Java Code Examples for org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.StringArray#set()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.StringArray#set() .
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Example 1
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testStringArray() { Buzzword bw = new Buzzword(jCas); StringArray tags = new StringArray(jCas, 2); tags.set(0, "tag1"); tags.set(1, "tag2"); bw.setTags(tags); bw.addToIndexes(); Feature f = bw.getType().getFeatureByBaseName("tags"); StringArray newTags = new StringArray(jCas, 2); newTags.set(0, "first"); newTags.set(1, "second"); NewFeatureUtils.setPrimitiveArray(jCas, bw, f, Arrays.asList(newTags.toArray())); assertEquals("first", bw.getTags(0)); assertEquals("second", bw.getTags(1)); }
Example 2
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testStringArray() { DocumentAnnotation da = (DocumentAnnotation) jCas.getDocumentAnnotationFs(); StringArray rel = new StringArray(jCas, 3); rel.set(0, "ENG"); rel.set(1, "WAL"); rel.set(2, "SCO"); da.setDocumentReleasability(rel); Feature f = da.getType().getFeatureByBaseName(DOCUMENT_RELEASABILITY); Object[] o = FeatureUtils.featureToArray(f, da); assertEquals(3, o.length); assertTrue(o[0] instanceof String); assertEquals("ENG", (String) o[0]); assertTrue(o[1] instanceof String); assertEquals("WAL", (String) o[1]); assertTrue(o[2] instanceof String); assertEquals("SCO", (String) o[2]); }
Example 3
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testStringArrayToObject() { DocumentAnnotation da = (DocumentAnnotation) jCas.getDocumentAnnotationFs(); StringArray rel = new StringArray(jCas, 3); rel.set(0, "true"); rel.set(1, "2"); rel.set(2, "0.45"); da.setDocumentReleasability(rel); Feature f = da.getType().getFeatureByBaseName(DOCUMENT_RELEASABILITY); Object[] o = FeatureUtils.featureToArray(f, da); assertEquals(3, o.length); assertTrue(o[0] instanceof Boolean); assertTrue((Boolean) o[0]); assertTrue(o[1] instanceof Integer); assertEquals(new Integer(2), (Integer) o[1]); assertTrue(o[2] instanceof Double); assertEquals(new Double(0.45), (Double) o[2]); }
Example 4
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testStringArrayToList() { DocumentAnnotation da = (DocumentAnnotation) jCas.getDocumentAnnotationFs(); StringArray rel = new StringArray(jCas, 3); rel.set(0, "ENG"); rel.set(1, "WAL"); rel.set(2, "SCO"); da.setDocumentReleasability(rel); Feature f = da.getType().getFeatureByBaseName(DOCUMENT_RELEASABILITY); List<Object> o = FeatureUtils.featureToList(f, da); assertEquals(3, o.size()); assertTrue(o.get(0) instanceof String); assertEquals("ENG", (String) o.get(0)); assertTrue(o.get(1) instanceof String); assertEquals("WAL", (String) o.get(1)); assertTrue(o.get(2) instanceof String); assertEquals("SCO", (String) o.get(2)); }
Example 5
Source File: From bluima with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static void readFieldFromDb(String fieldKey, String range, Annotation a, Feature f, BasicDBObject dbO, JCas jCas) { if (dbO.containsField(fieldKey)) { if (range.equals("String")) { a.setStringValue(f, dbO.getString(fieldKey)); } else if (range.equals("StringArray")) { BasicDBList vals = (BasicDBList) dbO.get(fieldKey); StringArray sa = new StringArray(jCas, vals.size()); for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++) { sa.set(i, vals.get(i).toString()); } a.setFeatureValue(f, sa); } else if (range.equals("Integer")) { a.setIntValue(f, dbO.getInt(fieldKey)); } else if (range.equals("Float")) { a.setFloatValue(f, (float) dbO.getDouble(fieldKey)); } else if (range.equals("Boolean")) { a.setBooleanValue(f, dbO.getBoolean(fieldKey)); } else { LOG.warn("range not supported " + range); } } }
Example 6
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private StringArray listToStringArray(JCas jCas, List<Object> l) { StringArray sa = new StringArray(jCas, l.size()); int index = 0; for (Object o : l) { sa.set(index, o.toString()); index++; } return sa; }
Example 7
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testNull() { DocumentAnnotation da = (DocumentAnnotation) jCas.getDocumentAnnotationFs(); StringArray rel = new StringArray(jCas, 3); rel.set(0, "ENG"); rel.set(1, "WAL"); rel.set(2, "SCO"); da.setDocumentReleasability(rel); Feature f = da.getType().getFeatureByBaseName(DOCUMENT_RELEASABILITY); Object o = FeatureUtils.featureToObject(f, da); assertNull(o); }
Example 8
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testUimaToJava() { StringArray sa = new StringArray(jCas, 3); sa.set(0, "Foo"); sa.set(1, "Bar"); sa.set(2, "Baz"); String[] s = UimaTypesUtils.toArray(sa); assertEquals(3, s.length); assertEquals("Foo", s[0]); assertEquals("Bar", s[1]); assertEquals("Baz", s[2]); }
Example 9
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static StringArray getStringArray(JCas jCas, Collection<?> list) { final StringArray a = new StringArray(jCas, list.size()); int i = 0; for (final Object s : list) { a.set(i++, s.toString()); } return a; }
Example 10
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void test() throws Exception { jCas.setDocumentText("Hello James! Is your e-mail address 'No', said James."); DocumentAnnotation da = getDocumentAnnotation(jCas); da.setDocType("test"); da.setSourceUri(""); StringArray sa = new StringArray(jCas, 2); sa.set(0, "UK"); sa.set(1, "US"); da.setDocumentCaveats(sa); ReferenceTarget rt = new ReferenceTarget(jCas); rt.addToIndexes(); Entity e1 = new Person(jCas, 6, 11); e1.setValue("James"); e1.setReferent(rt); e1.addToIndexes(); Entity e1a = new Person(jCas, 60, 65); e1a.setValue("James"); e1a.setReferent(rt); e1a.addToIndexes(); Entity e2 = new CommsIdentifier(jCas, 36, 47); e2.setValue(""); e2.addToIndexes(); processJCas(GremlinConsumer.PARAM_GRAPH_CONFIG, tmpConfig.getPath()); // TODO: Write some proper tests that actually check something }
Example 11
Source File: From termsuite-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void addOccurrenceToCas(JCas jCas, RegexOccurrence occurrence) { TermOccAnnotation annotation = (TermOccAnnotation) jCas .getCas().createAnnotation( jCas.getCasType(TermOccAnnotation.type), occurrence.getBegin(), occurrence.getEnd()); StringArray patternFeature = new StringArray(jCas, occurrence.size()); FSArray innerWords = new FSArray(jCas, occurrence.size()); StringBuilder termLemma = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (LabelledAnnotation la:occurrence.getLabelledAnnotations()) { patternFeature.set(i, la.getLabel()); WordAnnotation word = (WordAnnotation) la.getAnnotation(); termLemma.append(word.getLemma()); if(i<occurrence.size()-1) termLemma.append(TermSuiteConstants.WHITESPACE); WordAnnotation wordAnno = (WordAnnotation) la.getAnnotation(); if(wordAnno.getRegexLabel() != null) { if(!wordAnno.getRegexLabel().equals(la.getLabel())) { LOGGER.warn("Another label has already been set for WordAnnotation "+wordAnno.getCoveredText()+":"+wordAnno.getRegexLabel()+" ["+wordAnno.getBegin()+","+wordAnno.getEnd()+"]. Ignoring the new label "+la.getLabel()+" (rule: "+occurrence.getRule().getName()+")"); } } else wordAnno.setRegexLabel(la.getLabel()); innerWords.set(i, wordAnno); i++; } annotation.setWords(innerWords); annotation.setPattern(patternFeature); annotation.setSpottingRuleName(occurrence.getRule().getName()); annotation.setTermKey(TermSuiteUtils.getGroupingKey(annotation)); annotation.addToIndexes(); }
Example 12
Source File: From termsuite-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void FillTermOccAnnotations(JsonParser parser , JsonToken token, TermOccAnnotation toa, CAS cas) throws IOException, CASException { if (token.equals(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME)){ switch (parser.getCurrentName()){ case F_PATTERN : String[] patternTable = parser.nextTextValue().split(" "); StringArray stringArray = new StringArray(cas.getJCas(), patternTable.length); for (int i = 0; i < patternTable.length; i++){ stringArray.set(i,patternTable[i]); } toa.setPattern(stringArray); break; case F_SPOTTING_RULE_NAME : toa.setSpottingRuleName(parser.nextTextValue()); break; case F_TERM_KEY : toa.setTermKey(parser.nextTextValue()); break; case F_WORDS : fillWords(toa,cas); break; case F_BEGIN : toa.setBegin(parser.nextIntValue(0)); break; case F_END : toa.setEnd(parser.nextIntValue(0)); break; } } }
Example 13
Source File: From bluima with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
static StringArray convertToStringArray(JCas cas, String[] nativeStrArray) { int arrayLength = nativeStrArray.length; StringArray strArray = new StringArray(cas, arrayLength); for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { strArray.set(i, nativeStrArray[i]); } return strArray; }
Example 14
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testToString() throws InvalidXMLException, IOException, ResourceInitializationException, CASException { File typeSystemFile = JUnitExtension.getFile("ExampleCas/testTypeSystem_docmetadata.xml"); TypeSystemDescription typeSystem = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parseTypeSystemDescription( new XMLInputSource(typeSystemFile)); source = CasCreationUtils.createCas(typeSystem, new TypePriorities_impl(), null); jcas = source.getJCas(); DocMeta d = new DocMeta(jcas); d.setFeat("a string"); d.setFeat2("b string"); d.setFeat3("c string"); FSArray fsa = new FSArray(jcas, 2); fsa.set(0, new Annotation(jcas, 1,2)); fsa.set(1, new Annotation(jcas, 3,4)); d.setArrayFs(fsa); IntegerArray intarr = new IntegerArray(jcas, 2); intarr.set(0, 10); intarr.set(1, -10); d.setArrayints(intarr); StringArray strarr = new StringArray(jcas, 2); strarr.set(0, "first"); strarr.set(1, "second"); d.setArraystr(strarr); System.out.println(d.toString()); }
Example 15
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testCasToInlineXml() throws Exception { // Jira File typeSystemFile1 = JUnitExtension.getFile("ExampleCas/testTypeSystem_arrays.xml"); File indexesFile = JUnitExtension.getFile("ExampleCas/testIndexes_arrays.xml"); TypeSystemDescription typeSystem = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parseTypeSystemDescription( new XMLInputSource(typeSystemFile1)); FsIndexDescription[] indexes = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parseFsIndexCollection(new XMLInputSource(indexesFile)) .getFsIndexes(); CAS srcCas = CasCreationUtils.createCas(typeSystem, new TypePriorities_impl(), indexes); JCas jcas = srcCas.getJCas(); jcas.setDocumentText("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"); OfShorts f = new OfShorts(jcas); ShortArray a = new ShortArray(jcas, 3); a.set(0, (short)0); a.set(1, (short)1); a.set(2, (short)2); f.setF1Shorts(a); f.addToIndexes(); OfStrings ss = new OfStrings(jcas); StringArray sa = new StringArray(jcas, 3); sa.set(0, "0s"); sa.set(1, "1s"); sa.set(2, "2s"); ss.setF1Strings(sa); ss.addToIndexes(); CasToInlineXml c2x = new CasToInlineXml(); String result = c2x.generateXML(srcCas).trim(); System.out.println(result); int s = result.indexOf("<Document>"); result = result.substring(s); result = canonicalizeNl(result); // Java 9 xml formatter formats the text with a new line and indentations String expected = "<Document>\n" + IND+"<uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotation sofa=\"Sofa\" begin=\"0\" end=\"17\" language=\"x-unspecified\">\n" + IND+IND+"<org.apache.uima.testTypeSystem_arrays.OfStrings sofa=\"Sofa\" begin=\"0\" end=\"0\" f1Strings=\"[0s,1s,2s]\"/>\n" + IND+IND+"<org.apache.uima.testTypeSystem_arrays.OfShorts sofa=\"Sofa\" begin=\"0\" end=\"0\" f1Shorts=\"[0,1,2]\"/>" + (Misc.isJava9ea() ? "\n " : "") + "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" + (Misc.isJava9ea() ? "\n " : "") + "</uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotation>\n" + "</Document>"; for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++ ) { if (result.charAt(i) != expected.charAt(i)) { System.out.format("Unequal compare at position %,d, char code result = %d, expected = %d%n", i, (int)result.charAt(i), (int)expected.charAt(i)); break; } } boolean whitespaceFlag = XMLUnit.getIgnoreWhitespace(); XMLUnit.setIgnoreWhitespace(true); try { XMLAssert.assertXMLEqual(expected, result); } finally { XMLUnit.setIgnoreWhitespace(whitespaceFlag); } // assertEquals(expected, result.trim()); }
Example 16
Source File: From uima-uimaj with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void ll_setStringArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, String value) { StringArray array = getFsFromId_checked(fsRef); array.set(position, value); // that set operation does required journaling }
Example 17
Source File: From baleen with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testEntities() throws Exception { jCas.setDocumentText( "James went to London on 19th February 2015. His e-mail address is"); Person p = Annotations.createPerson(jCas, 0, 5, PERSON); Location l = Annotations.createLocation( jCas, 14, 20, LONDON, "{\"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\": [-0.1, 51.5]}"); Temporal dt = Annotations.createTemporal(jCas, 24, 42, DATE); dt.setConfidence(1.0); CommsIdentifier ci = new CommsIdentifier(jCas); ci.setBegin(66); ci.setEnd(83); ci.setSubType("email"); ci.setValue(EMAIL); ci.addToIndexes(); Buzzword bw = new Buzzword(jCas); bw.setBegin(6); bw.setEnd(10); bw.setValue(WENT); StringArray tags = new StringArray(jCas, 2); tags.set(0, "verb"); tags.set(1, "past"); bw.setTags(tags); bw.addToIndexes(); ae.process(jCas); assertEquals(1, documents.count()); assertEquals(5, entities.count()); Document a = entities.find(new Document(Mongo.FIELD_ENTITIES + "." + VALUE, PERSON)).first(); Document person = ((List<Document>) a.get(Mongo.FIELD_ENTITIES)).get(0); assertEquals(getExpectedSize(p), person.size()); assertEquals(0, person.get(BEGIN)); assertEquals(5, person.get(END)); assertEquals(0.0, person.get(CONFIDENCE)); assertEquals(Person.class.getSimpleName(), person.get(TYPE)); assertEquals(PERSON, person.get(VALUE)); Document b = entities.find(new Document(Mongo.FIELD_ENTITIES + "." + VALUE, LONDON)).first(); Document location = ((List<Document>) b.get(Mongo.FIELD_ENTITIES)).get(0); assertEquals(getExpectedSize(l), location.size()); assertEquals(14, location.get(BEGIN)); assertEquals(20, location.get(END)); assertEquals(0.0, location.get(CONFIDENCE)); assertEquals(Location.class.getSimpleName(), location.get(TYPE)); assertEquals(LONDON, location.get(VALUE)); assertEquals("Point", ((Document) location.get("geoJson")).get(TYPE)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList(new Double(-0.1), new Double(51.5)), ((Document) location.get("geoJson")).get("coordinates")); Document c = entities.find(new Document(Mongo.FIELD_ENTITIES + "." + VALUE, DATE)).first(); Document date = ((List<Document>) c.get(Mongo.FIELD_ENTITIES)).get(0); assertEquals(getExpectedSize(dt), date.size()); assertEquals(24, date.get(BEGIN)); assertEquals(42, date.get(END)); assertEquals(1.0, date.get(CONFIDENCE)); assertEquals(Temporal.class.getSimpleName(), date.get(TYPE)); assertEquals(DATE, date.get(VALUE)); Document d = entities.find(new Document(Mongo.FIELD_ENTITIES + "." + VALUE, EMAIL)).first(); Document email = ((List<Document>) d.get(Mongo.FIELD_ENTITIES)).get(0); assertEquals(getExpectedSize(ci), email.size()); assertEquals(66, email.get(BEGIN)); assertEquals(83, email.get(END)); assertEquals(0.0, email.get(CONFIDENCE)); assertEquals(CommsIdentifier.class.getSimpleName(), email.get(TYPE)); assertEquals("email", email.get("subType")); assertEquals(EMAIL, email.get(VALUE)); Document e = entities.find(new Document(Mongo.FIELD_ENTITIES + "." + VALUE, WENT)).first(); Document went = ((List<Document>) e.get(Mongo.FIELD_ENTITIES)).get(0); assertEquals(getExpectedSize(bw), went.size()); assertEquals(6, went.get(BEGIN)); assertEquals(10, went.get(END)); assertEquals(0.0, went.get(CONFIDENCE)); List<String> wentTags = (List<String>) went.get("tags"); assertEquals("verb", wentTags.get(0)); assertEquals("past", wentTags.get(1)); assertEquals(WENT, went.get(VALUE)); }