]*QR[i][j];
				s = -s / QR.getQuick(k,k);
				//QRcolumnsPart[j].assign(QRcolumns[k], F.plusMult(s));
				for (int i = k; i < m; i++) {
				  QR.setQuick(i,j, QR.getQuick(i,j) + s*QR.getQuick(i,k));
		Rdiag.setQuick(k, -nrm);
Example 19
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
Solves <tt>A*X = B</tt>.
@param  B   A matrix with as many rows as <tt>A</tt> and any number of columns.
@return     <tt>X</tt> so that <tt>L*U*X = B(piv,:)</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException if </tt>B.rows() != A.rows()</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if A is singular, that is, if <tt>!this.isNonsingular()</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if <tt>A.rows() < A.columns()</tt>.

public DoubleMatrix2D solve(DoubleMatrix2D B) {
	DoubleMatrix2D X = B.copy();
	return X;
Example 20
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Solves <tt>A*X = B</tt>.
@param  B   A matrix with as many rows as <tt>A</tt> and any number of columns.
@return     <tt>X</tt> so that <tt>L*U*X = B(piv,:)</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException if </tt>B.rows() != A.rows()</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if A is singular, that is, if <tt>!this.isNonsingular()</tt>.
@exception  IllegalArgumentException  if <tt>A.rows() < A.columns()</tt>.

public DoubleMatrix2D solve(DoubleMatrix2D B) {
	DoubleMatrix2D X = B.copy();
	return X;