Java Code Examples for org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git#open()
The following examples show how to use
org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git#open() .
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Example 1
Source File: From karamel with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Synchronizes your updates on your local repository with github. * * @param owner * @param repoName * @throws KaramelException */ public synchronized static void commitPush(String owner, String repoName) throws KaramelException { if (email == null || user == null) { throw new KaramelException("You forgot to call registerCredentials. You must call this method first."); } File repoDir = getRepoDirectory(repoName); Git git = null; try { git =; git.commit().setAuthor(user, email).setMessage("Code generated by Karamel.") .setAll(true).call(); git.push().setCredentialsProvider(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(user, password)).call(); } catch (IOException | GitAPIException ex) { logger.error("error during github push", ex); throw new KaramelException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (git != null) { git.close(); } } }
Example 2
Source File: From diff-check with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
/** * calculate the merge base between two refs * * @param repoDir the git directory * @param ref1 the ref * @param ref2 the other ref * @return the merge base * @throws Exception throw Exception when error happens */ public String calculateMergeBase(File repoDir, String ref1, String ref2) throws Exception { try (Git git =; ObjectReader reader = git.getRepository().newObjectReader(); RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(git.getRepository())) { RevCommit commit1 = rw.parseCommit(git.getRepository().resolve(ref1)); RevCommit commit2 = rw.parseCommit(git.getRepository().resolve(ref2)); rw.setRevFilter(RevFilter.MERGE_BASE); rw.markStart(commit1); rw.markStart(commit2); RevCommit mergeBase =; return mergeBase != null ? : ""; } }
Example 3
Source File: From Refactoring-Bot with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * This method fetches data from the 'upstrem' remote. * * @param gitConfig * @throws GitWorkflowException */ public void fetchRemote(GitConfiguration gitConfig) throws GitWorkflowException { try (Git git = File(botConfig.getBotRefactoringDirectory() + gitConfig.getConfigurationId()))) { // Fetch data if (gitConfig.getRepoService().equals(FileHoster.github)) { git.fetch().setRemote("upstream") .setCredentialsProvider(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(gitConfig.getBotToken(), "")) .call(); } else { git.fetch().setRemote("upstream").setCredentialsProvider( new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(gitConfig.getBotName(), gitConfig.getBotToken())) .call(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new GitWorkflowException("Could not fetch data from 'upstream'!"); } }
Example 4
Source File: From repairnator with MIT License | 5 votes |
protected Git createGitBranch4Push(String branchName) throws IOException{ Git git = File(this.getInspector().getRepoLocalPath())); int status = GitHelper.gitCreateNewBranchAndCheckoutIt(this.getInspector().getRepoLocalPath(), branchName); if (status != 0) { return null; } return git; }
Example 5
Source File: From coderadar with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public void walkCommitTree( String projectRoot, String name, WalkTreeCommandInterface commandInterface) throws UnableToWalkCommitTreeException { try { Git git = File(projectRoot)); ObjectId commitId = git.getRepository().resolve(name); RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(git.getRepository()); RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(commitId); RevTree tree = commit.getTree(); TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(git.getRepository()); treeWalk.addTree(tree); treeWalk.setRecursive(true); while ( { if (!treeWalk.getPathString().endsWith(".java") || treeWalk.getPathString().contains("build") || treeWalk.getPathString().contains("out") || treeWalk.getPathString().contains("classes") || treeWalk.getPathString().contains("node_modules") || treeWalk.getPathString().contains("test")) { continue; } commandInterface.walkMethod(treeWalk.getPathString()); } git.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UnableToWalkCommitTreeException(e.getMessage()); } }
Example 6
Source File: From VoxelGamesLibv2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
public void commitRepo() { try { Git git =; new CustomAddCommand(git.getRepository()).addFilepattern(".").call(); git.commit().setAuthor("voxelgameslib", "") .setMessage("Update " +; // don't push here, thats need to be done manually } catch (IOException | GitAPIException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
Example 7
Source File: From curiostack with MIT License | 5 votes |
@BeforeAll void copyProject() throws Exception { Path projectDir = copyGitRepoFromResources("test-projects/gradle-curio-generic-ci-plugin/master-no-diffs"); try (Git git = { changeBranch("prbuild", git); addDiffs(projectDir, git, "build.gradle.kts"); addTwoEmptyCommits(git); } this.projectDir = projectDir.toFile(); }
Example 8
Source File: From XACML with MIT License | 5 votes |
protected void refreshStatus() { try { // // Grab our working repository // Path repoPath = ((XacmlAdminUI)getUI()).getUserGitPath(); final Git git =; // // Get our status // final String base; Status status; if (target == null) { base = "."; } else { Path relativePath = repoPath.relativize(Paths.get(target.getPath())); base = relativePath.toString(); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Status on base: " + base); } status = git.status().addPath(base).call(); // // Pass it to our container // this.container.refreshStatus(status); this.tableChanges.refreshRowCache(); } catch (NoWorkTreeException | IOException | GitAPIException e) { String error = "Failed to refresh status: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); logger.error(error); } }
Example 9
Source File: From vertx-config with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Git initializeGit() throws IOException, GitAPIException { if (path.isDirectory()) { Git git =; String current = git.getRepository().getBranch(); if (branch.equalsIgnoreCase(current)) { PullResult pull = git.pull().setRemote(remote).setCredentialsProvider(credentialProvider) .setTransportConfigCallback(transportConfigCallback).call(); if (!pull.isSuccessful()) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to pull the branch + '" + branch + "' from the remote repository '" + remote + "'"); } return git; } else { git.checkout() .setName(branch) .setUpstreamMode(CreateBranchCommand.SetupUpstreamMode.TRACK) .setStartPoint(remote + "/" + branch) .call(); return git; } } else { return Git.cloneRepository() .setURI(url) .setBranch(branch) .setRemote(remote) .setDirectory(path) .setCredentialsProvider(credentialProvider) .setTransportConfigCallback(transportConfigCallback) .call(); } }
Example 10
Source File: From curiostack with MIT License | 5 votes |
@BeforeAll void copyProject() throws Exception { Path projectDir = copyGitRepoFromResources("test-projects/gradle-curio-generic-ci-plugin/master-no-diffs"); try (var git = { changeBranch("prbuild", git); addDiffs(projectDir, git, "server2/src/main/java/"); addTwoEmptyCommits(git); } this.projectDir = projectDir.toFile(); }
Example 11
Source File: From curiostack with MIT License | 5 votes |
@BeforeAll void copyProject() throws Exception { Path projectDir = copyGitRepoFromResources("test-projects/gradle-curio-generic-ci-plugin/master-no-diffs"); try (var git = { addDiffs(projectDir, git, "build.gradle.kts"); } this.projectDir = projectDir.toFile(); }
Example 12
Source File: From curiostack with MIT License | 5 votes |
@BeforeAll void copyProject() throws Exception { Path projectDir = copyGitRepoFromResources("test-projects/gradle-curio-generic-ci-plugin/master-no-diffs"); try (var git = { changeBranch("prbuild", git); addDiffs(projectDir, git, "staticsite1/build.gradle.kts"); addTwoEmptyCommits(git); } this.projectDir = projectDir.toFile(); }
Example 13
Source File: From gitlab-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@Before public void setup() throws Exception { Git.init().setDirectory(tmp.getRoot()).call(); tmp.newFile("test"); Git git =; git.add().addFilepattern("test"); RevCommit commit = git.commit().setMessage("test").call(); commitSha1 = commit.getId().getName(); gitRepoUrl = tmp.getRoot().toURI().toString(); }
Example 14
Source File: From gitlab-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
@Before public void setup() throws IOException, GitAPIException { List<String> allowedStates = new ArrayList<>(); allowedStates.add("success"); User user = new User(); user.setName("test"); user.setId(1); Git.init().setDirectory(tmp.getRoot()).call(); tmp.newFile("test"); Git git =; git.add().addFilepattern("test"); git.commit().setMessage("test").call(); ObjectId head = git.getRepository().resolve(Constants.HEAD); pipelineHookTriggerHandler = new PipelineHookTriggerHandlerImpl(allowedStates); pipelineHook = pipelineHook() .withUser(user) .withRepository(repository() .withName("test") .withHomepage("") .withUrl("") .withGitSshUrl("") .withGitHttpUrl("") .build()) .withProject(project() .withNamespace("test-namespace") .withWebUrl("") .withId(1) .build()) .withObjectAttributes(pipelineEventObjectAttributes() .withId(1) .withStatus("success") .withSha("bcbb5ec396a2c0f828686f14fac9b80b780504f2") .withStages(new ArrayList<String>()) .withRef("refs/heads/" + git.nameRev().add(head).call().get(head)) .build()) .build(); git.close(); }
Example 15
Source File: From repairnator with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Override protected StepStatus businessExecute() { if (this.getConfig().isPush()) { if (this.commitType == CommitType.COMMIT_HUMAN_PATCH) { this.getLogger().info("Commit human patch..."); } else { this.getLogger().info("Commit info from repair tools..."); } super.setCommitType(this.commitType); try { Git git = File(this.getInspector().getRepoToPushLocalPath())); Ref oldHeadRef = git.getRepository().exactRef("HEAD"); RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(git.getRepository()); RevCommit headRev = revWalk.parseCommit(oldHeadRef.getObjectId()); revWalk.dispose(); StepStatus stepStatus = super.businessExecute(); if (stepStatus.isSuccess()) { RevCommit commit = super.getCommit(); this.getInspector().getGitHelper().computePatchStats(this.getInspector().getJobStatus(), git, headRev, commit); if (this.commitType == CommitType.COMMIT_HUMAN_PATCH) { this.setPushState(PushState.PATCH_COMMITTED); } else { this.setPushState(PushState.REPAIR_INFO_COMMITTED); } } else { if (this.commitType == CommitType.COMMIT_HUMAN_PATCH) { this.setPushState(PushState.PATCH_NOT_COMMITTED); } else { this.setPushState(PushState.REPAIR_INFO_NOT_COMMITTED); } } return stepStatus; } catch (IOException e) { this.addStepError("Error while opening the local git repository, maybe it has not been initialized.", e); } if (this.commitType == CommitType.COMMIT_HUMAN_PATCH) { this.setPushState(PushState.PATCH_NOT_COMMITTED); } else { this.setPushState(PushState.REPAIR_INFO_NOT_COMMITTED); } return StepStatus.buildSkipped(this,"Error while committing."); } else { this.getLogger().info("Repairnator is configured NOT to push. Step bypassed."); return StepStatus.buildSkipped(this); } }
Example 16
Source File: From GitToolBox with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void opsImpl(GitOps ops) throws IOException { Path rootPath = ops.getRootPath(); try (Git git = { ops.invoke(git); } }
Example 17
Source File: From gitlab-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void note_build() throws IOException, InterruptedException, GitAPIException, ExecutionException { Git.init().setDirectory(tmp.getRoot()).call(); tmp.newFile("test"); Git git =; git.add().addFilepattern("test"); RevCommit commit = git.commit().setMessage("test").call(); ObjectId head = git.getRepository().resolve(Constants.HEAD); String repositoryUrl = tmp.getRoot().toURI().toString(); final OneShotEvent buildTriggered = new OneShotEvent(); FreeStyleProject project = jenkins.createFreeStyleProject(); project.setScm(new GitSCM(repositoryUrl)); project.getBuildersList().add(new TestBuilder() { @Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { buildTriggered.signal(); return true; } }); Date currentDate = new Date(); project.setQuietPeriod(0); noteHookTriggerHandler.handle(project, noteHook() .withObjectAttributes(noteObjectAttributes() .withId(1) .withNote("ci-run") .withAuthorId(1) .withProjectId(1) .withCreatedAt(currentDate) .withUpdatedAt(currentDate) .withUrl("") .build()) .withMergeRequest(mergeRequestObjectAttributes() .withTargetBranch("refs/heads/" + git.nameRev().add(head).call().get(head)) .withState(State.opened) .withIid(1) .withTitle("test") .withTargetProjectId(1) .withSourceProjectId(1) .withSourceBranch("feature") .withTargetBranch("master") .withLastCommit(commit().withAuthor(user().withName("test").build()).withId(commit.getName()).build()) .withSource(project() .withName("test") .withNamespace("test-namespace") .withHomepage("") .withUrl("") .withSshUrl("") .withHttpUrl("") .build()) .withTarget(project() .withName("test") .withNamespace("test-namespace") .withHomepage("") .withUrl("") .withSshUrl("") .withHttpUrl("") .withWebUrl("") .build()) .build()) .build(), true, BranchFilterFactory.newBranchFilter(branchFilterConfig().build(BranchFilterType.All)), newMergeRequestLabelFilter(null)); buildTriggered.block(10000); assertThat(buildTriggered.isSignaled(), is(true)); }
Example 18
Source File: From spring-cloud-config with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Tests a special use case where the remote repository has been updated with a forced * push conflicting with the local repo of the Config Server. The Config Server has to * reset hard on the new reference because a simple pull operation could result in a * conflicting local repository. * @throws Exception when git related exception happens */ @Test public void pullDirtyRepo() throws Exception { ConfigServerTestUtils.prepareLocalRepo(); String uri = ConfigServerTestUtils.copyLocalRepo("config-copy"); // Create a remote bare repository. Repository remote = ConfigServerTestUtils.prepareBareRemote(); Git git =; StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig(); config.setString("remote", "origin", "url", remote.getDirectory().getAbsolutePath()); config.setString("remote", "origin", "fetch", "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*");; // Pushes the raw branch to remote repository. git.push().call(); String commitToRevertBeforePull = git.log().setMaxCount(1).call().iterator() .next().getName(); this.context = new SpringApplicationBuilder(TestConfiguration.class) .web(WebApplicationType.NONE) .run("" + uri); JGitEnvironmentRepository repository = this.context .getBean(JGitEnvironmentRepository.class); // Fetches the repository for the first time. SearchPathLocator.Locations locations = repository.getLocations("bar", "test", "raw"); assertThat(commitToRevertBeforePull).isEqualTo(locations.getVersion()); // Resets to the original commit. git.reset().setMode(ResetType.HARD).setRef("master").call(); // Generate a conflicting commit who will be forced on the origin. Path applicationFilePath = Paths .get(ResourceUtils.getFile(uri).getAbsoluteFile() + "/application.yml"); Files.write(applicationFilePath, Arrays.asList("info:", " foo: bar", "raw: false"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); git.add().addFilepattern(".").call(); git.commit().setMessage("Conflicting commit.").call(); git.push().setForce(true).call(); String conflictingCommit = git.log().setMaxCount(1).call().iterator().next() .getName(); // Reset to the raw branch. git.reset().setMode(ResetType.HARD).setRef(commitToRevertBeforePull).call(); // Triggers the repository refresh. locations = repository.getLocations("bar", "test", "raw"); assertThat(conflictingCommit).isEqualTo(locations.getVersion()); assertThat(git.status().call().isClean()) .as("Local repository is not cleaned after retrieving resources.") .isTrue(); }
Example 19
Source File: From repairnator with MIT License | 3 votes |
@Test public void testInitRepoToPushSimpleCase() throws IOException, GitAPIException { long buildId = 207924136; // surli/failingProject build RepairnatorConfig repairnatorConfig = RepairnatorConfig.getInstance(); repairnatorConfig.setClean(false); repairnatorConfig.setPush(true); Build build = this.checkBuildAndReturn(buildId, false); tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory("test_initRepoToPush").toFile(); BuildToBeInspected toBeInspected = new BuildToBeInspected(build, null, ScannedBuildStatus.ONLY_FAIL, ""); JobStatus jobStatus = new JobStatus(tmpDir.getAbsolutePath()+"/repo"); jobStatus.getProperties().getBuilds().setBuggyBuild(new, "", new Date())); ProjectInspector inspector = ProjectInspectorMocker.mockProjectInspector(jobStatus, tmpDir, toBeInspected); CloneRepository cloneStep = new CloneRepository(inspector); cloneStep.addNextStep(new CheckoutBuggyBuild(inspector, true)).addNextStep(new InitRepoToPush(inspector)); cloneStep.execute(); assertThat(jobStatus.getPushStates().contains(PushState.REPO_INITIALIZED), is(true)); Git gitDir = File(tmpDir, "repotopush")); Iterable<RevCommit> logs = gitDir.log().call(); Iterator<RevCommit> iterator = logs.iterator(); assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), is(true)); RevCommit commit =; assertThat(commit.getShortMessage(), containsString("Bug commit")); assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), is(false)); }
Example 20
Source File: From repairnator with MIT License | 3 votes |
@Test public void testCloneMasterBuild() throws IOException { long buildId = 207924136; // surli/failingProject build Build build = this.checkBuildAndReturn(buildId, false); tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory("test_clone").toFile(); BuildToBeInspected toBeInspected = new BuildToBeInspected(build, null, ScannedBuildStatus.ONLY_FAIL, ""); JobStatus jobStatus = new JobStatus(tmpDir.getAbsolutePath()+"/repo"); ProjectInspector inspector = ProjectInspectorMocker.mockProjectInspector(jobStatus, tmpDir, toBeInspected); CloneRepository cloneStep = new CloneRepository(inspector); cloneStep.execute(); assertThat(cloneStep.isShouldStop(), is(false)); List<StepStatus> stepStatusList = jobStatus.getStepStatuses(); assertThat(stepStatusList.size(), is(1)); StepStatus cloneStatus = stepStatusList.get(0); assertThat(cloneStatus.getStep(), is(cloneStep)); assertThat(cloneStatus.isSuccess(), is(true)); Git gitDir = File(tmpDir, "repo")); Ref ref = gitDir.getRepository().exactRef("HEAD"); assertThat(ref.isSymbolic(), is(true)); ref = ref.getTarget(); assertThat(ref.getObjectId().getName(), not(build.getCommit().getSha())); // no check out yet }