org.apache.curator.framework.api.BackgroundCallback Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From xian with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
void refresh(final RefreshMode mode) throws Exception { ensurePath(); final BackgroundCallback callback = new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { if (PathChildrenCache.this.state.get().equals(State.CLOSED)) { // This ship is closed, don't handle the callback return; } if ( event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue() ) { processChildren(event.getChildren(), mode); } } }; client.getChildren().usingWatcher(childrenWatcher).inBackground(callback).forPath(path); }
Example #2
Source File: From big-c with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * * trigger a purge operation * @param path pathn * @param id yarn ID * @param policyMatch policy to match ID on * @param purgePolicy policy when there are children under a match * @param callback optional callback * @return the number purged * @throws IOException */ public int purge(String path, String id, String policyMatch, RegistryAdminService.PurgePolicy purgePolicy, BackgroundCallback callback) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { Future<Integer> future = registry.purgeRecordsAsync(path, id, policyMatch, purgePolicy, callback); try { return future.get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) e.getCause(); } else { throw e; } } }
Example #3
Source File: From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * * trigger a purge operation * @param path pathn * @param id yarn ID * @param policyMatch policy to match ID on * @param purgePolicy policy when there are children under a match * @param callback optional callback * @return the number purged * @throws IOException */ public int purge(String path, String id, String policyMatch, RegistryAdminService.PurgePolicy purgePolicy, BackgroundCallback callback) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { Future<Integer> future = registry.purgeRecordsAsync(path, id, policyMatch, purgePolicy, callback); try { return future.get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) e.getCause(); } else { throw e; } } }
Example #4
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private BackgroundCallback callback(Consumer<CuratorEvent> result, Consumer<Throwable> exception, String path) { return (client, event) -> { if (event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue()) { result.accept(event); } else if (event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.CONNECTIONLOSS.intValue() || event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.SESSIONEXPIRED.intValue() || event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.SESSIONMOVED.intValue() || event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OPERATIONTIMEOUT.intValue()) { exception.accept(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.CONNECTION_ERROR, path)); } else if (event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.NODEEXISTS.intValue()) { exception.accept(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.DATA_EXISTS, path)); } else if (event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.BADVERSION.intValue()) { exception.accept(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.WRITE_CONFLICT, path)); } else if (event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.NONODE.intValue()) { exception.accept(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.DATA_NOT_FOUND, path)); } else if (event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.NOTEMPTY.intValue()) { exception.accept(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.DATA_CONTAINS_ELEMENTS, path)); } else { exception.accept(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.UNKNOWN, KeeperException.create(KeeperException.Code.get(event.getResultCode()), path))); } }; }
Example #5
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private CompletableFuture<Void> createNode(CreateMode createMode, boolean createParents, String path, byte[] data) { CompletableFuture<Void> result = new CompletableFuture<>(); try { BackgroundCallback callback = (cli, event) -> { if (event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue() || event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.NODEEXISTS.intValue()) { result.complete(null); } else { result.completeExceptionally(translateErrorCode(path, event)); } }; if (createParents) { client.create().creatingParentsIfNeeded().withMode(createMode).inBackground(callback, executor) .forPath(path, data); } else { client.create().withMode(createMode).inBackground(callback, executor).forPath(path, data); } } catch (Exception e) { result.completeExceptionally(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.UNKNOWN, e)); } return result; }
Example #6
Source File: From curator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void reset() { if ( state.get() != State.STARTED ) { return; } try { BackgroundCallback callback = (__, event) -> { if ( event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue() ) { resetListeners.forEach(Runnable::run); } else { reset(); } }; client.watchers().add().withMode(recursive ? AddWatchMode.PERSISTENT_RECURSIVE : AddWatchMode.PERSISTENT).inBackground(callback).usingWatcher(watcher).forPath(basePath); } catch ( Exception e ) { log.error("Could not reset persistent watch at path: " + basePath, e); } }
Example #7
Source File: From yuzhouwan with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void createEphemeralNodeRecursionInBackground(String path) throws Exception { curatorFramework.create() .creatingParentsIfNeeded() .withMode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT) .inBackground(new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) {"event's result code: {}, type: {}", event.getResultCode(), event.getType()); showCurrentThreadName(); countDownLatch.countDown(); } }).forPath(path); }
Example #8
Source File: From curator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test(groups = CuratorTestBase.zk36Group) public void testPersistentRecursiveWatchInBackground() throws Exception { try ( CuratorFramework client = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(server.getConnectString(), new RetryOneTime(1)) ) { client.start(); client.blockUntilConnected(); CountDownLatch backgroundLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); BackgroundCallback backgroundCallback = (__, ___) -> backgroundLatch.countDown(); CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(5); Watcher watcher = event -> latch.countDown(); client.watchers().add().withMode(AddWatchMode.PERSISTENT_RECURSIVE).inBackground(backgroundCallback).usingWatcher(watcher).forPath("/test"); client.create().forPath("/test"); client.create().forPath("/test/a"); client.create().forPath("/test/a/b"); client.create().forPath("/test/a/b/c"); client.create().forPath("/test/a/b/c/d"); Assert.assertTrue(timing.awaitLatch(backgroundLatch)); Assert.assertTrue(timing.awaitLatch(latch)); } }
Example #9
Source File: From xian with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
OperationAndData(BackgroundOperation<T> operation, T data, BackgroundCallback callback, ErrorCallback<T> errorCallback, Object context) { this.operation = operation; = data; this.callback = callback; this.errorCallback = errorCallback; this.context = context; reset(); }
Example #10
Source File: From curator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @param givenClient client instance * @param mode creation mode * @param useProtection if true, call {@link CreateBuilder#withProtection()} * @param basePath the base path for the node * @param initData data for the node * @param ttl for ttl modes, the ttl to use */ public PersistentNode(CuratorFramework givenClient, final CreateMode mode, boolean useProtection, final String basePath, byte[] initData, long ttl) { this.useProtection = useProtection; this.client = Preconditions.checkNotNull(givenClient, "client cannot be null").newWatcherRemoveCuratorFramework(); this.basePath = PathUtils.validatePath(basePath); this.mode = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mode, "mode cannot be null"); this.ttl = ttl; final byte[] data = Preconditions.checkNotNull(initData, "data cannot be null"); backgroundCallback = new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework dummy, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { if ( isActive() ) { processBackgroundCallback(event); } else { processBackgroundCallbackClosedState(event); } } };, data.length)); }
Example #11
Source File: From xian with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static BackgroundCallback wrapCallback(final CuratorFrameworkImpl client, final BackgroundCallback callback, final Executor executor) { return new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework dummy, final CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { executor.execute ( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { callback.processResult(client, event); } catch ( Exception e ) { ThreadUtils.checkInterrupted(e); if ( e instanceof KeeperException ) { client.validateConnection(client.codeToState(((KeeperException)e).code())); } client.logError("Background operation result handling threw exception", e); } } } ); } }; }
Example #12
Source File: From PoseidonX with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * åˆ é™¤èŠ‚ç‚¹ * @param curator * @param path * @param recursive * @param backgroundCallback * @throws Exception */ public static void zkDelete(CuratorFramework curator, String path, boolean recursive, BackgroundCallback backgroundCallback) throws Exception { DeleteBuilder delete = curator.delete(); if(recursive) { delete.deletingChildrenIfNeeded(); } if(backgroundCallback != null) { delete.inBackground(backgroundCallback); } delete.forPath(path); }
Example #13
Source File: From xian with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@VisibleForTesting void reset() throws Exception { setLeadership(false); setNode(null); BackgroundCallback callback = new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { if ( debugResetWaitLatch != null ) { debugResetWaitLatch.await(); debugResetWaitLatch = null; } if ( event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue() ) { setNode(event.getName()); if ( state.get() == State.CLOSED ) { setNode(null); } else { getChildren(); } } else { log.error("getChildren() failed. rc = " + event.getResultCode()); } } }; client.create().creatingParentContainersIfNeeded().withProtection().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL).inBackground(callback).forPath(ZKPaths.makePath(latchPath, LOCK_NAME), LeaderSelector.getIdBytes(id)); }
Example #14
Source File: From xian with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testSetUpdatedDataWhenReconnected() throws Exception { CuratorFramework curator = newCurator(); byte[] initialData = "Hello World".getBytes(); byte[] updatedData = "Updated".getBytes(); PersistentEphemeralNode node = new PersistentEphemeralNode(curator, PersistentEphemeralNode.Mode.EPHEMERAL, PATH, initialData); node.start(); try { node.waitForInitialCreate(timing.forWaiting().seconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(curator.getData().forPath(node.getActualPath()), initialData)); node.setData(updatedData); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(curator.getData().forPath(node.getActualPath()), updatedData)); server.restart(); final CountDownLatch dataUpdateLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); curator.getData().inBackground(new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { dataUpdateLatch.countDown(); } }).forPath(node.getActualPath()); assertTrue(timing.awaitLatch(dataUpdateLatch)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(curator.getData().forPath(node.getActualPath()), updatedData)); } finally { node.close(); } }
Example #15
Source File: From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public AsyncPurge(String path, NodeSelector selector, PurgePolicy purgePolicy, BackgroundCallback callback) { this.callback = callback; this.selector = selector; this.path = path; this.purgePolicy = purgePolicy; }
Example #16
Source File: From xian with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
void getDataAndStat(final String fullPath) throws Exception { BackgroundCallback callback = new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { applyNewData(fullPath, event.getResultCode(), event.getStat(), cacheData ? event.getData() : null); } }; if ( USE_EXISTS && !cacheData ) { client.checkExists().usingWatcher(dataWatcher).inBackground(callback).forPath(fullPath); } else { // always use getData() instead of exists() to avoid leaving unneeded watchers which is a type of resource leak if ( dataIsCompressed && cacheData ) { client.getData().decompressed().usingWatcher(dataWatcher).inBackground(callback).forPath(fullPath); } else { client.getData().usingWatcher(dataWatcher).inBackground(callback).forPath(fullPath); } } }
Example #17
Source File: From big-c with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public AsyncPurge(String path, NodeSelector selector, PurgePolicy purgePolicy, BackgroundCallback callback) { this.callback = callback; this.selector = selector; this.path = path; this.purgePolicy = purgePolicy; }
Example #18
Source File: From xian with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void getChildren() throws Exception { BackgroundCallback callback = new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { if ( event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue() ) { checkLeadership(event.getChildren()); } } }; client.getChildren().inBackground(callback).forPath(ZKPaths.makePath(latchPath, null)); }
Example #19
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
CompletableFuture<String> createEphemeralSequentialZNode(final String path) { final CompletableFuture<String> result = new CompletableFuture<>(); try { CreateBuilder createBuilder = client.create(); BackgroundCallback callback = callback(x -> result.complete(x.getName()), result::completeExceptionally, path); createBuilder.creatingParentsIfNeeded().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL) .inBackground(callback, executor).forPath(path); } catch (Exception e) { result.completeExceptionally(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.UNKNOWN, e, path)); } return result; }
Example #20
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
CompletableFuture<String> createPersistentSequentialZNode(final String path, final byte[] data) { final CompletableFuture<String> result = new CompletableFuture<>(); try { CreateBuilder createBuilder = client.create(); BackgroundCallback callback = callback(x -> result.complete(x.getName()), result::completeExceptionally, path); createBuilder.creatingParentsIfNeeded().withMode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL) .inBackground(callback, executor).forPath(path, data); } catch (Exception e) { result.completeExceptionally(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.UNKNOWN, e, path)); } return result; }
Example #21
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
CompletableFuture<Void> sync(final String path) { final CompletableFuture<Void> result = new CompletableFuture<>(); try { BackgroundCallback callback = callback(x -> result.complete(null), result::completeExceptionally, path); client.sync().inBackground(callback, executor).forPath(path); } catch (Exception e) { result.completeExceptionally(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.UNKNOWN, e, path)); } return result; }
Example #22
Source File: From curator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void checkChildrenChanged(String fromPath, Stat oldStat, Stat newStat) { if ( (state.get() != State.STARTED) || !recursive ) { return; } if ( (oldStat != null) && (oldStat.getCversion() == newStat.getCversion()) ) { return; // children haven't changed } try { BackgroundCallback callback = (__, event) -> { if ( event.getResultCode() == OK.intValue() ) { event.getChildren().forEach(child -> nodeChanged(ZKPaths.makePath(fromPath, child))); } else if ( event.getResultCode() == NONODE.intValue() ) { removeStorage(event.getPath()); } else { handleException(event); } outstandingOps.decrement(); }; outstandingOps.increment(); client.getChildren().inBackground(callback).forPath(fromPath); } catch ( Exception e ) { handleException(e); } }
Example #23
Source File: From incubator-heron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected <M extends Message> ListenableFuture<M> getNodeData( WatchCallback watcher, String path, final Message.Builder builder) { final SettableFuture<M> future = SettableFuture.create(); Watcher wc = ZkWatcherCallback.makeZkWatcher(watcher); BackgroundCallback cb = new BackgroundCallback() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we don't know what M is until runtime public void processResult(CuratorFramework aClient, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { byte[] data; if (event != null & (data = event.getData()) != null) { builder.mergeFrom(data); safeSetFuture(future, (M); } else { safeSetException(future, new RuntimeException("Failed to fetch data from path: " + event.getPath())); } } }; try { client.getData().usingWatcher(wc).inBackground(cb).forPath(path); // Suppress it since forPath() throws Exception // SUPPRESS CHECKSTYLE IllegalCatch } catch (Exception e) { safeSetException(future, new RuntimeException( "Could not getNodeData using watcher for path: " + path, e)); } return future; }
Example #24
Source File: From Thunder with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ZookeeperCallbackWatcher(CuratorFramework client, BackgroundCallback callback, Object context, Executor executor) { super(client); this.callback = callback; this.context = context; this.executor = executor; }
Example #25
Source File: From curator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void getChildren() throws Exception { BackgroundCallback callback = new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { if ( event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue() ) { checkLeadership(event.getChildren()); } } }; client.getChildren().inBackground(callback).forPath(ZKPaths.makePath(latchPath, null)); }
Example #26
Source File: From curator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
Backgrounding(BackgroundCallback callback) { this.inBackground = true; this.context = null; this.callback = callback; errorListener = null; }
Example #27
Source File: From curator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Backgrounding(BackgroundCallback callback, UnhandledErrorListener errorListener) { this.callback = callback; this.errorListener = errorListener; inBackground = true; context = null; }
Example #28
Source File: From curator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static BackgroundCallback wrapCallback(final CuratorFrameworkImpl client, final BackgroundCallback callback, final Executor executor) { return new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework dummy, final CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { executor.execute ( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { callback.processResult(client, event); } catch ( Exception e ) { ThreadUtils.checkInterrupted(e); if ( e instanceof KeeperException ) { client.validateConnection(client.codeToState(((KeeperException)e).code())); } client.logError("Background operation result handling threw exception", e); } } } ); } }; }
Example #29
Source File: From curator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
void refresh(final RefreshMode mode) throws Exception { ensurePath(); final BackgroundCallback callback = new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { if ( reRemoveWatchersOnBackgroundClosed() ) { return; } if ( event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue() ) { processChildren(event.getChildren(), mode); } else if ( event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.NONODE.intValue() ) { if ( mode == RefreshMode.NO_NODE_EXCEPTION ) { log.debug("KeeperException.NoNodeException received for getChildren() and refresh has failed. Resetting ensureContainers but not refreshing. Path: [{}]", path); ensureContainers.reset(); } else { log.debug("KeeperException.NoNodeException received for getChildren(). Resetting ensureContainers. Path: [{}]", path); ensureContainers.reset(); offerOperation(new RefreshOperation(PathChildrenCache.this, RefreshMode.NO_NODE_EXCEPTION)); } } } }; client.getChildren().usingWatcher(childrenWatcher).inBackground(callback).forPath(path); }
Example #30
Source File: From curator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
OperationAndData(BackgroundOperation<T> operation, T data, BackgroundCallback callback, ErrorCallback<T> errorCallback, Object context, boolean connectionRequired) { this.operation = operation; = data; this.callback = callback; this.errorCallback = errorCallback; this.context = context; this.connectionRequired = connectionRequired; reset(); }