Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From openapi-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Object resolveModelToExample(String name, String mediaType, Schema schema, Set<String> processedModels) { if (processedModels.contains(name)) { return schema.getExample(); } processedModels.add(name); Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>(); LOGGER.debug("Resolving model '{}' to example", name); if (schema.getExample() != null) { LOGGER.debug("Using example from spec: {}", schema.getExample()); return schema.getExample(); } else if (schema.getProperties() != null) { LOGGER.debug("Creating example from model values"); for (Object propertyName : schema.getProperties().keySet()) { Schema property = (Schema) schema.getProperties().get(propertyName.toString()); values.put(propertyName.toString(), resolvePropertyToExample(propertyName.toString(), mediaType, property, processedModels)); } schema.setExample(values); return schema.getExample(); } else { // TODO log an error message as the model does not have any properties return null; } }
Example 2
Source File: From swagger-inflector with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void testInvalidExample(Schema property, String invalidValue, Object defaultValue, Object sampleValue ) throws Exception { property.setExample( invalidValue); Schema model = new Schema(); model.addProperties("test", property); Map<String, Schema> definitions = new HashMap<>(); definitions.put("Test", model); // validate that the internal default value is returned if an invalid value is set ObjectExample rep = (ObjectExample) ExampleBuilder.fromSchema(new Schema().$ref("Test"), definitions); AbstractExample example = (AbstractExample) rep.get( "test" ); System.out.println(example); assertEquals( example.asString(), String.valueOf(defaultValue) ); // validate that a specified default value is returned if an invalid value is set if( sampleValue != null ) { property.setDefault(String.valueOf(sampleValue)); rep = (ObjectExample) ExampleBuilder.fromSchema(new Schema().$ref("Test"), definitions); example = (AbstractExample) rep.get("test"); assertEquals(String.valueOf(sampleValue), example.asString()); } }
Example 3
Source File: From swagger-inflector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testComplexArray() throws Exception { Map<String, Schema> definitions = new HashMap<>(); Schema address = new Schema() .xml(new XML().name("address")); Schema propertyDefinition1 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition1.setName("street"); propertyDefinition1.setExample("12345 El Monte Blvd"); Schema propertyDefinition2 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition2.setName("city"); propertyDefinition2.setExample("Los Altos Hills"); Schema propertyDefinition3 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition3.setName("state"); propertyDefinition3.setExample("CA"); propertyDefinition3.setMinLength(2); propertyDefinition3.setMaxLength(2); Schema propertyDefinition4 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition4.setName("zip"); propertyDefinition4.setExample("94022"); address.addProperties("street",propertyDefinition1); address.addProperties("city",propertyDefinition2); address.addProperties("state",propertyDefinition3); address.addProperties("zip",propertyDefinition4); definitions.put("Address", address); Example rep = (Example) ExampleBuilder.fromSchema(new ArraySchema().$ref("Address"), definitions); String json = Json.pretty(rep); assertEqualsIgnoreLineEnding(json,"{\n \"street\" : \"12345 El Monte Blvd\",\n \"city\" : \"Los Altos Hills\",\n \"state\" : \"CA\",\n \"zip\" : \"94022\"\n}"); }
Example 4
Source File: From swagger-parser with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * This function fix models that are string (mostly enum). Before this fix, the example * would look something like that in the doc: "\"example from def\"" * @param m Model implementation */ private void fixStringModel(Schema m) { if (m.getType() != null && m.getType().equals("string") && m.getExample() != null) { String example = m.getExample().toString(); if (example.substring(0, 1).equals("\"") && example.substring(example.length() - 1).equals("\"")) { m.setExample(example.substring(1, example.length() - 1)); } } }
Example 5
Source File: From openapi-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public String toExampleValue(Schema p) { if (p == null) { return ""; } Object obj = p.getExample(); String example = obj == null ? "" : obj.toString(); if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(p)) { example = "new " + getTypeDeclaration(p) + "{" + toExampleValue( ((ArraySchema) p).getItems()) + "}"; } else if (ModelUtils.isBooleanSchema(p)) { example = String.valueOf(!"false".equals(example)); } else if (ModelUtils.isByteArraySchema(p)) { if (example.isEmpty()) { example = "VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveCBqdW1wZWQgb3ZlciB0aGUgbGF6eSBkb2cu"; } p.setExample(example); example = "EncodingUtil.base64Decode('" + example + "')"; } else if (ModelUtils.isDateSchema(p)) { if (example.matches("^\\d{4}(-\\d{2}){2}")) { example = example.substring(0, 10).replaceAll("-0?", ", "); } else if (example.isEmpty()) { example = "2000, 1, 23"; } else { LOGGER.warn(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "The example provided for property '%s' is not a valid RFC3339 date. Defaulting to '2000-01-23'. [%s]", p .getName(), example)); example = "2000, 1, 23"; } example = "Date.newInstance(" + example + ")"; } else if (ModelUtils.isDateTimeSchema(p)) { if (example.matches("^\\d{4}([-T:]\\d{2}){5}.+")) { example = example.substring(0, 19).replaceAll("[-T:]0?", ", "); } else if (example.isEmpty()) { example = "2000, 1, 23, 4, 56, 7"; } else { LOGGER.warn(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "The example provided for property '%s' is not a valid RFC3339 datetime. Defaulting to '2000-01-23T04-56-07Z'. [%s]", p .getName(), example)); example = "2000, 1, 23, 4, 56, 7"; } example = "Datetime.newInstanceGmt(" + example + ")"; } else if (ModelUtils.isNumberSchema(p)) { example = example.replaceAll("[^-0-9.]", ""); example = example.isEmpty() ? "1.3579" : example; } else if (ModelUtils.isFileSchema(p)) { if (example.isEmpty()) { example = "VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveCBqdW1wZWQgb3ZlciB0aGUgbGF6eSBkb2cu"; p.setExample(example); } example = "EncodingUtil.base64Decode(" + example + ")"; } else if (ModelUtils.isEmailSchema(p)) { if (example.isEmpty()) { example = ""; p.setExample(example); } example = "'" + example + "'"; } else if (ModelUtils.isLongSchema(p)) { example = example.isEmpty() ? "123456789L" : example + "L"; } else if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(p)) { example = "new " + getTypeDeclaration(p) + "{'key'=>" + toExampleValue(getAdditionalProperties(p)) + "}"; } else if (ModelUtils.isPasswordSchema(p)) { example = example.isEmpty() ? "password123" : escapeText(example); p.setExample(example); example = "'" + example + "'"; } else if (ModelUtils.isStringSchema(p)) { List<String> enums = p.getEnum(); if (enums != null && example.isEmpty()) { example = enums.get(0); p.setExample(example); } else if (example.isEmpty()) { example = ""; } else { example = escapeText(example); p.setExample(example); } example = "'" + example + "'"; } else if (ModelUtils.isUUIDSchema(p)) { example = example.isEmpty() ? "'046b6c7f-0b8a-43b9-b35d-6489e6daee91'" : "'" + escapeText(example) + "'"; } else if (ModelUtils.isIntegerSchema(p)) { example = example.matches("^-?\\d+$") ? example : "0"; } else if (ModelUtils.isObjectSchema(p)) { example = example.isEmpty() ? "null" : example; } else { example = getTypeDeclaration(p) + ".getExample()"; } return example; }
Example 6
Source File: From crnk-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static Schema mergeSchema(Schema thisSchema, Schema thatSchema) { if (thatSchema == null) { return thisSchema; } // Overwriting `implementation` is explicitly disallowed // Overwriting `not` is explicitly disallowed // Overwriting `oneOf` is explicitly disallowed // Overwriting `anyOf` is explicitly disallowed // Overwriting `allOf` is explicitly disallowed // Overwriting `name` is explicitly disallowed if (thatSchema.getTitle() != null) { thisSchema.setTitle(thatSchema.getTitle()); } // Overwriting `multipleOf` is explicitly disallowed if (thatSchema.getMaximum() != null) { thisSchema.setMaximum(thatSchema.getMaximum()); } if (thatSchema.getExclusiveMaximum() != null) { thisSchema.setExclusiveMaximum(thatSchema.getExclusiveMaximum()); } if (thatSchema.getMinimum() != null) { thisSchema.setMinimum(thatSchema.getMinimum()); } if (thatSchema.getExclusiveMinimum() != null) { thisSchema.setExclusiveMinimum(thatSchema.getExclusiveMinimum()); } if (thatSchema.getMaxLength() != null) { thisSchema.setMaxLength(thatSchema.getMaxLength()); } if (thatSchema.getMinLength() != null) { thisSchema.setMinLength(thatSchema.getMinLength()); } if (thatSchema.getPattern() != null) { thisSchema.setPattern(thatSchema.getPattern()); } if (thatSchema.getMaxProperties() != null) { thisSchema.setMaxProperties(thatSchema.getMaxProperties()); } if (thatSchema.getMinProperties() != null) { thisSchema.setMinProperties(thatSchema.getMinProperties()); } // RequiredProperties if (thatSchema.getRequired() != null) { thisSchema.setRequired(thatSchema.getRequired()); } // Overwriting `name` is explicitly disallowed if (thatSchema.getDescription() != null) { thisSchema.setDescription(thatSchema.getDescription()); } if (thatSchema.getFormat() != null) { thisSchema.setFormat(thatSchema.getFormat()); } // Overwriting `ref` is explicitly disallowed if (thatSchema.getNullable() != null) { thisSchema.setNullable(thatSchema.getNullable()); } // Overwriting `AccessMode` is explicitly disallowed if (thatSchema.getExample() != null) { thisSchema.setExample(thatSchema.getExample()); } if (thatSchema.getExternalDocs() != null) { thisSchema.setExternalDocs(thatSchema.getExternalDocs()); } if (thatSchema.getDeprecated() != null) { thisSchema.setDeprecated(thatSchema.getDeprecated()); } if (thatSchema.getType() != null) { thisSchema.setType(thatSchema.getType()); } if (thatSchema.getEnum() != null) { thisSchema.setEnum(thatSchema.getEnum()); } if (thatSchema.getDefault() != null) { thisSchema.setDefault(thatSchema.getDefault()); } // Overwriting `discriminator` is explicitly disallowed // Overwriting `hidden` is explicitly disallowed // Overwriting `subTypes` is explicitly disallowed if (thatSchema.getExtensions() != null) { thisSchema.setExtensions(thatSchema.getExtensions()); } return thisSchema; }
Example 7
Source File: From swagger-inflector with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testXmlJackson() throws Exception { Schema model = new Schema() .xml(new XML() .name("user")); Schema property1 = new StringSchema(); property1.setName("username"); property1.setExample("fehguy"); property1.setXml(new XML() .name("userName")); ArraySchema property2 = new ArraySchema(); property2.setName("addresses"); property2.setXml(new XML().wrapped(true)); property2.setItems(new Schema().$ref("Address")); Schema property3 = new Schema(); property3.setName("managers"); property3.setAdditionalProperties(new StringSchema().example("SVP Engineering")); ArraySchema property4 = new ArraySchema(); property4.setName("kidsAges"); property4.setItems(new IntegerSchema().example(9)); model.addProperties("username",property1); model.addProperties("addresses",property2); model.addProperties("managers",property3); model.addProperties("kidsAges",property4); Map<String, Schema> definitions = new HashMap<>(); definitions.put("User", model); Schema address = new Schema() .xml(new XML().name("address")); Schema propertyDefinition1 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition1.setName("street"); propertyDefinition1.setExample("12345 El Monte Blvd"); Schema propertyDefinition2 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition2.setName("city"); propertyDefinition2.setExample("Los Altos Hills"); Schema propertyDefinition3 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition3.setName("state"); propertyDefinition3.setExample("CA"); propertyDefinition3.setMinLength(2); propertyDefinition3.setMaxLength(2); Schema propertyDefinition4 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition4.setName("zip"); propertyDefinition4.setExample("94022"); address.addProperties("street",propertyDefinition1); address.addProperties("city",propertyDefinition2); address.addProperties("state",propertyDefinition3); address.addProperties("zip",propertyDefinition4); definitions.put("Address", address); Example rep = ExampleBuilder.fromSchema(new Schema().$ref("User"), definitions); String xmlString = new XmlExampleSerializer().serialize(rep); assertEqualsIgnoreLineEnding(xmlString, "<?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?><user><userName>fehguy</userName><addressess><address><street>12345 El Monte Blvd</street><city>Los Altos Hills</city><state>CA</state><zip>94022</zip></address></addressess><managers><additionalProp1>SVP Engineering</additionalProp1><additionalProp2>SVP Engineering</additionalProp2><additionalProp3>SVP Engineering</additionalProp3></managers><kidsAges>9</kidsAges></user>"); assertEqualsIgnoreLineEnding(Yaml.pretty().writeValueAsString(rep),"username: fehguy\naddresses:\n- street: 12345 El Monte Blvd\n city: Los Altos Hills\n state: CA\n zip: \"94022\"\nmanagers:\n additionalProp1: SVP Engineering\n additionalProp2: SVP Engineering\n additionalProp3: SVP Engineering\nkidsAges:\n- 9\n"); }
Example 8
Source File: From swagger-inflector with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testComplexArrayWithExample() throws Exception { Map<String, Schema> definitions = new HashMap<>(); Schema address = new Schema() .example("{\"foo\":\"bar\"}") .xml(new XML() .name("address")); Schema propertyDefinition1 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition1.setName("street"); propertyDefinition1.setExample("12345 El Monte Blvd"); Schema propertyDefinition2 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition2.setName("city"); propertyDefinition2.setExample("Los Altos Hills"); Schema propertyDefinition3 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition3.setName("state"); propertyDefinition3.setExample("CA"); propertyDefinition3.setMinLength(2); propertyDefinition3.setMaxLength(2); Schema propertyDefinition4 = new StringSchema(); propertyDefinition4.setName("zip"); propertyDefinition4.setExample("94022"); address.addProperties("street",propertyDefinition1); address.addProperties("city",propertyDefinition2); address.addProperties("state",propertyDefinition3); address.addProperties("zip",propertyDefinition4); definitions.put("Address", address); // register the JSON serializer SimpleModule simpleModule = new SimpleModule(); simpleModule.addSerializer(new JsonNodeExampleSerializer()); simpleModule.addDeserializer(Example.class, new JsonExampleDeserializer()); Json.mapper().registerModule(simpleModule); Example rep = (Example) ExampleBuilder.fromSchema(new StringSchema().addEnumItem("hello").example("fun"), definitions); assertEqualsIgnoreLineEnding(Json.pretty(rep), "\"fun\""); }
Example 9
Source File: From swagger-parser with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Schema createModelFromProperty(Schema schema, String path) { String description = schema.getDescription(); String example = null; List<String> requiredList = schema.getRequired(); Object obj = schema.getExample(); if (obj != null) { example = obj.toString(); } String name = schema.getName(); XML xml = schema.getXml(); Map<String, Schema> properties = schema.getProperties(); if (schema instanceof ComposedSchema && this.flattenComposedSchemas){ ComposedSchema composedModel = (ComposedSchema) schema; composedModel.setDescription(description); composedModel.setExample(example); composedModel.setName(name); composedModel.setXml(xml); composedModel.setType(schema.getType()); composedModel.setRequired(requiredList); return composedModel; } else { Schema model = new Schema();//TODO Verify this! model.setDescription(description); model.setExample(example); model.setName(name); model.setXml(xml); model.setType(schema.getType()); model.setRequired(requiredList); if (properties != null) { flattenProperties(properties, path); model.setProperties(properties); } return model; } }