io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From jdk-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 8 votes |
@Test public void test() { Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(); // request.response().putHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain").write("some text").end(); vertx.setPeriodic(1000, id -> { System.out.println(id); }); vertx.executeBlocking(promise -> { }, asyncResult -> { }); HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(); Handler<HttpServerRequest> requestHandler = server.requestHandler(); }
Example #2
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: vert.x 3.8.3 does not update startListen to promise, so we keep use deprecated API now. update in newer version. private void startListen(HttpServer server, Future<Void> startFuture) { server.listen(endpointObject.getPort(), endpointObject.getHostOrIp(), ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) {"rest listen success. address={}:{}", endpointObject.getHostOrIp(), ar.result().actualPort()); startFuture.complete(); return; } String msg = String.format("rest listen failed, address=%s:%d", endpointObject.getHostOrIp(), endpointObject.getPort()); LOGGER.error(msg, ar.cause());; }); }
Example #3
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testMatch1(TestContext should) { final Async test = should.async(); final HttpServer server = rule.vertx().createHttpServer(); server.requestHandler(request -> { User user = User.create(new JsonObject().put("username", "dummy user")); user.authorizations().add("providerId", PermissionBasedAuthorization.create("p1").setResource("r1")); AuthorizationContext context = new AuthorizationContextImpl(user, request.params()); should.assertEquals(true, PermissionBasedAuthorization.create("p1").setResource("{variable1}").match(context)); request.response().end(); }).listen(0, "localhost", listen -> { if (listen.failed()) {; return; } rule.vertx().createHttpClient().get(listen.result().actualPort(), "localhost", "/?variable1=r1", res -> { if (res.failed()) {; return; } server.close(close -> test.complete()); }); }); }
Example #4
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testMatch2(TestContext should) { final Async test = should.async(); final HttpServer server = rule.vertx().createHttpServer(); server.requestHandler(request -> { User user = User.create(new JsonObject().put("username", "dummy user")); user.authorizations().add("providerId", RoleBasedAuthorization.create("p1").setResource("r1")); AuthorizationContext context = new AuthorizationContextImpl(user, request.params()); should.assertFalse(RoleBasedAuthorization.create("p1").setResource("{variable1}").match(context)); request.response().end(); }).listen(0, "localhost", listen -> { if (listen.failed()) {; return; } rule.vertx().createHttpClient().get(listen.result().actualPort(), "localhost", "/?variable1=r2", res -> { if (res.failed()) {; return; } server.close(close -> test.complete()); }); }); }
Example #5
Source File: From vert.x-microservice with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * start the server, attach the route matcher */ private void initHTTPConnector() { HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(new HttpServerOptions().setHost(host) .setPort(port)); registerWebSocketHandler(server); // TODO provide a WebSocket and a EventBus access to ServiceInfo ... this must be routed through the Router to enrich the service info with metadata from the router routeMatcher.matchMethod(HttpMethod.GET, serviceInfoPath, request -> fetchRegitryAndUpdateMetadata((serviceInfo -> { request.response().putHeader("content-type", "text/json"); request.response().end(serviceInfo.encodePrettily()); }))); routeMatcher.matchMethod(HttpMethod.GET,"/metrics",req -> { MetricsService metricsService = MetricsService.create(vertx); JsonObject metrics = metricsService.getMetricsSnapshot(vertx); req.response().putHeader("content-type", "text/json"); req.response().end(metrics.encodePrettily()); }) ; routeMatcher.noMatch(handler -> handler.response().end("no route found")); server.requestHandler(routeMatcher::accept).listen(res -> { }); }
Example #6
Source File: From generator-jvm with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) { final HttpServer server = Vertx.vertx().createHttpServer(); server.requestHandler(event -> {"hendling request"); final Map<String, String> o = HashMap.of("hello", "world", "ololo", "trololo") .toJavaMap(); final String json = Try.of(() -> mapper.writeValueAsString(o)) .getOrElseGet(throwable -> "{}"); event.response() .putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") .end(json); }); server.listen(port, event ->"listening {} port.", port)); }
Example #7
Source File: From examples with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("done waiting"); Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(); // Deploy DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions().setWorker(true); ZookeeperVerticle zkv = new ZookeeperVerticle(); vertx.deployVerticle(zkv, options); HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(); server.requestHandler(request -> { HttpServerResponse response = request.response(); response.putHeader("content-type", "application/json"); JsonObject responseJson; synchronized (WebsiteMain.jsonObject) { responseJson = WebsiteMain.jsonObject.copy(); } response.end(responseJson.encodePrettily()); }); server.listen(8080); }
Example #8
Source File: From feign-vertx with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Create an HTTP Server and return a future for the startup result * @return Future for handling the serve open event */ protected Future<HttpServer> createServer() { Future<HttpServer> ret = Future.future(); HttpServerOptions serverOptions = new HttpServerOptions() .setLogActivity(true) .setPort(8091) .setSsl(false); httpServer = this.vertx.createHttpServer(serverOptions); // Simple 200 handler httpServer.requestHandler( req -> req.response().setStatusCode(200).end("Success!") ); // Listen! delegating to the future httpServer.listen( ret.completer() ); return ret; }
Example #9
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testMatch1(TestContext should) { final Async test = should.async(); final HttpServer server = rule.vertx().createHttpServer(); server.requestHandler(request -> { User user = User.create(new JsonObject().put("username", "dummy user")); user.authorizations().add("providerId", WildcardPermissionBasedAuthorization.create("p1").setResource("r1")); AuthorizationContext context = new AuthorizationContextImpl(user, request.params()); should.assertTrue(WildcardPermissionBasedAuthorization.create("p1").setResource("{variable1}").match(context)); request.response().end(); }).listen(0, "localhost", listen -> { if (listen.failed()) {; return; } rule.vertx().createHttpClient().get(listen.result().actualPort(), "localhost", "/?variable1=r1", res -> { if (res.failed()) {; return; } server.close(close -> test.complete()); }); }); }
Example #10
Source File: From strimzi-kafka-operator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testVersionDetectionOpenShift39(VertxTestContext context) throws InterruptedException { String version = "{\n" + " \"major\": \"1\",\n" + " \"minor\": \"9\",\n" + " \"gitVersion\": \"v1.9.1+a0ce1bc657\",\n" + " \"gitCommit\": \"a0ce1bc\",\n" + " \"gitTreeState\": \"clean\",\n" + " \"buildDate\": \"2018-06-24T01:54:00Z\",\n" + " \"goVersion\": \"go1.9\",\n" + " \"compiler\": \"gc\",\n" + " \"platform\": \"linux/amd64\"\n" + "}"; HttpServer mockHttp = startMockApi(context, version, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); KubernetesClient client = new DefaultKubernetesClient("" + mockHttp.actualPort()); Checkpoint a = context.checkpoint(); PlatformFeaturesAvailability.create(vertx, client).onComplete(context.succeeding(pfa -> context.verify(() -> { assertThat("Versions are not equal", pfa.getKubernetesVersion(), is(KubernetesVersion.V1_9)); stopMockApi(context, mockHttp); a.flag(); }))); }
Example #11
Source File: From excelastic with MIT License | 6 votes |
private HttpServer setupStatusService() { return vertx.createHttpServer().websocketHandler(websock -> { websock.writeFinalTextFrame(new JsonObject().put("message", getStatusServiceWelcomeMessage()).encode()); AtomicReference<String> uploadId = new AtomicReference<>(""); // sets up an event bus consumer to listen for import progress. MessageConsumer<JsonObject> consumer = vertx.eventBus().consumer(IMPORT_PROGRESS, data -> { try { if (uploadId.get().equals(data.body().getString(UPLOAD_ID))) { websock.writeFinalTextFrame(data.body().encode()); } } catch (Throwable e) { websock.close(); } }); // we only support one message from the client - to set the upload ID to listen to. websock.handler(handler -> uploadId.set(handler.toJsonObject().getString(UPLOAD_ID))); // when the websocket is closed we should stop listening for status messages. websock.closeHandler(closed -> consumer.unregister()); // when the websocket excepts we should also stop listening for status messages. websock.exceptionHandler(sock -> consumer.unregister()); }); }
Example #12
Source File: From quarkus-http with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void start(Future<Void> startFuture) throws Exception { server = vertx.createHttpServer(options); server.requestHandler(request -> { VertxHttpExchange delegate = new VertxHttpExchange(request, allocator, blockingExecutor, null, null); rootHandler.handle(delegate); }); server.listen(port, host, new Handler<AsyncResult<HttpServer>>() { @Override public void handle(AsyncResult<HttpServer> event) { if (event.failed()) {; } else { startFuture.complete(); } } }); }
Example #13
Source File: From strimzi-kafka-operator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testApiDetectionOpenshift(VertxTestContext context) throws InterruptedException { List<String> apis = new ArrayList<>(); apis.add("/apis/"); apis.add("/apis/"); apis.add("/apis/"); apis.add("/apis/"); HttpServer mockHttp = startMockApi(context, apis); KubernetesClient client = new DefaultKubernetesClient("" + mockHttp.actualPort()); Checkpoint async = context.checkpoint(); PlatformFeaturesAvailability.create(vertx, client).onComplete(context.succeeding(pfa -> context.verify(() -> { assertThat(pfa.hasRoutes(), is(true)); assertThat(pfa.hasBuilds(), is(true)); assertThat(pfa.hasImages(), is(true)); assertThat(pfa.hasApps(), is(true)); stopMockApi(context, mockHttp); async.flag(); }))); }
Example #14
Source File: From hono with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private HttpServer getHttpServer(final boolean startupShouldFail) { final HttpServer server = mock(HttpServer.class); when(server.actualPort()).thenReturn(0, 8080); when(server.requestHandler(any(Handler.class))).thenReturn(server); when(server.listen(any(Handler.class))).then(invocation -> { final Handler<AsyncResult<HttpServer>> handler = (Handler<AsyncResult<HttpServer>>) invocation .getArgument(0); if (startupShouldFail) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("http server intentionally failed to start")); } else { handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(server)); } return server; }); return server; }
Example #15
Source File: From gae with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Override public void start() { HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(); Router router = Router.router(vertx); router.route().handler(BodyHandler.create()); router.route().handler(ResponseTimeHandler.create()); router.route("/") .handler(jsonHandlerVertx) .handler(authHandlerVertx) // .blockingHandler(bidHandlerVertx, false) .handler(bidHandlerVertx) .failureHandler(errorHandlerVertx); server.requestHandler(router::accept).listen(serverProps.getPort()); }
Example #16
Source File: From mewbase with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) { String resourceBasename = "example.gettingstarted.projectionrest/configuration.conf"; final Config config = ConfigFactory.load(resourceBasename); // create a Vertx web server final Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(); final HttpServerOptions options = new HttpServerOptions().setPort(8080); final HttpServer httpServer = vertx.createHttpServer(options); final BinderStore binderStore = BinderStore.instance(config); final Router router = Router.router(vertx); router.route().handler(BodyHandler.create()); httpServer.requestHandler(router::accept); /* Expose endpoint to retrieve a document from the binder store */ router.route(HttpMethod.GET, "/summary/:product/:date").handler(routingContext -> { final String product = routingContext.pathParams().get("product"); final String date = routingContext.pathParams().get("date"); final VertxRestServiceActionVisitor actionVisitor = new VertxRestServiceActionVisitor(routingContext); actionVisitor.visit(RestServiceAction.retrieveSingleDocument(binderStore, "sales_summary", product + "_" + date)); }); httpServer.listen(); }
Example #17
Source File: From ethsigner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test void ethSignerDoesNotConnectToServerNotSpecifiedInTrustStore(@TempDir Path workDir) throws Exception { final TlsCertificateDefinition serverPresentedCert = TlsCertificateDefinition.loadFromResource("tls/cert1.pfx", "password"); final TlsCertificateDefinition ethSignerCert = TlsCertificateDefinition.loadFromResource("tls/cert2.pfx", "password2"); final TlsCertificateDefinition ethSignerExpectedServerCert = TlsCertificateDefinition.loadFromResource("tls/cert2.pfx", "password2"); final HttpServer web3ProviderHttpServer = serverFactory.create(serverPresentedCert, ethSignerCert, workDir); signer = createAndStartSigner( ethSignerCert, ethSignerExpectedServerCert, web3ProviderHttpServer.actualPort(), 0, workDir); assertThatThrownBy(() -> signer.accounts().balance("0x123456")) .isInstanceOf(ClientConnectionException.class) .hasMessageContaining(String.valueOf(BAD_GATEWAY.code())); // ensure submitting a transaction results in the same behaviour final Transaction transaction = Transaction.createEtherTransaction( signer.accounts().richBenefactor().address(), null, GAS_PRICE, INTRINSIC_GAS, "0x1b00ba00ca00bb00aa00bc00be00ac00ca00da00", Convert.toWei("1.75", Unit.ETHER).toBigIntegerExact()); assertThatThrownBy(() -> signer.transactions().submit(transaction)) .isInstanceOf(ClientConnectionException.class) .hasMessageContaining(String.valueOf(BAD_GATEWAY.code())); }
Example #18
Source File: From ethsigner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test void ethSignerProvidesSpecifiedClientCertificateToDownStreamServer(@TempDir Path workDir) throws Exception { final TlsCertificateDefinition serverCert = TlsCertificateDefinition.loadFromResource("tls/cert1.pfx", "password"); final TlsCertificateDefinition ethSignerCert = TlsCertificateDefinition.loadFromResource("tls/cert2.pfx", "password2"); // Note: the HttpServer always responds with a JsonRpcSuccess, result=300. final HttpServer web3ProviderHttpServer = serverFactory.create(serverCert, ethSignerCert, workDir); signer = createAndStartSigner( ethSignerCert, serverCert, web3ProviderHttpServer.actualPort(), 0, workDir); assertThat(signer.accounts().balance("0x123456")) .isEqualTo(BigInteger.valueOf(MockBalanceReporter.REPORTED_BALANCE)); }
Example #19
Source File: From strimzi-kafka-operator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Start an HTTP health server */ private HttpServer startHealthServer() { return this.vertx.createHttpServer() .requestHandler(request -> { if (request.path().equals("/healthy")) { request.response().setStatusCode(200).end(); } else if (request.path().equals("/ready")) { request.response().setStatusCode(200).end(); } else if (request.path().equals("/metrics")) { request.response().setStatusCode(200).end(metricsRegistry.scrape()); } }) .listen(HEALTH_SERVER_PORT); }
Example #20
Source File: From vertx-dropwizard-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testDistinctHttpServerMBeans() throws Exception { int port1 = 8080, port2 = 8888; CountDownLatch listenLatch = new CountDownLatch(2); HttpServer server1 = vertx.createHttpServer() .requestHandler(req -> req.response().end()) .listen(port1, onSuccess(server -> listenLatch.countDown())); HttpServer server2 = vertx.createHttpServer() .requestHandler(req -> req.response().end()) .listen(port2, onSuccess(server -> listenLatch.countDown())); awaitLatch(listenLatch); MBeanServer mBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); assertTrue(mBeanServer.isRegistered(new ObjectName(name.getMethodName(), "name", "\"vertx.http.servers." + port1 + ".requests\""))); assertTrue(mBeanServer.isRegistered(new ObjectName(name.getMethodName(), "name", "\"vertx.http.servers." + port2 + ".requests\""))); cleanup(server1); cleanup(server2); }
Example #21
Source File: From vxms with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void initExtensions(HttpServer server, Router router, AbstractVerticle registrationObject, VxmsShared vxmsShared, VxmsRoutes... routes) { initDiscoveryxtensions(registrationObject); initWebSocketExtensions(server, registrationObject, vxmsShared); initRESTExtensions(router, registrationObject, vxmsShared, routes); initEventBusExtensions(registrationObject, vxmsShared); }
Example #22
Source File: From hono with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Verifies that an authenticated device that is not a gateway fails to * upload a command response for another device. */ @Test public void testUploadCommandResponseFailsForOtherDevice() { final HttpServer server = getHttpServer(false); final AbstractVertxBasedHttpProtocolAdapter<HttpProtocolAdapterProperties> adapter = getAdapter(server, null); final Buffer payload = Buffer.buffer("some payload"); final RoutingContext ctx = newRoutingContext(payload, "application/text", mock(HttpServerRequest.class), mock(HttpServerResponse.class)); final TenantObject to = TenantObject.from("tenant", true); // Given an adapter that is enabled for a device's tenant to.addAdapter(new Adapter(ADAPTER_TYPE).setEnabled(Boolean.TRUE)); when(tenantClient.get(eq("tenant"), (SpanContext) any())).thenReturn(Future.succeededFuture(to)); // which is connected to a Credentials service that has credentials on record for device 9999 when(adapter.getAuthenticatedDevice(ctx)).thenReturn(new DeviceUser("tenant", "9999")); // but for which no registration information is available when(regClient.assertRegistration((String) any(), (String) any(), (SpanContext) any())) .thenReturn(Future.failedFuture(new ClientErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "cannot publish data for device of other tenant"))); adapter.uploadCommandResponseMessage(ctx, "tenant", "device", CMD_REQ_ID, 200); // Then the device gets a 404 assertContextFailedWithClientError(ctx, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND); // and the response has not been reported as forwarded verify(metrics).reportCommand( eq(Direction.RESPONSE), eq("tenant"), eq(to), eq(ProcessingOutcome.UNPROCESSABLE), eq(payload.length()), any()); }
Example #23
Source File: From hono with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Verifies that the adapter accepts a command response message with an empty body. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testUploadEmptyCommandResponseSucceeds() { // GIVEN an adapter with a downstream application attached final CommandResponseSender sender = mock(CommandResponseSender.class); when(sender.sendCommandResponse(any(CommandResponse.class), (SpanContext) any())).thenReturn(Future.succeededFuture(mock(ProtonDelivery.class))); when(commandConsumerFactory.getCommandResponseSender(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(Future.succeededFuture(sender)); final HttpServer server = getHttpServer(false); final AbstractVertxBasedHttpProtocolAdapter<HttpProtocolAdapterProperties> adapter = getAdapter(server, null); // WHEN a device publishes a command response with an empty payload final Buffer payload = null; final HttpServerResponse response = mock(HttpServerResponse.class); final RoutingContext ctx = newRoutingContext(payload, "application/text", mock(HttpServerRequest.class), response); when(ctx.addBodyEndHandler(any(Handler.class))).thenAnswer(invocation -> { final Handler<Void> handler = invocation.getArgument(0); handler.handle(null); return 0; }); adapter.uploadCommandResponseMessage(ctx, "tenant", "device", CMD_REQ_ID, 200); // then it is forwarded successfully verify(response).setStatusCode(202); verify(response).end(); verify(metrics).reportCommand( eq(Direction.RESPONSE), eq("tenant"), any(), eq(ProcessingOutcome.FORWARDED), eq(0), any()); }
Example #24
Source File: From hono with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Verifies that the adapter fails the upload of a command response with a 403 * if the adapter is disabled for the device's tenant. */ @Test public void testUploadCommandResponseFailsForDisabledTenant() { // GIVEN an adapter that is not enabled for a device's tenant final TenantObject to = TenantObject.from("tenant", true); to.addAdapter(new Adapter(Constants.PROTOCOL_ADAPTER_TYPE_HTTP).setEnabled(Boolean.FALSE)); when(tenantClient.get(eq("tenant"), (SpanContext) any())).thenReturn(Future.succeededFuture(to)); final HttpServer server = getHttpServer(false); final AbstractVertxBasedHttpProtocolAdapter<HttpProtocolAdapterProperties> adapter = getAdapter(server, null); // WHEN a device publishes a command response final Buffer payload = Buffer.buffer("some payload"); final RoutingContext ctx = newRoutingContext(payload, "application/text", mock(HttpServerRequest.class), mock(HttpServerResponse.class)); adapter.uploadCommandResponseMessage(ctx, "tenant", "device", CMD_REQ_ID, 200); // THEN the device gets a 403 assertContextFailedWithClientError(ctx, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN); // and the response has been reported as undeliverable verify(metrics).reportCommand( eq(Direction.RESPONSE), eq("tenant"), eq(to), eq(ProcessingOutcome.UNPROCESSABLE), eq(payload.length()), any()); }
Example #25
Source File: From hono with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Verifies that the adapter fails the upload of a message with a 403 * result if the device belongs to a tenant for which the adapter is * disabled. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testUploadTelemetryFailsForDisabledTenant() { // GIVEN an adapter final HttpServer server = getHttpServer(false); final DownstreamSender sender = givenATelemetrySenderForOutcome(Future.succeededFuture()); // which is disabled for tenant "my-tenant" final TenantObject myTenantConfig = TenantObject.from("my-tenant", true); myTenantConfig.addAdapter(new Adapter(ADAPTER_TYPE).setEnabled(Boolean.FALSE)); when(tenantClient.get(eq("my-tenant"), any())).thenReturn(Future.succeededFuture(myTenantConfig)); final AbstractVertxBasedHttpProtocolAdapter<HttpProtocolAdapterProperties> adapter = getAdapter(server, null); // WHEN a device that belongs to "my-tenant" publishes a telemetry message final Buffer payload = Buffer.buffer("some payload"); final RoutingContext ctx = newRoutingContext(payload); adapter.uploadTelemetryMessage(ctx, "my-tenant", "the-device", payload, "application/text"); // THEN the device gets a 403 assertContextFailedWithClientError(ctx, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN); // and no Command consumer has been created for the device verify(commandConsumerFactory, never()).createCommandConsumer(anyString(), anyString(), any(Handler.class), any(), any()); // and the message has not been forwarded downstream verify(sender, never()).send(any(Message.class)); // and has not been reported as processed verify(metrics, never()) .reportTelemetry( any(MetricsTags.EndpointType.class), anyString(), any(), eq(MetricsTags.ProcessingOutcome.FORWARDED), any(MetricsTags.QoS.class), anyInt(), any(MetricsTags.TtdStatus.class), any()); }
Example #26
Source File: From vertx-unit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void async_04(TestContext context, Vertx vertx, Handler<HttpServerRequest> requestHandler) { Async async = context.async(); HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(); server.requestHandler(requestHandler); server.listen(8080, ar -> { context.assertTrue(ar.succeeded()); async.complete(); }); // Wait until completion async.awaitSuccess(); // Do something else }
Example #27
Source File: From vxms with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void start(Future<Void> startFuture) throws Exception { final HttpServer localhost = vertx.createHttpServer(new HttpServerOptions().setHost("localhost").setPort(8080)); final Router router = Router.router(vertx); router .get("/test") .handler( handler -> { handler.response().end("hello"); }); localhost.requestHandler(router::accept).listen(); startFuture.complete(); }
Example #28
Source File: From microservices-comparison with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO start a vertx instance // deploy verticles / one per resource in this case Json.mapper.disable(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES); Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(); HttpClientOptions clientOptions = new HttpClientOptions() .setSsl(true) .setTrustStoreOptions(new JksOptions() .setPath(System.getProperty("")) .setPassword(System.getProperty(""))); HttpClient httpClient = vertx.createHttpClient(clientOptions); Router router = Router.router(vertx); AuthHandler auth = new BearerAuthHandler(new FacebookOauthTokenVerifier(httpClient)); router.route("/*").handler(auth); HelloResource helloResource = new HelloResource(httpClient); router.get("/hello").produces("text/plain").handler(helloResource::hello); CarRepository carRepository = new InMemoryCarRepository(); CarsResource carsResource = new CarsResource(carRepository); router.route("/cars*").handler(BodyHandler.create()); router.get("/cars").produces("application/json").handler(carsResource::all);"/cars").consumes("application/json").handler(carsResource::create); CarResource carResource = new CarResource(carRepository); router.get("/cars/:id").produces("application/json").handler(carResource::byId); HttpServerOptions serverOptions = new HttpServerOptions() .setSsl(true) .setKeyStoreOptions(new JksOptions() .setPath(System.getProperty("")) .setPassword(System.getProperty(""))) .setPort(8090); HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(serverOptions); server.requestHandler(router::accept).listen(); }
Example #29
Source File: From dfx with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void buildHttpServer(Router router, int port, String host) { HttpServer httpServer = vertx.createHttpServer(); httpServer.requestHandler(router::accept).listen(port, host, result -> { if (result.succeeded()) {"dfx is listening at {}:{} ...", host, port); } }); }
Example #30
Source File: From vxms with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * starts the HTTP Endpoint * * @param startFuture the vertx start future * @param server the vertx server * @param topRouter the router object */ private static void initHTTPEndpoint(AbstractVerticle registrationObject, Future<Void> startFuture, HttpServer server, Router topRouter) { server.requestHandler(topRouter::accept).listen(status -> { if (status.succeeded()) { executePostConstruct(registrationObject, topRouter, startFuture); startFuture.setHandler(result -> logStartfuture(startFuture)); } else {; startFuture.setHandler(result -> logStartfuture(startFuture)); } }); }