com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSetFuture Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From datacollector with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Submits async un-batched records for performance improvement */ public void writeUnbatchedInsert(Batch batch) throws StageException { Iterator<Record> records = batch.getRecords(); Map<BoundStatement, Record> statementsToExecute = new HashMap<>(); Map<ResultSetFuture, Record> tasks = new HashMap<>(); while (records.hasNext()) { final Record record =; BoundStatement boundStatement = recordToBoundStatement(record); if (boundStatement != null) { statementsToExecute.put(boundStatement, record); } } for (BoundStatement statement : statementsToExecute.keySet()) { tasks.put(session.executeAsync(statement), statementsToExecute.get(statement)); if (tasks.size() == getMaxConnections()) { getTaskResult(tasks); } } if (tasks.size() > 0) { getTaskResult(tasks); } }
Example #2
Source File: From arcusplatform with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public ListenableFuture<?> delete(UUID placeId, UUID recordingId, boolean isFavorite, Date purgeTime, int purgePartitionId) { BatchStatement stmt = new BatchStatement(Type.UNLOGGED); addDeleteStatements(stmt, placeId, recordingId, isFavorite, purgeTime, purgePartitionId); // Add to Purge table if it's favorite if(isFavorite) { VideoMetadata metadata = findByPlaceAndId(placeId, recordingId); metadata.setDeletionTime(purgeTime); metadata.setDeletionPartition(purgePartitionId); addStatementsForRemoveFromFavoriteTables(stmt, metadata); } long startTime = System.nanoTime(); ResultSetFuture result = session.executeAsync(stmt); result.addListener(() -> DeleteTimer.update(System.nanoTime() - startTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS), MoreExecutors.directExecutor()); return result; }
Example #3
Source File: From iotplatform with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private ListenableFuture<List<TsKvEntry>> findAllAsyncWithLimit(EntityId entityId, TsKvQuery query) { long minPartition = toPartitionTs(query.getStartTs()); long maxPartition = toPartitionTs(query.getEndTs()); ResultSetFuture partitionsFuture = fetchPartitions(entityId, query.getKey(), minPartition, maxPartition); final SimpleListenableFuture<List<TsKvEntry>> resultFuture = new SimpleListenableFuture<>(); final ListenableFuture<List<Long>> partitionsListFuture = Futures.transform(partitionsFuture, getPartitionsArrayFunction(), readResultsProcessingExecutor); Futures.addCallback(partitionsListFuture, new FutureCallback<List<Long>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable List<Long> partitions) { TsKvQueryCursor cursor = new TsKvQueryCursor(entityId.getEntityType().name(), entityId.getId(), query, partitions); findAllAsyncSequentiallyWithLimit(cursor, resultFuture); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { log.error("[{}][{}] Failed to fetch partitions for interval {}-{}", entityId.getEntityType().name(), entityId.getId(), minPartition, maxPartition, t); } }, readResultsProcessingExecutor); return resultFuture; }
Example #4
Source File: From titus-control-plane with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Execute single CASS statement, wrapping it into observable. */ static Observable<ResultSet> execute(Session session, Statement statement) { return Observable.create(emitter -> { ResultSetFuture resultSetFuture = session.executeAsync(statement); Futures.addCallback(resultSetFuture, new FutureCallback<ResultSet>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable ResultSet result) { emitter.onNext(result); emitter.onCompleted(); } @Override public void onFailure(@Nonnull Throwable e) { emitter.onError(AgentStoreException.cassandraDriverError(e)); } }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor()); }, Emitter.BackpressureMode.NONE); }
Example #5
Source File: From iotplatform with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected ListenableFuture<List<D>> findListByStatementAsync(Statement statement) { if (statement != null) { statement.setConsistencyLevel(cluster.getDefaultReadConsistencyLevel()); ResultSetFuture resultSetFuture = getSession().executeAsync(statement); return Futures.transform(resultSetFuture, new Function<ResultSet, List<D>>() { @Nullable @Override public List<D> apply(@Nullable ResultSet resultSet) { Result<E> result = getMapper().map(resultSet); if (result != null) { List<E> entities = result.all(); return DaoUtil.convertDataList(entities); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } }); } return Futures.immediateFuture(Collections.emptyList()); }
Example #6
Source File: From iotplatform with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private ListenableFuture<Optional<TsKvEntry>> findAndAggregateAsync(EntityId entityId, TsKvQuery query, long minPartition, long maxPartition) { final Aggregation aggregation = query.getAggregation(); final String key = query.getKey(); final long startTs = query.getStartTs(); final long endTs = query.getEndTs(); final long ts = startTs + (endTs - startTs) / 2; ResultSetFuture partitionsFuture = fetchPartitions(entityId, key, minPartition, maxPartition); ListenableFuture<List<Long>> partitionsListFuture = Futures.transform(partitionsFuture, getPartitionsArrayFunction(), readResultsProcessingExecutor); ListenableFuture<List<ResultSet>> aggregationChunks = Futures.transform(partitionsListFuture, getFetchChunksAsyncFunction(entityId, key, aggregation, startTs, endTs), readResultsProcessingExecutor); return Futures.transform(aggregationChunks, new AggregatePartitionsFunction(aggregation, key, ts), readResultsProcessingExecutor); }
Example #7
Source File: From emodb with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static ListenableFuture<ResultSet> executeAdaptiveQueryAsync(Session session, Statement statement, int fetchSize, int remainingAdaptations) { statement.setFetchSize(fetchSize); ResultSetFuture rawFuture = session.executeAsync(statement); // Lazily wrap the result set from the async result with an AdaptiveResultSet ListenableFuture<ResultSet> adaptiveFuture = Futures.transform(rawFuture, new Function<ResultSet, ResultSet>() { @Override public ResultSet apply(ResultSet resultSet) { return new AdaptiveResultSet(session, resultSet, remainingAdaptations); } }); return Futures.withFallback(adaptiveFuture, t -> { if (isAdaptiveException(t) && remainingAdaptations > 0 && fetchSize > MIN_FETCH_SIZE) { // Try again with half the fetch size int reducedFetchSize = Math.max(fetchSize / 2, MIN_FETCH_SIZE); _log.debug("Repeating previous query with fetch size {} due to {}", reducedFetchSize, t.getMessage()); return executeAdaptiveQueryAsync(session, statement, reducedFetchSize, remainingAdaptations - 1); } throw Throwables.propagate(t); }); }
Example #8
Source File: From thorntail with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Row asyncQuery() { openConnection(); try { session.execute("CREATE TABLE employee (lastname varchar primary key, firstname varchar, age int, city varchar, email varchar)"); session.execute("INSERT INTO employee (lastname, firstname, age, city, email) VALUES ('Smith','Leanne', 30, 'Boston', '')"); session.execute("update employee set age = 36 where lastname = 'Smith'"); // Select and show the change try { ResultSetFuture results = session.executeAsync("select * from employee where lastname='Smith'"); return results.get().one(); } catch( Throwable exception) { throw new RuntimeException("could not get executeAsync result for some reason", exception); } } finally { try { session.execute("DROP TABLE employee"); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } closeConnection(); } }
Example #9
Source File: From cassandra-reaper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Collection<RepairRun> getRepairRunsForCluster(String clusterName, Optional<Integer> limit) { List<ResultSetFuture> repairRunFutures = Lists.<ResultSetFuture>newArrayList(); // Grab all ids for the given cluster name Collection<UUID> repairRunIds = getRepairRunIdsForCluster(clusterName); // Grab repair runs asynchronously for all the ids returned by the index table for (UUID repairRunId : repairRunIds) { repairRunFutures.add(session.executeAsync(getRepairRunPrepStmt.bind(repairRunId))); if (repairRunFutures.size() == limit.orElse(1000)) { break; } } return getRepairRunsAsync(repairRunFutures); }
Example #10
Source File: From cassandra-reaper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Collection<? extends RepairRun> getRepairRunsWithStateForCluster( Collection<UUID> clusterRepairRunsId, RunState runState) { Collection<RepairRun> repairRuns = Sets.newHashSet(); List<ResultSetFuture> futures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (UUID repairRunId : clusterRepairRunsId) { futures.add(session.executeAsync(getRepairRunPrepStmt.bind(repairRunId))); } for (ResultSetFuture future : futures) { ResultSet repairRunResult = future.getUninterruptibly(); for (Row row : repairRunResult) { repairRuns.add(buildRepairRunFromRow(row, row.getUUID("id"))); } } return -> repairRun.getRunState() == runState).collect(Collectors.toSet()); }
Example #11
Source File: From realtime-analytics with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private void execute(BoundStatement q, JetstreamEvent event) { try { ResultSetFuture future = cassandraSession.executeAsync(q); CallBackListener listener = new CallBackListener(future, event); future.addListener(listener, pool); pendingRequestCounter.incrementAndGet(); } catch (Throwable ex) { LOGGER.error( "Error publising metrics in MetricCassandraCollector:" + ex.getMessage()); cassandraErrorCount.increment(); if (event.get(JetstreamReservedKeys.MessageAffinityKey.toString()) == null) { event.put(JetstreamReservedKeys.MessageAffinityKey.toString(), (String) event.get(MCConstant.METRIC_NAME)); } getAdviceListener().retry(event, RetryEventCode.MSG_RETRY, ex.getMessage()); eventSentToAdviceListener.increment(); registerError(ex); } }
Example #12
Source File: From realtime-analytics with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private void runBatchInsert(List<Insert> insertRequest) { try { Batch batch; if (config.getLoggedBatch()) { batch = QueryBuilder.batch(insertRequest .toArray(new RegularStatement[insertRequest.size()])); } else { batch = QueryBuilder.unloggedBatch(insertRequest .toArray(new RegularStatement[insertRequest.size()])); } totalCassandraInsertRequest.addAndGet(insertRequest.size()); ResultSetFuture future = cassandraSession.executeAsync(batch); CallBackListener listener = new CallBackListener(future, null); future.addListener(listener, pool); incrementBatchInsertCounter(); pendingRequestCounter.incrementAndGet(); } catch (Throwable ex) { LOGGER.error("Error publising metrics in MetricCassandraCollector:" + ex.getMessage()); cassandraErrorCount.increment(); registerError(ex); } finally { insertRequest.clear(); } }
Example #13
Source File: From datacollector with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void getTaskResult(Map<ResultSetFuture, Record> tasks) { for (ResultSetFuture task : tasks.keySet()) { try { task.getUninterruptibly(conf.writeTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException e) { LOG.debug(Errors.CASSANDRA_11.getMessage(), conf.writeTimeout, e); Record errorRecord = tasks.get(task); errorRecordHandler.onError( new OnRecordErrorException( errorRecord, Errors.CASSANDRA_11, conf.writeTimeout, e.toString(), e ) ); } } tasks.clear(); }
Example #14
Source File: From blueflood with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Converts a list of {@link com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSetFuture} for each * {@link com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.types.Locator} to * {@link com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.outputs.formats.MetricData} object. * * @param resultSets * @param locatorIO * @param columnFamily * @return */ protected Map<Locator, MetricData> resultSetsToMetricData(Map<Locator, List<ResultSetFuture>> resultSets, Map<Locator, DAbstractMetricIO> locatorIO, String columnFamily, Range range) { MetadataCache metadataCache = MetadataCache.getInstance(); // iterate through all ResultSetFuture Map<Locator, MetricData> locatorMetricDataMap = new HashMap<Locator, MetricData>(); for (Map.Entry<Locator, List<ResultSetFuture>> entry : resultSets.entrySet() ) { Locator locator = entry.getKey(); List<ResultSetFuture> futures = entry.getValue(); DAbstractMetricIO io = locatorIO.get(locator); // get ResultSets to a Table of locator, timestamp, rollup Table<Locator, Long, Object> locatorTimestampRollup = io.toLocatorTimestampValue(futures, locator, columnFamily, range); Map<Long, Object> tsRollupMap = locatorTimestampRollup.row( locator ); // convert to Points and MetricData Points points = convertToPoints( tsRollupMap ); // create MetricData MetricData metricData = new MetricData( points, metadataCache.getUnitString( locator ) ); locatorMetricDataMap.put( locator, metricData ); } return locatorMetricDataMap; }
Example #15
Source File: From riposte-microservice-template with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public @NotNull CompletableFuture<ResponseInfo<String>> execute( @NotNull RequestInfo<Void> request, @NotNull Executor longRunningTaskExecutor, @NotNull ChannelHandlerContext ctx ) { Session session = EmbeddedCassandraUtils.cassandraSession(disableCassandra); if (session == null) { ApiError apiErrorToThrow = (disableCassandra) ? EXAMPLE_EMBEDDED_CASSANDRA_DISABLED : SampleCoreApiError.GENERIC_SERVICE_ERROR; throw ApiException.newBuilder() .withApiErrors(apiErrorToThrow) .withExceptionMessage("Unable to get cassandra session.") .build(); } ResultSetFuture cassandraResultFuture = session.executeAsync(basicCassandraQuery); // Convert the cassandra result future to a CompletableFuture, then add a listener that turns the result of the // Cassandra call into the ResponseInfo<String> we need to return. Note that we're not doing // thenApplyAsync() because the work done to translate the Cassandra result to our ResponseInfo object is // trivial and doesn't need it's own thread. If you had more complex logic that was time consuming (or more // blocking calls) you would want to do the extra work with CompletableFuture.*Async() calls. return FutureConverter .toCompletableFuture(cassandraResultFuture) .thenApply(functionWithTracingAndMdc(this::buildResponseFromCassandraQueryResult, ctx)); }
Example #16
Source File: From hawkular-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void assertDataRetentionsIndexMatches(String tenantId, MetricType<?> type, Set<Retention> expected) throws Exception { ResultSetFuture queryFuture = dataAccess.findDataRetentions(tenantId, type); ListenableFuture<Set<Retention>> retentionsFuture = Futures.transform(queryFuture, new DataRetentionsMapper(tenantId, type)); Set<Retention> actual = getUninterruptibly(retentionsFuture); assertEquals(actual, expected, "The data retentions are wrong"); }
Example #17
Source File: From cassandra-reaper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Collection<RepairRun> getRepairRunsForUnit(UUID repairUnitId) { List<ResultSetFuture> repairRunFutures = Lists.<ResultSetFuture>newArrayList(); // Grab all ids for the given cluster name ResultSet repairRunIds = session.execute(getRepairRunForUnitPrepStmt.bind(repairUnitId)); // Grab repair runs asynchronously for all the ids returned by the index table for (Row repairRunId : repairRunIds) { repairRunFutures.add(session.executeAsync(getRepairRunPrepStmt.bind(repairRunId.getUUID("id")))); } return getRepairRunsAsync(repairRunFutures); }
Example #18
Source File: From copper-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public ListenableFuture<Void> deleteWorkflowInstance(String wfId) throws Exception { logger.debug("deleteWorkflowInstance({})", wfId); session.executeAsync(preparedStatements.get(CQL_DEL_WFI_ID).bind(wfId)); final PreparedStatement pstmt = preparedStatements.get(CQL_DEL_WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_WAITING); final long startTS = System.nanoTime(); final ResultSetFuture rsf = session.executeAsync(pstmt.bind(wfId)); return createSettableFuture(rsf, "wfi.delete", startTS); }
Example #19
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void writeRecord(OUT record) throws IOException { if (exception != null) { throw new IOException("write record failed", exception); } Object[] fields = extractFields(record); ResultSetFuture result = session.executeAsync(prepared.bind(fields)); Futures.addCallback(result, callback); }
Example #20
Source File: From james-project with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public ResultSetFuture executeAsync(Statement statement) { printStatement(statement); statementRecorder.ifPresent(recorder -> recorder.recordStatement(statement)); return scenario .getCorrespondingBehavior(statement) .execute(delegate, statement); }
Example #21
Source File: From stratio-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private ResultSetFuture[] load() { return new ResultSetFuture[]{ session.executeAsync(pstmt1.bind(1, 1)), session.executeAsync(pstmt2.bind(1, 1)), session.executeAsync(pstmt3.bind(1, 1)), session.executeAsync(pstmt4.bind(1, 1)), session.executeAsync(pstmt5.bind(1, 1)) }; }
Example #22
Source File: From skywalking with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void executeAsync(Session session) {"execute in async"); ResultSetFuture createKeyspaceDataResultSetFuture = session.executeAsync(CREATE_KEYSPACE_SQL); ResultSet createKeyspaceDataResultSet = createKeyspaceDataResultSetFuture.getUninterruptibly();"CREATE KEYSPACE result: " + createKeyspaceDataResultSet.toString()); ResultSetFuture createTableDataResultSetFuture = session.executeAsync(CREATE_TABLE_SQL); ResultSet createTableDataResultSet = createTableDataResultSetFuture.getUninterruptibly();"CREATE TABLE result: " + createTableDataResultSet.toString()); PreparedStatement insertDataPreparedStatement = session.prepare(INSERT_DATA_SQL); ResultSetFuture insertDataResultSetFuture = session.executeAsync(insertDataPreparedStatement.bind("101", "foobar")); ResultSet insertDataResultSet = insertDataResultSetFuture.getUninterruptibly();"INSERT result: " + insertDataResultSet.toString()); PreparedStatement selectDataPreparedStatement = session.prepare(SELECT_DATA_SQL); ResultSetFuture resultSetFuture = session.executeAsync(selectDataPreparedStatement.bind("101")); ResultSet resultSet = resultSetFuture.getUninterruptibly(); Row row =;"SELECT result: id: {}, value: {}", row.getString("id"), row.getString("value")); PreparedStatement deleteDataPreparedStatement = session.prepare(DELETE_DATA_SQL); ResultSetFuture deleteDataResultSetFuture = session.executeAsync(deleteDataPreparedStatement.bind("101")); ResultSet deleteDataResultSet = deleteDataResultSetFuture.getUninterruptibly();"DELETE result: " + deleteDataResultSet.toString()); ResultSetFuture dropTableDataResultSetFuture = session.executeAsync(DROP_TABLE_SQL); ResultSet dropTableDataResultSet = dropTableDataResultSetFuture.getUninterruptibly();"DROP TABLE result: " + dropTableDataResultSet.toString()); ResultSetFuture dropKeyspaceDataResultSetFuture = session.executeAsync(DROP_KEYSPACE); ResultSet dropKeyspaceDataResultSet = dropKeyspaceDataResultSetFuture.getUninterruptibly();"DROP KEYSPACE result: " + dropKeyspaceDataResultSet.toString()); }
Example #23
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void writeRecord(OUT record) throws IOException { if (exception != null) { throw new IOException("write record failed", exception); } Object[] fields = extractFields(record); ResultSetFuture result = session.executeAsync(prepared.bind(fields)); Futures.addCallback(result, callback); }
Example #24
Source File: From glowroot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void transactionMarker() throws Exception { List<ResultSetFuture> futures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { futures.add(session.executeAsync("SELECT * FROM test.users")); } for (ResultSetFuture future : futures) { ResultSet results = future.get(); for (Row row : results) { row.getInt("id"); } } }
Example #25
Source File: From hawkular-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public <T> ResultSetFuture insertMetricInMetricsIndex(Metric<T> metric, boolean overwrite) { MetricId<T> metricId = metric.getMetricId(); if (overwrite) { return session.executeAsync( insertIntoMetricsIndexOverwrite.bind(metricId.getTenantId(), metricId.getType().getCode(), metricId.getName(), metric.getDataRetention(), metric.getTags())); } return session.executeAsync(insertIntoMetricsIndex.bind(metricId.getTenantId(), metricId.getType().getCode(), metricId.getName(), metric.getDataRetention(), metric.getTags())); }
Example #26
Source File: From realtime-analytics with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public ResultSetFuture findCounters(String metricName, String groupId) { if(metricName == null || groupId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Counter table metricname and groupid can not be null!"); BoundStatement statement = findCountersByMetricGroup .bind(metricName, groupId); return session.executeAsync(statement); }
Example #27
Source File: From newts with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Map<String, String> getResourceAttributesFromResults(ResultSetFuture results) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Map<String, String> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Row row : results.get()) { attributes.put(row.getString(Schema.C_ATTRS_ATTR), row.getString(Schema.C_ATTRS_VALUE)); } return attributes; }
Example #28
Source File: From blueflood with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void insertMetricsIndividually(Collection<IMetric> metrics) throws IOException { Map<Locator, ResultSetFuture> futures = new HashMap<Locator, ResultSetFuture>(); for( IMetric metric : metrics ) { Locator locator = metric.getLocator(); if( !LocatorCache.getInstance().isLocatorCurrentInBatchLayer(locator) ) { LocatorCache.getInstance().setLocatorCurrentInBatchLayer(locator); locatorIO.insertLocator( locator ); } if (isRecordingDelayedMetrics) { insertLocatorIfDelayed(metric); } futures.put(locator, simpleNumberIO.insertRawAsync(metric)); Instrumentation.markFullResMetricWritten(); } for( Map.Entry<Locator, ResultSetFuture> f : futures.entrySet() ) { try { ResultSet result = f.getValue().getUninterruptibly(); LOG.trace( "result.size=" + result.all().size() ); } catch ( Exception e ) { Instrumentation.markWriteError(); LOG.error(String.format("error writing metric for locator %s", f.getKey()), e ); } } }
Example #29
Source File: From newts with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private ResultSetFuture fetchMetricNames(Context context, String resourceId, ConsistencyLevel readConsistency) { BoundStatement bindStatement = m_selectMetricNamesStatement.bind(); bindStatement.setString(Schema.C_METRICS_CONTEXT, context.getId()); bindStatement.setString(Schema.C_METRICS_RESOURCE, resourceId); bindStatement.setConsistencyLevel(readConsistency); return m_session.executeAsync(bindStatement); }
Example #30
Source File: From nifi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected Cluster createCluster(List<InetSocketAddress> contactPoints, SSLContext sslContext, String username, String password, String compressionType) { Cluster mockCluster = mock(Cluster.class); try { Metadata mockMetadata = mock(Metadata.class); when(mockMetadata.getClusterName()).thenReturn("cluster1"); when(mockCluster.getMetadata()).thenReturn(mockMetadata); when(mockCluster.connect()).thenReturn(mockSession); when(mockCluster.connect(anyString())).thenReturn(mockSession); Configuration config = Configuration.builder().build(); when(mockCluster.getConfiguration()).thenReturn(config); ResultSetFuture future = mock(ResultSetFuture.class); ResultSet rs = CassandraQueryTestUtil.createMockResultSet(); PreparedStatement ps = mock(PreparedStatement.class); when(mockSession.prepare(anyString())).thenReturn(ps); BoundStatement bs = mock(BoundStatement.class); when(ps.bind()).thenReturn(bs); when(future.getUninterruptibly()).thenReturn(rs); try { doReturn(rs).when(future).getUninterruptibly(anyLong(), any(TimeUnit.class)); } catch (TimeoutException te) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mocked cluster doesn't time out"); } if (exceptionToThrow != null) { doThrow(exceptionToThrow).when(mockSession).executeAsync(anyString()); doThrow(exceptionToThrow).when(mockSession).executeAsync(any(Statement.class)); } else { when(mockSession.executeAsync(anyString())).thenReturn(future); when(mockSession.executeAsync(any(Statement.class))).thenReturn(future); } when(mockSession.getCluster()).thenReturn(mockCluster); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } return mockCluster; }