org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From Ardulink-2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Processor divideByValueOf(ValueBuilder valueBuilder) {
	return new Processor() {
		public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
			Message in = exchange.getIn();
			BigDecimal sum = new BigDecimal(
					checkNotNull(in.getBody(Number.class), "Body of %s is null", in).toString());
			BigDecimal divisor = new BigDecimal(checkNotNull(valueBuilder.evaluate(exchange, Integer.class),
					"No %s set in exchange %s", valueBuilder, exchange).toString());
			in.setBody(sum.divide(divisor, HALF_UP));

		public String toString() {
			return "Processor divideByValueOf by " + valueBuilder;

Example #2
Source File:    From container with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void configure() throws Exception {

    final URL wsdlURL = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("wsdl/SoapAPI.wsdl");

    // CXF Endpoint
    final String SOAP_ENDPOINT = "cxf:" + ENDPOINT + "?wsdlURL=" + wsdlURL.toString()
        + "&serviceName={}AppInvokerSoapWebServiceService&portName="
        + PORT.toString() + "&dataFormat=PAYLOAD&loggingFeatureEnabled=true";

    final ValueBuilder APP_BUS_ENDPOINT =
        new ValueBuilder(method(ApplicationBusServiceHandler.class, "getApplicationBusRoutingEndpoint"));
    final Predicate APP_BUS_ENDPOINT_EXISTS = PredicateBuilder.isNotNull(APP_BUS_ENDPOINT);

    final ClassLoader cl = org.opentosca.bus.application.api.soaphttp.model.ObjectFactory.class.getClassLoader();
    final JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("org.opentosca.bus.application.api.soaphttp.model", cl);
    final JaxbDataFormat jaxb = new JaxbDataFormat(jc);

    final Processor requestProcessor = new RequestProcessor();
    final Processor responseProcessor = new ResponseProcessor();

        //FIXME this recipientList should be replaced with a directly injected service reference

    // handle exception if Application Bus is not running or wasn't bound
        .throwException(new ApplicationBusInternalException("It seems like the Application Bus is not running."))

    // handle response
Example #3
Source File:    From camel-quarkus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected static ValueBuilder body() {
    return Builder.body();
Example #4
Source File:    From container with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void configure() throws Exception {

    final ValueBuilder APP_BUS_ENDPOINT =
        new ValueBuilder(this.method(ApplicationBusServiceHandler.class, "getApplicationBusRoutingEndpoint"));
    final Predicate APP_BUS_ENDPOINT_EXISTS = PredicateBuilder.isNotNull(APP_BUS_ENDPOINT);

    final InvocationRequestProcessor invocationRequestProcessor = new InvocationRequestProcessor();
    final InvocationResponseProcessor invocationResponseProcessor = new InvocationResponseProcessor();
    final IsFinishedRequestProcessor isFinishedRequestProcessor = new IsFinishedRequestProcessor();
    final IsFinishedResponseProcessor isFinishedResponseProcessor = new IsFinishedResponseProcessor();
    final GetResultRequestProcessor getResultRequestProcessor = new GetResultRequestProcessor();
    final GetResultResponseProcessor getResultResponseProcessor = new GetResultResponseProcessor();
    final ExceptionProcessor exceptionProcessor = new ExceptionProcessor();

    // handle exceptions


    // invoke route (for ServiceInstance)
    this.from("restlet:" + Route.BASE_ENDPOINT + Route.INVOKE_ENDPOINT_SI + "?restletMethod=post")

    // invoke route (for NodeInstance)
    this.from("restlet:" + Route.BASE_ENDPOINT + Route.INVOKE_ENDPOINT_NI + "?restletMethod=post")

    // invoke route

    // isFinished route (for ServiceInstance)
    this.from("restlet:" + Route.BASE_ENDPOINT + Route.POLL_ENDPOINT_SI + "?restletMethod=get")

    // isFinished route (for NodeInstance)
    this.from("restlet:" + Route.BASE_ENDPOINT + Route.POLL_ENDPOINT_NI + "?restletMethod=get")

    // isFinished route

    // getResult route (for ServiceInstance)
    this.from("restlet:" + Route.BASE_ENDPOINT + Route.GET_RESULT_ENDPOINT_SI + "?restletMethod=get")

    // getResult route (for NodeInstance)
    this.from("restlet:" + Route.BASE_ENDPOINT + Route.GET_RESULT_ENDPOINT_NI + "?restletMethod=get")

    // getResult route

    // applicationBus route, throws exception if Application Bus is not
    // running or wasn't binded

    // handle exception if Application Bus is not running or wasn't binded
        .throwException(new ApplicationBusInternalException("The Application Bus is not running."));
Example #5
Source File:    From container with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void configure() throws Exception {

    final ValueBuilder APP_BUS_ENDPOINT = new ValueBuilder(method(ApplicationBusServiceHandler.class, "getApplicationBusRoutingEndpoint"));
    final Predicate APP_BUS_ENDPOINT_EXISTS = PredicateBuilder.isNotNull(APP_BUS_ENDPOINT);

    final InvocationRequestProcessor invocationRequestProcessor = new InvocationRequestProcessor();
    final InvocationResponseProcessor invocationResponseProcessor = new InvocationResponseProcessor();
    final IsFinishedRequestProcessor isFinishedRequestProcessor = new IsFinishedRequestProcessor();
    final IsFinishedResponseProcessor isFinishedResponseProcessor = new IsFinishedResponseProcessor();
    final GetResultRequestProcessor getResultRequestProcessor = new GetResultRequestProcessor();
    final GetResultResponseProcessor getResultResponseProcessor = new GetResultResponseProcessor();
    final ExceptionProcessor exceptionProcessor = new ExceptionProcessor();

    // handle exceptions


    // invoke route
    from("restlet:" + Route.BASE_ENDPOINT + Route.INVOKE_ENDPOINT + "?restletMethod=post")

    // isFinished route
    from("restlet:" + Route.BASE_ENDPOINT + Route.POLL_ENDPOINT + "?restletMethod=get")

    // getResult route
    from("restlet:" + Route.BASE_ENDPOINT + Route.GET_RESULT_ENDPOINT + "?restletMethod=get")

    // applicationBus route, throws exception if Application Bus is not
    // running or wasn't binded

    // handle exception if Application Bus is not running or wasn't binded
        .throwException(new ApplicationBusInternalException("The Application Bus is not running."));