org.openrdf.model.impl.LinkedHashModel Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.openrdf.model.impl.LinkedHashModel. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
* Sets up a simple data set on the server.
* @throws Exception
protected void setupDataOnServer() throws Exception {
    final URI mike = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Mike");
    final URI bryan = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Bryan");
    final URI person = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Person");
    final URI likes = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "likes");
    final URI rdf = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "RDF");
    final URI rdfs = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "RDFS");
    final Literal label1 = new LiteralImpl("Mike");
    final Literal label2 = new LiteralImpl("Bryan");

     final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();
     g.add(mike, RDF.TYPE, person);
     g.add(mike, likes, rdf);
     g.add(mike, RDFS.LABEL, label1);
     g.add(bryan, RDF.TYPE, person);
     g.add(bryan, likes, rdfs);
     g.add(bryan, RDFS.LABEL, label2);

     m_repo.add(new AddOp(g));

Example #2
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void doConstructTest(final String method, final RDFFormat format)
            throws Exception {
        final URI mike = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Mike");
        final URI bryan = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Bryan");
        final URI person = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Person");

        // The expected results.
        final Graph expected = new LinkedHashModel();
//            expected.add(new StatementImpl(mike, likes, rdf));
            expected.add(new StatementImpl(mike, RDF.TYPE, person));
            expected.add(new StatementImpl(bryan, RDF.TYPE, person));
//            expected.add(new StatementImpl(mike, RDFS.LABEL, label1));
        // Run the query and verify the results.

            final String queryStr =
                "prefix bd: <"+BD.NAMESPACE+"> " +//
                "prefix rdf: <"+RDF.NAMESPACE+"> " +//
                "prefix rdfs: <"+RDFS.NAMESPACE+"> " +//
                "CONSTRUCT { ?x rdf:type bd:Person }" +//
                "WHERE { " +//
                "  ?x rdf:type bd:Person . " +//
//                "  ?x bd:likes bd:RDF " +//

            final IPreparedGraphQuery query = m_repo.prepareGraphQuery(queryStr);

//            final Graph actual = asGraph(query.evaluate());

            assertSameGraph(expected, query);
Example #3
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Sets up a simple data set on the server.
* @throws Exception 
protected void setupQuadsDataOnServer() throws Exception {
    final URI mike = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Mike");
    final URI bryan = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Bryan");
    final URI person = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Person");
    final URI likes = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "likes");
    final URI rdf = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "RDF");
    final URI rdfs = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "RDFS");
    final URI c1 = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "c1");
    final URI c2 = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "c2");
    final URI c3 = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "c3");
    final Literal label1 = new LiteralImpl("Mike");
    final Literal label2 = new LiteralImpl("Bryan");

     final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();
     g.add(mike, RDF.TYPE, person, c1, c2, c3);
     g.add(mike, likes, rdf, c1, c2, c3);
     g.add(mike, RDFS.LABEL, label1, c1, c2, c3);
     g.add(bryan, RDF.TYPE, person, c1, c2, c3);
     g.add(bryan, likes, rdfs, c1, c2, c3);
     g.add(bryan, RDFS.LABEL, label2, c1, c2, c3);
     m_repo.add(new AddOp(g));

Example #4
Source File:    From powsybl-core with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void write(DataSource ds, RepositoryConnection conn, Resource context) throws RepositoryException {"Writing context {}", context);

    RepositoryResult<Statement> statements = conn.getStatements(null, null, null, true, context);
    Model model = new LinkedHashModel();
    QueryResults.addAll(statements, model);
    copyNamespacesToModel(conn, model);

    String outname = context.toString();
    write(model, outputStream(ds, outname));
Example #5
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Test of insert and retrieval of a large literal.
public void test_INSERT_veryLargeLiteral() throws Exception {

    final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();
    final URI s = new URIImpl("");
    final URI p = RDFS.LABEL;
    final Literal o = getVeryLargeLiteral();
    final Statement stmt = new StatementImpl(s, p, o);
    // Load the resource into the KB.
            doInsertByBody("POST", RDFFormat.RDFXML, g, null/* defaultContext */));

    // Read back the data into a graph.
    final Graph g2;
        final String queryStr = "DESCRIBE <" + s.stringValue() + ">";
        final GraphQuery query = cxn.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStr);
        g2 = asGraph(query.evaluate());
    assertEquals(1, g2.size());
    assertTrue(g2.match(s, p, o).hasNext());
Example #6
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Preferred version executes the {@link IPreparedGraphQuery} and ensures
 * that the {@link GraphQueryResult} is closed.
 * @param preparedQuery
 *           The prepared query.
 * @return The resulting graph.
 * @throws Exception
static protected Graph asGraph(final IPreparedGraphQuery preparedQuery)
      throws Exception {

   final GraphQueryResult result = preparedQuery.evaluate();

   try {

      final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();

      while (result.hasNext()) {



      return g;

   } finally {



Example #7
Source File:    From cumulusrdf with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void post() throws IOException, CumulusStoreException, RDFHandlerException, ServletException {

	for (int i = 0; i < TRIPLES_NT.size(); i++) {

		for (String mime_type : MimeTypes.RDF_SERIALIZATIONS) {

			 * clear data ...
			assertTrue("store should be empty", !TRIPLE_STORE.query(new Value[] { null, null, null }).hasNext());

			 * prepare data in desired RDF serialization

			Model model = new LinkedHashModel(parseNX(TRIPLES_NT.get(i)));
			final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
			Rio.write(model, out, RDFFormat.forMIMEType(mime_type));

			 * prepare mock ...
			when(_request.getInputStream()).thenReturn(new ServletInputStream() {
				final InputStream _inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());

				public int read() throws IOException {

			 * HTTP POST 
			_ld_servlet.doPost(_request, _response);

			 * verify the HTTP POST ...
			verify(_response, atLeastOnce()).setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED);

			for (Statement stmt : model) {
				assertTrue("statement '" + stmt + "' has not been been added correctly for serialization '" + mime_type + "'", TRIPLE_STORE.query(Util.toValueArray(stmt))
Example #8
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
   * Generate a SPARQL 1.1 Service Description for the addressed triple store
   * or quad store.
   * @see
  private void doServiceDescription(final HttpServletRequest req,
          final HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {

       * Protect the entire operation with a transaction.
       * @see <a href=""> NSS concurrency
       *      problem with list namespaces and create namespace </a>
      final long tx = getBigdataRDFContext().newTx(getTimestamp(req));
      try {
          final AbstractTripleStore tripleStore = getBigdataRDFContext()
                  .getTripleStore(getNamespace(req), tx);

          if (tripleStore == null) {
               * There is no such triple/quad store instance.
              buildAndCommitNamespaceNotFoundResponse(req, resp);

          // The serviceURIs for this graph.
          final String[] serviceURI = BigdataServlet.getServiceURIs(
                  getServletContext(), req);

           * TODO Resolve the SD class name and ctor via a configuration
           * property for extensible descriptions.
          final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();

              final SD sd = new SD(g, tripleStore, serviceURI);

              final SparqlEndpointConfig config = getBigdataRDFContext()

              sd.describeService(true/* describeStatistics */,


          sendGraph(req, resp, g);
} catch (Throwable t) {

	launderThrowable(t, resp, "");

      } finally {



Example #9
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Inserts some data into the KB and then issues a DESCRIBE query against
 * the REST API and verifies the expected results.
 * @param format
 *            The format is used to specify the Accept header.
 * @throws Exception
protected void doDescribeTest(final String method, final RDFFormat format)
        throws Exception {
    final URI mike = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Mike");
    final URI bryan = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Bryan");
    final URI person = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "Person");
    final URI likes = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "likes");
    final URI rdf = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "RDF");
    final URI rdfs = new URIImpl(BD.NAMESPACE + "RDFS");
    final Literal label1 = new LiteralImpl("Mike");
    final Literal label2 = new LiteralImpl("Bryan");

     final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();
     g.add(mike, RDF.TYPE, person);
     g.add(mike, likes, rdf);
     g.add(mike, RDFS.LABEL, label1);
     g.add(bryan, RDF.TYPE, person);
     g.add(bryan, likes, rdfs);
     g.add(bryan, RDFS.LABEL, label2);

     m_repo.add(new AddOp(g));

    // The expected results.
    final Graph expected = new LinkedHashModel();
        expected.add(new StatementImpl(mike, likes, rdf));
        expected.add(new StatementImpl(mike, RDF.TYPE, person));
        expected.add(new StatementImpl(mike, RDFS.LABEL, label1));
    // Run the query and verify the results.
    	final String queryStr =
            "prefix bd: <"+BD.NAMESPACE+"> " +//
            "prefix rdf: <"+RDF.NAMESPACE+"> " +//
            "prefix rdfs: <"+RDFS.NAMESPACE+"> " +//
            "DESCRIBE ?x " +//
            "WHERE { " +//
            "  ?x rdf:type bd:Person . " +//
            "  ?x bd:likes bd:RDF " +//

    	assertSameGraph(expected, m_repo.prepareGraphQuery(queryStr));

Example #10
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected Graph genNTRIPLES2(final int ntriples)
		throws RDFHandlerException {

	final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();

	final ValueFactory f = new ValueFactoryImpl();

	final URI s = f.createURI("");

	final URI rdfType = f

	for (int i = 0; i < ntriples; i++) {

		final URI o = f.createURI("" + i);

		g.add(s, rdfType, o);

	return g;

Example #11
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @deprecated by {@link #asGraph(IPreparedGraphQuery)} which can ensure that
 *             the {@link GraphQueryResult} is closed.
static protected Graph asGraph(final GraphQueryResult result) throws Exception {

   try {
      final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();

      while (result.hasNext()) {



      return g;
   } finally {

Example #12
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
   public <E extends Exception> void remove(
           final Iteration<? extends Statement, E> stmts, final Resource... c)
           throws RepositoryException, E {

	final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();

     while (stmts.hasNext()) {



	remove(g, c);

Example #13
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
   public <E extends Exception> void add(
           final Iteration<? extends Statement, E> stmts, final Resource... c)
           throws RepositoryException, E {
	final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();

	while (stmts.hasNext()) {
	add(g, c);
Example #14
Source File:    From anno4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Model asModel() throws OpenRDFException {
	GraphQuery qry = prepareGraphQuery();
	Model model = new LinkedHashModel();
	qry.evaluate(new StatementCollector(model));
	return model;
Example #15
Source File:    From anno4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public OntologyLoader() {
	this(new LinkedHashModel());
Example #16
Source File:    From anno4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Model match(Value subj, URI pred, Value obj, URI graph) {
	if (subj == null || subj instanceof Resource)
		return new LinkedHashModel(model.filter((Resource) subj, pred, obj, graph));
	return new LinkedHashModel();
Example #17
Source File:    From anno4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Model match(Value subj, URI pred, Value obj) {
	if (subj == null || subj instanceof Resource)
		return new LinkedHashModel(model.filter((Resource) subj, pred, obj));
	return new LinkedHashModel();
Example #18
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
    * <strong>single statement updates not recommended for performance
    * reasons</strong>. Remember, batch is beautiful.
    * <p>
    * {@inheritDoc}
	public void remove(final Statement stmt, final Resource... c)
			throws RepositoryException {
//		log.warn("single statement updates not recommended");
		final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();
		remove(g, c);

Example #19
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
    * <strong>single statement updates not recommended for performance
    * reasons</strong>. Remember, batch is beautiful.
    * <p>
    * {@inheritDoc}
	public void add(final Statement stmt, final Resource... c)
			throws RepositoryException {

//		log.warn("single statement updates not recommended");
		final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();

		add(g, c);

Example #20
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Utility method to turn a {@link GraphQueryResult} into a {@link Graph}.
 * @param result
 *            The {@link GraphQueryResult}.
 * @return The {@link Graph}.
 * @throws Exception
static public Graph asGraph(final GraphQueryResult result) throws Exception {

    final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();

    while (result.hasNext()) {



    return g;

Example #21
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
protected static Graph readGraphFromFile(final File file) throws RDFParseException, RDFHandlerException, IOException {
    final RDFFormat format = RDFFormat.forFileName(file.getName());
    final RDFParserFactory rdfParserFactory = RDFParserRegistry

    if (rdfParserFactory == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Parser not found: file=" + file
                + ", format=" + format);

    final RDFParser rdfParser = rdfParserFactory

    rdfParser.setValueFactory(new ValueFactoryImpl());




    final StatementCollector rdfHandler = new StatementCollector();

     * Run the parser, which will cause statements to be
     * inserted.

    final FileReader r = new FileReader(file);
    try {
        rdfParser.parse(r, file.toURI().toString()/* baseURL */);
    } finally {
    final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();

    return g;

Example #22
Source File:    From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
     * Convert RDF data from one format to another.
    private void doConvert(final HttpServletRequest req,
            final HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
    	final String baseURI = req.getRequestURL().toString();
    	// The content type of the request.
        final String contentType = req.getContentType();

        if (log.isInfoEnabled())
  "Request body: " + contentType);

         * <a href="">
         * UpdateServlet fails to parse MIMEType when doing conneg. </a>

        final RDFFormat requestBodyFormat = RDFFormat.forMIMEType(new MiniMime(

        if (requestBodyFormat == null) {

            buildAndCommitResponse(resp, HTTP_BADREQUEST, MIME_TEXT_PLAIN,
                    "Content-Type not recognized as RDF: " + contentType);



        final RDFParserFactory rdfParserFactory = RDFParserRegistry

        if (rdfParserFactory == null) {

            buildAndCommitResponse(resp, HTTP_INTERNALERROR, MIME_TEXT_PLAIN,
                    "Parser factory not found: Content-Type="
                            + contentType + ", format=" + requestBodyFormat);


//        final String s= IOUtil.readString(req.getInputStream());
//        System.err.println(s);
        final Graph g = new LinkedHashModel();
        try {
	         * There is a request body, so let's try and parse it.
	        final RDFParser rdfParser = rdfParserFactory
	        rdfParser.setValueFactory(new ValueFactoryImpl());
	        rdfParser.setRDFHandler(new StatementCollector(g));
	         * Run the parser, which will cause statements to be
	         * inserted.
	        rdfParser.parse(req.getInputStream(), baseURI);
			 * Send back the graph using CONNEG to decide the MIME Type of the
			 * response.
	        sendGraph(req, resp, g);
        } catch (Throwable t) {

            BigdataRDFServlet.launderThrowable(t, resp, null);

