kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer Java Examples

The following examples show how to use kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: OperatorUtil.java    From doctorkafka with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static long getOffset(SimpleConsumer consumer, String topic, int partition,
                             long whichTime) throws IOException {
  String errMsg = null;
  Exception lastEx = null;
  for (int i = 0; i < FETCH_RETRIES; i++) {
    TopicAndPartition topicAndPartition = new TopicAndPartition(topic, partition);
    try {
      long offset = consumer.earliestOrLatestOffset(topicAndPartition, whichTime,
      return offset;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      lastEx = e;
      errMsg = "Failed to getting offset for topic: " + topic + " partition: " + partition
          + " host: " + consumer.host();
      LOG.warn(errMsg, e);
      try {
        Thread.sleep((long) (Math.random() * 3000));
      } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        LOG.warn("Unexpected interruption", ex);
  throw new IOException(errMsg, lastEx);
Example #2
Source File: KafkaInfos.java    From DCMonitor with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private SimpleConsumer createSimpleConsumer(Integer brokerId) {

    try {
      String brokerInfo = zkClient.readData(ZkUtils.BrokerIdsPath() + "/" + brokerId, true);
      if (brokerInfo == null) {
        log.error("Broker clientId %d does not exist", brokerId);
        return null;
      Map<String, Object> map = Resources.jsonMapper.readValue(
        brokerInfo, new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {
      String host = (String) map.get("host");
      Integer port = (Integer) map.get("port");
      return new SimpleConsumer(host, port, 10000, 100000, "KafkaConsumerInfos");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e, "Could not parse broker[%d] info", brokerId);
      return null;
Example #3
Source File: KafkaProduceOffsetFetcher.java    From DDMQ with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private SimpleConsumer getSimpleConsumer(int bid) {
    if (!brokerIndex.containsKey(bid)) {
        return null;
    Broker broker = brokerIndex.get(bid);
    if (consumerMap.containsKey(broker)) {
        return consumerMap.get(broker);
    } else {
        SimpleConsumer consumer = new SimpleConsumer(broker.host(), broker.port(), ConsumerConfig.SocketTimeout(), ConsumerConfig.SocketBufferSize(), "ConsumerOffsetChecker");
        consumerMap.put(broker, consumer);
        return consumer;
Example #4
Source File: KafkaProduceOffsetFetcher.java    From DDMQ with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private SimpleConsumer getSimpleConsumer(int bid) {
    if (!brokerIndex.containsKey(bid)) {
        return null;
    Broker broker = brokerIndex.get(bid);
    if (consumerMap.containsKey(broker)) {
        return consumerMap.get(broker);
    } else {
        SimpleConsumer consumer = new SimpleConsumer(broker.host(), broker.port(), ConsumerConfig.SocketTimeout(), ConsumerConfig.SocketBufferSize(), "ConsumerOffsetChecker");
        consumerMap.put(broker, consumer);
        return consumer;
Example #5
Source File: KafkaInfos.java    From DCMonitor with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private long getTopicLogSize(String topic, int pid) {
  Option<Object> o = ZkUtils.getLeaderForPartition(zkClient, topic, pid);
  if (o.isEmpty() || o.get() == null) {
    log.error("No broker for partition %s - %s", topic, pid);
    return 0;
  Integer leaderId = Int.unbox(o.get());
  SimpleConsumer consumer = consumerMap.get(leaderId);
  if (consumer == null) {
    consumer = createSimpleConsumer(leaderId);
  // createSimpleConsumer may fail.
  if (consumer == null) {
    return 0;
  consumerMap.put(leaderId, consumer);
  TopicAndPartition topicAndPartition = new TopicAndPartition(topic, pid);
  PartitionOffsetRequestInfo requestInfo = new PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(OffsetRequest.LatestTime(), 1);
  OffsetRequest request = new OffsetRequest(
    new Map1<TopicAndPartition, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo>(topicAndPartition, requestInfo),
  OffsetResponse response = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(request);
  PartitionOffsetsResponse offsetsResponse = response.partitionErrorAndOffsets().get(topicAndPartition).get();
  return scala.Long.unbox(offsetsResponse.offsets().head());
Example #6
Source File: KafkaInfos.java    From DCMonitor with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private List<BrokerInfo> getBrokerInfos() {
  List<BrokerInfo> infos = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(consumerMap.size());
  for (Map.Entry<Integer, SimpleConsumer> entry : consumerMap.entrySet()) {
    BrokerInfo info = new BrokerInfo();
    info.id = entry.getKey();
    info.host = entry.getValue().host();
    info.port = entry.getValue().port();
  return infos;
Example #7
Source File: KafkaInfos.java    From DCMonitor with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void close() {
  for (SimpleConsumer consumer : consumerMap.values()) {
    if (consumer != null) {
  if (zkClient != null) {
Example #8
Source File: KafkaInputFormat.java    From kangaroo with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets all of the input splits for the {@code topic}, filtering out any {@link InputSplit}s already consumed by the
 * {@code group}.
 * @param conf
 *            the job configuration.
 * @param topic
 *            the topic.
 * @param group
 *            the consumer group.
 * @return input splits for the job.
 * @throws IOException
List<InputSplit> getInputSplits(final Configuration conf, final String topic, final String group)
        throws IOException {
    final List<InputSplit> splits = Lists.newArrayList();
    final ZkUtils zk = getZk(conf);
    final Map<Broker, SimpleConsumer> consumers = Maps.newHashMap();
    try {
        for (final Partition partition : zk.getPartitions(topic)) {

            // cache the consumer connections - each partition will make use of each broker consumer
            final Broker broker = partition.getBroker();
            if (!consumers.containsKey(broker)) {
                consumers.put(broker, getConsumer(broker));

            // grab all valid offsets
            final List<Long> offsets = getOffsets(consumers.get(broker), topic, partition.getPartId(),
                    zk.getLastCommit(group, partition), getIncludeOffsetsAfterTimestamp(conf),
            for (int i = 0; i < offsets.size() - 1; i++) {
                // ( offsets in descending order )
                final long start = offsets.get(i + 1);
                final long end = offsets.get(i);
                // since the offsets are in descending order, the first offset in the list is the largest offset for
                // the current partition. This split will be in charge of committing the offset for this partition.
                final boolean partitionCommitter = (i == 0);
                final InputSplit split = new KafkaInputSplit(partition, start, end, partitionCommitter);
                LOG.debug("Created input split: " + split);
    } finally {
        // close resources
        for (final SimpleConsumer consumer : consumers.values()) {
    return splits;
Example #9
Source File: KafkaInputFormat.java    From kangaroo with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
List<Long> getOffsets(final SimpleConsumer consumer, final String topic, final int partitionNum,
        final long lastCommit, final long asOfTime, final int maxSplitsPerPartition) {
    // all offsets that exist for this partition (in descending order)
    final long[] allOffsets = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(topic, partitionNum, OffsetRequest.LatestTime(),

    // this gets us an offset that is strictly before 'asOfTime', or zero if none exist before that time
    final long[] offsetsBeforeAsOf = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(topic, partitionNum, asOfTime, 1);
    final long includeAfter = offsetsBeforeAsOf.length == 1 ? offsetsBeforeAsOf[0] : 0;

    // note that the offsets are in descending order
    List<Long> result = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (final long offset : allOffsets) {
        if (offset > lastCommit && offset > includeAfter) {
        } else {
            // we add "lastCommit" iff it is after "includeAfter"
            if (lastCommit > includeAfter) {
            // we can break out of loop here bc offsets are in desc order, and we've hit the latest one to include
    // to get maxSplitsPerPartition number of splits, you need (maxSplitsPerPartition + 1) number of offsets.
    if (result.size() - 1 > maxSplitsPerPartition) {
        result = result.subList(result.size() - maxSplitsPerPartition - 1, result.size());
    LOG.debug(String.format("Offsets for %s:%d:%d = %s", consumer.host(), consumer.port(), partitionNum, result));
    return result;
Example #10
Source File: KafkaProduceOffsetFetcher.java    From DDMQ with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void shutdown() {
    if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(consumerMap)) {
Example #11
Source File: KafkaProduceOffsetFetcher.java    From DDMQ with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void shutdown() {
    if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(consumerMap)) {
Example #12
Source File: KafkaInputFormat.java    From kangaroo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
SimpleConsumer getConsumer(final Broker broker) {
    return new SimpleConsumer(broker.getHost(), broker.getPort(), DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS,
Example #13
Source File: KafkaRecordReader.java    From kangaroo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
SimpleConsumer getConsumer(final KafkaInputSplit split, final Configuration conf) {
    return new SimpleConsumer(split.getPartition().getBroker().getHost(), split.getPartition().getBroker()
            .getPort(), getKafkaSocketTimeoutMs(conf), getKafkaBufferSizeBytes(conf));
Example #14
Source File: KafkaInputFormatTest.java    From kangaroo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testGetInputSplits() throws Exception {
    final KafkaInputFormat inputFormat = spy(new KafkaInputFormat());
    final SimpleConsumer mockConsumer = mock(SimpleConsumer.class);
    final ZkUtils mockZk = mock(ZkUtils.class);
    final Configuration mockConf = new Configuration(false);

    final Broker broker = new Broker("", 9092, 1);
    doReturn(Lists.newArrayList(20l, 10l)).when(inputFormat).getOffsets(mockConsumer, "topic", 0, -1, 0,
    doReturn(Lists.newArrayList(30l, 20l, 0l)).when(inputFormat).getOffsets(mockConsumer, "topic", 1, 10, 0,

    final Partition p1 = new Partition("topic", 0, broker);
    final Partition p2 = new Partition("topic", 1, broker);
    when(mockZk.getPartitions("topic")).thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2));
    when(mockZk.getLastCommit("group", p1)).thenReturn(-1l);
    when(mockZk.getLastCommit("group", p2)).thenReturn(10l);

    final List<InputSplit> result = inputFormat.getInputSplits(mockConf, "topic", "group");

    // assert the contents of each split
    Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
    final KafkaInputSplit split1 = (KafkaInputSplit) result.get(0);
    final Broker broker1 = split1.getPartition().getBroker();
    assertEquals(broker, broker1);
    assertEquals("", broker1.getHost());
    assertEquals(9092, broker1.getPort());
    assertEquals(1, broker1.getId());
    assertEquals("1-0", split1.getPartition().getBrokerPartition());
    assertEquals(0, split1.getPartition().getPartId());
    assertEquals(10l, split1.getStartOffset());
    assertEquals(20l, split1.getEndOffset());
    assertEquals("topic", split1.getPartition().getTopic());

    final KafkaInputSplit split2 = (KafkaInputSplit) result.get(1);
    assertEquals(20l, split2.getStartOffset());
    assertEquals(30l, split2.getEndOffset());
    assertEquals("1-1", split2.getPartition().getBrokerPartition());

    final KafkaInputSplit split3 = (KafkaInputSplit) result.get(2);
    assertEquals(0l, split3.getStartOffset());
    assertEquals(20l, split3.getEndOffset());
    assertEquals("1-1", split3.getPartition().getBrokerPartition());

    // verify one and only one call to getConsumer - should get the cached consumer second time around
    verify(inputFormat, times(1)).getConsumer(broker);
    verify(inputFormat, times(1)).getConsumer(any(Broker.class));

    // verify the closeable components are closed
    verify(mockConsumer, times(1)).close();
    verify(mockZk, times(1)).close();
Example #15
Source File: KafkaInputFormatTest.java    From kangaroo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testGetOffsets() throws Exception {
    final SimpleConsumer consumer = mock(SimpleConsumer.class);

    final long[] offsets = { 101, 91, 81, 71, 61, 51, 41, 31, 21, 11 };
    when(consumer.getOffsetsBefore("topic", 1, OffsetRequest.LatestTime(), Integer.MAX_VALUE)).thenReturn(offsets);
    when(consumer.getOffsetsBefore("topic", 1, 0, 1)).thenReturn(new long[] {});

    final KafkaInputFormat inputFormat = new KafkaInputFormat();

    // case 0: get everything (-1 last commit, 0 asOfTime, as many partitions as possible) -> all offsets
    long[] expected = offsets;
    List<Long> actual = inputFormat.getOffsets(consumer, "topic", 1, -1, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    compareArrayContents(offsets, actual);

    // case 1: lastCommit of 52 -> we should only get back the first 5 offsets + the lastCommit
    final int lastCommit = 52;
    expected = new long[6];
    System.arraycopy(offsets, 0, expected, 0, 6);
    expected[5] = lastCommit;
    actual = inputFormat.getOffsets(consumer, "topic", 1, lastCommit, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    compareArrayContents(expected, actual);

    // case 2: lastCommit of 52, asOfTime 51 -> still include last offsets
    final int asOfTime = 999;
    when(consumer.getOffsetsBefore("topic", 1, asOfTime, 1)).thenReturn(new long[] { 51 });
    actual = inputFormat.getOffsets(consumer, "topic", 1, lastCommit, asOfTime, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    compareArrayContents(expected, actual);

    // case 3: lastCommit of 52, asOfTime 52 -> don't include last offsets
    when(consumer.getOffsetsBefore("topic", 1, asOfTime, 1)).thenReturn(new long[] { 52 });
    expected = Arrays.copyOfRange(offsets, 0, 5);
    actual = inputFormat.getOffsets(consumer, "topic", 1, lastCommit, asOfTime, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    compareArrayContents(expected, actual);

    // case 4: maxSplitsPerPartition == number of commits (5) -> should include all 5 offsets
    actual = inputFormat.getOffsets(consumer, "topic", 1, lastCommit, asOfTime, 5);
    compareArrayContents(expected, actual);

    // case 5: maxSplitsPerPartition = number of commits - 1 (4) -> should STILL include all 5 offsets
    actual = inputFormat.getOffsets(consumer, "topic", 1, lastCommit, asOfTime, 4);
    compareArrayContents(expected, actual);

    // case 6: maxSplitsPerPartition = number of commits - 2 (3) -> should exclude the first (largest) offset
    actual = inputFormat.getOffsets(consumer, "topic", 1, lastCommit, asOfTime, 3);
    expected = Arrays.copyOfRange(offsets, 1, 5);
    compareArrayContents(expected, actual);

    // case 7: maxSplitsPerPartition = 1 -> should include just 2 commits
    actual = inputFormat.getOffsets(consumer, "topic", 1, lastCommit, asOfTime, 1);
    expected = Arrays.copyOfRange(offsets, 3, 5);
    compareArrayContents(expected, actual);