org.jivesoftware.smackx.privacy.packet.PrivacyItem Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public SparkPrivacyList createPrivacyList(String listName) { PrivacyItem item = new PrivacyItem(true,999999); ArrayList<PrivacyItem> items = new ArrayList<>(); items.add(item); SparkPrivacyList sparklist = null; try { privacyManager.createPrivacyList(listName, items); privacyManager.getPrivacyList(listName).getItems().remove(item); sparklist = new SparkPrivacyList(privacyManager.getPrivacyList(listName)); _privacyLists.add(sparklist); sparklist.addSparkPrivacyListener(_presenceHandler); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e) { Log.warning("Could not create PrivacyList "+listName, e); } return sparklist; }
Example #2
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Adds a node to a parent on the jtree using the defaultModel * * @param node * the node that should be added. this is the childnode * @param parent * the parent node, where the node should be added to */ private void addListNode(PrivacyTreeNode node, DefaultMutableTreeNode parent) { _model.insertNodeInto(node, parent, 0); SparkPrivacyList plist = node.getPrivacyList(); PrivacyTreeNode contacts = new PrivacyTreeNode(Res.getString("privacy.node.contacts")); contacts.setisContactGroup(true); _model.insertNodeInto(contacts, node, 0); PrivacyTreeNode groups = new PrivacyTreeNode(Res.getString("privacy.node.groups")); groups.setisGroupNode(true); _model.insertNodeInto(groups, node, 0); for (PrivacyItem pI : plist.getPrivacyItems()) { if (pI.getType().equals(PrivacyItem.Type.jid)) { _model.insertNodeInto(new PrivacyTreeNode(pI), contacts, 0); } else if (pI.getType().equals( { _model.insertNodeInto(new PrivacyTreeNode(pI), groups, 0); } } }
Example #3
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static void parseList(XmlPullParser parser, Privacy privacy) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { boolean done = false; String listName = parser.getAttributeValue("", "name"); ArrayList<PrivacyItem> items = new ArrayList<>(); while (!done) { XmlPullParser.Event eventType =; if (eventType == XmlPullParser.Event.START_ELEMENT) { if (parser.getName().equals("item")) { // CHECKSTYLE:OFF items.add(parseItem(parser)); // CHECKSTYLE:ON } } else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.Event.END_ELEMENT) { if (parser.getName().equals("list")) { done = true; } } } privacy.setPrivacyList(listName, items); // CHECKSTYLE:OFF }
Example #4
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Search privancyItem using Type & value * * @param value value of item * @return privacyItem or null if Item not found */ private PrivacyItem searchPrivacyItem(String value) { for (PrivacyItem privacyItem : getPrivacyItems()) { if ( privacyItem.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { return privacyItem; } } return null; //error }
Example #5
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private PrivacyList ensureGloballyInvisibleListExists() { if (!_active) return null; PrivacyList list = null; try { list = privacyManager.getPrivacyList(INVISIBLE_LIST_NAME); if (list != null) return list; } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e1) { Log.debug("PrivacyManager#ensureGloballyInvisibleListExists: Could not find globally invisible list. We need to create one"); } try { PrivacyItem item = new PrivacyItem(false, 1); item.setFilterPresenceOut(true); List<PrivacyItem> items = Arrays.asList(item); privacyManager.createPrivacyList(INVISIBLE_LIST_NAME, items); list = privacyManager.getPrivacyList(INVISIBLE_LIST_NAME); Log.debug("List \"" + INVISIBLE_LIST_NAME + "\" has been created "); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e) { Log.warning("PrivacyManager#ensureGloballyInvisibleListExists: Could not create PrivacyList " + INVISIBLE_LIST_NAME, e); } return list; }
Example #6
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * If the selected Node is a GroupNode (TreeItems "Contacts" and "Groups" * are GroupNodes) add the specified options to the menu * * @param menu * where the method should add the remove option * @param node * the node what is selected */ private void addMenuForGroupNodes(JPopupMenu menu, final PrivacyTreeNode node) { String showStringforAdd; if (node.isContactGroup()) { showStringforAdd = Res.getString(""); } else { showStringforAdd = Res.getString(""); } PrivacyTreeNode listnode = (PrivacyTreeNode) _tree.getSelectionPath().getPathComponent(1); final SparkPrivacyList list = listnode.getPrivacyList(); final PrivacyTreeNode parent = (PrivacyTreeNode) _tree.getSelectionPath().getPathComponent(2); JMenuItem addContact = new JMenuItem(showStringforAdd); addContact.setIcon(SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.SMALL_ADD_IMAGE)); addContact.addActionListener( e -> { PrivacyAddDialogUI browser = new PrivacyAddDialogUI(); Collection<PrivacyItem> col = browser.showRoster(_comp, node.isContactGroup() ? false : true); try { for (PrivacyItem pI : col) { final PrivacyItem clone = new PrivacyItem( pI.getType(), pI.getValue(), pI.isAllow(), list.getNewItemOrder() ); list.addItem(clone); PrivacyTreeNode newChild = new PrivacyTreeNode(clone); _model.insertNodeInto(newChild, parent, 0); }; } catch ( SmackException.NotConnectedException e1 ) { Log.warning( "Unable to add item to privacy list.", e1 ); } } ); menu.add(addContact); }
Example #7
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @param item user removed from blackList */ private void fireItemRemoved( PrivacyItem item ) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException { for ( final SparkPrivacyItemListener listener : _listeners ) { try { listener.itemRemoved( item, _listName ); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log.error( "A SparkPrivacyItemListener (" + listener + ") threw an exception while processing a 'itemRemoved' event for: " + item + " on list: " + _listName, e ); } } }
Example #8
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @param item user was added into blockList */ private void fireItemAdded( PrivacyItem item ) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException { for ( final SparkPrivacyItemListener listener : _listeners ) { try { listener.itemAdded( item, _listName ); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log.error( "A SparkPrivacyItemListener (" + listener + ") threw an exception while processing a 'itemAdded' event for: " + item + " on list: " + _listName, e ); } } }
Example #9
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Store PrivacyList on server * * @throws XMPPException */ public void save() { try { PrivacyItem item = new PrivacyItem(true,999999); _privacyItems.add(item); PrivacyManager.getInstance().getPrivacyListManager().updatePrivacyList(getListName(), _privacyItems); PrivacyManager.getInstance().getPrivacyListManager().getPrivacyList(_listName).getItems().remove(item); _privacyItems.remove(item); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e) { Log.warning("Could not save PrivacyList "+_listName); e.printStackTrace(); } }
Example #10
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void removeItem(String name) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException { List<PrivacyItem> tempList = new ArrayList<>( _privacyItems ); for (PrivacyItem item: tempList) { if (item.getValue().equals(name)) { _privacyItems.remove(item); fireItemRemoved(item); } } }
Example #11
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Search privancyItem using Type & value * * @param type type of privacy item * @param value value of item * @return privacyItem id of item into PrivacyItems or -1 on Item not found */ public ArrayList<PrivacyItem> searchPrivacyItems(PrivacyItem.Type type, String value) { ArrayList<PrivacyItem> items = new ArrayList<>(); for (PrivacyItem privacyItem : getPrivacyItems()) { if ( privacyItem.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(value) && privacyItem.getType() == type ) { items.add(privacyItem); } } return items; //error }
Example #12
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Search privancyItem using Type & value * * @param type type of privacy item * @param value value of item * @return privacyItem or null if Item not found */ //TODO REMOVE @SuppressWarnings("unused") private PrivacyItem searchPrivacyItem(PrivacyItem.Type type, String value) { for (PrivacyItem privacyItem : getPrivacyItems()) { if ( privacyItem.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(value) && privacyItem.getType() == type ) { return privacyItem; } } return null; //error }
Example #13
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Get last PrivacyItem from list ordered by PrivacyItem.order * * @return last PrivacyItem ordered by Item order */ public PrivacyItem getLastItem() { long order = 0; PrivacyItem item = null; for (PrivacyItem privacyItem : _privacyItems) { if ( order < privacyItem.getOrder() ) { order = privacyItem.getOrder(); item = privacyItem; } } return item; }
Example #14
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void loadItems() throws SmackException.NotConnectedException { List<PrivacyItem> itemList = _myPrivacyList.getItems(); for (PrivacyItem item: itemList) { if (item.getValue() == null || item.getType() == null) removeItem(item); else _privacyItems.add(item); } }
Example #15
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void parseItemChildElements(XmlPullParser parser, PrivacyItem privacyItem) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { final int initialDepth = parser.getDepth(); outerloop: while (true) { XmlPullParser.Event eventType =; switch (eventType) { case START_ELEMENT: String name = parser.getName(); switch (name) { case "iq": privacyItem.setFilterIQ(true); break; case "message": privacyItem.setFilterMessage(true); break; case "presence-in": privacyItem.setFilterPresenceIn(true); break; case "presence-out": privacyItem.setFilterPresenceOut(true); break; } break; case END_ELEMENT: if (parser.getDepth() == initialDepth) { break outerloop; } break; default: // Catch all for incomplete switch (MissingCasesInEnumSwitch) statement. break; } } }
Example #16
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Answer the privacy list items under listName with the allowed and blocked permissions. * * @param listName the name of the list to get the allowed and blocked permissions. * @return a list of privacy items under the list listName. * @throws XMPPErrorException if there was an XMPP error returned. * @throws NoResponseException if there was no response from the remote entity. * @throws NotConnectedException if the XMPP connection is not connected. * @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted. */ private List<PrivacyItem> getPrivacyListItems(String listName) throws NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { assert StringUtils.isNotEmpty(listName); // The request of the list is an privacy message with an empty list Privacy request = new Privacy(); request.setPrivacyList(listName, new ArrayList<PrivacyItem>()); // Send the package to the server and get the answer Privacy privacyAnswer = getRequest(request); return privacyAnswer.getPrivacyList(listName); }
Example #17
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected PrivacyList(boolean isActiveList, boolean isDefaultList, String listName, List<PrivacyItem> privacyItems) { super(); this.isActiveList = isActiveList; this.isDefaultList = isDefaultList; this.listName = listName; this.items = privacyItems; }
Example #18
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void parsePrivacyList() throws Exception { // @formatter:off final String xmlPrivacyList = "<iq type='result' id='getlist2' to=''>" + "<query xmlns='jabber:iq:privacy'>" + "<list name='public'>" + "<item type='jid' " + "value='' " + "action='deny' " + "order='1'/>" + "<item action='allow' order='2'/>" + "</list>" + "</query>" + "</iq>"; // @formatter:on IQ iqPrivacyList = PacketParserUtils.parseStanza(xmlPrivacyList); assertTrue(iqPrivacyList instanceof Privacy); Privacy privacyList = (Privacy) iqPrivacyList; List<PrivacyItem> pl = privacyList.getPrivacyList("public"); PrivacyItem first = pl.get(0); assertEquals(PrivacyItem.Type.jid, first.getType()); assertEquals("", first.getValue()); assertEquals(false, first.isAllow()); assertEquals(1L, first.getOrder().nativeRepresentation()); PrivacyItem second = pl.get(1); assertEquals(true, second.isAllow()); assertEquals(2L, second.getOrder().nativeRepresentation()); }
Example #19
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void parsePrivacyListWithFallThroughInclChildElements() throws Exception { // @formatter:off final String xmlPrivacyList = "<iq type='result' id='getlist2' to=''>" + "<query xmlns='jabber:iq:privacy'>" + "<list name='public'>" + "<item type='jid' " + "value='' " + "action='deny' " + "order='1'/>" + "<item action='allow' order='2'>" + "<message/>" + "<presence-in/>" + "</item>" + "</list>" + "</query>" + "</iq>"; // @formatter:on IQ iqPrivacyList = PacketParserUtils.parseStanza(xmlPrivacyList); assertTrue(iqPrivacyList instanceof Privacy); Privacy privacyList = (Privacy) iqPrivacyList; List<PrivacyItem> pl = privacyList.getPrivacyList("public"); PrivacyItem first = pl.get(0); assertEquals(PrivacyItem.Type.jid, first.getType()); assertEquals("", first.getValue()); assertEquals(false, first.isAllow()); assertEquals(1L, first.getOrder().nativeRepresentation()); PrivacyItem second = pl.get(1); assertTrue(second.isAllow()); assertEquals(2L, second.getOrder().nativeRepresentation()); assertTrue(second.isFilterMessage()); assertTrue(second.isFilterPresenceIn()); assertFalse(second.isFilterPresenceOut()); assertFalse(second.isFilterIQ()); }
Example #20
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void addItem (PrivacyItem item) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException { _privacyItems.add(item); fireItemAdded(item); }
Example #21
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void removeItem(PrivacyItem item) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException { _privacyItems.remove(item); fireItemRemoved(item); }
Example #22
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public List<PrivacyItem> getItems() { return items; }
Example #23
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Remove a privacy list. * * @param listName the list that has changed its content. * @throws XMPPErrorException if there was an XMPP error returned. * @throws NoResponseException if there was no response from the remote entity. * @throws NotConnectedException if the XMPP connection is not connected. * @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted. */ public void deletePrivacyList(String listName) throws NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { // The request of the list is an privacy message with an empty list Privacy request = new Privacy(); request.setPrivacyList(listName, new ArrayList<PrivacyItem>()); // Send the package to the server setRequest(request); }
Example #24
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * The client has edited an existing list. It updates the server content with the resulting * list of privacy items. The {@link PrivacyItem} list MUST contain all elements in the * list (not the "delta"). * * @param listName the list that has changed its content. * @param privacyItems a List with every privacy item in the list. * @throws XMPPErrorException if there was an XMPP error returned. * @throws NoResponseException if there was no response from the remote entity. * @throws NotConnectedException if the XMPP connection is not connected. * @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted. */ public void updatePrivacyList(String listName, List<PrivacyItem> privacyItems) throws NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { // Build the privacy package to add or update the new list Privacy request = new Privacy(); request.setPrivacyList(listName, privacyItems); // Send the package to the server setRequest(request); }
Example #25
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Set or update a privacy list with PrivacyItem. * * @param listName the name of the new or updated privacy list. * @param listItem the PrivacyItems that rules the list. */ void setPrivacyList(String listName, List<PrivacyItem> listItem);
Example #26
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Answer the privacy list items with the allowed and blocked permissions. * @return list items */ public ArrayList<PrivacyItem> getPrivacyItems() { return new ArrayList<>( _privacyItems ); }
Example #27
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Item removed from PrivacyList * * @param item privacyItem jid * @param listname name of the privacy list. */ void itemRemoved(PrivacyItem item, String listname) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException;
Example #28
Source File: From Yahala-Messenger with MIT License | 2 votes |
@Override public void setPrivacyList(String listName, List<PrivacyItem> listItem) { }
Example #29
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Creates a Node with a reference to the PrivacyItem and changes the Name * to item's name * * @param item * the privacyItem which should be displayed as a node */ public PrivacyTreeNode(PrivacyItem item) { _item = item; }
Example #30
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Get the privacyItem this node refers to * * @return the privacyitem if node represents a privacyItem, if not null */ public PrivacyItem getPrivacyItem() { return _item; }