Java Code Examples for org.w3c.dom.Element#setAttribute()
The following examples show how to use
org.w3c.dom.Element#setAttribute() .
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Example 1
Source File: From open with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void addTrackPoint(DateTimeFormatter isoDateParser, Cursor cursor, Document document, Element trksegElement) { int latIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(COLUMN_LAT); int lonIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(COLUMN_LNG); int altIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(COLUMN_ALT); int timeIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(COLUMN_TIME); int speedIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(COLUMN_SPEED); Element trkptElement = document.createElement("trkpt"); Element elevationElement = document.createElement("ele"); Element timeElement = document.createElement("time"); Element speedElement = document.createElement("speed"); trkptElement.setAttribute("lat", cursor.getString(latIndex)); trkptElement.setAttribute("lon", cursor.getString(lonIndex)); elevationElement.setTextContent(cursor.getString(altIndex)); DateTime date = new DateTime(cursor.getLong(timeIndex)); timeElement.setTextContent(date.toString(isoDateParser)); speedElement.setTextContent(String.valueOf(cursor.getDouble(speedIndex))); trkptElement.appendChild(elevationElement); trkptElement.appendChild(timeElement); trkptElement.appendChild(speedElement); trksegElement.appendChild(trkptElement); }
Example 2
Source File: From jason with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** get as XML */ public Element getAsDOM(Document document) { Element eb = (Element) document.createElement("body"); PlanBody bl = this; while (bl != null && !bl.isEmptyBody()) { Element u = (Element) document.createElement("body-literal"); if (bl.getBodyType().toString().length() > 0) { u.setAttribute("type", bl.getBodyType().toString()); } u.appendChild( ((Structure)bl.getBodyTerm()).getAsDOM(document)); eb.appendChild(u); bl = bl.getBodyNext(); } return eb; }
Example 3
Source File: From oodt with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Element getRDFElement(String key, String val, RDFConfig conf, Document doc) { // first apply the rewrite rules String tagName = conf.getRewriteMap().containsKey(key) ? conf .getRewriteMap().get(key) : key; // does this tag have a namespace? if not, use the default String ns = conf.getKeyNs(key); Element elem; // is this a resource link? if (conf.getResLinkMap().containsKey(key)) { elem = doc.createElement(ns + ":" + tagName); String linkBase = conf.getResLinkMap().get(key).endsWith("/") ? conf .getResLinkMap().get(key) : conf.getResLinkMap().get(key) + "/"; elem.setAttribute(RDF_RES_ATTR, linkBase + val); } else { elem = doc.createElement(ns + ":" + tagName); elem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(val)); } return elem; }
Example 4
Source File: From walkmod-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public List<Element> createIncludeList(String[] includes, String path) { List<Element> result = null; if (includes != null) { result = new LinkedList<Element>(); Document document = provider.getDocument(); int limit = path.length(); if (!path.endsWith("/")) { limit++; } for (String include : includes) { Element includeElem = document.createElement("include"); if(include.startsWith(path)){ include = include.substring(limit); } includeElem.setAttribute("wildcard", include); result.add(includeElem); } } return result; }
Example 5
Source File: From Pdf2Dom with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Creates an element that represents an image drawn at the specified coordinates in the page. * @param x the X coordinate of the image * @param y the Y coordinate of the image * @param width the width coordinate of the image * @param height the height coordinate of the image * @param type the image type: <code>"png"</code> or <code>"jpeg"</code> * @param resource the image data depending on the specified type * @return */ protected Element createImageElement(float x, float y, float width, float height, ImageResource resource) throws IOException { StringBuilder pstyle = new StringBuilder("position:absolute;"); pstyle.append("left:").append(x).append(UNIT).append(';'); pstyle.append("top:").append(y).append(UNIT).append(';'); pstyle.append("width:").append(width).append(UNIT).append(';'); pstyle.append("height:").append(height).append(UNIT).append(';'); //pstyle.append("border:1px solid red;"); Element el = doc.createElement("img"); el.setAttribute("style", pstyle.toString()); String imgSrc = config.getImageHandler().handleResource(resource); if (!disableImageData && !imgSrc.isEmpty()) el.setAttribute("src", imgSrc); else el.setAttribute("src", ""); return el; }
Example 6
Source File: From SAMLRaider with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void testXSW() throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, TransformerException{ Document document = xmlHelpers.getXMLDocumentOfSAMLMessage(messageSignedResponse); Element response = (Element) document.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "Response").item(0); Element assertion = (Element) response.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "Assertion").item(0); DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = xmlHelpers.getDBF(); DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document newDoc = documentBuilder.newDocument(); Element newRootResponse = (Element) newDoc.importNode(response, false); Element newAssertion = (Element) newDoc.importNode(assertion, true); newRootResponse.setAttribute("ID", "_evil_response_ID"); newDoc.appendChild(newRootResponse); newDoc.adoptNode(response); Element clonedAssertion = (Element) newAssertion.cloneNode(true); clonedAssertion.setAttribute("ID", "_evil_Assertion_ID"); newRootResponse.appendChild(response); newRootResponse.appendChild(clonedAssertion); Element newClonedSignature = (Element) clonedAssertion.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "Signature").item(0); clonedAssertion.removeChild(newClonedSignature); }
Example 7
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * @return the XML Element form of that Reference */ public Element toElement() { String tagName = getType(); Element result = ElementProxy.createElementForFamily( contextDocument, EncryptionConstants.EncryptionSpecNS, tagName ); result.setAttribute(EncryptionConstants._ATT_URI, uri); // TODO: Need to martial referenceInformation // Figure out how to make this work.. // <any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> return result; }
Example 8
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void createXML() { log.debug("Creating catalog export XML file..."); final Document doc = domBuilder.newDocument(); // create new XML document final Element cat = doc.createElement(XML_CAT); // catalog element doc.appendChild(cat); cat.setAttribute("date", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); // set date in catalog element final Element root = doc.createElement(XML_NODE); // root node root.setAttribute("name", "root"); cat.appendChild(root); final List ces = catalogService.getRootCatalogEntries(); for (final Iterator it = ces.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // for every root entry (currently only one) final CatalogEntry ce = (CatalogEntry); getCatalogSubStructure(doc, root, catalogService, ce); // scan this entry } try { catalogExportModuleEBL.transformCatalogXml(doc); } catch (final Exception e) { log.error("Error writing catalog export file.", e); } }
Example 9
Source File: From jolie with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
private void addMessageType( TypeDefinition rootType, String typename ) throws Exception { // when converting from Jolie type of messages must have root type = "void" // no type link are allowed for conversion // message types define elements if( !rootTypes.contains( ) ) { Element newEl = schemaDocument.createElement( "xs:element" ); newEl.setAttribute( "name", typename ); if( rootType instanceof TypeInlineDefinition ) { newEl.appendChild( createTypeDefinition( (TypeInlineDefinition) rootType, true ) ); rootTypes.add( typename ); schemaRootElement.appendChild( newEl ); if( ((TypeInlineDefinition) rootType).nativeType() != NativeType.VOID ) { throw (new Exception( "ERROR, type " + + ": conversion not allowed when the types defined as operation messages have native type different from void!" )); } } else if( rootType instanceof TypeDefinitionLink ) { throw (new Exception( "ERROR, type " + + ":conversion not allowed when the types defined as operation messages are linked type!" )); // newEl.appendChild( lookForLinkedType( (TypeDefinitionLink ) rootType, typename )); // schemaRootElement.appendChild( createTypeDefinitionLink( ( TypeDefinitionLink ) rootType, true, // typename )); } else if( rootType instanceof TypeChoiceDefinition ) { throw (new Exception( "ERROR, type " + + ":conversion not allowed when the types defined as operation messages are choice types!" )); } } }
Example 10
Source File: From keycloak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void applyXSW5(Document document){ Element evilAssertion = (Element) document.getElementsByTagNameNS(ASSERTION_NSURI.get(), "Assertion").item(0); Element assertion = (Element) evilAssertion.cloneNode(true); Element copiedSignature = (Element) assertion.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLSignature.XMLNS, "Signature").item(0); Assume.assumeThat("Assertion needs to be signed", copiedSignature, notNullValue()); assertion.removeChild(copiedSignature); document.getDocumentElement().appendChild(assertion); evilAssertion.setAttribute("ID", "_evil_assertion_ID"); }
Example 11
Source File: From regxmllib with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
void applyRule6_3(Element root, ExtendibleEnumerationTypeDefinition definition) throws RuleException { /* NOTE: ST 2001-1 does not allow arbitrary AUIDs. This should be corrected. */ Element simpleType = root.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(XSD_NS, "xs:simpleType"); simpleType.setAttribute("name", definition.getSymbol()); Element restriction = root.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(XSD_NS, "xs:restriction"); restriction.setAttribute("base", "reg:AUID"); root.appendChild(simpleType).appendChild(restriction); }
Example 12
Source File: From jmonkeyengine with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
/** * appends a new Element with the given name to currentElement, sets * currentElement to be new Element, and returns the new Element as well */ private Element appendElement(String name) { Element ret = doc.createElement(name); if (currentElement == null) { ret.setAttribute("format_version", Integer.toString(FormatVersion.VERSION)); doc.appendChild(ret); } else { currentElement.appendChild(ret); } currentElement = ret; return ret; }
Example 13
Source File: From mzmine3 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public void saveValueToXML(@Nonnull Element xmlElement) { final Document document = xmlElement.getOwnerDocument(); final Element[] msLevelElements = new Element[MSLevel.cropValues().length]; xmlElement.setAttribute(DIFFMSN_ELEMENT, differentiateMSn.toString()); for (MSLevel mslevel : MSLevel.cropValues()) { msLevelElements[mslevel.ordinal()] = document.createElement(WRAPPER_ELEMENT); msLevelElements[mslevel.ordinal()].setAttribute(MSLEVEL_ELEMENT, MSLEVEL_VALUE_ELEMENT[mslevel.ordinal()]); xmlElement.appendChild(msLevelElements[mslevel.ordinal()]); queues[mslevel.ordinal()].saveToXML(msLevelElements[mslevel.ordinal()]); } }
Example 14
Source File: From freehealth-connector with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void addDesignators(List<SAMLAttributeDesignator> designators, Document doc) { Element attributeQuery = (Element)doc.getElementsByTagNameNS("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol", "AttributeQuery").item(0); Iterator i$ = designators.iterator(); while(i$.hasNext()) { SAMLAttributeDesignator attr = (SAMLAttributeDesignator)i$.next(); Element attrEl = doc.createElementNS("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion", "saml:AttributeDesignator"); attrEl.setAttribute("AttributeName", attr.getName()); attrEl.setAttribute("AttributeNamespace", attr.getNamespace()); attributeQuery.appendChild(attrEl); } }
Example 15
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * スキーマなしBoxへのインストールでACL_URLのBoxが正しくない場合にバリデートがfalseで返却されること. */ @Test @Ignore public void スキーマなしBoxへのインストールでACL_URLのBoxが正しくない場合にバリデートがfalseで返却されること() { // デフォルトBoxではない final String baseUrl = "https://baseserver/testcell1/__role/_a_/col1/"; final String schemaUrl = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docbuilder; docbuilder = dbfactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = docbuilder.newDocument(); Element element = document.createElement("acl"); element.setAttribute("xml:base", baseUrl); assertFalse(BarFileUtils.aclNameSpaceValidate("90_rootprops.xml", element, schemaUrl)); return; } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { fail("DOM Parsing Error: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (DcCoreException dce) { String code = dce.getCode(); assertEquals(DcCoreException.BarInstall.JSON_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR.getCode(), code); return; } catch (Exception ex) { fail("Unexpected exception"); } fail("DcCoreExceptionが返却されない"); }
Example 16
Source File: From MogwaiERDesignerNG with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@Override protected void serialize(Model aModel, Document aDocument) { Element theRootElement = addElement(aDocument, aDocument, MODEL); theRootElement.setAttribute(VERSION, getVersion()); Element theConfigurationElement = addElement(aDocument, theRootElement, CONFIGURATION); Element theDialectElement = addElement(aDocument, theConfigurationElement, PROPERTY); theDialectElement.setAttribute(NAME, DIALECT); theDialectElement.setAttribute(VALUE, aModel.getDialect().getUniqueName()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> theEntry : aModel.getProperties().getProperties().entrySet()) { Element thePropertyElement = addElement(aDocument, theConfigurationElement, PROPERTY); thePropertyElement.setAttribute(NAME, theEntry.getKey()); thePropertyElement.setAttribute(VALUE, theEntry.getValue()); } Element theCustomTypesElement = addElement(aDocument, theRootElement, CUSTOMTYPES); for (CustomType theCustomType : aModel.getCustomTypes()) { getXMLCustomTypeSerializer(this).serialize(theCustomType, aDocument, theCustomTypesElement); } Element theDomainsElement = addElement(aDocument, theRootElement, DOMAINS); for (Domain theDomain : aModel.getDomains()) { getXMLDomainSerializer().serialize(theDomain, aDocument, theDomainsElement); } Element theTablesElement = addElement(aDocument, theRootElement, TABLES); for (Table theTable : aModel.getTables()) { getXMLTableSerializer(this).serialize(theTable, aDocument, theTablesElement); } Element theRelationsElement = addElement(aDocument, theRootElement, RELATIONS); for (Relation theRelation : aModel.getRelations()) { getXMLRelationSerializer().serialize(theRelation, aDocument, theRelationsElement); } Element theViewsElement = addElement(aDocument, theRootElement, VIEWS); for (View theView : aModel.getViews()) { getXMLViewSerializer().serialize(theView, aDocument, theViewsElement); } Element theSubjectAreasElement = addElement(aDocument, theRootElement, SUBJECTAREAS); for (SubjectArea theSubjectArea : aModel.getSubjectAreas()) { getXMLSubjectAreaSerializer().serialize(theSubjectArea, aDocument, theSubjectAreasElement); } Element theCommentsElement = addElement(aDocument, theRootElement, COMMENTS); for (Comment theComment : aModel.getComments()) { getXMLCommentSerializer().serialize(theComment, aDocument, theCommentsElement); } }
Example 17
Source File: From oodt with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static Document getProductTypeMapXmlDocument(ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.Element>> productTypeMap, ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> subToSuperMap) { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); Document document; try { DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); document = builder.newDocument(); Element root = (Element) document .createElement("cas:producttypemap"); root.setAttribute("xmlns:cas", ""); document.appendChild(root); // Also print types without elements but just with parents ArrayList<String> allTypes = new ArrayList<String>(productTypeMap.keySet()); for(String type: subToSuperMap.keySet()) { if(!allTypes.contains(type)) { allTypes.add(type); } } for (String typeId : allTypes) { Element typeElem = document.createElement("type"); typeElem.setAttribute("id", typeId); boolean hasParent = false; if (subToSuperMap.containsKey(typeId)) { typeElem.setAttribute("parent", subToSuperMap .get(typeId)); hasParent = true; } List<org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.Element> elementIds = productTypeMap.get(typeId); if (!hasParent && (elementIds == null || elementIds.size() == 0)) { // If no parent, and no elements, don't add this type to the xml continue; } if (elementIds != null) { for (org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.Element elementId1 : elementIds) { String elementId = elementId1.getElementId(); Element elementElem = document.createElement("element"); elementElem.setAttribute("id", elementId); typeElem.appendChild(elementElem); } } root.appendChild(typeElem); } return document; } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error generating product-type-element-map xml file!: " + pce.getMessage()); } return null; }
Example 18
Source File: From sakai with Educational Community License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * @inheritDoc */ public String merge(String siteId, Element el, String creatorId) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); try { // if the target site already exists, don't change the site attributes Site s = getSite(siteId); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { try { // reserve a site with this id from the info store - if it's in use, this will return null // check security (throws if not permitted) // TODO: why security on add_user_site? -ggolden unlock(SECURE_ADD_USER_SITE, siteReference(siteId)); // reserve a site with this id from the info store - if it's in use, this will return null BaseSite site = (BaseSite) storage().put(siteId); if (site == null) { msg.append(this + "cannot find site: " + siteId); } else { site.setEvent(SECURE_ADD_SITE); if (creatorId != null) { el.setAttribute("created-id", creatorId); } // assign source site's attributes to the target site ((BaseSite) site).set(new BaseSite(this, el, timeService()), false); try { save(site); } catch (Exception t) { log.warn(".merge: " + t); } } } catch (PermissionException ignore) { } } return msg.toString(); }
Example 19
Source File: From docx4j-export-FO with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * This is invoked on every paragraph, whether it has a pPr or not. * * @param wmlPackage * @param pPrNodeIt * @param pStyleVal * @param childResults - the already transformed contents of the paragraph. * @return */ public static DocumentFragment createBlockForPPr( FOConversionContext context, NodeIterator pPrNodeIt, String pStyleVal, NodeIterator childResults) { DocumentFragment df = createBlock( context, pPrNodeIt, pStyleVal, childResults, false); // Arabic (and presumably Hebrew) fix // If we have inline direction="rtl" (created by TextDirection class) // wrap the inline with: // <bidi-override direction="rtl" unicode-bidi="embed"> /* See further: From: Glenn Adams <> Date: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:41 AM Subject: Re: right align arabic in table-cell To: FOP Users <> */ Element block = (Element)df.getFirstChild(); NodeList blockChildren = block.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0 ; i <blockChildren.getLength(); i++ ) { if (blockChildren.item(i) instanceof Element) { Element inline = (Element)blockChildren.item(i); if (inline !=null && inline.getAttribute("direction")!=null && inline.getAttribute("direction").equals("rtl")) { inline.removeAttribute("direction"); Element bidiOverride = df.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS("", "fo:bidi-override"); bidiOverride.setAttribute("unicode-bidi", "embed" ); bidiOverride.setAttribute("direction", "rtl" ); block.replaceChild(bidiOverride, inline); bidiOverride.appendChild(inline); } } } if (foContainsElement(block, "leader")) { // ptab to leader implementation: // for leader to work as expected in fop, we need text-align-last; see // this code adds that. // Note that it doesn't seem to be necessary for leader in TOC, but it doesn't hurt block.setAttribute("text-align-last", "justify"); } return df; }
Example 20
Source File: From regxmllib with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
/** * Generates a single XML Schema document from a single Metadictionary. A * definition from the latter may reference a definition from another * Metadictionary, i.e. in a different namespace, as long as this second * Metadictionary can be resolved by the {@link DefinitionResolver} provided * a creation-time. * * @param dict Metadictionary for which an XML Schema will be generated. * * @return XML Schema document * * @throws javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException * @throws com.sandflow.smpte.klv.exceptions.KLVException * @throws com.sandflow.smpte.regxml.XMLSchemaBuilder.RuleException * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException * @throws */ public Document fromDictionary(MetaDictionary dict) throws ParserConfigurationException, KLVException, RuleException, SAXException, IOException { /* reset namespace prefixes */ this.prefixes.clear(); /* create the DOM from the STD_DECL template */ DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.newDocument(); doc.setXmlStandalone(true); Element schema = doc.createElementNS(XSD_NS, "xs:schema"); schema.setAttribute("targetNamespace", dict.getSchemeURI().toString()); schema.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_NS, "xmlns:reg", REGXML_NS); schema.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_NS, "xmlns:xlink", XLINK_NS); schema.setAttribute("elementFormDefault", "qualified"); schema.setAttribute("attributeFormDefault", "unqualified"); doc.appendChild(schema); Element importelem = doc.createElementNS(XSD_NS, "xs:import"); importelem.setAttribute("namespace", XLINK_NS); importelem.setAttribute("schemaLocation", XLINK_LOC); doc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(importelem); importelem = doc.createElementNS(XSD_NS, "xs:import"); importelem.setAttribute("namespace", REGXML_NS); doc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(importelem); for (Definition definition : dict.getDefinitions()) { if (definition instanceof ClassDefinition) { applyRule4(doc.getDocumentElement(), (ClassDefinition) definition); } else if (definition.getClass() == PropertyDefinition.class) { applyRule5(doc.getDocumentElement(), (PropertyDefinition) definition); } else if (definition.getClass() == PropertyAliasDefinition.class) { /* need to supress alias declaration since they use the same symbol and AUID as parent */ } else { applyRule6(doc.getDocumentElement(), definition); } } /* hack to clean-up namespace prefixes */ for (URI uri : prefixes.getURIs()) { doc.getDocumentElement().setAttributeNS( XMLNS_NS, "xmlns:" + prefixes.getPrefixOrCreate(uri), uri.toString() ); if (!uri.equals(dict.getSchemeURI())) { importelem = doc.createElementNS(XSD_NS, "xs:import"); importelem.setAttribute("namespace", uri.toString()); doc.getDocumentElement().insertBefore(importelem, doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild()); } } return doc; }