org.wso2.carbon.integration.common.admin.client.UserManagementClient Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.wso2.carbon.integration.common.admin.client.UserManagementClient. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Setting up Server and Apply new Configuration Files.
 * @throws Exception
@BeforeTest(alwaysRun = true)
public void setupTest() throws Exception {"Initializing HumanTaskCoordination Test Case");
	requestSender = new RequestSender();
	userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);"Deploy ClaimsApprovalProcess and ClaimsApprovalTask artifacts");
	deployArtifact();"Adding Users and Roles");
	addRoles();"Enable HumanTask coordination and restarting server.");
	serverConfigurationManager = new ServerConfigurationManager(bpsServer);
Example #2
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes before a test method. Removes users of admin group if exists. Adds new roles
 * with permissions.
 * @throws Exception
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public void initialize() throws Exception {

    String[] createPubSubUsers = new String[]{"authUser1", "authUser2"};
    String[] pubSubUsers = new String[]{"authUser3", "authUser4"};
    String[] noPermissionUsers = new String[]{"authUser5"};
    String[] allUsers =
            new String[]{"authUser1", "authUser2", "authUser3", "authUser4", "authUser5"};

    // Logging into user management as admin
    userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backendURL, "admin", "admin");

    // Removing admin permission for all users
    userManagementClient.updateUserListOfRole(FrameworkConstants.ADMIN_ROLE, null, allUsers);

    // Adding roles along with users
            .addRole(CREATE_PUB_SUB_QUEUE_ROLE, createPubSubUsers, new String[]{ADD_QUEUE_PERMISSION});
    userManagementClient.addRole(PUB_SUB_QUEUE_ROLE, pubSubUsers, new String[]{});
    userManagementClient.addRole(NO_PERMISSION_QUEUE_ROLE, noPermissionUsers, new String[]{});
Example #3
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes before a test method. Removes users of admin group if exists. Adds new roles with
 * permissions.
 * @throws Exception
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public void initialize() throws Exception {

    String[] createPubSubUsers = new String[]{"authUser1", "authUser2"};
    String[] pubSubUsers = new String[]{"authUser3", "authUser4"};
    String[] noPermissionUsers = new String[]{"authUser5"};
    String[] allUsers =
            new String[]{"authUser1", "authUser2", "authUser3", "authUser4", "authUser5"};

    // Logging into user management as admin
    userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backendURL, "admin", "admin");

    // Removing admin permission for all users
    userManagementClient.updateUserListOfRole(FrameworkConstants.ADMIN_ROLE, null, allUsers);

    // Adding roles along with users if roles does not exist.
            .addRole(CREATE_PUB_SUB_TOPIC_ROLE, createPubSubUsers, new String[]{ADD_TOPIC_PERMISSION});
    userManagementClient.addRole(PUB_SUB_TOPIC_ROLE, pubSubUsers, new String[]{});
    userManagementClient.addRole(NO_PERMISSION_TOPIC_ROLE, noPermissionUsers, new String[]{});
Example #4
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes before a test method. Removes users of admin group if exists. Adds new roles with
 * permissions.
 * @throws Exception
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public void initialize() throws Exception {

    String[] createPubSubUsers = new String[]{"authUser1", "authUser2"};
    String[] pubSubUsers = new String[]{"authUser3", "authUser4"};
    String[] noPermissionUsers = new String[]{"authUser5"};
    String[] allUsers =
            new String[]{"authUser1", "authUser2", "authUser3", "authUser4", "authUser5"};

    // Logging into user management as admin
    userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backendURL, "admin", "admin");

    // Removing admin permission for all users
    userManagementClient.updateUserListOfRole(FrameworkConstants.ADMIN_ROLE, null, allUsers);

    // Adding roles along with users if roles does not exist.
            .addRole(CREATE_PUB_SUB_TOPIC_ROLE, createPubSubUsers, new String[]{ADD_TOPIC_PERMISSION});
    userManagementClient.addRole(PUB_SUB_TOPIC_ROLE, pubSubUsers, new String[]{});
    userManagementClient.addRole(NO_PERMISSION_TOPIC_ROLE, noPermissionUsers, new String[]{});
Example #5
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializing test
 * @throws XPathExpressionException
 * @throws RemoteException
 * @throws UserAdminUserAdminException
@BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
public void init() throws XPathExpressionException, RemoteException, UserAdminUserAdminException {

    // Logging into user management as admin and adding a new role to give permission for publishing/subscribe
    userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backendURL, "",

    String[] publishers = {"topictenantuser1"};
    userManagementClient.addRole(PUBLISHER_ROLE, publishers, new String[]{});
Example #6
Source File:    From product-es with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void setInfoRolesAndUsers(String  adminUserKey)
            throws LoginAuthenticationExceptionException, RemoteException,
                   XPathExpressionException {
        //todo -
//        FrameworkProperties isProperties = FrameworkFactory.getFrameworkProperties(ProductConstant.IS_SERVER_NAME);
        AutomationContext isContext = new AutomationContext("IS", "is", "carbon.supper", adminUserKey);
        Tenant userAdminDetails = isContext.getContextTenant();
        sessionCookie = login(userAdminDetails.getContextUser().getUserName(), userAdminDetails.getContextUser().getPassword(),
        userAdminStub = new UserManagementClient(isContext.getContextUrls().getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie);

Example #7
Source File:    From product-es with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
     * delete the added role and remove the added property of the collection or
     * reource
     * @param path path of the collection or resource
     * @throws Exception
    private static void clean(String path) throws Exception {
        UserManagementClient userManagementClient =
                new UserManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);

        if (userManagementClient.roleNameExists("RoleSubscriptionTest")) {
//            userManagementClient.deleteRole("RoleSubscriptionTest");

        PropertiesAdminServiceClient propertiesAdminServiceClient =
                new PropertiesAdminServiceClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);

        propertiesAdminServiceClient.removeProperty(path, "TestProperty");
Example #8
Source File:    From product-es with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * add a role
 * @return true if the created role exist
 * @throws Exception
private static boolean addRole() throws Exception {
    UserManagementClient userManagementClient =
            new UserManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);

    if (userManagementClient.roleNameExists("RoleSubscriptionTest")) {
        return true;

                                 new String[]{userNameWithoutDomain}, new String[]{""});
    return userManagementClient.roleNameExists("RoleSubscriptionTest");
Example #9
Source File:    From product-es with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
public void setUp() throws Exception {
    driver = new ESWebDriver(BrowserManager.getWebDriver());
    baseUrl = getWebAppURL();
    AutomationContext automationContext = new AutomationContext(PRODUCT_GROUP_NAME, TestUserMode.SUPER_TENANT_ADMIN);
    backendURL = automationContext.getContextUrls().getBackEndUrl();
    userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backendURL, userInfo.getUserName(), userInfo.getPassword());

    adminUserName = automationContext.getSuperTenant().getTenantAdmin().getUserName();
    adminUserPwd = automationContext.getSuperTenant().getTenantAdmin().getPassword();
Example #10
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@BeforeTest(alwaysRun = true)
public void addNonAdminUser() throws Exception {
    AutomationContext esbContext = new AutomationContext("ESB", TestUserMode.SUPER_TENANT_ADMIN);
    String sessionCookie = new LoginLogoutClient(esbContext).login();
    ResourceAdminServiceClient resourceAdmin = new ResourceAdminServiceClient(esbContext.getContextUrls().getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie);
    UserManagementClient userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(esbContext.getContextUrls().getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie);

    //done this change due to a bug in UM - please refer to carbon dev mail
    // "G-Reg integration test failures due to user mgt issue."
    String[] permissions = {"/permission/admin/configure/",

    if (!userManagementClient.roleNameExists(ROLE_NAME)) {
        userManagementClient.addRole(ROLE_NAME, null, permissions);
        resourceAdmin.addResourcePermission("/", ROLE_NAME, "3", "1");
        resourceAdmin.addResourcePermission("/", ROLE_NAME, "2", "1");
        resourceAdmin.addResourcePermission("/", ROLE_NAME, "4", "1");
        resourceAdmin.addResourcePermission("/", ROLE_NAME, "5", "1");

    userManagementClient.addUser("nonadminuser", "password", new String[]{ROLE_NAME}, null);
    //check user creation
    nonAdminUser = new User();

Example #11
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
public void serviceDeployment() throws Exception {

    List<File> sqlFileLis = new ArrayList<File>();
            createArtifact(getResourceLocation() + File.separator + "samples" + File.separator
                    + "dbs" + File.separator + "rdbms" + File.separator
                    + serviceName + ".dbs", sqlFileLis));

    backendUrl = dssContext.getContextUrls().getBackEndUrl();

    /* login to the server as super user and add user with email user name for the test case */
    userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backendUrl,sessionCookie);

    userManagementClient.addRole("sampleRole", new String[]{},new String[]{"admin"});
    userManagementClient.addUser("","test123",new String[]{"sampleRole"},"emailUserProfile");

    serverConfigurationManager = new ServerConfigurationManager(dssContext);
    serverConfigurationManager.copyToComponentLib(new File(getResourceLocation()
            + File.separator + "jar" + File.separator
            + "msgContextHandler-1.0.0.jar"));

    String carbonHome = System.getProperty("carbon.home");
    File sourceFile = new File(getResourceLocation()
            + File.separator + "serverConfigs" + File.separator
            + "axis2.xml");
    File destinationFile = new File(carbonHome + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator + "axis2"+ File.separator + "axis2.xml");

    serverConfigurationManager.applyConfiguration(sourceFile, destinationFile);//this will restart the server as well
    LoginLogoutClient loginLogoutClient = new LoginLogoutClient(dssContext);
    sessionCookie = loginLogoutClient.login();

    serviceEndPoint = getServiceUrlHttp(serviceName);

Example #12
Source File:    From micro-integrator with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
public void serviceDeployment() throws Exception {

    List<File> sqlFileLis = new ArrayList<File>();
    deployService(serviceName, createArtifact(
            getResourceLocation() + File.separator + "samples" + File.separator + "dbs" + File.separator + "rdbms"
                    + File.separator + serviceName + ".dbs", sqlFileLis));

    backendUrl = dssContext.getContextUrls().getBackEndUrl();

    /* login to the server as super user and add user with email user name for the test case */
    userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backendUrl, sessionCookie);

    userManagementClient.addRole("sampleRole", new String[] {}, new String[] { "admin" });
            .addUser("", "test123", new String[] { "sampleRole" }, "emailUserProfile");

    serverConfigurationManager = new ServerConfigurationManager(dssContext);
    serverConfigurationManager.copyToComponentLib(new File(
            getResourceLocation() + File.separator + "jar" + File.separator + "msgContextHandler-1.0.0.jar"));

    String carbonHome = System.getProperty("carbon.home");
    File sourceFile = new File(
            getResourceLocation() + File.separator + "serverConfigs" + File.separator + "axis2.xml");
    File destinationFile = new File(
            carbonHome + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator + "axis2" + File.separator + "axis2.xml");

            .applyConfiguration(sourceFile, destinationFile);//this will restart the server as well
    LoginLogoutClient loginLogoutClient = new LoginLogoutClient(dssContext);
    sessionCookie = loginLogoutClient.login();

    serviceEndPoint = getServiceUrlHttp(serviceName);

Example #13
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes the test case.
 * @throws XPathExpressionException
 * @throws RemoteException
 * @throws UserAdminUserAdminException
@BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
public void init() throws XPathExpressionException, RemoteException, UserAdminUserAdminException {

    // Logging into user management as admin and adding a new role to give permission for publishing/subscribe
    userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backendURL, "",
    String[] publishers = {"topictenantuser1"};
    userManagementClient.addRole(PUBLISHER_ROLE, publishers, new String[]{});
Example #14
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a topic by giving topic creation rights to the user.
 * 1. User is in a role with no permissions.
 * 2. Admin gives permissions to the role to create topics and for logging in.
 * 3. User creates a topic.
 * 4. Validates whether topic is created.
 * @throws XPathExpressionException
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws UserAdminUserAdminException
@Test(groups = {"wso2.mb", "topic"})
public void createTopicPermissionTestCase() throws XPathExpressionException, IOException, UserAdminUserAdminException {
    String topicName = "topicCreationPermission";

    AutomationContext authAutomationContext =
            new AutomationContext("MB", "mb001", FrameworkConstants.SUPER_TENANT_KEY,
    User contextUser = authAutomationContext.getContextTenant().getContextUser();

    String[] createPermissionUser = new String[]{contextUser.getUserNameWithoutDomain()};

    // Logging into user management as admin
    UserManagementClient userManagementClient =
            new UserManagementClient(super.backendURL, "admin", "admin");

    // Removing admin permission for user
    userManagementClient.updateUserListOfRole(FrameworkConstants.ADMIN_ROLE, null, createPermissionUser);

    // Adding roles along with users
            .addRole(CREATE_TOPIC_PERMISSION_ROLE, createPermissionUser, new String[]{ADD_TOPIC_PERMISSION, LOGIN_PERMISSION});

    LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(driver);
    // Logging in to the the management console
    HomePage homePage = loginPage.loginAs(contextUser.getUserNameWithoutDomain(), contextUser.getPassword());

    TopicAddPage topicAddPage =

    // Creating a topic by the user and check whether valid dialog pop up is shown
    Assert.assertEquals(topicAddPage.addTopic(topicName), true);

    TopicsBrowsePage topicsBrowsePage = homePage.getTopicsBrowsePage("home.mb.topics.browse.without.queue.xpath");

    // Checks whether topic is created in the browsing page
    Assert.assertEquals(topicsBrowsePage.isTopicPresent(topicName), true);
Example #15
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void initialize() throws Exception {"Initializing HumanTask task creation Test...");
    userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);
    instanceManagementClient = new BpelInstanceManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);
    humanTaskPackageManagementClient = new HumanTaskPackageManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);"Add users success !");
    requestSender.waitForProcessDeployment(backEndUrl + HumanTaskTestConstants.CLAIM_APPROVAL_PROCESS_SERVICE);
    requestSender.waitForProcessDeployment(backEndUrl + HumanTaskTestConstants.CLAIM_SERVICE);
Example #16
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@BeforeGroups(groups = {"wso2.bps.task.people.assignment"})
protected void initialize() throws Exception {"Initializing HumanTask task creation Test...");
	userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);
	humanTaskPackageManagementClient = new HumanTaskPackageManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);"Add users success !");
	requestSender.waitForProcessDeployment(backEndUrl + HumanTaskTestConstants.CLAIM_SERVICE);
Example #17
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Initialize the test by deploying required artifacts.
 * @throws Exception
@BeforeGroups(groups = { "wso2.bps.task.people.assignment" })
protected void initialize() throws Exception {"Initializing HumanTask task creation Test...");
    userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);
    humanTaskPackageManagementClient = new HumanTaskPackageManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);"Add users success !");
            .unDeployHumanTask(HumanTaskTestConstants.CLAIMS_APPROVAL_PACKAGE_ORG_ENTITY_NAME, "ApproveClaim");
    requestSender.waitForProcessDeployment(backEndUrl + "ClaimService");
Example #18
Source File:    From micro-integrator with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@BeforeTest(alwaysRun = true)
public void addNonAdminUser() throws Exception {
    AutomationContext esbContext = new AutomationContext("ESB", TestUserMode.SUPER_TENANT_ADMIN);
    String sessionCookie = new LoginLogoutClient(esbContext).login();
    ResourceAdminServiceClient resourceAdmin = new ResourceAdminServiceClient(
            esbContext.getContextUrls().getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie);
    UserManagementClient userManagementClient = new UserManagementClient(
            esbContext.getContextUrls().getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie);

    //done this change due to a bug in UM - please refer to carbon dev mail
    // "G-Reg integration test failures due to user mgt issue."
    String[] permissions = { "/permission/admin/configure/", "/permission/admin/login", "/permission/admin/manage/",
            "/permission/admin/monitor", "/permission/protected" };

    if (!userManagementClient.roleNameExists(ROLE_NAME)) {
        userManagementClient.addRole(ROLE_NAME, null, permissions);
        resourceAdmin.addResourcePermission("/", ROLE_NAME, "3", "1");
        resourceAdmin.addResourcePermission("/", ROLE_NAME, "2", "1");
        resourceAdmin.addResourcePermission("/", ROLE_NAME, "4", "1");
        resourceAdmin.addResourcePermission("/", ROLE_NAME, "5", "1");

    userManagementClient.addUser("nonadminuser", "password", new String[] { ROLE_NAME }, null);
    //check user creation
    nonAdminUser = new User();

Example #19
Source File:    From product-ei with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a queue by giving queue creation rights to the user.
 * 1. User is in a role with no permissions.
 * 2. Admin gives permissions to the role to create queues and for logging in.
 * 3. User creates a queue.
 * 4. Validates whether queue is created.
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws UserAdminUserAdminException
 * @throws XPathExpressionException
@Test(groups = {"wso2.mb", "queue"})
public void createQueuePermissionTestCase() throws IOException, UserAdminUserAdminException,
        XPathExpressionException {
    String queueName = "queueCreationPermission";

    AutomationContext authAutomationContext =
            new AutomationContext("MB", "mb001", FrameworkConstants.SUPER_TENANT_KEY,
    User contextUser = authAutomationContext.getContextTenant().getContextUser();

    String[] createPermissionUsers = new String[]{contextUser.getUserNameWithoutDomain()};

    // Logging into user management as admin
    UserManagementClient userManagementClient =
            new UserManagementClient(backendURL, "admin", "admin");

    // Removing admin permission for user
            .updateUserListOfRole(FrameworkConstants.ADMIN_ROLE, null, createPermissionUsers);

    // Adding roles along with user
    userManagementClient.addRole(CREATE_QUEUE_PERMISSION_ROLE, createPermissionUsers,
                                                            new String[]{ADD_QUEUE_PERMISSION, LOGIN_PERMISSION});

    LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(driver);

    // Logging in to the the management console
    HomePage homePage = loginPage.loginAs(contextUser.getUserNameWithoutDomain(), contextUser.getPassword());

    QueueAddPage queueAddPage = homePage.getQueueAddPage();

    // Creating a queue by the user and check whether valid dialog pop up is shown
    Assert.assertEquals(queueAddPage.addQueue(queueName), true);
    QueuesBrowsePage queuesBrowsePage = homePage.getQueuesBrowsePage();

    // Checks whether queue is created in the browsing page
    Assert.assertEquals(queuesBrowsePage.isQueuePresent(queueName), true);

Example #20
Source File:    From product-es with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param path    path of the collection or resource to be subscribed
 * @param type    type of the element
 * @return true if subscriptions are created for all events and required
 *         notifications are captured, false otherwise
 * @throws Exception
public boolean init(String path, AutomationContext automationContext, String type)
        throws Exception {

    this.automationContext = automationContext;
    backEndUrl = this.automationContext.getContextUrls().getBackEndUrl();
    LoginLogoutClient loginLogoutClient = new LoginLogoutClient(this.automationContext);
    sessionCookie = loginLogoutClient.login();
    userName = this.automationContext.getContextTenant().getContextUser().getUserName();

    if (userName.contains("@"))
        userNameWithoutDomain = userName.substring(0, userName.indexOf('@'));
        userNameWithoutDomain = userName;

    wsRegistryServiceClient =
    lifeCycleAdminServiceClient =
            new LifeCycleAdminServiceClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);
    userManagementClient =
            new UserManagementClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);

    infoServiceAdminClient =
            new InfoServiceAdminClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);

    humanTaskAdminClient =
            new HumanTaskAdminClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);

    resourceAdminServiceClient =
            new ResourceAdminServiceClient(backEndUrl, sessionCookie);

    boolean result1 = true;
    boolean result2 = true;
    boolean result3 = true;
    boolean result4 = true;
    boolean result5;
    boolean result6 = true;
    boolean result7 = true;
    boolean result8 = true;
    if (!path.equals("/")) {
        result1 =
                consoleSubscribe(path, "LifeCycleCreated") && addLifeCycle(path) &&
                getNotification("The LifeCycle was created") &&
        result2 =
                consoleSubscribe(path, "CheckListItemChecked") &&
                checkItem(path) &&
                getNotification("The CheckList item 'Effective Inspection Completed' of LifeCycle State 'Tested' was Checked" +
                                " for resource at " + path + ".") &&
        result3 =
                consoleSubscribe(path, "CheckListItemUnchecked") &&
                unCheckItem(path) &&
                getNotification("The CheckList item 'Effective Inspection Completed' of LifeCycle State 'Tested' was Unchecked" +
                                " for resource at " + path + ".") &&
        result4 =
                consoleSubscribe(path, "LifeCycleStateChanged") &&
                changeState(path) &&
                getNotification("The LifeCycle State Changed from 'Tested' to 'Development'" +
                                " for resource at " + path + ".") &&
    result5 =
            consoleSubscribe(path, type + "Updated") && update(path) &&
            getNotification("at path " + path + " was updated.") &&

    if (type.equals("Collection")) {
        result6 =
                consoleSubscribe(path, "ChildCreated") &&
                addChild(path) &&
                getNotification("A resource was added to the collection " + path +
                                " at Path: " + path + "/" + CHILD) &&
        result7 =
                consoleSubscribe(path, "ChildDeleted") &&
                deleteChild(path) &&
                getNotification("A resource was removed from the collection " + path +
                                " at Path: " + path + "/" + CHILD) &&
    if (!path.equals("/")) {
        result8 =
                consoleSubscribe(path, type + "Deleted") && delete(path) &&
                getNotification("at path " + path + " was deleted.");
    return result1 && result2 && result3 && result4 && result5 && result6 && result7 && result8;