org.xmpp.packet.Message Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test if {@link StanzaIDUtil#findFirstUniqueAndStableStanzaID(Packet, String)} can parse a stanza that contains a * stanza ID. */ @Test public void testParseUUIDValue() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final Packet input = new Message(); final JID self = new JID( "foobar" ); final String expected = "de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546013"; final Element toOverwrite = input.getElement().addElement( "stanza-id", "urn:xmpp:sid:0" ); toOverwrite.addAttribute( "id", expected ); toOverwrite.addAttribute( "by", self.toString() ); // Execute system under test. final String result = StanzaIDUtil.findFirstUniqueAndStableStanzaID( input, self.toString() ); // Verify results. assertEquals( expected, result ); }
Example #2
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests adding, removing IQ listeners and handling IQ stanzas. */ @Test public void handlePackets() { // IQ packets IQ iq = new IQ(); Element element = new DefaultElement("pubsub", Namespace.get(testNamespace)); iq.setChildElement(element); agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid1, iq); assertThat(testXmppIqListener.handledIqs, hasSize(1)); agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid2, iq); assertThat(testXmppIqListener.handledIqs, hasSize(2)); // Message packets Packet message = new Message(); agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid1, message); assertThat(testXmppMessageListener.handledMessages, hasSize(1)); agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid2, message); assertThat(testXmppMessageListener.handledMessages, hasSize(2)); Packet presence = new Presence(); agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid1, presence); assertThat(testXmppPresenceListener.handledPresenceStanzas, hasSize(1)); agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid2, presence); assertThat(testXmppPresenceListener.handledPresenceStanzas, hasSize(2)); }
Example #3
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void audit(Packet packet, Session session) { if (auditManager.isEnabled()) { if (packet instanceof Message) { if (auditManager.isAuditMessage()) { writePacket(packet, session); } } else if (packet instanceof Presence) { if (auditManager.isAuditPresence()) { writePacket(packet, session); } } else if (packet instanceof IQ) { if (auditManager.isAuditIQ()) { writePacket(packet, session); } } } }
Example #4
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Verifies that the default namespace is set on (non-empty) stanzas. * * @see <a href="">OF-1087</a> */ @Test public void testNamespaceOnStanza() throws Exception { // Setup fixture final Message message = new Message(); message.setTo( "" ); message.addChildElement( "unittest", "unit:test:namespace" ); final List<Packet> packets = new ArrayList<>(); packets.add( message ); // Execute system under test final HttpSession.Deliverable deliverable = new HttpSession.Deliverable( packets ); final String result = deliverable.getDeliverable(); // verify results // Note that this assertion depends on the Openfire XML parser-specific ordering of attributes. assertEquals( "<message to=\"\" xmlns=\"jabber:client\"><unittest xmlns=\"unit:test:namespace\"/></message>", result ); }
Example #5
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Routes the given packet based on packet recipient and sender. The * router defers actual routing decisions to other classes. * <h2>Warning</h2> * Be careful to enforce concurrency DbC of concurrent by synchronizing * any accesses to class resources. * * @param packet The packet to route */ @Override public void route(Packet packet) { if (packet instanceof Message) { route((Message)packet); } else if (packet instanceof Presence) { route((Presence)packet); } else if (packet instanceof IQ) { route((IQ)packet); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } }
Example #6
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test if {@link StanzaIDUtil.generateUniqueAndStableStanzaID} generates a UUID value * if the provided input does not have a 'origin-id' value */ @Test public void testGenerateUUIDWhenNoOriginIDPresent() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final Packet input = new Message(); // Execute system under test. final String result = StanzaIDUtil.generateUniqueAndStableStanzaID( input ); // Verify results. Assert.assertNotNull( result ); try { UUID.fromString( result ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {; } }
Example #7
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void process(Packet packet) { try { // Check if the packet is a disco request or a packet with namespace iq:register if (packet instanceof IQ) { if (engine.process(this, (IQ) packet) == null) { process((IQ) packet); } } else if (packet instanceof Presence) { engine.process(this, (Presence) packet); } else { engine.process(this, (Message) packet); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e); if (packet instanceof IQ) { // Send internal server error IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ((IQ) packet); reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.internal_server_error); send(reply); } } }
Example #8
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void interceptPacket(Packet packet, Session session, boolean incoming, boolean processed) throws PacketRejectedException { // Queue intercepted packet only if there are subscribers interested if (!subscribers.isEmpty()) { boolean queue = false; Class packetClass = packet.getClass(); for (Subscription subscription : subscribers.values()) { if (subscription.isPresenceEnabled() && packetClass == Presence.class) { queue = true; } else if (subscription.isMessageEnabled() && packetClass == Message.class) { queue = true; } else if (subscription.isIQEnabled() && packetClass == IQ.class) { queue = true; } } if (queue) { // Queue packet with extra information and let the background thread process it packetQueue.add(new InterceptedPacket(packet, incoming, processed)); } } }
Example #9
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test if {@link StanzaIDUtil#findFirstUniqueAndStableStanzaID(Packet, String)} can parse a stanza that contains a * stanza ID that is not a UUID value. OF-2026 */ @Test public void testParseNonUUIDValue() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final Packet input = new Message(); final JID self = new JID( "foobar" ); final String expected = "not-a-uuid"; final Element toOverwrite = input.getElement().addElement( "stanza-id", "urn:xmpp:sid:0" ); toOverwrite.addAttribute( "id", expected ); toOverwrite.addAttribute( "by", self.toString() ); // Execute system under test. final String result = StanzaIDUtil.findFirstUniqueAndStableStanzaID( input, self.toString() ); // Verify results. assertEquals( expected, result ); }
Example #10
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Verifies that the default namespace is set on empty stanzas (that do not have a child element) * * @see <a href="">OF-1087</a> */ @Test public void testNamespaceOnEmptyStanzaWithoutChildElement() throws Exception { // Setup fixture final Message message = new Message(); final List<Packet> packets = new ArrayList<>(); packets.add( message ); // Execute system under test final HttpSession.Deliverable deliverable = new HttpSession.Deliverable( packets ); final String result = deliverable.getDeliverable(); // verify results // Note that this assertion depends on the Openfire XML parser-specific ordering of attributes. assertEquals( "<message xmlns=\"jabber:client\"/>", result ); }
Example #11
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Verifies that the default namespace is set on empty stanzas. * * @see <a href="">OF-1087</a> */ @Test public void testNamespaceOnEmptyStanza() throws Exception { // Setup fixture final Message message = new Message(); message.addChildElement( "unittest", "unit:test:namespace" ); final List<Packet> packets = new ArrayList<>(); packets.add( message ); // Execute system under test final HttpSession.Deliverable deliverable = new HttpSession.Deliverable( packets ); final String result = deliverable.getDeliverable(); // verify results // Note that this assertion depends on the Openfire XML parser-specific ordering of attributes. assertEquals( "<message xmlns=\"jabber:client\"><unittest xmlns=\"unit:test:namespace\"/></message>", result ); }
Example #12
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test if {@link StanzaIDUtil.ensureUniqueAndStableStanzaID} adds a stanza-id element * with proper 'by' and UUID value if the provided input does not have a 'origin-id' * element. */ @Test public void testGeneratesStanzaIDElement() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final Packet input = new Message(); final JID self = new JID( "foobar" ); // Execute system under test. final Packet result = StanzaIDUtil.ensureUniqueAndStableStanzaID( input, self ); // Verify results. Assert.assertNotNull( result ); final Element stanzaIDElement = result.getElement().element( QName.get( "stanza-id", "urn:xmpp:sid:0" ) ); Assert.assertNotNull( stanzaIDElement ); try { UUID.fromString( stanzaIDElement.attributeValue( "id" ) ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {; } assertEquals( self.toString(), stanzaIDElement.attributeValue( "by" ) ); }
Example #13
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test if {@link StanzaIDUtil.ensureUniqueAndStableStanzaID} does not overwrites * a stanza-id element when another is present with a different 'by' value. */ @Test public void testDontOverwriteStanzaIDElement() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final Packet input = new Message(); final JID self = new JID( "foobar" ); final String notExpected = "de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546013"; final Element toOverwrite = input.getElement().addElement( "stanza-id", "urn:xmpp:sid:0" ); toOverwrite.addAttribute( "by", new JID( "someoneelse" ).toString() ); toOverwrite.addAttribute( "id", notExpected ); // Execute system under test. final Packet result = StanzaIDUtil.ensureUniqueAndStableStanzaID( input, self ); // Verify results. Assert.assertNotNull( result ); final List<Element> elements = result.getElement().elements( QName.get( "stanza-id", "urn:xmpp:sid:0" ) ); assertEquals( 2, elements.size() ); }
Example #14
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testForwarded() { Message message = new Message(); message.setType(; message.setBody("Tests"); message.addExtension(new DataForm(DataForm.Type.submit)); Forwarded forwarded = new Forwarded(message); Forwarded forwarded2 = new Forwarded(message); String xml1 = forwarded.getElement().asXML(); String xml2 = forwarded2.getElement().asXML(); assertEquals("<forwarded xmlns=\"urn:xmpp:forward:0\"><message xmlns=\"jabber:client\" type=\"chat\"><body>Tests</body><x xmlns=\"jabber:x:data\" type=\"submit\"/></message></forwarded>", xml1); assertEquals("<forwarded xmlns=\"urn:xmpp:forward:0\"><message xmlns=\"jabber:client\" type=\"chat\"><body>Tests</body><x xmlns=\"jabber:x:data\" type=\"submit\"/></message></forwarded>", xml2); }
Example #15
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void shouldStoreNormalMessages() { // XEP-0160: Messages with a 'type' attribute whose value is "normal" (or messages with no 'type' attribute) SHOULD be stored offline. Message message = new Message(); message.setType(Message.Type.normal); assertTrue(OfflineMessageStore.shouldStoreMessage(message)); Message message2 = new Message(); assertTrue(OfflineMessageStore.shouldStoreMessage(message2)); }
Example #16
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test if {@link StanzaIDUtil.generateUniqueAndStableStanzaID} uses the 'origin-id' provided value, * if that's present, even when the value is not a UUID. */ @Test public void testUseOriginIDWhenPresentNonUUID() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final Packet input = new Message(); final String expected = "not-a-uuid"; input.getElement().addElement( "origin-id", "urn:xmpp:sid:0" ).addAttribute( "id", expected ); // Execute system under test. final String result = StanzaIDUtil.generateUniqueAndStableStanzaID( input ); // Verify results. assertEquals( expected, result ); }
Example #17
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Deletes the list of published items from the node. Event notifications may be sent to * subscribers for the deleted items. When an affiliate has many subscriptions to the node, * the affiliate will get a notification for each set of items that affected the same list * of subscriptions.<p> * * For performance reasons the deleted published items are saved to the database * using a background thread. Sending event notifications to node subscribers may * also use another thread to ensure good performance.<p> * * @param toDelete list of items that were deleted from the node. */ public void deleteItems(List<PublishedItem> toDelete) { // Remove deleted items from the database for (PublishedItem item : toDelete) { PubSubPersistenceProviderManager.getInstance().getProvider().removePublishedItem(item); if (lastPublished != null && lastPublished.getID().equals(item.getID())) { lastPublished = null; } } if (isNotifiedOfRetract()) { // Broadcast notification deletion to subscribers // Build packet to broadcast to subscribers Message message = new Message(); Element event = message.addChildElement("event", ""); // Send notification that items have been deleted to subscribers and parent node // subscribers Set<NodeAffiliate> affiliatesToNotify = new HashSet<>(affiliates); // Get affiliates that are subscribed to a parent in the hierarchy of parent nodes for (CollectionNode parentNode : getParents()) { for (NodeSubscription subscription : parentNode.getSubscriptions()) { affiliatesToNotify.add(subscription.getAffiliate()); } } // TODO Use another thread for this (if # of subscribers is > X)???? for (NodeAffiliate affiliate : affiliatesToNotify) { affiliate.sendDeletionNotifications(message, event, this, toDelete); } } }
Example #18
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void store(Message message) { final boolean stored = messageStore.addMessage(message); // Inform listeners that an offline message was stored if (stored && !listeners.isEmpty()) { for (OfflineMessageListener listener : listeners) { try { listener.messageStored(message); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn("An exception occurred while dispatching a 'messageStored' event!", e); } } } }
Example #19
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Deletes this node from memory and the database. Subscribers are going to be notified * that the node has been deleted after the node was successfully deleted. */ public void delete() { // Delete node from the database PubSubPersistenceProviderManager.getInstance().getProvider().removeNode(this); // Remove this node from the parent node (if any) if (parentIdentifier != null) { final CollectionNode parent = getParent(); // Notify the parent that the node has been removed from the parent node if (isNotifiedOfDelete()){ parent.childNodeDeleted(this); } parent.removeChildNode(this); } deletingNode(); // Broadcast delete notification to subscribers (if enabled) if (isNotifiedOfDelete()) { // Build packet to broadcast to subscribers Message message = new Message(); Element event = message.addChildElement("event", ""); Element items = event.addElement("delete"); items.addAttribute("node", nodeID); // Send notification that the node was deleted broadcastNodeEvent(message, true); } // Remove presence subscription when node was deleted. cancelPresenceSubscriptions(); // Remove the node from memory getService().removeNode(nodeID); CacheFactory.doClusterTask(new RemoveNodeTask(this)); // Clear collections in memory (clear them after broadcast was sent) affiliates.clear(); subscriptionsByID.clear(); subscriptionsByJID.clear(); }
Example #20
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void broadcast(Node node, Message message, Collection<JID> jids) { if ( Log.isTraceEnabled() ) { Log.trace( "Service '{}' is broadcasting a notification on node '{}' to a collection of JIDs: {}", this.getServiceID(), node.getUniqueIdentifier().getNodeId(),", ")) ); } message.setFrom(getAddress()); for (JID jid : jids) { message.setTo(jid); message.setID(StringUtils.randomString(8)); router.route(message); } }
Example #21
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Sends an event notification to the affiliate for the deleted items. The event * notification may contain one or many published items based on the items included * in the original publication. If the affiliate has many subscriptions and many * items were deleted then the affiliate will get a notification for each set * of items that affected the same subscriptions. * * @param notification the message to sent to the subscribers. The message will be completed * with the items to include in each notification. * @param event the event Element included in the notification message. Passed as an * optimization to avoid future look ups. * @param leafNode the leaf node where the items where deleted from. * @param publishedItems the list of items that were deleted. */ void sendDeletionNotifications(Message notification, Element event, LeafNode leafNode, List<PublishedItem> publishedItems) { if (!publishedItems.isEmpty()) { Map<List<NodeSubscription>, List<PublishedItem>> itemsBySubs = getItemsBySubscriptions(leafNode, publishedItems); // Send one notification for published items that affect the same subscriptions for (List<NodeSubscription> nodeSubscriptions : itemsBySubs.keySet()) { // Add items information Element items = event.addElement("items"); items.addAttribute("node", leafNode.getUniqueIdentifier().getNodeId()); for (PublishedItem publishedItem : itemsBySubs.get(nodeSubscriptions)) { // Add retract information to the event notification Element item = items.addElement("retract"); if (leafNode.isItemRequired()) { item.addAttribute("id", publishedItem.getID()); } } // Send the event notification sendEventNotification(notification, nodeSubscriptions); // Remove the added items information event.remove(items); } } }
Example #22
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void shouldNotStoreEmptyChatMessagesWithOnlyChatStatesAndThread() { Message message = new Message(); message.setType(; message.setThread("1234"); PacketExtension chatState = new PacketExtension("composing", ""); message.addExtension(chatState); assertFalse(OfflineMessageStore.shouldStoreMessage(message)); }
Example #23
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void broadcast(Node node, Message message, Collection<JID> jids) { // TODO Possibly use a thread pool for sending packets (based on the jids size) message.setFrom(getAddress()); for (JID jid : jids) { message.setTo(jid); message.setID(StringUtils.randomString(8)); router.route(message); } }
Example #24
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void broadcastCollectionNodeEvent(Node child, Message notification) { // Get affected subscriptions (of this node and all parent nodes) Collection<NodeSubscription> subscriptions = new ArrayList<>(); subscriptions.addAll(getSubscriptions(child)); for (CollectionNode parentNode : getParents()) { subscriptions.addAll(parentNode.getSubscriptions(child)); } // TODO Possibly use a thread pool for sending packets (based on the jids size) for (NodeSubscription subscription : subscriptions) { getService().sendNotification(subscription.getNode(), notification, subscription.getJID()); } }
Example #25
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Change the priority of a session, that was already available, associated with the sender. * * @param session The session whose presence priority has been modified * @param oldPriority The old priority for the session */ public void changePriority(LocalClientSession session, int oldPriority) { if (session.getAuthToken().isAnonymous()) { // Do nothing if the session belongs to an anonymous user return; } int newPriority = session.getPresence().getPriority(); if (newPriority < 0 || oldPriority >= 0) { // Do nothing if new presence priority is not positive and old presence negative return; } // Check presence's priority of other available resources JID searchJID = session.getAddress().asBareJID(); for (JID address : routingTable.getRoutes(searchJID, null)) { if (address.equals(session.getAddress())) { continue; } ClientSession otherSession = routingTable.getClientRoute(address); if (otherSession.getPresence().getPriority() >= 0) { return; } } // User sessions had negative presence before this change so deliver messages if (!session.isAnonymousUser() && session.canFloodOfflineMessages()) { OfflineMessageStore messageStore = server.getOfflineMessageStore(); Collection<OfflineMessage> messages = messageStore.getMessages(session.getAuthToken().getUsername(), true); for (Message message : messages) { session.process(message); } } }
Example #26
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Sends a message with a given subject and body to one or more user sessions related to the * specified address. If address is null or the address's node is null then the message will be * sent to all the user sessions. But if the address includes a node but no resource then * the message will be sent to all the user sessions of the requeted user (defined by the node). * Finally, if the address is a full JID then the message will be sent to the session associated * to the full JID. If no session is found then the message is not sent. * * @param address the address that defines the sessions that will receive the message. * @param subject the subject to broadcast. * @param body the body to broadcast. */ public void sendServerMessage(JID address, String subject, String body) { Message packet = createServerMessage(subject, body); if (address == null || address.getNode() == null || !userManager.isRegisteredUser(address)) { broadcast(packet); } else if (address.getResource() == null || address.getResource().length() < 1) { userBroadcast(address.getNode(), packet); } else { routingTable.routePacket(address, packet, true); } }
Example #27
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Obtain the current history as an iterator of messages to play back to a new room member. * * @return An iterator of Message objects to be sent to the new room member. */ public Iterator<Message> getMessageHistory(){ LinkedList<Message> list = new LinkedList<>(history); // Sort messages. Messages may be out of order when running inside of a cluster Collections.sort(list, new MessageComparator()); return list.iterator(); }
Example #28
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testReceived() { Message message = new Message(); message.setType(; message.setBody("Tests"); Forwarded forwarded = new Forwarded(message); Received received = new Received(forwarded); String xml = received.getElement().asXML(); assertEquals("<received xmlns=\"urn:xmpp:carbons:2\"><forwarded xmlns=\"urn:xmpp:forward:0\"><message xmlns=\"jabber:client\" type=\"chat\"><body>Tests</body></message></forwarded></received>", xml); }
Example #29
Source File: From openfire-ofmeet-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * XEP-0048 'Bookmarks' describes a storage element that contains the list of bookmarks that we intend to * add to in this method. Such a storage element can be transmitted in a number of different ways, including * XEP-0049 "Private XML Storage" and XEP-0223 "Persistent Storage of Private Data via PubSub". * * @param packet The packet in which to search for a 'storage' element (cannot be null). * @return The storage element, or null when no such element was found. */ static Element findStorageElement( final Packet packet ) { if ( packet instanceof IQ ) { final IQ iq = (IQ) packet; final Element childElement = iq.getChildElement(); if ( childElement == null || iq.getType() != IQ.Type.result ) { return null; } switch ( childElement.getNamespaceURI() ) { // A "Private XML Storage (XEP-0049) Bookmarks" result stanza. case "jabber:iq:private": return findStorageElementInPrivateXmlStorage( childElement ); // a "Persistent Storage of Private Data via PubSub (XEP-0048 / XEP-0223)" Bookmarks result. case "": return findStorageElementInPubsub( childElement ); default: return null; } } if ( packet instanceof Message ) { final Message message = (Message) packet; // Check for a "Persistent Storage of Private Data via PubSub (XEP-0048 / XEP-0223)" Bookmarks event notification. return findStorageElementInPubsub( message.getChildElement( "event", "" ) ); } return null; }
Example #30
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void sendNotification(Node node, Message message, JID jid) { message.setFrom(getAddress()); message.setTo(jid); message.setID(StringUtils.randomString(8)); router.route(message); }