org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_forwardMatch_4( final IBlockIndex index ) throws IOException{ int[] mustReadIndex = { 0 , 3 }; IFilter filter = new ForwardMatchStringFilter( "x" ); List<Integer> resultIndexList = index.getBlockSpreadIndex( filter ); if( resultIndexList == null ){ assertTrue( true ); return; } Set<Integer> dic = new HashSet<Integer>(); for( Integer i : resultIndexList ){ dic.add( i ); } for( int i = 0 ; i < mustReadIndex.length ; i++ ){ assertTrue( dic.contains( mustReadIndex[i] ) ); } }
Example #2
Source File: From camel-k-runtime with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest() @EnumSource(WebhookAction.class) public void testRegistrationFailure(WebhookAction action) throws Exception { ApplicationRuntime runtime = new ApplicationRuntime(); runtime.setProperties( "camel.component.webhook.configuration.webhook-auto-register", "false", "camel.k.customizer.webhook.enabled", "true", "camel.k.customizer.webhook.action",; runtime.getCamelContext().addComponent( "dummy", new DummyWebhookComponent( () -> { throw new RuntimeException("dummy error"); }, () -> { throw new RuntimeException("dummy error"); }) ); runtime.addListener(new ContextConfigurer()); runtime.addListener(RoutesConfigurer.forRoutes("classpath:webhook.js")); Assertions.assertThrows(FailedToCreateRouteException.class, runtime::run); }
Example #3
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_perfectMatch_3( final IBlockIndex index ) throws IOException{ int[] mustReadIndex = { 0 , 3 }; IFilter filter = new PerfectMatchStringFilter( "d" ); List<Integer> resultIndexList = index.getBlockSpreadIndex( filter ); if( resultIndexList == null ){ assertTrue( true ); return; } Set<Integer> dic = new HashSet<Integer>(); for( Integer i : resultIndexList ){ dic.add( i ); } for( int i = 0 ; i < mustReadIndex.length ; i++ ){ assertTrue( dic.contains( mustReadIndex[i] ) ); } }
Example #4
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_le_3( final IBlockIndex index , final IFilter[] filter ) throws IOException{ int[] mustReadIndex = { 0 , 1 }; List<Integer> resultIndexList = index.getBlockSpreadIndex( filter[8] ); if( resultIndexList == null ){ assertTrue( true ); return; } Set<Integer> dic = new HashSet<Integer>(); for( Integer i : resultIndexList ){ dic.add( i ); } for( int i = 0 ; i < mustReadIndex.length ; i++ ){ assertTrue( dic.contains( mustReadIndex[i] ) ); } }
Example #5
Source File: From skara with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @EnumSource(VCS.class) void checksForCommit(VCS vcs) throws Exception { try (var dir = new TemporaryDirectory()) { var repoPath = dir.path().resolve("repo"); var repo = CheckableRepository.create(repoPath, vcs); var readme = repoPath.resolve("README"); Files.write(readme, List.of("Hello, readme!")); repo.add(readme); var first = repo.commit("Add README", "duke", ""); var censusPath = dir.path().resolve("census"); Files.createDirectories(censusPath); CensusCreator.populateCensusDirectory(censusPath); var census = Census.parse(censusPath); var checks = JCheck.checksFor(repo, census, first); var checkNames = .map(Check::name) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertEquals(Set.of("whitespace", "reviewers"), checkNames); } }
Example #6
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_notNull_1( final String targetClassName ) throws IOException { IColumn column = new PrimitiveColumn( ColumnType.DOUBLE , "column" ); column.add( ColumnType.DOUBLE , new DoubleObj( (double)1 ) , 0 ); column.add( ColumnType.DOUBLE , new DoubleObj( (double)2 ) , 1 ); column.add( ColumnType.DOUBLE , new DoubleObj( (double)3 ) , 2 ); column.add( ColumnType.DOUBLE , new DoubleObj( (double)4 ) , 3 ); column.add( ColumnType.DOUBLE , new DoubleObj( (double)5 ) , 4 ); column.add( ColumnType.DOUBLE , new DoubleObj( (double)6 ) , 5 ); column.add( ColumnType.DOUBLE , new DoubleObj( (double)7 ) , 6 ); column.add( ColumnType.DOUBLE , new DoubleObj( (double)8 ) , 7 ); column.add( ColumnType.DOUBLE , new DoubleObj( (double)9 ) , 8 ); column.add( ColumnType.DOUBLE , new DoubleObj( (double)10 ) , 9 ); ColumnBinary columnBinary = create( column , targetClassName ); assertEquals( columnBinary.logicalDataSize , Double.BYTES * 10 ); }
Example #7
Source File: From skara with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @EnumSource(VCS.class) void testTagsOnNonEmptyRepository(VCS vcs) throws IOException { try (var dir = new TemporaryDirectory()) { var r = Repository.init(dir.path(), vcs); var readme = dir.path().resolve("README"); Files.write(readme, List.of("Hello, readme!")); r.add(readme); r.commit("Add README", "duke", ""); var expected = vcs == VCS.GIT ? List.of() : List.of(new Tag("tip")); assertEquals(expected, r.tags()); } }
Example #8
Source File: From skara with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @EnumSource(VCS.class) void testNonCheckedOutRepositoryIsHealthy(VCS vcs) throws IOException { try (var dir1 = new TemporaryDirectory(); var dir2 = new TemporaryDirectory()) { var r1 = Repository.init(dir1.path(), vcs); var readme = dir1.path().resolve("README"); Files.write(readme, List.of("Hello, readme!")); r1.add(readme); var hash = r1.commit("Add README", "duke", ""); r1.tag(hash, "tag", "tagging", "duke", ""); var r2 = Repository.init(dir2.path(), vcs); r2.fetch(r1.root().toUri(), r1.defaultBranch().name()); assertTrue(r2.isHealthy()); } }
Example #9
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_lt_2( final IBlockIndex index , final IFilter[] filter ) throws IOException{ int[] mustReadIndex = { 0 }; List<Integer> resultIndexList = index.getBlockSpreadIndex( filter[4] ); if( resultIndexList == null ){ assertTrue( true ); return; } Set<Integer> dic = new HashSet<Integer>(); for( Integer i : resultIndexList ){ dic.add( i ); } for( int i = 0 ; i < mustReadIndex.length ; i++ ){ assertTrue( dic.contains( mustReadIndex[i] ) ); } }
Example #10
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_notNull_1( final String targetClassName ) throws IOException{ IColumn column = createNotNullColumn( targetClassName ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(0).getRow() ) ).getShort() , Short.MAX_VALUE ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(1).getRow() ) ).getShort() , Short.MIN_VALUE ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(2).getRow() ) ).getShort() , (short)-200 ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(3).getRow() ) ).getShort() , (short)-300 ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(4).getRow() ) ).getShort() , (short)-400 ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(5).getRow() ) ).getShort() , (short)-500 ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(6).getRow() ) ).getShort() , (short)-600 ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(7).getRow() ) ).getShort() , (short)700 ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(8).getRow() ) ).getShort() , (short)800 ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(9).getRow() ) ).getShort() , (short)900 ); assertEquals( ( (PrimitiveObject)( column.get(10).getRow() ) ).getShort() , (short)0 ); }
Example #11
Source File: From chart-fx with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@DisplayName("Bessel - High-Pass") @ParameterizedTest(name = "{displayName}: filter-order: {0}, algorithm: {1}") @CsvSource({ "2, 0", "3, 0", "4, 0", "2, 1", "3, 1", "4, 1", "2, 2", "3, 2", "4, 2" }) public void testBesselHighPass(final int filterOrder, final int algorithmVariant) { final Bessel iirHighPass = new Bessel(); switch (algorithmVariant) { case 1: iirHighPass.highPass(filterOrder, 1.0, F_CUT_HIGH, DirectFormAbstract.DIRECT_FORM_I); break; case 2: iirHighPass.highPass(filterOrder, 1.0, F_CUT_HIGH, DirectFormAbstract.DIRECT_FORM_II); break; case 0: default: iirHighPass.highPass(filterOrder, 1.0, F_CUT_HIGH); break; } final DataSet magHighPass = filterAndGetMagnitudeSpectrum(iirHighPass, demoDataSet); assertThat("high-pass cut-off", magHighPass.getValue(DIM_X, F_CUT_HIGH), lessThan(EPSILON_DB)); assertThat("high-pass rejection", magHighPass.getValue(DIM_X, 0.1 * F_CUT_HIGH), lessThan(3.0 + EPSILON_DB - 10 * filterOrder)); assertThat("high-pass pass-band ripple", getRange(magHighPass, (int) (N_SAMPLES_FFT * 0.95), N_SAMPLES_FFT), lessThan(2 * EPSILON_DB)); }
Example #12
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_notNull_1( final String targetClassName ) throws IOException { IColumn column = new PrimitiveColumn( ColumnType.LONG , "column" ); column.add( ColumnType.LONG , new LongObj( (long)1 ) , 0 ); column.add( ColumnType.LONG , new LongObj( (long)2 ) , 1 ); column.add( ColumnType.LONG , new LongObj( (long)3 ) , 2 ); column.add( ColumnType.LONG , new LongObj( (long)4 ) , 3 ); column.add( ColumnType.LONG , new LongObj( (long)5 ) , 4 ); column.add( ColumnType.LONG , new LongObj( (long)6 ) , 5 ); column.add( ColumnType.LONG , new LongObj( (long)7 ) , 6 ); column.add( ColumnType.LONG , new LongObj( (long)8 ) , 7 ); column.add( ColumnType.LONG , new LongObj( (long)9 ) , 8 ); column.add( ColumnType.LONG , new LongObj( (long)10 ) , 9 ); ColumnBinary columnBinary = create( column , targetClassName ); assertEquals( columnBinary.logicalDataSize , Long.BYTES * 10 ); }
Example #13
Source File: From PGM with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = {"", "notaduration", "1/2", "1m2d"}) void testParseDurationInvalid(String text) { assertEquals( "error.invalidFormat", assertThrows(TextException.class, () -> parseDuration(text)).getMessage()); }
Example #14
Source File: From pg-index-health with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = {"public", "custom"}) void getDuplicatedHashIndexesOnDatabaseWithThem(final String schemaName) { executeTestOnDatabase(schemaName, dbp -> dbp.withReferences().withDuplicatedHashIndex(), ctx -> { final List<DuplicatedIndexes> duplicatedIndexes = databaseHealth.getDuplicatedIndexes(ctx); assertNotNull(duplicatedIndexes); assertThat(duplicatedIndexes, empty()); }); }
Example #15
Source File: From camel-k-runtime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = { "/", "/test", "/test/nested" }) public void testPlatformHttpComponent(String path) throws Exception { Runtime runtime = Runtime.on(new DefaultCamelContext()); runtime.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { fromF("platform-http:%s", path) .setBody().constant(PlatformHttpConstants.PLATFORM_HTTP_COMPONENT_NAME); } }); PlatformHttpServiceContextCustomizer httpService = new PlatformHttpServiceContextCustomizer(); httpService.setBindPort(AvailablePortFinder.getNextAvailable()); httpService.apply(runtime.getCamelContext()); PlatformHttpComponent c = runtime.getCamelContext().getComponent(PlatformHttpConstants.PLATFORM_HTTP_COMPONENT_NAME, PlatformHttpComponent.class); assertThat(c).isNotNull(); assertThat(c.getEngine()).isInstanceOf(VertxPlatformHttpEngine.class); try { runtime.getCamelContext().start(); given() .port(httpService.getBindPort()) .when() .get(path) .then() .statusCode(200) .body(equalTo(PlatformHttpConstants.PLATFORM_HTTP_COMPONENT_NAME)); } finally { runtime.getCamelContext().stop(); } }
Example #16
Source File: From pg-index-health with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = {"public", "custom"}) void getDuplicatedIndexesWithDifferentCollationShouldReturnNothing(final String schemaName) { executeTestOnDatabase(schemaName, dbp -> dbp.withReferences().withCustomCollation().withDuplicatedCustomCollationIndex(), ctx -> { final List<DuplicatedIndexes> duplicatedIndexes = indexesMaintenance.getDuplicatedIndexes(ctx); assertNotNull(duplicatedIndexes); assertThat(duplicatedIndexes, empty()); }); }
Example #17
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_canBlockSkip_1( final IBlockIndex bIndex , final IFilter filter , final boolean result ){ if( result ){ assertEquals( result , bIndex.getBlockSpreadIndex( filter ).isEmpty() ); } else{ assertTrue( bIndex.getBlockSpreadIndex( filter ) == null ); } }
Example #18
Source File: From kogito-runtimes with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = {"/exec/single-eventstate.sw.json", "/exec/single-eventstate.sw.yml"}) public void testSingleEventStateWorkflow(String workflowLocation) throws Exception { RuleFlowProcess process = (RuleFlowProcess) getWorkflowParser(workflowLocation).parseWorkFlow(classpathResourceReader(workflowLocation)); assertEquals("function", process.getId()); assertEquals("test-wf", process.getName()); assertEquals("1.0", process.getVersion()); assertEquals("org.kie.kogito.serverless", process.getPackageName()); assertEquals(RuleFlowProcess.PUBLIC_VISIBILITY, process.getVisibility()); assertEquals(3, process.getNodes().length); Node node = process.getNodes()[2]; assertTrue(node instanceof CompositeContextNode); node = process.getNodes()[0]; assertTrue(node instanceof StartNode); node = process.getNodes()[1]; assertTrue(node instanceof EndNode); // now check the composite one to see what nodes it has CompositeContextNode compositeNode = (CompositeContextNode) process.getNodes()[2]; assertEquals(3, compositeNode.getNodes().length); node = compositeNode.getNodes()[0]; assertTrue(node instanceof StartNode); node = compositeNode.getNodes()[1]; assertTrue(node instanceof ActionNode); node = compositeNode.getNodes()[2]; assertTrue(node instanceof EndNode); }
Example #19
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_null_1( final IColumn column ) throws IOException{ int[] mustReadIndex = { 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ,17 , 18 , 19 }; IFilter filter = new NullFilter( column.getColumnType() ); boolean[] filterResult = new boolean[30]; filterResult = column.filter( filter , filterResult ); if( filterResult == null ){ assertTrue( true ); return; } for( int i = 0 ; i < mustReadIndex.length ; i++ ){ assertTrue( filterResult[mustReadIndex[i]] ); } }
Example #20
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_filter_1( final ICellIndex cIndex , final IFilter filter , final boolean[] result ) throws IOException{ boolean[] r = cIndex.filter( filter , new boolean[0] ); if( r == null ){ assertNull( result ); } else{ assertEquals( result.length , 0 ); } }
Example #21
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_compareString_7( final IColumn column ) throws IOException{ int[] mustReadIndex = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 }; IFilter filter = new RangeStringCompareFilter( "0" , true , "15" , false , true ); boolean[] filterResult = new boolean[10]; filterResult = column.filter( filter , filterResult ); if( filterResult == null ){ assertTrue( true ); return; } for( int i = 0 ; i < mustReadIndex.length ; i++ ){ assertTrue( filterResult[mustReadIndex[i]] ); } }
Example #22
Source File: From hedera-mirror-node with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@DisplayName("update account such that expiration timestamp overflows nanos_timestamp") @ParameterizedTest(name = "with seconds {0} and expectedNanosTimestamp {1}") @CsvSource({ "9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807", "31556889864403199, 9223372036854775807", "-9223372036854775808, -9223372036854775808", "-1000000000000000000, -9223372036854775808" }) void cryptoUpdateExpirationOverflow(long seconds, long expectedNanosTimestamp) throws Exception { createAccount(); // now update var updateTransaction = buildTransaction(builder -> { builder.getCryptoUpdateAccountBuilder() .setAccountIDToUpdate(accountId) // *** THIS IS THE OVERFLOW WE WANT TO TEST *** // This should result in the entity having a Long.MAX_VALUE or Long.MIN_VALUE expirations // (the results of overflows). .setExpirationTime(Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(seconds)); }); var record = transactionRecordSuccess(TransactionBody.parseFrom(updateTransaction.getBodyBytes())); parseRecordItemAndCommit(new RecordItem(updateTransaction, record)); var dbAccountEntity = getTransactionEntity(record.getConsensusTimestamp()); assertAll( () -> assertEquals(2, transactionRepository.count()), () -> assertEquals(expectedNanosTimestamp, dbAccountEntity.getExpiryTimeNs()) ); }
Example #23
Source File: From incubator-tuweni with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("orProvider") void or(UInt64 v1, Object v2, UInt64 expected) { if (v2 instanceof UInt64) { assertValueEquals(expected, v1.or((UInt64) v2)); } else if (v2 instanceof Bytes) { assertValueEquals(expected, v1.or((Bytes) v2)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(v2.getClass().getName()); } }
Example #24
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_compareString_6( final IColumn column ) throws IOException{ int[] mustReadIndex = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 }; IFilter filter = new RangeStringCompareFilter( "15" , false , "2" , true , true ); boolean[] filterResult = new boolean[10]; filterResult = column.filter( filter , filterResult ); if( filterResult == null ){ assertTrue( true ); return; } for( int i = 0 ; i < mustReadIndex.length ; i++ ){ assertTrue( filterResult[mustReadIndex[i]] ); } }
Example #25
Source File: From pg-index-health with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = {"public", "custom"}) void getInvalidIndexesOnDatabaseWithoutThem(final String schemaName) { executeTestOnDatabase(schemaName, DatabasePopulator::withReferences, ctx -> { final List<Index> invalidIndexes = indexesMaintenance.getInvalidIndexes(ctx); assertNotNull(invalidIndexes); assertThat(invalidIndexes, empty()); }); }
Example #26
Source File: From yosegi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @MethodSource( "data1" ) public void T_vackwardMatch_5( final IBlockIndex index ) throws IOException{ int[] mustReadIndex = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 }; IFilter filter = new BackwardMatchStringFilter( "a" ); List<Integer> resultIndexList = index.getBlockSpreadIndex( filter ); assertNull( resultIndexList ); }
Example #27
Source File: From pg-index-health with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = {"public", "custom"}) void getDuplicatedIndexesWithDifferentCollationShouldReturnNothing(final String schemaName) { executeTestOnDatabase(schemaName, dbp -> dbp.withReferences().withCustomCollation().withDuplicatedCustomCollationIndex(), ctx -> { final List<DuplicatedIndexes> duplicatedIndexes = databaseHealth.getDuplicatedIndexes(ctx); assertNotNull(duplicatedIndexes); assertThat(duplicatedIndexes, empty()); }); }
Example #28
Source File: From hedera-mirror-node with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "toInstantByRegexPositive({0},{1},{2},{3})") @MethodSource("toInstantByRegexPositiveSource") public void toInstantByRegexPositive(long expectedSeconds, long expectedNanos, String pattern, String value) { var cut = getCut(); var p = Pattern.compile(pattern); var m = p.matcher(value); assertTrue(m.find()); var inst = cut.toInstant(m); assertAll(() -> assertEquals(expectedSeconds, inst.getEpochSecond()), () -> assertEquals(expectedNanos, inst.getNano()) ); }
Example #29
Source File: From chart-fx with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@DisplayName("Bessel - Band-Stop") @ParameterizedTest(name = "{displayName}: filter-order: {0}, algorithm: {1}") @CsvSource({ "2, 0", "3, 0", "4, 0", "2, 1", "3, 1", "4, 1", "2, 2", "3, 2", "4, 2" }) public void testBesselBandStop(final int filterOrder, final int algorithmVariant) { final Bessel iirBandStop = new Bessel(); switch (algorithmVariant) { case 1: iirBandStop.bandStop(filterOrder, 1.0, F_BAND_CENTRE, F_BAND_WIDTH, DirectFormAbstract.DIRECT_FORM_I); break; case 2: iirBandStop.bandStop(filterOrder, 1.0, F_BAND_CENTRE, F_BAND_WIDTH, DirectFormAbstract.DIRECT_FORM_II); break; case 0: default: iirBandStop.bandStop(filterOrder, 1.0, F_BAND_CENTRE, F_BAND_WIDTH); break; } final DataSet magBandStop = filterAndGetMagnitudeSpectrum(iirBandStop, demoDataSet); assertThat("band-stop cut-off (low)", magBandStop.getValue(DIM_X, F_BAND_START), lessThan(EPSILON_DB)); assertThat("band-stop cut-off (high)", magBandStop.getValue(DIM_X, F_BAND_STOP), lessThan(EPSILON_DB)); assertThat("band-pass pass-band (low)", getRange(magBandStop, 0, magBandStop.getIndex(DIM_X, F_BAND_START * 0.1)), lessThan(EPSILON_DB)); assertThat("band-pass pass-band (high)", getRange(magBandStop, (int) (N_SAMPLES_FFT * 0.95), N_SAMPLES_FFT), lessThan(EPSILON_DB)); final double rangeStopBand = getMaximum(magBandStop, magBandStop.getIndex(DIM_X, (F_BAND_CENTRE - 0.03 * F_BAND_WIDTH)), magBandStop.getIndex(DIM_X, (F_BAND_CENTRE + 0.03 * F_BAND_WIDTH))); assertThat("band-pass stop-band ripple", rangeStopBand, lessThan(3.0 + EPSILON_DB - 10 * filterOrder)); }
Example #30
Source File: From skara with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @EnumSource(VCS.class) void testDefaultBranch(VCS vcs) throws IOException { try (var dir = new TemporaryDirectory()) { var r = Repository.init(dir.path(), vcs); var expected = vcs == VCS.GIT ? "master" : "default"; assertEquals(expected, r.defaultBranch().name()); } }