Java Examples

The following examples show how to use You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From delion with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void processMediaStatusBundle(Bundle statusBundle) {
    if (statusBundle == null) return;
    logBundle("processMediaStatusBundle: ", statusBundle);

    String itemId = statusBundle.getString(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_ID);
    if (itemId == null || !itemId.equals(mCurrentItemId)) return;

    // Extract item metadata, if available.
    if (statusBundle.containsKey(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_METADATA)) {
        Bundle metadataBundle =
                (Bundle) statusBundle.getParcelable(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_METADATA);
        updateTitle(metadataBundle.getString(MediaItemMetadata.KEY_TITLE, mPreferredTitle));

    // Extract the item status, if available.
    if (statusBundle.containsKey(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS)) {
        Bundle itemStatusBundle =
                (Bundle) statusBundle.getParcelable(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS);
        MediaItemStatus itemStatus = MediaItemStatus.fromBundle(itemStatusBundle);

        logBundle("Received item status: ", itemStatusBundle);


        // Update the PositionExtrapolator that the playback state has changed.
        if (itemStatus.getPlaybackState() == MediaItemStatus.PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING) {
        } else if (itemStatus.getPlaybackState() == MediaItemStatus.PLAYBACK_STATE_FINISHED) {
        } else {

        if ((getRemotePlayerState() == PlayerState.PAUSED)
                || (getRemotePlayerState() == PlayerState.PLAYING)
                || (getRemotePlayerState() == PlayerState.LOADING)) {
            this.mCurrentItemId = itemId;

            // duration can possibly be -1 if it's unknown, so cap to 0
            long duration = Math.max(itemStatus.getContentDuration(), 0);
            // update the position using the remote player's position
            // duration can possibly be -1 if it's unknown, so cap to 0
            long position = Math.min(Math.max(itemStatus.getContentPosition(), 0), duration);
            // TODO(zqzhang): The GMS core currently uses SystemClock.uptimeMillis() as
            // timestamp, which does not conform to the MediaRouter support library docs. See
            // b/28378525 and
            // Override the timestamp with elapsedRealtime() by assuming the delay between the
            // GMS core produces the MediaItemStatus and the code reaches here is short enough.
            // long timestamp = itemStatus.getTimestamp();
            long timestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
            mPositionExtrapolator.onPositionInfoUpdated(duration, position, timestamp);

            if (mSeeking) {
                mSeeking = false;
                if (getMediaStateListener() != null) getMediaStateListener().onSeekCompleted();
Example #2
Source File:    From AndroidChromium with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void processMediaStatusBundle(Bundle statusBundle) {
    if (statusBundle == null) return;
    logBundle("processMediaStatusBundle: ", statusBundle);

    String itemId = statusBundle.getString(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_ID);
    if (itemId == null || !itemId.equals(mCurrentItemId)) return;

    // Extract item metadata, if available.
    if (statusBundle.containsKey(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_METADATA)) {
        Bundle metadataBundle =
                (Bundle) statusBundle.getParcelable(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_METADATA);
        updateTitle(metadataBundle.getString(MediaItemMetadata.KEY_TITLE, mPreferredTitle));

    // Extract the item status, if available.
    if (statusBundle.containsKey(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS)) {
        Bundle itemStatusBundle =
                (Bundle) statusBundle.getParcelable(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS);
        MediaItemStatus itemStatus = MediaItemStatus.fromBundle(itemStatusBundle);

        logBundle("Received item status: ", itemStatusBundle);


        // Update the PositionExtrapolator that the playback state has changed.
        if (itemStatus.getPlaybackState() == MediaItemStatus.PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING) {
        } else if (itemStatus.getPlaybackState() == MediaItemStatus.PLAYBACK_STATE_FINISHED) {
        } else {

        if ((getRemotePlayerState() == PlayerState.PAUSED)
                || (getRemotePlayerState() == PlayerState.PLAYING)
                || (getRemotePlayerState() == PlayerState.LOADING)) {
            this.mCurrentItemId = itemId;

            // duration can possibly be -1 if it's unknown, so cap to 0
            long duration = Math.max(itemStatus.getContentDuration(), 0);
            // update the position using the remote player's position
            // duration can possibly be -1 if it's unknown, so cap to 0
            long position = Math.min(Math.max(itemStatus.getContentPosition(), 0), duration);
            // TODO(zqzhang): The GMS core currently uses SystemClock.uptimeMillis() as
            // timestamp, which does not conform to the MediaRouter support library docs. See
            // b/28378525 and
            // Override the timestamp with elapsedRealtime() by assuming the delay between the
            // GMS core produces the MediaItemStatus and the code reaches here is short enough.
            // long timestamp = itemStatus.getTimestamp();
            long timestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
            mPositionExtrapolator.onPositionInfoUpdated(duration, position, timestamp);

            if (mSeeking) {
                mSeeking = false;
                if (getMediaStateListener() != null) getMediaStateListener().onSeekCompleted();
Example #3
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void processMediaStatusBundle(Bundle statusBundle) {
    if (statusBundle == null) return;
    logBundle("processMediaStatusBundle: ", statusBundle);

    String itemId = statusBundle.getString(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_ID);
    if (itemId == null || !itemId.equals(mCurrentItemId)) return;

    // Extract item metadata, if available.
    if (statusBundle.containsKey(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_METADATA)) {
        Bundle metadataBundle =
                (Bundle) statusBundle.getParcelable(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_METADATA);
        updateTitle(metadataBundle.getString(MediaItemMetadata.KEY_TITLE, mPreferredTitle));

    // Extract the item status, if available.
    if (statusBundle.containsKey(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS)) {
        Bundle itemStatusBundle =
                (Bundle) statusBundle.getParcelable(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS);
        MediaItemStatus itemStatus = MediaItemStatus.fromBundle(itemStatusBundle);

        logBundle("Received item status: ", itemStatusBundle);


        // Update the PositionExtrapolator that the playback state has changed.
        if (itemStatus.getPlaybackState() == MediaItemStatus.PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING) {
        } else if (itemStatus.getPlaybackState() == MediaItemStatus.PLAYBACK_STATE_FINISHED) {
        } else {

        if ((getRemotePlayerState() == PlayerState.PAUSED)
                || (getRemotePlayerState() == PlayerState.PLAYING)
                || (getRemotePlayerState() == PlayerState.LOADING)) {
            this.mCurrentItemId = itemId;

            // duration can possibly be -1 if it's unknown, so cap to 0
            long duration = Math.max(itemStatus.getContentDuration(), 0);
            // update the position using the remote player's position
            // duration can possibly be -1 if it's unknown, so cap to 0
            long position = Math.min(Math.max(itemStatus.getContentPosition(), 0), duration);
            // TODO(zqzhang): The GMS core currently uses SystemClock.uptimeMillis() as
            // timestamp, which does not conform to the MediaRouter support library docs. See
            // b/28378525 and
            // Override the timestamp with elapsedRealtime() by assuming the delay between the
            // GMS core produces the MediaItemStatus and the code reaches here is short enough.
            // long timestamp = itemStatus.getTimestamp();
            long timestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
            mPositionExtrapolator.onPositionInfoUpdated(duration, position, timestamp);

            if (mSeeking) {
                mSeeking = false;
                if (getMediaStateListener() != null) getMediaStateListener().onSeekCompleted();