Java Code Examples for org.json.simple.JSONObject#isEmpty()
The following examples show how to use
org.json.simple.JSONObject#isEmpty() .
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Example 1
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 7 votes |
private boolean workerAction(long tic){ //get new reader RssFeedReader newRssReader = new RssFeedReader(); //get feeds int goodFeeds = 0; for (String feedName : refreshFeeds){ String url = NewsRssFeeds.feedUrls.get(feedName); JSONObject feed = newRssReader.getFeed(url, feedName, maxHeadlinesPerFeed, true); if (!feed.isEmpty()){ goodFeeds++; //Debugger.println("NEWS-API: feed refreshed: " + feedName, 3); } } //overwrite old feeds Config.rssReader = newRssReader; lastUpdated = System.currentTimeMillis(); executedRefreshs++; Debugger.println(name + ": " + goodFeeds + " feeds have been updated! (" + executedRefreshs + " time(s)) It took (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-tic) + ", average (ms): " + averageRefreshTime, 3); return true; }
Example 2
Source File: From sqoop-on-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
public static Schema restoreSchema(JSONObject jsonObject) { // if the object is empty return a empty schema if (jsonObject == null || jsonObject.isEmpty()) { return NullSchema.getInstance(); } String name = (String) jsonObject.get(NAME); String note = (String) jsonObject.get(NOTE); java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date((Long) jsonObject.get(CREATION_DATE)); Schema schema = new Schema(name).setNote(note).setCreationDate(date); JSONArray columnsArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get(COLUMNS); for (Object obj : columnsArray) { schema.addColumn(restoreColumn((JSONObject) obj)); } return schema; }
Example 3
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Add an element to the card. Elements can be considered sub-cards of the service and might or might not be displayed * as separate cards depending on cardType and client. * @param type - (optional) set an element type other than default * @param data - (required) JSON string holding all required data for card type * @param details - (optional) JSON string holding details for an extended view * @param detailsHTML - (optional) HTML block holding details for an extended view * @param text - (optional) text info (description or short summary) * @param redirectURL - (optional) link to element (e.g. to wikipedia, to homepage, etc.) * @param imageURL - (optional) image to element * @param actionInfo - (optional) JSON array with actions (see assistant.ACTIONS) * @param customHTML - (optional) custom HTML data block that can be used to replace JSON + details + template * @return the JSONObject that has been added to cards */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public JSONObject addElement(ElementType type, JSONObject data, JSONObject details, String detailsHTML, String text, String redirectURL, String imageURL, JSONArray actionInfo, String customHTML){ JSONObject element = new JSONObject(); element.put("data", data); if (type != null && ! element.put("type",; if (details != null && !details.isEmpty()) element.put("details", details); if (detailsHTML != null && !detailsHTML.isEmpty()) element.put("detailsHTML", detailsHTML); if (text != null && !text.isEmpty()) element.put("text", text); if (redirectURL != null && !redirectURL.isEmpty()) element.put("url", redirectURL); if (imageURL != null && !imageURL.isEmpty()) element.put("image", imageURL); if (actionInfo != null && !actionInfo.isEmpty()) element.put("action", actionInfo); if (customHTML != null && !customHTML.isEmpty()) element.put("customHTML", customHTML); //add it cardInfo.add(element); number_of_elements++; return element; }
Example 4
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Load the backup and return the last-modified timestamp of it or -1 if there was none. * @return timestamp or -1 */ public long loadBackup(){ //check file File file = new File(Workers.rssFeedsData_BackupFile); if (!file.exists()){ Debugger.println("RssFeedReader - no backup file found! This is ok if you start for the first time or cleaned the backup.", 1); return -1l; } JSONObject backup = JSON.readJsonFromFile(Workers.rssFeedsData_BackupFile); if (backup != null && !backup.isEmpty()){ long lastMod = file.lastModified(); this.feedCache = backup; Debugger.println("RssFeedReader - backup restored with " + feedCache.size() + " feeds. Last modified: " + (new SimpleDateFormat(Config.defaultSdf)).format(lastMod), 3); return lastMod; }else{ Debugger.println("RssFeedReader - backup was corrupted! Please check or remove the file at: " + Workers.rssFeedsData_BackupFile, 1); return -1l; } }
Example 5
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Get an item inside a table by using the primaryKey to search. * @param tableName - name of the table to check, usually "users" * @param primaryKey - primary key to search for, e.g. "Guuid" * @param keyValue - value of the primary key to check, e.g. "" * @param lookUp - array of strings to look up in the item * @return JSONObject result (needs to be checked manually for success) */ public static JSONObject getItem(String tableName, String primaryKey, String keyValue, String... lookUp){ if (lookUp == null || lookUp.length <= 0){ JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSON.add(result, Connectors.HTTP_REST_SUCCESS, Boolean.FALSE); JSON.add(result, "error", "no data to lookup!"); return result; } //operation: String operation = "GetItem"; JSONObject expressionAttributeNames = new JSONObject(); //get password, key token, basic info etc ... : String lookFor = ""; for (String s : lookUp){ lookFor += makeExpressionAttributeName(s, expressionAttributeNames) + ", "; } lookFor = lookFor.trim().replaceFirst(",$", ""); //JSON request: JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); JSON.add(request, "TableName", tableName); JSON.add(request, "Key", getSearchKey(primaryKey, keyValue.toLowerCase().trim())); //IDs are always lowerCase JSON.add(request, "ConsistentRead", Boolean.FALSE); //eventually consistent should be enough JSON.add(request, "ReturnConsumedCapacity", "NONE"); //we don't need that info here .. yet JSON.add(request, "ProjectionExpression", lookFor); if (!expressionAttributeNames.isEmpty()){ JSON.add(request, "ExpressionAttributeNames", expressionAttributeNames); } return request(operation, request.toJSONString()); }
Example 6
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public int setInfos(User user, ServiceAccessManager api, JSONObject data) { long tic = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (data.isEmpty()){ Debugger.println("setInfo - No data was given. This will not return an error but it should not happen!", 1); //debug return 0; } //check if the user is authorized to access the database if (!user.getToken().authenticated() || !api.isSigned()){ return 2; } //filter the fields that are not allowed to be accessed - Note: applies to top level and some partially accessible direct children! JSONObject filteredData = ACCOUNT.filterServiceWriteData(api, data); if (filteredData.isEmpty()){ Debugger.println("setInfo - Failed due to empty (allowed) data!", 1); //debug return 2; } //Connect int code = getDB().updateDocument(DB.USERS, "all", user.getUserID(), filteredData); //System.out.println("Time needed: " + Debugger.toc(tic) + "ms"); //debug //Status? if (code != 0){ Debugger.println("setInfo - Failed due to 'some' error!", 1); //debug return 4; }else{ //save statistics on successful data transfer Statistics.add_DB_hit(); Statistics.save_DB_total_time(tic); return 0; } }
Example 7
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Test if Elasticsearch index exists and (optionally) create when missing. * @param createWhenMissing - true/false * @throws Exception */ public static void testAndUpdateElasticsearchMapping(boolean createWhenMissing) throws Exception{ Elasticsearch db = new Elasticsearch(); List<File> mappingFiles = FilesAndStreams.directoryToFileList(Config.dbSetupFolder + "ElasticsearchMappings/", null, false); //Test mappings JSONObject mappings = db.getMappings(); if (mappings == null){ throw new RuntimeException("ElasticSearch - Failed to check mappings! Is ES running and reachable?"); }else if (mappings.isEmpty()){ throw new RuntimeException("ElasticSearch - Failed to check mappings! Did you already run SEPIA setup?"); } int mr = 0; int mf = 0; for (File f : mappingFiles){ if (!f.getName().contains(".json")){ //File has to be a .json map continue; } mr++; String index = f.getName().replaceFirst("\\.json$", "").trim(); if (!mappings.containsKey(index)){ //missing index Debugger.println("Elasticsearch - Missing index: " + index, 1); if (createWhenMissing){ Debugger.println("Elasticsearch - Trying to create missing index: " + index, 3); writeElasticsearchMapping(index, true); mf++; } }else{ mf++; } } if (mr == mf){ Debugger.println("Elasticsearch: found " + mf + " of " + mr + " mapped indices. All good.", 3); }else{ throw new RuntimeException("Elasticsearch: missing " + (mr-mf) + " of " + mr + " mapped indices. Please check database setup."); } }
Example 8
Source File: From metron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static JSONObject adjustKeys(JSONObject enrichedMessage, JSONObject enrichedField, String field, String prefix) { if ( !enrichedField.isEmpty()) { for (Object enrichedKey : enrichedField.keySet()) { if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(prefix)) { enrichedMessage.put(field + "." + enrichedKey, enrichedField.get(enrichedKey)); } else { enrichedMessage.put(enrichedKey, enrichedField.get(enrichedKey)); } } } return enrichedMessage; }
Example 9
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Get item inside table by using secondary indices. Note that indexName must be attributName here. * @param tableName - name of the table to check, usually "users" * @param indexName - indexName aka attributName to search for, e.g. "Guuid" * @param indexValue - value of the attribute to check, e.g. "" * @param lookUp - array of strings to look up in the item * @return JSONObject result (needs to be checked manually for success) */ public static JSONObject queryIndex(String tableName, String indexName, String indexValue, String... lookUp){ //note: in this case indexName must be identical to attribute name. //IndexName could also be the header for multiple attributes or independent from attribute name, but this is not supported here. if (lookUp == null || lookUp.length <= 0){ JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSON.add(result, Connectors.HTTP_REST_SUCCESS, Boolean.FALSE); JSON.add(result, "error", "no data to lookup!"); return result; } //operation: String operation = "Query"; JSONObject expressionAttributeNames = new JSONObject(); //get password, key token, basic info etc ... : String lookFor = ""; for (String s : lookUp){ lookFor += makeExpressionAttributeName(s, expressionAttributeNames) + ", "; } lookFor = lookFor.trim().replaceFirst(",$", ""); //JSON request: JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); JSON.add(request, "TableName", tableName); JSON.add(request, "IndexName", indexName); JSON.add(request, "KeyConditionExpression", indexName + "= :ival"); JSONObject expAttVal = new JSONObject(); JSONObject ival = JSON.add(new JSONObject(), "S", indexValue.toLowerCase().trim()); //IDs are always lowerCase JSON.add(expAttVal, ":ival", ival); JSON.add(request, "ExpressionAttributeValues", expAttVal); JSON.add(request, "Limit", 1); JSON.add(request, "ConsistentRead", Boolean.FALSE); //eventually consistent should be enough JSON.add(request, "ReturnConsumedCapacity", "NONE"); //we don't need that info here .. yet JSON.add(request, "ProjectionExpression", lookFor); if (!expressionAttributeNames.isEmpty()){ JSON.add(request, "ExpressionAttributeNames", expressionAttributeNames); } return request(operation, request.toJSONString()); }
Example 10
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * Write a protected account attribute. For server operations only!!! * @param primaryKey - primaryKey of item in table * @param keyValue - value of primaryKey to match * @param keys - keys to write * @param objects - values to put at key positions * @return error code: 0 - all good, 2 - wrong or invalid keys, 3 - DB connection error */ public static int writeAny(String tableName, String primaryKey, String keyValue, String[] keys, Object[] objects){ long tic = System.currentTimeMillis(); int errorCode = 0; if (keys == null || keys.length <= 0){ return 2; } //operation: String operation = "UpdateItem"; //add this String updateExpressionSet = "SET "; String updateExpressionRemove = "REMOVE "; JSONObject expressionAttributeValues = new JSONObject(); JSONObject expressionAttributeNames = new JSONObject(); for (int i=0; i<keys.length; i++){ if (objects[i].toString().isEmpty()){ updateExpressionRemove += makeExpressionAttributeName(keys[i], expressionAttributeNames) + ", "; }else{ updateExpressionSet += makeExpressionAttributeName(keys[i], expressionAttributeNames) + "=" + ":val"+i + ", "; //System.out.println("type: " + objects[i].getClass()); //debug if (objects[i].getClass().equals(JSONObject.class)){ JSON.add(expressionAttributeValues, ":val"+i, objects[i]); }else{ JSONObject jo = typeConversionDynamoDB(objects[i]); JSON.add(expressionAttributeValues, ":val"+i, jo); } } } //clean up: if (updateExpressionSet.trim().equals("SET")){ updateExpressionSet = ""; } if (updateExpressionRemove.trim().equals("REMOVE")){ updateExpressionRemove = ""; } //check if valid keys are left if (updateExpressionSet.isEmpty() && updateExpressionRemove.isEmpty()){ //access to all requested keys was denied return 2; } String updateExpression = (updateExpressionSet.trim().replaceFirst(",$", "") + " " + updateExpressionRemove.trim().replaceFirst(",$", "")).trim(); //JSON request: JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); JSON.add(request, "TableName", tableName); JSON.add(request, "Key", getSearchKey(primaryKey, keyValue.toLowerCase().trim())); //IDs are always lowerCase JSON.add(request, "UpdateExpression", updateExpression); if (!expressionAttributeNames.isEmpty()){ JSON.add(request, "ExpressionAttributeNames", expressionAttributeNames); } if (!expressionAttributeValues.isEmpty()){ JSON.add(request, "ExpressionAttributeValues", expressionAttributeValues); } JSON.add(request, "ReturnValues", "NONE"); //we don't need that info here .. yet //System.out.println("REQUEST: " + request.toJSONString()); //debug //Connect JSONObject response = request(operation, request.toJSONString()); //System.out.println("RESPONSE: " + response.toJSONString()); //debug if (!Connectors.httpSuccess(response)){ errorCode = 3; return errorCode; }else{ //save statistics on successful data transfer Statistics.add_DB_hit(); Statistics.save_DB_total_time(tic); errorCode = 0; return errorCode; } }
Example 11
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Override public int getInfos(User user, ServiceAccessManager api, String... keys) { long tic = System.currentTimeMillis(); //check if the user and api are valid and authorized to access the database if (!user.getToken().authenticated() || !api.isSigned()){ return 2; } String userId = user.getUserID(); //filter keys to make sure we only read what we are allowed to ArrayList<String> checkedFields = ACCOUNT.filterServiceReadData(api, keys); //make sure we have filters if (checkedFields.isEmpty()){ return 2; } //Connect JSONObject response = getDB().getItemFiltered(DB.USERS, "all", userId, checkedFields.toArray(new String[]{})); //System.out.println("RESPONSE: " + response.toJSONString()); //debug //System.out.println("Time needed: " + Debugger.toc(tic) + "ms"); //debug //Status? if (!Connectors.httpSuccess(response)){ //no access, no connection, wrong search keys or unknown error return 4; }else{ JSONObject item = (JSONObject) response.get("_source"); if (item == null || item.isEmpty()){ //best guess: no account found? return 3; }else{ //all clear! get the stuff: //Run through all keys and save them for (String k : checkedFields){ //we strictly use maps as containers! So we can split strings at "." to get attributes String[] levels = k.split("\\."); Object found = JSON.getObject(item, levels); if (found != null){ //name if (k.equals(ACCOUNT.USER_NAME)){ user.userName = new Name(Converters.object2HashMapStrObj(found));, user.userName); //user_home - this is not officially part of the account anymore, //but its all in user-data /* }else if (k.equals(ACCOUNT.USER_HOME)){ user.userHome = new Address((JSONObject) found);, user.userHome); //user_work }else if (k.equals(ACCOUNT.USER_WORK)){ user.userWork = new Address((JSONObject) found);, user.userWork); */ //add to info as is }else{, found); } //TODO: add more specials? } } //save statistics on successful data transfer Statistics.add_DB_hit(); Statistics.save_DB_total_time(tic); return 0; } } }
Example 12
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 4 votes |
public int setInfos(User user, ServiceAccessManager api, JSONObject data) { long tic = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (data.isEmpty()){ Debugger.println("setInfo - No data was given. This will not return an error but it should not happen!", 1); //debug return 0; } //check if the user is authorized to access the database if (!user.getToken().authenticated() || !api.isSigned()){ return 2; } //Convert it back to the old format - we need this because we don't know if the user/system uses/requires keys with dots (e.g. uname.first). //TODO: this is probably computational "heavy", but it was my best idea to restore compatibility JSONObject flatJson = JSON.makeFlat(data, "", null); //Filter the fields that are not allowed to be accessed - Note: applies to top level and some partially accessible direct children! //TODO: we should test this again before considering DynamoDB as database (I'm 'almost' sure it works). JSONObject filteredData = ACCOUNT.filterServiceWriteData(api, flatJson); //Convert again to separate key-value pairs ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Object> objects = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object kO : filteredData.keySet()){ String k = kO.toString(); keys.add(k); objects.add(flatJson.get(k)); } if (keys.isEmpty()){ Debugger.println("setInfo - no valid keys (left)!", 1); return 2; } //Connect int code = DynamoDB.writeAny(tableName, DynamoDB.PRIMARY_USER_KEY, user.getUserID(), keys.toArray(new String[0]), objects.toArray(new Object[0])); if (code == 3){ Debugger.println("setInfo - DynamoDB connection error!", 1); //debug return 1; }else if (code != 0){ Debugger.println("setInfo - DynamoDB 'some' error!", 1); //debug return 4; }else{ //save statistics on successful data transfer Statistics.add_DB_hit(); Statistics.save_DB_total_time(tic); return 0; } }
Example 13
Source File: From sepia-assist-server with MIT License | 4 votes |
public boolean writeBasicStatistics(String userID){ long tic = System.currentTimeMillis(); //operation: String operation = "UpdateItem"; //add this JSONObject expressionAttributeValues = new JSONObject(); String updateExpressionSet = "ADD "; updateExpressionSet += "statistics.totalCalls :val1"; // + ", "; JSON.add(expressionAttributeValues, ":val1", DynamoDB.typeConversionDynamoDB(Integer.valueOf(1))); updateExpressionSet += " SET "; updateExpressionSet += "statistics.lastLogin = :val2"; // + ", "; JSON.add(expressionAttributeValues, ":val2", DynamoDB.typeConversionDynamoDB(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()))); //clean up: String updateExpression = updateExpressionSet.trim(); //primaryKey: JSONObject prime = DynamoDB.getPrimaryUserKey(userID); //JSON request: JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); JSON.add(request, "TableName", tableName); JSON.add(request, "Key", prime); JSON.add(request, "UpdateExpression", updateExpression); if (!expressionAttributeValues.isEmpty()){ JSON.add(request, "ExpressionAttributeValues", expressionAttributeValues); } JSON.add(request, "ReturnValues", "NONE"); //we don't need that info here .. yet //System.out.println("REQUEST: " + request.toJSONString()); //debug //Connect JSONObject response = DynamoDB.request(operation, request.toJSONString()); //System.out.println("RESPONSE: " + response.toJSONString()); //debug //System.out.println("Time needed: " + Debugger.toc(tic) + "ms"); //debug if (!Connectors.httpSuccess(response)){ //errorCode = 3; Debugger.println("writeBasicStatistics - DynamoDB Response: " + response.toJSONString(), 1); //debug return false; }else{ //save statistics on successful data transfer Statistics.add_DB_hit(); Statistics.save_DB_total_time(tic); //errorCode = 0; return true; } }
Example 14
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public DockerContainerDetail getDetail(DockerContainer container) throws DockerException { JSONObject value = getRawDetails(DockerEntityType.Container, container.getId()); String name = (String) value.get("Name"); DockerContainer.Status status = DockerContainer.Status.STOPPED; JSONObject state = (JSONObject) value.get("State"); if (state != null) { boolean paused = (Boolean) getOrDefault(state, "Paused", false); if (paused) { status = DockerContainer.Status.PAUSED; } else { boolean running = (Boolean) getOrDefault(state, "Running", false); if (running) { status = DockerContainer.Status.RUNNING; } } } boolean tty = false; boolean stdin = false; JSONObject config = (JSONObject) value.get("Config"); if (config != null) { tty = (boolean) getOrDefault(config, "Tty", false); stdin = (boolean) getOrDefault(config, "OpenStdin", false); } JSONObject ports = (JSONObject) ((JSONObject) value.get("NetworkSettings")).get("Ports"); if (ports == null || ports.isEmpty()) { return new DockerContainerDetail(name, status, stdin, tty); } else { List<PortMapping> portMapping = new ArrayList<>(); for (String containerPortData : (Set<String>) ports.keySet()) { JSONArray hostPortsArray = (JSONArray) ports.get(containerPortData); if (hostPortsArray != null && !hostPortsArray.isEmpty()) { Matcher m = PORT_PATTERN.matcher(containerPortData); if (m.matches()) { int containerPort = Integer.parseInt(; String type =; int hostPort = Integer.parseInt((String) ((JSONObject) hostPortsArray.get(0)).get("HostPort")); String hostIp = (String) ((JSONObject) hostPortsArray.get(0)).get("HostIp"); portMapping.add(new PortMapping(ExposedPort.Type.valueOf(type), containerPort, hostPort, hostIp)); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Unparsable port: {0}", containerPortData); } } } return new DockerContainerDetail(name, status, stdin, tty, portMapping); } }
Example 15
Source File: From carbon-apimgt with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * To populate deployment environments based configurations * * @param omElement */ public void setContainerMgtConfigurations(OMElement omElement) { JSONObject containerMgt = new JSONObject(); Iterator containerMgtElements = omElement.getChildElements(); JSONArray containerMgtInfo = new JSONArray(); Map<String, String> deploymentEnvs = new HashMap<>(); while (containerMgtElements.hasNext()) { OMElement containerMgtElement = (OMElement); //Get Deployment Environments if (containerMgtElement.getLocalName().equals(ContainerBasedConstants.DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENTS)) { Iterator environmentsIterator = containerMgtElement.getChildElements(); while (environmentsIterator.hasNext()) { //read default values for class name and put into a map OMElement environmentElement = (OMElement); deploymentEnvs.put(environmentElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")).toLowerCase(), environmentElement.getText()); } } else if (containerMgtElement.getLocalName().equals(ContainerBasedConstants.CONTAINER_MANAGEMENT_INFO)) { //if configurations defined put them into JSON array Iterator containerMgtInfoElements = containerMgtElement.getChildElements(); JSONObject containerMgtInfoObj = new JSONObject(); while (containerMgtInfoElements.hasNext()) { OMElement containerMgtInfoElement = (OMElement); if (containerMgtInfoElement.getLocalName().equals(ContainerBasedConstants.TYPE)) { containerMgt.put(ContainerBasedConstants.TYPE, containerMgtInfoElement.getText().toLowerCase()); } else if (containerMgtInfoElement.getLocalName().equals(ContainerBasedConstants.CLASS_NAME)) { if (containerMgtInfoElement.getText() != null && containerMgtInfoElement.getText() != "") { containerMgt.put(ContainerBasedConstants.CLASS_NAME, containerMgtInfoElement.getText().toLowerCase()); } else { containerMgt.put(ContainerBasedConstants.CLASS_NAME, deploymentEnvs.get(containerMgt.get(ContainerBasedConstants.TYPE))); } } else if (containerMgtInfoElement.getLocalName().equals(ContainerBasedConstants.CLUSTER_NAME)) { containerMgtInfoObj.put(ContainerBasedConstants.CLUSTER_NAME, containerMgtInfoElement.getText()); } else if (containerMgtInfoElement.getLocalName().equals(ContainerBasedConstants.DISPLAY_NAME)) { containerMgtInfoObj.put(ContainerBasedConstants.DISPLAY_NAME, containerMgtInfoElement.getText()); } else if (containerMgtInfoElement.getLocalName().equals(ContainerBasedConstants.PROPERTIES)) { Iterator clusterPropertiesIterator = containerMgtInfoElement.getChildElements(); JSONObject propertyObj = new JSONObject(); while (clusterPropertiesIterator.hasNext()) { OMElement propertyElement = (OMElement); propertyObj.put(propertyElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")), propertyElement.getText()); } containerMgtInfoObj.put(ContainerBasedConstants.PROPERTIES, propertyObj); } } containerMgtInfo.add(containerMgtInfoObj); } } if (!containerMgtInfo.isEmpty()) { containerMgt.put(ContainerBasedConstants.CONTAINER_MANAGEMENT_INFO, containerMgtInfo); } if (!containerMgt.isEmpty()) { containerMgtAttributes.add(containerMgt); } }