Java Code Examples for org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom#setValue()
The following examples show how to use
org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom#setValue() .
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Example 1
Source File: From pipeline-maven-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Override protected void addDetails(@Nonnull ExecutionEvent executionEvent, @Nonnull Xpp3Dom root) { super.addDetails(executionEvent, root); ArtifactRepository artifactRepository = executionEvent.getProject().getDistributionManagementArtifactRepository(); Xpp3Dom artifactRepositoryElt = new Xpp3Dom("artifactRepository"); root.addChild(artifactRepositoryElt); if (artifactRepository == null) { } else { Xpp3Dom idElt = new Xpp3Dom("id"); idElt.setValue(artifactRepository.getId()); artifactRepositoryElt.addChild(idElt); Xpp3Dom urlElt = new Xpp3Dom("url"); urlElt.setValue(artifactRepository.getUrl()); artifactRepositoryElt.addChild(urlElt); } }
Example 2
Source File: From pom-manipulation-ext with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Recursively process the DOM elements to inline any property values from the model. */ private void processChildren( Properties userProperties, Model model, Xpp3Dom parent ) { for ( int i = 0; i < parent.getChildCount(); i++ ) { Xpp3Dom child = parent.getChild( i ); if ( child.getChildCount() > 0 ) { processChildren( userProperties, model, child ); } if ( child.getValue() != null && child.getValue().startsWith( "${" ) ) { String replacement = resolveProperty( userProperties, model.getProperties(), child.getValue() ); if ( replacement != null && !replacement.isEmpty() ) { logger.debug( "Replacing child value {} with {}", child.getValue(), replacement ); child.setValue( replacement ); } } } }
Example 3
Source File: From tesb-studio-se with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Plugin addOsgiHelperMavenPlugin() { Plugin plugin = new Plugin(); plugin.setGroupId(""); plugin.setArtifactId("osgihelper-maven-plugin"); plugin.setVersion(VersionUtils.getMojoVersion("osgihelper.version")); Xpp3Dom configuration = new Xpp3Dom("configuration"); Xpp3Dom featuresFile = new Xpp3Dom("featuresFile"); featuresFile.setValue("${basedir}/src/main/resources/feature/feature.xml"); configuration.addChild(featuresFile); List<PluginExecution> pluginExecutions = new ArrayList<PluginExecution>(); PluginExecution pluginExecution = new PluginExecution(); pluginExecution.setId("feature-helper"); pluginExecution.setPhase("generate-sources"); pluginExecution.addGoal("generate"); pluginExecution.setConfiguration(configuration); pluginExecutions.add(pluginExecution); plugin.setExecutions(pluginExecutions); return plugin; }
Example 4
Source File: From tesb-studio-se with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Skip clean control-bundle file in target folde, in case of using mvn clean + package goal * * @return plugin */ private Plugin addSkipMavenCleanPlugin() { Plugin plugin = new Plugin(); plugin.setGroupId("org.apache.maven.plugins"); plugin.setArtifactId("maven-clean-plugin"); plugin.setVersion("3.0.0"); Xpp3Dom configuration = new Xpp3Dom("configuration"); Xpp3Dom skipClean = new Xpp3Dom("skip"); skipClean.setValue("true"); configuration.addChild(skipClean); plugin.setConfiguration(configuration); return plugin; }
Example 5
Source File: From pgpverify-maven-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static Xpp3Dom createPath(String groupId, String artifactId, String version) { final Xpp3Dom path = new Xpp3Dom("path"); if (groupId != null) { final Xpp3Dom groupIdNode = new Xpp3Dom("groupId"); groupIdNode.setValue(groupId); path.addChild(groupIdNode); } if (artifactId != null) { final Xpp3Dom artifactIdNode = new Xpp3Dom("artifactId"); artifactIdNode.setValue(artifactId); path.addChild(artifactIdNode); } if (version != null) { final Xpp3Dom versionNode = new Xpp3Dom("version"); versionNode.setValue(version); path.addChild(versionNode); } return path; }
Example 6
Source File: From pipeline-maven-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
public Xpp3Dom newElement(@Nonnull String name, @Nullable File file) { Xpp3Dom element = new Xpp3Dom(name); try { element.setValue(file == null ? null : file.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } return element; }
Example 7
Source File: From ci.maven with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void runLibertyMojoDeploy(boolean forceLooseApp) throws MojoExecutionException { Xpp3Dom config = ExecuteMojoUtil.getPluginGoalConfig(getLibertyPlugin(), "deploy", log); if(forceLooseApp) { Xpp3Dom looseApp = config.getChild("looseApplication"); if (looseApp != null && "false".equals(looseApp.getValue())) { log.warn("Overriding liberty plugin pararmeter, \"looseApplication\" to \"true\" and deploying application in looseApplication format"); looseApp.setValue("true"); } } runLibertyMojo("deploy", config); }
Example 8
Source File: From tesb-studio-se with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Plugin addFeaturesMavenPlugin(String finalNameValue) { Plugin plugin = new Plugin(); plugin.setGroupId("org.apache.karaf.tooling"); plugin.setArtifactId("karaf-maven-plugin"); plugin.setVersion("4.2.4"); Xpp3Dom configuration = new Xpp3Dom("configuration"); Xpp3Dom finalName = new Xpp3Dom("finalName"); finalName.setValue(finalNameValue);// "${talend.job.finalName}" Xpp3Dom resourcesDir = new Xpp3Dom("resourcesDir"); resourcesDir.setValue("${}/bin"); Xpp3Dom featuresFile = new Xpp3Dom("featuresFile"); featuresFile.setValue(PATH_FEATURE); configuration.addChild(finalName); configuration.addChild(resourcesDir); configuration.addChild(featuresFile); List<PluginExecution> pluginExecutions = new ArrayList<PluginExecution>(); PluginExecution pluginExecution = new PluginExecution(); pluginExecution.setId("create-kar"); pluginExecution.addGoal("kar"); pluginExecution.setConfiguration(configuration); pluginExecutions.add(pluginExecution); plugin.setExecutions(pluginExecutions); return plugin; }
Example 9
Source File: From sarl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** Convert a Plexus configuration to its XML equivalent. * * @param config the Plexus configuration. * @return the XML configuration. * @throws PlexusConfigurationException in case of problem. * @since 0.8 */ public Xpp3Dom toXpp3Dom(PlexusConfiguration config) throws PlexusConfigurationException { final Xpp3Dom result = new Xpp3Dom(config.getName()); result.setValue(config.getValue(null)); for (final String name : config.getAttributeNames()) { result.setAttribute(name, config.getAttribute(name)); } for (final PlexusConfiguration child : config.getChildren()) { result.addChild(toXpp3Dom(child)); } return result; }
Example 10
Source File: From appengine-maven-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Xpp3Dom convertPlexusConfiguration(PlexusConfiguration config) { Xpp3Dom xpp3DomElement = new Xpp3Dom(config.getName()); xpp3DomElement.setValue(config.getValue()); for (String name : config.getAttributeNames()) { xpp3DomElement.setAttribute(name, config.getAttribute(name)); } for (PlexusConfiguration child : config.getChildren()) { xpp3DomElement.addChild(convertPlexusConfiguration(child)); } return xpp3DomElement; }
Example 11
Source File: From springmvc-raml-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Mojo configureMojo(final String parameter, final String value) throws Exception { final MavenSession mavenSession = mojoRule.newMavenSession(getMavenProject(DEFAULT_CONFIG)); final MojoExecution mojoExecution = mojoRule.newMojoExecution(GOAL_NAME); final Xpp3Dom configuration = new Xpp3Dom("configuration"); final Xpp3Dom generationConfig = new Xpp3Dom("generationConfig"); final Xpp3Dom useBigDecimal = new Xpp3Dom(parameter); useBigDecimal.setValue(value); generationConfig.addChild(useBigDecimal); configuration.addChild(generationConfig); mojoExecution.setConfiguration(configuration); return mojoRule.lookupConfiguredMojo(mavenSession, mojoExecution); }
Example 12
Source File: From gcloud-maven-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Xpp3Dom convertPlexusConfiguration(PlexusConfiguration config) { Xpp3Dom xpp3DomElement = new Xpp3Dom(config.getName()); xpp3DomElement.setValue(config.getValue()); for (String name : config.getAttributeNames()) { xpp3DomElement.setAttribute(name, config.getAttribute(name)); } for (PlexusConfiguration child : config.getChildren()) { xpp3DomElement.addChild(convertPlexusConfiguration(child)); } return xpp3DomElement; }
Example 13
Source File: From extra-enforcer-rules with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void addToMapWhenNotNull( String member, final String memberName ) { if ( member != null ) { final Xpp3Dom memberDom = new Xpp3Dom( memberName ); memberDom.setValue( member ); map.put( memberName, memberDom ); } }
Example 14
Source File: From jkube with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Xpp3Dom toXpp3Dom(PlexusConfiguration config) { Xpp3Dom result = new Xpp3Dom(config.getName()); result.setValue(config.getValue(null)); for (String name : config.getAttributeNames()) { result.setAttribute(name, config.getAttribute(name)); } for (PlexusConfiguration child : config.getChildren()) { result.addChild(toXpp3Dom(child)); } return result; }
Example 15
Source File: From docker-maven-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public SettingsStub() { super(); final Server server = new Server(); server.setId("docker-hub"); server.setUsername("dxia3"); // plaintext value is: SxpxdUQA2mvX7oj server.setPassword("{gc4QPLrlgPwHZjAhPw8JPuGzaPitzuyjeBojwCz88j4=}"); final Xpp3Dom configuration = new Xpp3Dom("configuration"); final Xpp3Dom email = new Xpp3Dom("email"); email.setValue(""); configuration.addChild(email); server.setConfiguration(configuration); addServer(server); }
Example 16
Source File: From docker-maven-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Server mockServer() { final Server server = new Server(); server.setUsername(USERNAME); server.setPassword(PASSWORD); final Xpp3Dom email = new Xpp3Dom(EMAIL_PROPERTY); email.setValue(EMAIL); final Xpp3Dom configuration = new Xpp3Dom(CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY); configuration.addChild(email); server.setConfiguration(configuration); return server; }
Example 17
Source File: From microprofile-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void adjustPOM(Model pomFile, JessieModel model, boolean mainProject) { Profile profile = pomFile.getProfiles().get(0);// We assume there is only 1 profile. Plugin mavenPlugin = findMavenPlugin(profile.getBuild().getPlugins()); Xpp3Dom configuration = (Xpp3Dom) mavenPlugin.getConfiguration(); Xpp3Dom httpPort = new Xpp3Dom("tomeeHttpPort"); httpPort.setValue( mainProject ? SupportedServer.TOMEE.getPortServiceA() : SupportedServer.TOMEE.getPortServiceB() ); configuration.addChild(httpPort); Xpp3Dom shutdownPort = new Xpp3Dom("tomeeShutdownPort"); shutdownPort.setValue( mainProject ? "8005" : "8105" ); configuration.addChild(shutdownPort); Xpp3Dom ajpPort = new Xpp3Dom("tomeeAjpPort"); ajpPort.setValue( mainProject ? "8009" : "8109" ); configuration.addChild(ajpPort); List<MicroprofileSpec> microprofileSpecs = model.getParameter(JessieModel.Parameter.MICROPROFILESPECS); if (microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.JWT_AUTH) && !mainProject) { Xpp3Dom systemVariables = new Xpp3Dom("systemVariables"); Xpp3Dom publicKeyLocation = new Xpp3Dom("mp.jwt.verify.publickey.location"); publicKeyLocation.setValue("/publicKey.pem"); systemVariables.addChild(publicKeyLocation); configuration.addChild(systemVariables); } }
Example 18
Source File: From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Xpp3Dom toDom() { Xpp3Dom dom = new Xpp3Dom(name); if (text != null) { dom.setValue(text); } for (Element e : children) { dom.addChild(e.toDom()); } for (Attribute attribute : attributes.attributes) { dom.setAttribute(, attribute.value); } return dom; }
Example 19
Source File: From microprofile-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void adaptMavenModel(Model pomFile, JessieModel model, boolean mainProject) { String quarkusVersion = ""; switch (model.getSpecification().getMicroProfileVersion()) { case NONE: break; case MP32: quarkusVersion = "1.3.4.Final"; break; case MP30: break; case MP22: break; case MP21: break; case MP20: break; case MP14: break; case MP13: break; case MP12: break; default: } pomFile.addProperty("version.quarkus", quarkusVersion); List<MicroprofileSpec> microprofileSpecs = model.getParameter(JessieModel.Parameter.MICROPROFILESPECS); Profile nativeProfile = pomFile.getProfiles().get(0).clone(); nativeProfile.setId("native"); nativeProfile.getActivation().setActiveByDefault(false); nativeProfile.getBuild().getPlugins().get(0).getExecutions().get(0).setGoals(Collections.singletonList("native-image")); Xpp3Dom configuration = new Xpp3Dom("configuration"); Xpp3Dom enableHttpUrlHandler = new Xpp3Dom("enableHttpUrlHandler"); enableHttpUrlHandler.setValue("true"); configuration.addChild(enableHttpUrlHandler); if (microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.JWT_AUTH) && mainProject) { Xpp3Dom additionalBuildArgsLog = new Xpp3Dom("additionalBuildArgs"); additionalBuildArgsLog.setValue("-H:Log=registerResource:"); configuration.addChild(additionalBuildArgsLog); Xpp3Dom additionalBuildArgsResources = new Xpp3Dom("additionalBuildArgs"); additionalBuildArgsResources.setValue("-H:IncludeResources=privateKey.pem"); configuration.addChild(additionalBuildArgsResources); } nativeProfile.getBuild().getPlugins().get(0).setConfiguration(configuration); pomFile.addProfile(nativeProfile); // We add Rest by default as all our examples use it anyway. mavenHelper.addDependency(pomFile, "io.quarkus", "quarkus-resteasy", "${version.quarkus}"); //if (microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.CONFIG)) { // Config is present by default. //} if (microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.FAULT_TOLERANCE) && mainProject) { mavenHelper.addDependency(pomFile, "io.quarkus", "quarkus-smallrye-fault-tolerance", "${version.quarkus}"); } if (microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.JWT_AUTH)) { mavenHelper.addDependency(pomFile, "io.quarkus", "quarkus-smallrye-jwt", "${version.quarkus}"); } if (microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.METRICS) && mainProject) { mavenHelper.addDependency(pomFile, "io.quarkus", "quarkus-smallrye-metrics", "${version.quarkus}"); } if (microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.HEALTH_CHECKS) && mainProject) { mavenHelper.addDependency(pomFile, "io.quarkus", "quarkus-smallrye-health", "${version.quarkus}"); } if (microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.OPEN_API) && mainProject) { mavenHelper.addDependency(pomFile, "io.quarkus", "quarkus-smallrye-openapi", "${version.quarkus}"); } if (microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.OPEN_TRACING)) { mavenHelper.addDependency(pomFile, "io.quarkus", "quarkus-smallrye-opentracing", "${version.quarkus}"); } if ((microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.REST_CLIENT) || microprofileSpecs.contains(MicroprofileSpec.JWT_AUTH)) && mainProject) { mavenHelper.addDependency(pomFile, "io.quarkus", "quarkus-rest-client", "${version.quarkus}"); } }
Example 20
Source File: From takari-lifecycle with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 4 votes |
private static Xpp3Dom param(String name, String value) { Xpp3Dom node = new Xpp3Dom(name); node.setValue(value); return node; }