Java Code Examples for org.assertj.core.api.Assertions#assertThat()
The following examples show how to use
org.assertj.core.api.Assertions#assertThat() .
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Example 1
Source File: From cf-butler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void assertValidQueryPolicy() { Set<Query> queries = new HashSet<>(); Query query = Query .builder() .name("docker-images") .description("Find all running docker images") .sql("select * from application_detail where running_instances > 0 and requested_state = 'started' and image is not null") .build(); queries.add(query); EmailNotificationTemplate template = EmailNotificationTemplate .builder() .to(List.of("")) .from("") .subject("Contemplating K8s") .body("Here's a boatload of containers") .build(); QueryPolicy policy = QueryPolicy .builder() .queries(queries) .emailNotificationTemplate(template) .build(); Assertions.assertThat(policiesValidator.validate(policy) == true); }
Example 2
Source File: From cf-butler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void assertInvalidQueryPolicy() { Set<Query> queries = new HashSet<>(); Query query = Query .builder() .name("malicious-query") .description("Delete the cache of applicatin detail") .sql("delete from application_detail") .build(); queries.add(query); EmailNotificationTemplate template = EmailNotificationTemplate .builder() .to(List.of("")) .from("") .subject("Ha ha") .body("You got nothing") .build(); QueryPolicy policy = QueryPolicy .builder() .queries(queries) .emailNotificationTemplate(template) .build(); Assertions.assertThat(policiesValidator.validate(policy) == false); }
Example 3
Source File: From spring-credhub with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public AbstractObjectAssert<?, Object> hasPath(String path) { try { return Assertions.assertThat(, Object.class)); } catch (PathNotFoundException ex) { failWithMessage("The JSON " + this.actual.jsonString() + " does not contain the path '" + path + "'"); return null; } }
Example 4
Source File: From tokens with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testAuthorizationHandler() { FilesystemReader<?> reader = new SecretsHandler(secrets).getFilesystemReader();; Assertions.assertThat(secrets).isNotEmpty(); Assertions.assertThat(secrets).containsKeys("mybasic", "myfirst"); Secret mybasicSecret = secrets.get("mybasic"); Assertions.assertThat(mybasicSecret.getType()).isEqualTo("Basic"); Assertions.assertThat(mybasicSecret.getValue()); }
Example 5
Source File: From archiva with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testPackagedIndex() throws Exception { Path basePath = repo.getRoot().getFilePath(); IndexCreationFeature icf = repo.getFeature( IndexCreationFeature.class ).get(); StorageAsset packedIndexDirectory = icf.getLocalPackedIndexPath(); StorageAsset indexerDirectory = icf.getLocalIndexPath(); for (StorageAsset dir : new StorageAsset[] { packedIndexDirectory, indexerDirectory }) { if (dir.getFilePath()!=null) { Path localDirPath = dir.getFilePath(); Files.list( localDirPath ).filter( path -> path.getFileName( ).toString( ).startsWith( "nexus-maven-repository-index" ) ) .forEach( path -> { try { System.err.println( "Deleting " + path ); Files.delete( path ); } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace( ); } } ); } } Path artifactFile = basePath.resolve( "org/apache/archiva/archiva-index-methods-jar-test/1.0/archiva-index-methods-jar-test-1.0.jar" ); ArtifactIndexingTask task = new ArtifactIndexingTask( repo, artifactFile, ArtifactIndexingTask.Action.ADD, repo.getIndexingContext() ); task.setExecuteOnEntireRepo( false ); indexingExecutor.executeTask( task ); task = new ArtifactIndexingTask( repo, null, ArtifactIndexingTask.Action.FINISH, repo.getIndexingContext() ); task.setExecuteOnEntireRepo( false ); indexingExecutor.executeTask( task ); assertTrue( Files.exists(packedIndexDirectory.getFilePath()) ); assertTrue( Files.exists(indexerDirectory.getFilePath()) ); // test packed index file creation //no more zip //Assertions.assertThat(new File( indexerDirectory, "" )).exists(); Assertions.assertThat( Files.exists(packedIndexDirectory.getFilePath().resolve("" ) )); Assertions.assertThat( Files.exists(packedIndexDirectory.getFilePath().resolve("nexus-maven-repository-index.gz" ) )); assertFalse( Files.exists(packedIndexDirectory.getFilePath().resolve("nexus-maven-repository-index.1.gz" ) )); // unpack .zip index //unzipIndex( indexerDirectory.getPath(), destDir.getPath() ); DefaultIndexUpdater.FileFetcher fetcher = new DefaultIndexUpdater.FileFetcher( packedIndexDirectory.getFilePath().toFile() ); IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( getIndexingContext(), fetcher ); //updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( indexerDirectory ); indexUpdater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest ); BooleanQuery.Builder qb = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); qb.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, new StringSearchExpression( "org.apache.archiva" ) ), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD ); qb.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.ARTIFACT_ID, new StringSearchExpression( "archiva-index-methods-jar-test" ) ), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD ); FlatSearchRequest request = new FlatSearchRequest(, getIndexingContext() ); FlatSearchResponse response = indexer.searchFlat( request ); assertEquals( 1, response.getTotalHitsCount() ); Set<ArtifactInfo> results = response.getResults(); ArtifactInfo artifactInfo = results.iterator().next(); assertEquals( "org.apache.archiva", artifactInfo.getGroupId() ); assertEquals( "archiva-index-methods-jar-test", artifactInfo.getArtifactId() ); assertEquals( "test-repo", artifactInfo.getRepository() ); }
Example 6
Source File: From bdt with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Create a JSON in resources directory with given name, so for using it you've to reference it as: * $(pwd)/target/test-classes/fileName * * @param fileName name of the JSON file to be created * @param baseData path to file containing the schema to be used * @param type element to read from file (element should contain a json) * @param modifications DataTable containing the modifications to be done to the base schema element * <p> * - Syntax will be: * {@code * | <key path> | <type of modification> | <new value> | * } * for DELETE/ADD/UPDATE/APPEND/PREPEND * where: * key path: path to the key to be modified * type of modification: DELETE/ADD/UPDATE/APPEND/PREPEND * new value: new value to be used * <p> * - Or: * {@code * | <key path> | <type of modification> | <new value> | <new value type> | * } * for REPLACE * where: * key path: path to the key to be modified * type of modification: REPLACE * new value: new value to be used * json value type: type of the json property (array|object|number|boolean|null|n/a (for string)) * <p> * <p> * For example: * <p> * (1) * If the element read is {"key1": "value1", "key2": {"key3": "value3"}} * and we want to modify the value in "key3" with "new value3" * the modification will be: * | key2.key3 | UPDATE | "new value3" | * being the result of the modification: {"key1": "value1", "key2": {"key3": "new value3"}} * <p> * (2) * If the element read is {"key1": "value1", "key2": {"key3": "value3"}} * and we want to replace the value in "key2" with {"key4": "value4"} * the modification will be: * | key2 | REPLACE | {"key4": "value4"} | object | * being the result of the modification: {"key1": "value1", "key2": {"key4": "value4"}} * @throws Exception */ @When("^I create file '(.+?)' based on '(.+?)' as '(.+?)' with:$") public void createFile(String fileName, String baseData, String type, DataTable modifications) throws Exception { // Retrieve data String retrievedData = commonspec.retrieveData(baseData, type); // Modify data commonspec.getLogger().debug("Modifying data {} as {}", retrievedData, type); String modifiedData = commonspec.modifyData(retrievedData, type, modifications).toString(); // Create file (temporary) and set path to be accessible within test File tempDirectory = new File(String.valueOf(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/target/test-classes/")); String absolutePathFile = tempDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + fileName; commonspec.getLogger().debug("Creating file {} in 'target/test-classes'", absolutePathFile); // Note that this Writer will delete the file if it exists Writer out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(absolutePathFile), "UTF-8")); try { out.write(modifiedData); } catch (Exception e) { commonspec.getLogger().error("Custom file {} hasn't been created:\n{}", absolutePathFile, e.toString()); } finally { out.close(); } Assertions.assertThat(new File(absolutePathFile).isFile()); }
Example 7
Source File: From spring-cloud-open-service-broker with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public <K, V> MapAssert<K, V> hasMapAtPath(String path) { TypeRef<Map<K, V>> mapTypeRef = new TypeRef<Map<K, V>>() { }; return Assertions.assertThat(, mapTypeRef)); }
Example 8
Source File: From spring-cloud-open-service-broker with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public AbstractIntegerAssert<?> hasIntegerAtPath(String path) { return Assertions.assertThat(, Integer.class)); }
Example 9
Source File: From spring-cloud-open-service-broker with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public AbstractCharSequenceAssert<?, String> hasStringAtPath(String path) { return Assertions.assertThat(, String.class)); }
Example 10
Source File: From spring-cloud-open-service-broker with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public AbstractObjectAssert<?, Object> hasPath(String path) { return Assertions.assertThat(, Object.class)); }
Example 11
Source File: From tokens with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void run() { Assertions.assertThat(Thread.currentThread().getName().startsWith(expected.prefix)); Assertions.assertThat(Thread.currentThread().isDaemon()).isEqualTo(expected.daemon); latch.countDown(); }
Example 12
Source File: From ddd-wro-warehouse with MIT License | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> AbstractObjectAssert<?, T> assertAt(int index, Class<T> type) { AbstractObjectAssert<?, ?> anAssert = Assertions.assertThat(events.get(index)); anAssert.isInstanceOf(type); return (AbstractObjectAssert<?, T>) anAssert; }
Example 13
Source File: From cf-butler with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void assertValidApplicationPolicy() { Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>(); options.put("from-duration", "PT30S"); ApplicationPolicy durationPolicy = ApplicationPolicy .builder() .description("Delete applications in stopped state that were pushed more than 30s ago.") .operation(ApplicationOperation.DELETE.getName()) .organizationWhiteList(Set.of("zoo-labs")) .options(options) .state(ApplicationState.STOPPED.getName()) .pk(100L) .id(null) .build(); Assertions.assertThat(policiesValidator.validate(durationPolicy) == true); ApplicationPolicy noTimeframePolicy = ApplicationPolicy .builder() .description("Delete all applications in stopped state.") .operation(ApplicationOperation.DELETE.getName()) .organizationWhiteList(Set.of("zoo-labs")) .state(ApplicationState.STOPPED.getName()) .pk(100L) .id(null) .build(); Assertions.assertThat(policiesValidator.validate(noTimeframePolicy) == true); Map<String, Object> options2 = new HashMap<>(); options.put("from-datetime",; ApplicationPolicy dateTimePolicy = ApplicationPolicy .builder() .description("Delete all applications in stopped state that were pushed after date/time.") .operation(ApplicationOperation.DELETE.getName()) .options(options2) .organizationWhiteList(Set.of("zoo-labs")) .state(ApplicationState.STOPPED.getName()) .pk(100L) .id(null) .build(); Assertions.assertThat(policiesValidator.validate(dateTimePolicy) == true); Map<String, Object> options3 = new HashMap<>(); options.put("instances-from", 1); options.put("instances-to", 2); ApplicationPolicy scalingPolicy = ApplicationPolicy .builder() .description("Scale all applications ") .operation(ApplicationOperation.SCALE_INSTANCES.getName()) .options(options3) .organizationWhiteList(Set.of("zoo-labs")) .state(ApplicationState.STOPPED.getName()) .pk(100L) .id(null) .build(); Assertions.assertThat(policiesValidator.validate(scalingPolicy) == true); }
Example 14
Source File: From ts-reaktive with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Asserts there is a validation error, and allows further assertions on it. */ public AbstractObjectAssert<?,?> validationError() { return Assertions.assertThat(validationError(Object.class)); }
Example 15
Source File: From smart-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public IterableAssert<ResolvedTest> excludedPatterns() { isNotNull(); return Assertions.assertThat(actual.getExcludedPatterns()); }
Example 16
Source File: From estatio with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void isActiveOnDate_works(){ // given final LocalDate inspectionDateBeforeStartDate = new LocalDate(2019,1,1); final LocalDate configStartDate = new LocalDate(2019,1,15); Occupancy occupancy = new Occupancy(); Lease lease = new LeaseForTesting(); occupancy.setLease(lease); occupancy.setEndDate(configStartDate.plusDays(1)); TurnoverReportingConfig config = new TurnoverReportingConfig(); config.setOccupancy(occupancy); config.setStartDate(configStartDate); // when config.setFrequency(Frequency.DAILY); // then Assertions.assertThat(config.isActiveOnDate(inspectionDateBeforeStartDate)).isFalse(); // when config.setFrequency(Frequency.MONTHLY); // then Assertions.assertThat(config.isActiveOnDate(inspectionDateBeforeStartDate)).isTrue(); // when config.setFrequency(Frequency.YEARLY); // then Assertions.assertThat(config.isActiveOnDate(inspectionDateBeforeStartDate)).isTrue(); // given final LocalDate inspectionDateAfterDerivedEndDate = new LocalDate(2019,1,17); Assertions.assertThat(config.getEndDate().isBefore(inspectionDateAfterDerivedEndDate)); // when config.setFrequency(Frequency.DAILY); // then Assertions.assertThat(config.isActiveOnDate(inspectionDateAfterDerivedEndDate)).isFalse(); // when config.setFrequency(Frequency.MONTHLY); // then Assertions.assertThat(config.isActiveOnDate(inspectionDateAfterDerivedEndDate)).isFalse(); // when config.setFrequency(Frequency.YEARLY); // then Assertions.assertThat(config.isActiveOnDate(inspectionDateAfterDerivedEndDate)).isFalse(); }
Example 17
Source File: From smart-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ListAssert<Exclusion> exclusions() { isNotNull(); return Assertions.assertThat(actual.getExclusions()); }
Example 18
Source File: From pnc with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void graphShouldContainRunningDependent() { // given MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); List<BuildTask> submittedTasks = new ArrayList<>(); BuildTask runningTask = Mockito.mock(BuildTask.class); // id = 1 BuildTask runningDependency = Mockito.mock(BuildTask.class); // id = 2 BuildRecord completedDependencyDependency = Mockito.mock(BuildRecord.class); // id = 3 when(runningTask.getSubmitTime()).thenReturn(new Date()); mockMethods(null, runningTask, 1); when(runningTask.getDependencies()).thenReturn(asSet(runningDependency)); mockMethods(null, runningDependency, 2); when(runningDependency.getDependants()).thenReturn(asSet(runningTask)); when(completedDependencyDependency.getId()).thenReturn(3); when(completedDependencyDependency.getDependentBuildRecordIds()).thenReturn(new Integer[] { 2 }); when(completedDependencyDependency.getDependencyBuildRecordIds()).thenReturn(new Integer[] {}); BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration = BuildConfiguration.Builder.newBuilder().build(); BuildConfigurationAudited buildConfigurationAudited = BuildConfigurationAudited.Builder.newBuilder() .buildConfiguration(buildConfiguration) .build(); when(buildConfigurationAuditedRepository.queryById(any(IdRev.class))).thenReturn(buildConfigurationAudited); when(buildRecordRepository.findByIdFetchProperties(3)).thenReturn(completedDependencyDependency); when(buildRecordRepository.queryById(3)).thenReturn(completedDependencyDependency); when(buildRecordRepository.getDependencyGraph(anyInt())).thenCallRealMethod(); submittedTasks.add(runningTask); submittedTasks.add(runningDependency); when(buildCoordinator.getSubmittedBuildTasks()).thenReturn(submittedTasks); // bad dependency, it should be refactored BuildExecutionConfiguration buildExecutionConfiguration = new DefaultBuildExecutionConfiguration( 2, "", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, true, null, null, null, null, false, null, null, true, null); BuildExecutionSessionMock executionSession = new BuildExecutionSessionMock( buildExecutionConfiguration, (v) -> {}); executionSession.setStatus(BuildExecutionStatus.REPO_SETTING_UP); when(buildExecutor.getRunningExecution(anyInt())).thenReturn(executionSession); // when GraphWithMetadata<BuildRecordRest, Integer> graph = buildRecordProvider.getDependencyGraph(3); // then Assertions.assertThat(graph.getGraph().getVerticies().size()).isEqualTo(3); Assertions .assertThat(graph.getGraph().getVerticies().stream().map(Vertex::getName).collect(Collectors.toList())) .containsExactlyInAnyOrder("1", "2", "3"); Assertions.assertThat(graph.getMissingNodeIds().isEmpty()); Assertions.assertThat(graph.getGraph().getEdges().size()).isEqualTo(2); }
Example 19
Source File: From ts-reaktive with MIT License | 2 votes |
/** * Asserts the Results are not already applied, and performs further assertions on the emitted events. * Useful for subclasses for concrete Results implementations that have a fixed message type. */ public AbstractIterableAssert<?, ? extends Iterable<? extends E>, E> events() { return Assertions.assertThat(getEvents()); }
Example 20
Source File: From ts-reaktive with MIT License | 2 votes |
/** * Asserts the results are valid and already applied, and performs further assertions on the reply message. * * It is recommended that subclasses declare a more specific overload of this method, e.g. * <pre> * public AbstractObjectAssert<?, MyResponseType> idempotentReply() { * return Assertions.assertThat(idempotentReply(MyResponseType.class)); * } * </pre> */ public AbstractObjectAssert<?,?> idempotentReply() { return Assertions.assertThat(idempotentReply(Object.class)); }