org.apache.camel.main.Main Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From jbang with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Override public Integer call() throws Exception { // your business logic goes here... Main main = new Main(); main.addRoutesBuilder(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("timer:test?period=1000") .process(e -> out.println("Hello " + greeting)); } });; return 0; }
Example #2
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void boot(String[] args) throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); main = new Main(); main.bind("hz", hz); if (args.length == 0) { // route which uses get/put operations main.addRouteBuilder(new CounterRoute("Foo", 8080)); } else { // route which uses atomic counter main.addRouteBuilder(new AtomicCounterRoute("Foo", 8080)); }; }
Example #3
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void boot(String[] args) throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); main = new Main(); main.bind("hz", hz); if (args.length == 0) { // route which uses get/put operations main.addRouteBuilder(new CounterRoute("Bar", 9090)); } else { // route which uses atomic counter main.addRouteBuilder(new AtomicCounterRoute("Bar", 9090)); }; }
Example #4
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); // setup the hazelcast route policy HazelcastRoutePolicy routePolicy = new HazelcastRoutePolicy(hz); // the lock names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setLockMapName("myLock"); routePolicy.setLockKey("myLockKey"); routePolicy.setLockValue("myLockValue"); // attempt to grab lock every 5th second routePolicy.setTryLockTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Bar", 100));; }
Example #5
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); // setup the hazelcast route policy HazelcastRoutePolicy routePolicy = new HazelcastRoutePolicy(hz); // the lock names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setLockMapName("myLock"); routePolicy.setLockKey("myLockKey"); routePolicy.setLockValue("myLockValue"); // attempt to grab lock every 5th second routePolicy.setTryLockTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Foo", 100));; }
Example #6
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // create jcache component and configure it JCacheComponent jcache = new JCacheComponent(); // use infinispan jcache.setCachingProvider(JCachingProvider.class.getName()); // load infinispan client (hotrod) configuration from the classpath jcache.setConfigurationUri(""); // register the component to Camel with the name jcache main.bind("jcache", jcache); // route which uses get/put operations main.addRouteBuilder(new CounterRoute("Bar", 8889));; }
Example #7
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // create jcache component and configure it JCacheComponent jcache = new JCacheComponent(); // use infinispan jcache.setCachingProvider(JCachingProvider.class.getName()); // load infinispan client (hotrod) configuration from the classpath jcache.setConfigurationUri(""); // register the component to Camel with the name jcache main.bind("jcache", jcache); main.addRouteBuilder(new CounterRoute("Foo", 8888));; }
Example #8
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // setup quartz component QuartzComponent quartz = new QuartzComponent(); quartz.setPropertiesFile(""); // add the component to Camel main.bind("quartz2", quartz); // route which uses get/put operations main.addRouteBuilder(new QuartzRoute("Bar"));; }
Example #9
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); // setup the hazelcast idempotent repository which we will use in the route HazelcastIdempotentRepository repo = new HazelcastIdempotentRepository(hz, "camel"); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast repository to the name myRepo which we refer to from the route main.bind("myRepo", repo); // add the route and and let the route be named BAR and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("BAR", 100));; }
Example #10
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); // setup the hazelcast idempotent repository which we will use in the route HazelcastIdempotentRepository repo = new HazelcastIdempotentRepository(hz, "camel"); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast repository to the name myRepo which we refer to from the route main.bind("myRepo", repo); // add the route and and let the route be named BAR and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("FOO", 100));; }
Example #11
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // the default zookeeper url is localhost:2181 MasterComponent master = new MasterComponent(); master.setZooKeeperUrl("localhost:2181"); main.bind("zookeeper-master", master); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Bar", 200));; }
Example #12
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // the default zookeeper url is localhost:2181 MasterComponent master = new MasterComponent(); master.setZooKeeperUrl("localhost:2181"); main.bind("zookeeper-master", master); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Foo", 200));; }
Example #13
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // the default zookeeper url is localhost:2181 MasterRoutePolicy master = new MasterRoutePolicy(); master.setZooKeeperUrl("localhost:2181"); master.setGroupName("myGroup"); main.bind("zookeeper-master-policy", master); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Bar", 200));; }
Example #14
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // the default zookeeper url is localhost:2181 MasterRoutePolicy master = new MasterRoutePolicy(); master.setZooKeeperUrl("localhost:2181"); master.setGroupName("myGroup"); main.bind("zookeeper-master-policy", master); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Foo", 200));; }
Example #15
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // setup quartz component QuartzComponent quartz = new QuartzComponent(); quartz.setPropertiesFile(""); // add the component to Camel main.bind("quartz2", quartz); main.addRouteBuilder(new QuartzRoute("Foo"));; }
Example #16
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); // list of urls for the infinispan server // as we run in domain node we have two servers out of the box, and can therefore include both // that the client can load balance/failover to be highly available props.setProperty("infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list", "localhost:11222;localhost:11372"); // by default, previously existing values for java.util.Map operations // are not returned for remote caches but they are required for the route // policy to work. props.setProperty("infinispan.client.hotrod.force_return_values", "true"); // create remote infinispan cache manager and start it RemoteCacheManager remote = new RemoteCacheManager( new ConfigurationBuilder().withProperties(props).build(), true ); // setup Camel infinispan configuration to use the remote cache manager InfinispanConfiguration ic = new InfinispanConfiguration(); ic.setCacheContainer(remote); // setup the hazelcast route policy InfinispanRoutePolicy routePolicy = new InfinispanRoutePolicy(ic); // the lock names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setLockMapName("myLock"); routePolicy.setLockKey("myLockKey"); // the lock value identifies the node routePolicy.setLockValue("bar"); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Bar", 100));; }
Example #17
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); // list of urls for the infinispan server // as we run in domain node we have two servers out of the box, and can therefore include both // that the client can load balance/failover to be highly available props.setProperty("infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list", "localhost:11222;localhost:11372"); // by default, previously existing values for java.util.Map operations // are not returned for remote caches but they are required for the route // policy to work. props.setProperty("infinispan.client.hotrod.force_return_values", "true"); // create remote infinispan cache manager and start it RemoteCacheManager remote = new RemoteCacheManager( new ConfigurationBuilder().withProperties(props).build(), true ); // setup Camel infinispan configuration to use the remote cache manager InfinispanConfiguration ic = new InfinispanConfiguration(); ic.setCacheContainer(remote); // setup the hazelcast route policy InfinispanRoutePolicy routePolicy = new InfinispanRoutePolicy(ic); // the lock names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setLockMapName("myLock"); routePolicy.setLockKey("myLockKey"); // the lock value identifies the node routePolicy.setLockValue("foo"); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Foo", 100));; }
Example #18
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { // setup the hazelcast route policy ConsulRoutePolicy routePolicy = new ConsulRoutePolicy(); // the service names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setServiceName("myLock"); routePolicy.setTtl(5); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Bar", 100));; }
Example #19
Source File: From camelinaction2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { // setup the hazelcast route policy ConsulRoutePolicy routePolicy = new ConsulRoutePolicy(); // the service names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setServiceName("myLock"); routePolicy.setTtl(5); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Foo", 100));; }
Example #20
Source File: From Ardulink-2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void runInBackground(Main main) { newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(() -> { try {; } catch (Exception e) { Throwables.propagate(e); } }); }
Example #21
Source File: From Ardulink-2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void writesResultToSender_ConfiguredViaProperties() throws Exception { String receiver = ""; String username = "loginIdReceiver"; String password = "secretOfReceiver"; createMailUser(receiver, username, password); String validSender = ""; createMailUser(validSender, "loginIdSender", "secretOfSender"); String commandName = "usedScenario"; String command1 = alpProtocolMessage(DIGITAL_PIN_READ).forPin(1).withState(true); String command2 = alpProtocolMessage(ANALOG_PIN_READ).forPin(2).withValue(123); String command = command1 + "," + command2; send(mailFrom(validSender).to(receiver).withSubject(anySubject()).withText(commandName)); Main main = new Main(); main.addProperty("from", imapUri(username, password)); main.addProperty("to", smtpUri(username, password)); // main.addProperty("commandName", commandName); // main.addProperty("command", command); String smtpRouteStart = "direct:smtp-" + UUID.randomUUID(); main.addRoutesBuilder(setToAndFromHeaderAndSendTo(smtpRouteStart, "{{to}}")); main.addRoutesBuilder(ardulinkProcessing("{{from}}", validSender, commandName, Arrays.asList(command.split("\\,")), makeURI(mockURI, emptyMap()), smtpRouteStart)); runInBackground(main); try { assertThat(((String) fetchMail("loginIdSender", "secretOfSender").getContent()), is(command1 + "=OK\r\n" + command2 + "=OK")); } finally { main.stop(); } }
Example #22
Source File: From camel-kafka-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public CamelMainSupport(Map<String, String> props, String fromUrl, String toUrl, String marshal, String unmarshal, int aggregationSize, long aggregationTimeout, CamelContext camelContext) throws Exception { camel = camelContext; camelMain = new Main() { @Override protected ProducerTemplate findOrCreateCamelTemplate() { return camel.createProducerTemplate(); } @Override protected CamelContext createCamelContext() { return camel; } }; camelMain.addMainListener(new CamelMainFinishedListener()); camelMain.configure().setAutoConfigurationLogSummary(false); // reordering properties to place the one starting with "#class:" first LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderedProps = new LinkedHashMap<>(); props.keySet().stream() .filter(k -> props.get(k).startsWith("#class:")) .forEach(k -> orderedProps.put(k, props.get(k))); props.keySet().stream() .filter(k -> !props.get(k).startsWith("#class:")) .forEach(k -> orderedProps.put(k, props.get(k))); Properties camelProperties = new OrderedProperties(); camelProperties.putAll(orderedProps);"Setting initial properties in Camel context: [{}]", camelProperties); this.camel.getPropertiesComponent().setInitialProperties(camelProperties); camelMain.init(); //creating the actual route this.camel.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() { RouteDefinition rd = from(fromUrl); if (marshal != null && unmarshal != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Uses of both marshal (i.e. " + marshal + ") and unmarshal (i.e. " + unmarshal + ") is not supported"); } else if (marshal != null) {"Creating Camel route from({}).marshal().custom({}).to({})", fromUrl, marshal, toUrl); camel.getRegistry().bind(marshal, lookupAndInstantiateDataformat(marshal)); rd.marshal().custom(marshal); } else if (unmarshal != null) {"Creating Camel route from({}).unmarshal().custom({}).to({})", fromUrl, unmarshal, toUrl); camel.getRegistry().bind(unmarshal, lookupAndInstantiateDataformat(unmarshal)); rd.unmarshal().custom(unmarshal); } else {"Creating Camel route from({}).to({})", fromUrl, toUrl); } if (camel.getRegistry().lookupByName("aggregate") != null) { AggregationStrategy s = (AggregationStrategy) camel.getRegistry().lookupByName("aggregate"); rd.aggregate(s).constant(true).completionSize(aggregationSize).completionTimeout(aggregationTimeout).toD(toUrl); } else { rd.toD(toUrl); } } }); }
Example #23
Source File: From Ardulink-2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public RestMain(Properties properties) { main = new Main(); main.setInitialProperties(properties); main.addRoutesBuilder(new RestRouteBuilder()); main.start(); }
Example #24
Source File: From camel-cookbook-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void boot() throws Exception { this.main = new Main(); this.main.addRouteBuilder(new CamelRoutes());; }