Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From davmail with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testEncodeSpecial() { BitSet ical_allowed_abs_path = new BitSet(256); ical_allowed_abs_path.or(org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI.allowed_abs_path); ical_allowed_abs_path.clear('@'); String path = ""; String encoded = URIUtil.encode(path, ical_allowed_abs_path); System.out.println(encoded); String newEncoded = new String(URLCodec.encodeUrl(ical_allowed_abs_path, path.getBytes(Consts.UTF_8)), Consts.UTF_8); System.out.println(newEncoded); assertEquals(newEncoded, encoded); }
Example 2
Source File: From logparser with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void dissect(final Parsable<?> parsable, final String inputname) throws DissectionFailure { final ParsedField field = parsable.getParsableField(INPUT_TYPE, inputname); String uriString = field.getValue().getString(); if (uriString == null || uriString.isEmpty()) { return; // Nothing to do here } // First we cleanup the URI so we fail less often over 'garbage' URIs. // See: uriString = new String(URLCodec.encodeUrl(BAD_URI_CHARS, uriString.getBytes(UTF_8)), US_ASCII); // Before we hand it to the standard parser we hack it around a bit so we can parse // nasty edge cases that are illegal yet do occur in real clickstreams. // Also we force the query string to start with ?& so the returned query string starts with & // Which leads to more consistent output after parsing. int firstQuestionMark = uriString.indexOf('?'); int firstAmpersand = uriString.indexOf('&'); // Now we can have one of 3 situations: // 1) No query string // 2) Query string starts with a '?' // (and optionally followed by one or more '&' or '?' ) // 3) Query string starts with a '&'. This is invalid but does occur! // We may have ?x=x&y=y?z=z so we normalize it always // to: ?&x=x&y=y&z=z if (firstAmpersand != -1 || firstQuestionMark != -1) { uriString = uriString.replaceAll("\\?", "&"); uriString = uriString.replaceFirst("&", "?&"); } // We find that people muck up the URL by putting % signs in the URLs that are NOT escape sequences // So any % that is not followed by a two 'hex' letters is fixed uriString = BAD_EXCAPE_PATTERN.matcher(uriString).replaceAll("%25$1"); uriString = BAD_EXCAPE_PATTERN.matcher(uriString).replaceAll("%25$1"); // We have URIs with fragments like this: // /path/?_requestid=1234#x3D;12341234&Referrer=blablabla // So first we repair the broken encoded char uriString = ALMOST_HTML_ENCODED.matcher(uriString).replaceAll("$1&$2"); uriString = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(uriString); // And we see URIs with this: // /path/?Referrer=ADV1234#&f=API&subid=#&name=12341234 uriString = EQUALS_HASH_PATTERN.matcher(uriString).replaceAll("="); uriString = HASH_AMP_PATTERN.matcher(uriString).replaceAll("&"); // If we still have multiple '#' in here we replace them with something else: '~' while (true) { Matcher doubleHashMatcher = DOUBLE_HASH_PATTERN.matcher(uriString); if (!doubleHashMatcher.find()) { break; } uriString = doubleHashMatcher.replaceAll("~$1#"); } boolean isUrl = true; URI uri; try { if (uriString.charAt(0) == '/') { uri = URI.create("dummy-protocol://" + uriString); isUrl = false; // I.e. we do not return the values we just faked. } else { uri = URI.create(uriString); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new DissectionFailure("Failed to parse URI >>" + field.getValue().getString()+"<< because of : " +e.getMessage()); } if (wantQuery || wantPath || wantRef) { if (wantQuery) { String query = uri.getRawQuery(); if (query == null) { query = ""; } parsable.addDissection(inputname, "HTTP.QUERYSTRING", "query", query); } if (wantPath) { parsable.addDissection(inputname, "HTTP.PATH", "path", uri.getPath()); } if (wantRef) { parsable.addDissection(inputname, "HTTP.REF", "ref", uri.getFragment()); } } if (isUrl) { if (wantProtocol) { parsable.addDissection(inputname, "HTTP.PROTOCOL", "protocol", uri.getScheme()); } if (wantUserinfo) { parsable.addDissection(inputname, "HTTP.USERINFO", "userinfo", uri.getUserInfo()); } if (wantHost) { parsable.addDissection(inputname, "HTTP.HOST", "host", uri.getHost()); } if (wantPort) { if (uri.getPort() != -1) { parsable.addDissection(inputname, "HTTP.PORT", "port", uri.getPort()); } } } }
Example 3
Source File: From with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3 votes |
/** * Escape and encode a given string with allowed characters not to be * escaped and a given charset. * * @param unescaped a string * @param allowed allowed characters not to be escaped * @param charset the charset * @return the escaped string */ public static String encode(String unescaped, BitSet allowed, String charset) throws URIException { byte[] rawdata = URLCodec.encodeUrl(allowed, EncodingUtil.getBytes(unescaped, charset)); return EncodingUtil.getAsciiString(rawdata); }
Example 4
Source File: From with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3 votes |
/** * Encodes URI string. * * This is a two mapping, one from original characters to octets, and * subsequently a second from octets to URI characters: * <p><blockquote><pre> * original character sequence->octet sequence->URI character sequence * </pre></blockquote><p> * * An escaped octet is encoded as a character triplet, consisting of the * percent character "%" followed by the two hexadecimal digits * representing the octet code. For example, "%20" is the escaped * encoding for the US-ASCII space character. * <p> * Conversion from the local filesystem character set to UTF-8 will * normally involve a two step process. First convert the local character * set to the UCS; then convert the UCS to UTF-8. * The first step in the process can be performed by maintaining a mapping * table that includes the local character set code and the corresponding * UCS code. * The next step is to convert the UCS character code to the UTF-8 encoding. * <p> * Mapping between vendor codepages can be done in a very similar manner * as described above. * <p> * The only time escape encodings can allowedly be made is when a URI is * being created from its component parts. The escape and validate methods * are internally performed within this method. * * @param original the original character sequence * @param allowed those characters that are allowed within a component * @param charset the protocol charset * @return URI character sequence * @throws URIException null component or unsupported character encoding */ protected static char[] encode(String original, BitSet allowed, String charset) throws URIException { if (original == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Original string may not be null"); } if (allowed == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Allowed bitset may not be null"); } byte[] rawdata = URLCodec.encodeUrl(allowed, EncodingUtil.getBytes(original, charset)); return EncodingUtil.getAsciiString(rawdata).toCharArray(); }
Example 5
Source File: From common_gui_tools with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Encode string for URL. * * @param string String * @param charSet CharSet * @return <code>String</code> url string * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException unsupported encoding exception */ public static String encodeURL(String string, String charSet) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (string == null) { return null; } return new String(URLCodec.encodeUrl(null, string.getBytes(charSet)), charSet); }
Example 6
Source File: From bintray-client-java with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Escape and encode a given string with allowed characters not to be * escaped and a given charset. * * @param unescaped a string * @param allowed allowed characters not to be escaped * @param charset the charset * @return the escaped string */ public static String encode(String unescaped, BitSet allowed, String charset) throws HttpException { byte[] rawdata = URLCodec.encodeUrl(allowed, EncodingUtils.getBytes(unescaped, charset)); return EncodingUtils.getAsciiString(rawdata); }
Example 7
Source File: From bintray-client-java with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Encodes URI string. * <p/> * This is a two mapping, one from original characters to octets, and * subsequently a second from octets to URI characters: * <p><blockquote><pre> * original character sequence->octet sequence->URI character sequence * </pre></blockquote><p> * <p/> * An escaped octet is encoded as a character triplet, consisting of the * percent character "%" followed by the two hexadecimal digits * representing the octet code. For example, "%20" is the escaped * encoding for the US-ASCII space character. * <p/> * Conversion from the local filesystem character set to UTF-8 will * normally involve a two step process. First convert the local character * set to the UCS; then convert the UCS to UTF-8. * The first step in the process can be performed by maintaining a mapping * table that includes the local character set code and the corresponding * UCS code. * The next step is to convert the UCS character code to the UTF-8 encoding. * <p/> * Mapping between vendor codepages can be done in a very similar manner * as described above. * <p/> * The only time escape encodings can allowedly be made is when a URI is * being created from its component parts. The escape and validate methods * are internally performed within this method. * * @param original the original character sequence * @param allowed those characters that are allowed within a component * @param charset the protocol charset * @return URI character sequence * @throws HttpException null component or unsupported character encoding */ protected static char[] encode(String original, BitSet allowed, String charset) throws HttpException { if (original == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Original string may not be null"); } if (allowed == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Allowed bitset may not be null"); } byte[] rawdata = URLCodec.encodeUrl(allowed, EncodingUtils.getBytes(original, charset)); return EncodingUtils.getAsciiString(rawdata).toCharArray(); }
Example 8
Source File: From htmlunit with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Escapes and encodes the specified string. Based on HttpClient 3.1's <tt>URIUtil.encode()</tt> method. * * @param unescaped the string to encode * @param allowed allowed characters that shouldn't be escaped * @param charset the charset to use * @return the escaped string */ private static String encode(final String unescaped, final BitSet allowed, final Charset charset) { final byte[] bytes = unescaped.getBytes(charset); final byte[] bytes2 = URLCodec.encodeUrl(allowed, bytes); return encodePercentSign(bytes2); }
Example 9
Source File: From HtmlUnit-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Escapes and encodes the specified string. Based on HttpClient 3.1's <tt>URIUtil.encode()</tt> method. * * @param unescaped the string to encode * @param allowed allowed characters that shouldn't be escaped * @param charset the charset to use * @return the escaped string */ private static String encode(final String unescaped, final BitSet allowed, final Charset charset) { final byte[] bytes = unescaped.getBytes(charset); final byte[] bytes2 = URLCodec.encodeUrl(allowed, bytes); return encodePercentSign(bytes2); }