io.vertx.ext.auth.User Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From vertx-swagger with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static User extractAuthUserFromMessage(Message<?> message) { User user = null; String serializedUser = message.headers().get(SwaggerRouter.AUTH_USER_HEADER_KEY); if (serializedUser != null && !serializedUser.isEmpty()) { Buffer buffer = Buffer.buffer(serializedUser); UserHolder userHolder = new UserHolder(); userHolder.readFromBuffer(0, buffer); user = userHolder.user; if (user != null) { String authProviderName = message.headers().get(SwaggerRouter.AUTH_PROVIDER_NAME_HEADER_KEY); if (authProviderName != null) { user.setAuthProvider(getAuthProviderFactory().getAuthProviderByName(authProviderName)); } } } return user; }
Example #2
Source File: From besu with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void multiTenancyCheckFailure() { final User user = mock(User.class); final FilterParameter filterParameter = mock(FilterParameter.class); when(enclavePublicKeyProvider.getEnclaveKey(any())).thenReturn(ENCLAVE_KEY); doThrow(new MultiTenancyValidationException("msg")) .when(privacyController) .verifyPrivacyGroupContainsEnclavePublicKey(eq(PRIVACY_GROUP_ID), eq(ENCLAVE_KEY)); final JsonRpcRequestContext request = privNewFilterRequestWithUser(PRIVACY_GROUP_ID, filterParameter, user); assertThatThrownBy(() -> method.response(request)) .isInstanceOf(MultiTenancyValidationException.class) .hasMessageContaining("msg"); }
Example #3
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void shouldReloadJWK(TestContext should) { final Async test = should.async(); keycloak.jWKSet(load -> { should.assertTrue(load.succeeded()); keycloak.authenticate(new JsonObject().put("username", "test-user").put("password", "tiger"), authn -> { should.assertTrue(authn.succeeded()); should.assertNotNull(authn.result()); // generate a access token from the user User token = authn.result(); should.assertNotNull(token.attributes().getJsonObject("accessToken")); test.complete(); }); }); }
Example #4
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void tokenShouldBeExpiredWhenExpirationDateIsInThePast() { config = oauthConfig; oauth2.authenticate(tokenConfig, res -> { if (res.failed()) { fail(res.cause().getMessage()); } else { User token = res.result(); // hack the token to set the exp (to yesterday) token.principal().put("exp", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 - 24 * 60 * 60); assertTrue(token.expired()); testComplete(); } }); await(); }
Example #5
Source File: From besu with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void multiTenancyCheckFailure() { final User user = mock(User.class); when(enclavePublicKeyProvider.getEnclaveKey(any())).thenReturn(ENCLAVE_KEY); doThrow(new MultiTenancyValidationException("msg")) .when(privacyController) .verifyPrivacyGroupContainsEnclavePublicKey(eq(PRIVACY_GROUP_ID), eq(ENCLAVE_KEY)); final JsonRpcRequestContext request = privGetFilterChangesRequestWithUser(PRIVACY_GROUP_ID, FILTER_ID, user); assertThatThrownBy(() -> method.response(request)) .isInstanceOf(MultiTenancyValidationException.class) .hasMessageContaining("msg"); }
Example #6
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void insertUser(String username, String password, List<String> roles, List<String> permissions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> resultHandler) { JsonObject principal = new JsonObject(); principal.put(getUsernameField(), username); if (roles != null) { principal.put(mongoAuthorizationOptions.getRoleField(), new JsonArray(roles)); } if (permissions != null) { principal.put(mongoAuthorizationOptions.getPermissionField(), new JsonArray(permissions)); } if (getHashStrategy().getSaltStyle() == HashSaltStyle.COLUMN) { principal.put(getSaltField(), DefaultHashStrategy.generateSalt()); } User user = createUser(principal); String cryptPassword = getHashStrategy().computeHash(password, user); principal.put(getPasswordField(), cryptPassword);, user.principal(), resultHandler); }
Example #7
Source File: From vertx-web with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testCredentialsValidationErrorPropagation() throws Exception { Handler<RoutingContext> handler = rc -> { fail("should not get here"); rc.response().end("Welcome to the protected resource!"); }; Throwable rootCause = new IllegalArgumentException("validation of credentials failed"); AuthenticationProvider authProvider = mock(AuthenticationProvider.class); doAnswer(invocation -> { final Handler<AsyncResult<User>> resultHandler = invocation.getArgument(1); resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(rootCause)); return null; }).when(authProvider).authenticate(any(Credentials.class), any(Handler.class)); router.route("/protected/*").handler(newAuthHandler(authProvider, exception -> { assertTrue(exception instanceof HttpStatusException); assertEquals(rootCause, exception.getCause()); })); router.route("/protected/somepage").handler(handler); testRequest(HttpMethod.GET, "/protected/somepage", 401, "Unauthorized"); }
Example #8
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void getToken() { JsonObject jwt = new JsonObject() .put("scope", ""); oauth2.authenticate(jwt, res -> { if (res.failed()) { fail(res.cause()); } else { User token = res.result(); assertNotNull(token); assertNotNull(token.principal()); testComplete(); } }); await(); }
Example #9
Source File: From VX-API-Gateway with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * 权限认证 * * @param rct */ public void staticAuth(RoutingContext rct) { User user = rct.user(); if (user == null) { rct.response().end(ResultFormat.formatAsZero(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C401)); } else { user.isAuthorized(VxApiRolesConstant.READ, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { if (res.result()) {; } else { rct.response().end(ResultFormat.formatAsZero(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C401)); } } else { rct.response().end(ResultFormat.format(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C500, res.cause().getMessage())); } }); } }
Example #10
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testAuthoriseHasRole(TestContext should) { final Async test = should.async(); JsonObject authInfo = new JsonObject(); authInfo.put("username", "lopus").put("password", "secret"); AuthenticationProvider authn = SqlAuthentication.create(mysql); authn.authenticate(authInfo, authenticate -> { should.assertTrue(authenticate.succeeded()); final User user = authenticate.result(); should.assertNotNull(user); AuthorizationProvider authz = SqlAuthorization.create(mysql); authz.getAuthorizations(user, getAuthorizations -> { should.assertTrue(getAuthorizations.succeeded()); // attest should.assertTrue(RoleBasedAuthorization.create("dev").match(user)); test.complete(); }); }); }
Example #11
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Token scopes are checked and must be valid. * Scopes are retrieved from the JWT itself. * JWT generated in HS256 with vertx as shared secret. */ @Test public void tokenIsValid() { config = new JsonObject() .put("token_type", "Bearer") .put("access_token", JWT) .put("token", JWT); oauthConfig .addPubSecKey(new PubSecKeyOptions().setAlgorithm("HS256").setBuffer("vertx").setSymmetric(true)) .setJWTOptions(new JWTOptions().addScope("scopeA").addScope("scopeB")); oauth2 = OAuth2Auth.create(vertx, oauthConfig); oauth2.authenticate(config, res -> { if (res.failed()) { fail(res.cause()); } else { User token = res.result(); assertFalse(token.expired()); testComplete(); } }); await(); }
Example #12
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void shouldRevokeAToken() { config = oauthConfig; oauth2.authenticate(tokenConfig, res -> { if (res.failed()) { fail(res.cause().getMessage()); } else { User token = res.result(); // refresh the token config = revokeConfig; oauth2.revoke(token, "refresh_token", v -> { if (v.failed()) { fail(v.cause().getMessage()); } else { testComplete(); } }); } }); await(); }
Example #13
Source File: From hono with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Verifies that a request to upload telemetry data using POST fails * with a 503 status code if the credentials on record cannot be retrieved. * * @param ctx The vert.x test context. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testPostTelemetryFailsForUnreachableCredentialsService(final VertxTestContext ctx) { doAnswer(invocation -> { final Handler<AsyncResult<User>> resultHandler = invocation.getArgument(1); resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(new ServerErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE, "service down"))); return null; }).when(usernamePasswordAuthProvider).authenticate(any(JsonObject.class), any(Handler.class));"/telemetry") .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE.toString(), HttpUtils.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) .basicAuthentication("testuser@DEFAULT_TENANT", "password123") .expect(ResponsePredicate.status(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE)) .sendJsonObject(new JsonObject(), ctx.completing()); }
Example #14
Source File: From vertx-web with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public int readFromBuffer(int pos, Buffer buffer) { byte b = buffer.getByte(pos++); if (b == (byte)1) { int len = buffer.getInt(pos); pos += 4; byte[] bytes = buffer.getBytes(pos, pos + len); pos += len; String className = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); try { Class<?> clazz = Utils.getClassLoader().loadClass(className); if (!ClusterSerializable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { throw new ClassCastException(className + " is not ClusterSerializable"); } ClusterSerializable obj = (ClusterSerializable) clazz.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); pos = obj.readFromBuffer(pos, buffer); synchronized (this) { user = (User) obj; context = null; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new VertxException(e); } } else { synchronized (this) { user = null; context = null; } } return pos; }
Example #15
Source File: From besu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void loginWithGoodCredentials() throws IOException { final RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, "{\"username\":\"user\",\"password\":\"pegasys\"}"); final Request request = new Request.Builder().post(body).url(baseUrl + "/login").build(); try (final Response resp = client.newCall(request).execute()) { assertThat(resp.code()).isEqualTo(200); assertThat(resp.message()).isEqualTo("OK"); assertThat(resp.body().contentType()).isNotNull(); assertThat(resp.body().contentType().type()).isEqualTo("application"); assertThat(resp.body().contentType().subtype()).isEqualTo("json"); final String bodyString = resp.body().string(); assertThat(bodyString).isNotNull(); assertThat(bodyString).isNotBlank(); final JsonObject respBody = new JsonObject(bodyString); final String token = respBody.getString("token"); assertThat(token).isNotNull(); jwtAuth.authenticate( new JsonObject().put("jwt", token), (r) -> { assertThat(r.succeeded()).isTrue(); final User user = r.result(); user.isAuthorized( "noauths", (authed) -> { assertThat(authed.succeeded()).isTrue(); assertThat(authed.result()).isFalse(); }); }); } }
Example #16
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void example3(User user, MongoAuthorization mongoAuthZ) { mongoAuthZ.getAuthorizations(user) .onSuccess(v -> { if (PermissionBasedAuthorization.create("commit_code").match(user)) { // Has permission! } }); }
Example #17
Source File: From besu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void handle( final Optional<AuthenticationService> authenticationService, final String id, final String payload, final Optional<User> user) { vertx.executeBlocking( executeHandler(authenticationService, id, payload, user), false, resultHandler(id)); }
Example #18
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void getToken() { config = oauthConfig; oauth2.authenticate(tokenConfig, res -> { if (res.failed()) { fail(res.cause().getMessage()); } else { User token = res.result(); assertNotNull(token); assertNotNull(token.principal()); testComplete(); } }); await(); }
Example #19
Source File: From graviteeio-access-management with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void authenticate(RoutingContext context, JsonObject authInfo, Handler<AsyncResult<User>> handler) { String username = authInfo.getString(USERNAME_PARAMETER); String password = authInfo.getString(PASSWORD_PARAMETER); String clientId = authInfo.getString(Parameters.CLIENT_ID); String ipAddress = authInfo.getString(Claims.ip_address); String userAgent = authInfo.getString(Claims.user_agent); parseClient(clientId, parseClientHandler -> { if (parseClientHandler.failed()) { logger.error("Authentication failure: unable to retrieve client " + clientId, parseClientHandler.cause()); handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(parseClientHandler.cause())); return; } // retrieve the client (application) final Client client = parseClientHandler.result(); // end user authentication SimpleAuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new SimpleAuthenticationContext(new VertxHttpServerRequest(context.request())); final Authentication authentication = new EndUserAuthentication(username, password, authenticationContext); authenticationContext.set(Claims.ip_address, ipAddress); authenticationContext.set(Claims.user_agent, userAgent); authenticationContext.set(Claims.domain, client.getDomain()); userAuthenticationManager.authenticate(client, authentication) .subscribe( user -> handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(new, error -> handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(error)) ); }); }
Example #20
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public String computeHash(String password, User user) { switch (saltStyle) { case NO_SALT: return password; case COLUMN: case EXTERNAL: String salt = getSalt(user); return computeHash(password, salt); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not existing, saltstyle " + saltStyle); } }
Example #21
Source File: From vertx-web with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected SockJSSocketBase(Vertx vertx, Session webSession, User webUser) { this.vertx = vertx; this.webSession = webSession; this.webUser = webUser; Handler<Message<Buffer>> writeHandler = buff -> write(buff.body()); this.writeHandlerID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); this.registration = vertx.eventBus().<Buffer>consumer(writeHandlerID).handler(writeHandler); }
Example #22
Source File: From VX-API-Gateway with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * 删除应用程序 * * @param rct */ public void delAPP(RoutingContext rct) { String name = rct.request().getParam("name"); HttpServerResponse response = rct.response().putHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_VALUE_JSON_UTF8); if (StrUtil.isNullOrEmpty(name)) { response.end(ResultFormat.formatAsZero(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C1404)); } else { User user = rct.user(); user.isAuthorized(VxApiRolesConstant.WRITE, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { JsonObject config = new JsonObject().put("appName", name); vertx.eventBus().send(thisVertxName + VxApiEventBusAddressConstant.DEPLOY_APP_UNDEPLOY, config); if (res.result()) { // 将应用暂停 if (vertx.isClustered()) { vertx.eventBus().publish(VxApiEventBusAddressConstant.DEPLOY_APP_UNDEPLOY, config.copy().put("thisVertxName", thisVertxName));"执行删除应用-->广播告诉集群环境中暂停应用:" + name); }"[user : {0}] 执行删除应用{1}...", rct.session().<String>get("userName"), name)); vertx.eventBus().<Integer>send(thisVertxName + VxApiEventBusAddressConstant.DEL_APP, name, cres -> { if (cres.succeeded()) { response.end(ResultFormat.format(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C200, cres.result().body()));"[user : {0}] 执行删除应用:{2}-->结果: {1}", rct.session().<String>get("userName"), cres.result().body(), name)); } else { LOG.error(MessageFormat.format("[user : {0}] 执行删除应用:{2}-->失败:{1}", rct.session().get("userName"), cres.cause(), name)); response.end(ResultFormat.format(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C500, cres.cause().toString())); } }); } else { LOG.error(MessageFormat.format("[user : {0}] 执行删除应用:{1}-->失败:未授权或者无权限", rct.session().get("userName"), name)); response.end(ResultFormat.formatAsZero(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C401)); } } else { LOG.error(MessageFormat.format("[user : {0}] 执行删除应用:{2}-->失败:{1}", rct.session().get("userName"), res.cause(), name)); response.end(ResultFormat.format(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C500, res.cause().getMessage())); } }); } }
Example #23
Source File: From vertx-vaadin with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void shouldDelegateGetPrincipal() { User user = mock(User.class); when(user.principal()) .thenReturn(new JsonObject().put("username", "marco")) .thenReturn(new JsonObject()); when(routingContext.user()).thenReturn(null, user); assertThat(vaadinRequest.getUserPrincipal()).isNull(); assertThat(vaadinRequest.getUserPrincipal().getName()).isEqualTo("marco"); assertThat(vaadinRequest.getUserPrincipal().getName()).isNull(); }
Example #24
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void loginThen(Consumer<User> runner) throws Exception { JsonObject authInfo = new JsonObject().put("username", "tim").put("password", "sausages"); authProvider.authenticate(authInfo, onSuccess(user -> { assertNotNull(user); runner.accept(user); })); }
Example #25
Source File: From vertx-vaadin with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void shouldDelegateGetPrincipal() { User user = mock(User.class); when(user.principal()) .thenReturn(new JsonObject().put("username", "marco")) .thenReturn(new JsonObject()); when(routingContext.user()).thenReturn(null).thenReturn(user); assertThat(vaadinRequest.getUserPrincipal()).isNull(); assertThat(vaadinRequest.getUserPrincipal().getName()).isEqualTo("marco"); assertThat(vaadinRequest.getUserPrincipal().getName()).isNull(); }
Example #26
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public AccessToken refresh(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> callback) { oAuth2Auth.refresh(this, refresh -> { if (refresh.failed()) { callback.handle(Future.failedFuture(refresh.cause())); } else { User user = refresh.result(); // merge properties attributes().mergeIn(user.attributes()); principal().mergeIn(user.principal()); callback.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } }); return this; }
Example #27
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void itShouldAssertThatTokenHasRoles(TestContext should) { final Async test = should.async(); User user = User.create(new JsonObject( "{\n" + " \"iss\": \"\",\n" + " \"aud\": \"s6BhdRkqt3\",\n" + " \"jti\": \"a-123\",\n" + " \"exp\": 999999999999,\n" + " \"iat\": 1311280970,\n" + " \"sub\": \"24400320\",\n" + " \"upn\": \"\",\n" + " \"groups\": [\"red-group\", \"green-group\", \"admin-group\", \"admin\"]\n" + "}")); // assert that the user has the following roles: final List<String> roles = Arrays.asList("red-group", "green-group", "admin-group", "admin"); MicroProfileAuthorization.create().getAuthorizations(user, call -> { should.assertTrue(call.succeeded()); for (String role : roles) { should.assertTrue(RoleBasedAuthorization.create(role).match(user)); } test.complete(); }); }
Example #28
Source File: From VX-API-Gateway with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * 更新一个API * * @param rct */ public void updtAPI(RoutingContext rct) { User user = rct.user(); HttpServerResponse response = rct.response().putHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_VALUE_JSON_UTF8); user.isAuthorized(VxApiRolesConstant.WRITE, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { if (res.result()) {"[user : {0}] 执行修改应用...", rct.session().<String>get("userName"))); VxApisDTO dto = VxApisDTO.fromJson(rct.getBodyAsJson()); if (dto.getApiCreateTime() == null) { dto.setApiCreateTime(; } JsonObject param = new JsonObject(); param.put("apiName", dto.getApiName()); param.put("api", dto.toJson()); vertx.eventBus().<Integer>send(thisVertxName + VxApiEventBusAddressConstant.UPDT_API, param, cres -> { if (cres.succeeded()) { response.end(ResultFormat.format(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C200, cres.result().body()));"[user : {0}] 执行修改API:{2}-->结果: {1}", rct.session().<String>get("userName"), cres.result().body(), dto.getApiName())); } else { LOG.error(MessageFormat.format("[user : {0}] 执行修改API-->失败:{1}", rct.session().get("userName"), cres.cause())); response.end(ResultFormat.format(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C500, cres.cause().toString())); } }); } else { LOG.error(MessageFormat.format("[user : {0}] 执行修改API-->失败:未授权或者无权利", rct.session().get("userName"))); response.end(ResultFormat.formatAsZero(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C401)); } } else { LOG.error(MessageFormat.format("[user : {0}] 执行修改API-->失败:{1}", rct.session().get("userName"), res.cause())); response.end(ResultFormat.format(HTTPStatusCodeMsgEnum.C500, res.cause().getMessage())); } }); }
Example #29
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void example13(User user) { AuthorizationProvider authz = MicroProfileAuthorization.create(); authz.getAuthorizations(user) .onSuccess(v -> { // and now we can perform checks as needed if (PermissionBasedAuthorization.create("create-report").match(user)) { // Yes the user can create reports } }); }
Example #30
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void example6(User user) { user.isAuthorized("role:manager", res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { boolean hasRole = res.result(); } else { // Failed to } }); }