sun.util.locale.provider.ResourceBundleBasedAdapter Java Examples

The following examples show how to use sun.util.locale.provider.ResourceBundleBasedAdapter. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public List<Locale> getCandidateLocales(String baseName, Locale locale) {
    String key = baseName + '-' + locale.toLanguageTag();
    List<Locale> candidates = CANDIDATES_MAP.get(key);
    if (candidates == null) {
        LocaleProviderAdapter.Type type = baseName.contains(DOTCLDR) ? CLDR : JRE;
        LocaleProviderAdapter adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.forType(type);
        candidates = adapter instanceof ResourceBundleBasedAdapter ?
            ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)adapter).getCandidateLocales(baseName, locale) :
            defaultControl.getCandidateLocales(baseName, locale);

        // Weed out Locales which are known to have no resource bundles
        int lastDot = baseName.lastIndexOf('.');
        String category = (lastDot >= 0) ? baseName.substring(lastDot + 1) : baseName;
        Set<String> langtags = ((JRELocaleProviderAdapter)adapter).getLanguageTagSet(category);
        if (!langtags.isEmpty()) {
            for (Iterator<Locale> itr = candidates.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
                if (!adapter.isSupportedProviderLocale(, langtags)) {
        CANDIDATES_MAP.putIfAbsent(key, candidates);
    return candidates;
Example #2
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<Locale> getCandidateLocales(String baseName, Locale locale) {
    String key = baseName + '-' + locale.toLanguageTag();
    List<Locale> candidates = CANDIDATES_MAP.get(key);
    if (candidates == null) {
        LocaleProviderAdapter.Type type = baseName.contains(DOTCLDR) ? CLDR : JRE;
        LocaleProviderAdapter adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.forType(type);
        candidates = adapter instanceof ResourceBundleBasedAdapter ?
            ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)adapter).getCandidateLocales(baseName, locale) :
            defaultControl.getCandidateLocales(baseName, locale);

        // Weed out Locales which are known to have no resource bundles
        int lastDot = baseName.lastIndexOf('.');
        String category = (lastDot >= 0) ? baseName.substring(lastDot + 1) : baseName;
        Set<String> langtags = ((JRELocaleProviderAdapter)adapter).getLanguageTagSet(category);
        if (!langtags.isEmpty()) {
            for (Iterator<Locale> itr = candidates.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
                if (!adapter.isSupportedProviderLocale(, langtags)) {
        // Force fallback to Locale.ENGLISH for CLDR time zone names support
        if (locale.getLanguage() != "en"
                && type == CLDR && category.equals("TimeZoneNames")) {
            candidates.add(candidates.size() - 1, Locale.ENGLISH);
        CANDIDATES_MAP.putIfAbsent(key, candidates);
    return candidates;
Example #3
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes the symbols from the FormatData resource bundle.
private void initialize( Locale locale ) {
    this.locale = locale;

    // get resource bundle data
    LocaleProviderAdapter adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider.class, locale);
    // Avoid potential recursions
    if (!(adapter instanceof ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)) {
        adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getResourceBundleBased();
    Object[] data = adapter.getLocaleResources(locale).getDecimalFormatSymbolsData();
    String[] numberElements = (String[]) data[0];

    decimalSeparator = numberElements[0].charAt(0);
    groupingSeparator = numberElements[1].charAt(0);
    patternSeparator = numberElements[2].charAt(0);
    percent = numberElements[3].charAt(0);
    zeroDigit = numberElements[4].charAt(0); //different for Arabic,etc.
    digit = numberElements[5].charAt(0);
    minusSign = numberElements[6].charAt(0);
    exponential = numberElements[7].charAt(0);
    exponentialSeparator = numberElements[7]; //string representation new since 1.6
    perMill = numberElements[8].charAt(0);
    infinity  = numberElements[9];
    NaN = numberElements[10];

    // maybe filled with previously cached values, or null.
    intlCurrencySymbol = (String) data[1];
    currencySymbol = (String) data[2];

    // Currently the monetary decimal separator is the same as the
    // standard decimal separator for all locales that we support.
    // If that changes, add a new entry to NumberElements.
    monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
Example #4
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public TimeZoneNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getTimeZoneNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #5
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public TimeZoneNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getTimeZoneNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #6
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void initializeData(Locale desiredLocale) {
    locale = desiredLocale;

    // Copy values of a cached instance if any.
    SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> ref = cachedInstances.get(locale);
    DateFormatSymbols dfs;
    if (ref != null && (dfs = ref.get()) != null) {
        copyMembers(dfs, this);

    // Initialize the fields from the ResourceBundle for locale.
    LocaleProviderAdapter adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(DateFormatSymbolsProvider.class, locale);
    // Avoid any potential recursions
    if (!(adapter instanceof ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)) {
        adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getResourceBundleBased();
    ResourceBundle resource = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)adapter).getLocaleData().getDateFormatData(locale);

    // JRE and CLDR use different keys
    // JRE: Eras, short.Eras and narrow.Eras
    // CLDR: long.Eras, Eras and narrow.Eras
    if (resource.containsKey("Eras")) {
        eras = resource.getStringArray("Eras");
    } else if (resource.containsKey("long.Eras")) {
        eras = resource.getStringArray("long.Eras");
    } else if (resource.containsKey("short.Eras")) {
        eras = resource.getStringArray("short.Eras");
    months = resource.getStringArray("MonthNames");
    shortMonths = resource.getStringArray("MonthAbbreviations");
    ampms = resource.getStringArray("AmPmMarkers");
    localPatternChars = resource.getString("DateTimePatternChars");

    // Day of week names are stored in a 1-based array.
    weekdays = toOneBasedArray(resource.getStringArray("DayNames"));
    shortWeekdays = toOneBasedArray(resource.getStringArray("DayAbbreviations"));

    // Put a clone in the cache
    ref = new SoftReference<>((DateFormatSymbols)this.clone());
    SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> x = cachedInstances.putIfAbsent(locale, ref);
    if (x != null) {
        DateFormatSymbols y = x.get();
        if (y == null) {
            // Replace the empty SoftReference with ref.
            cachedInstances.put(locale, ref);
Example #7
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public TimeZoneNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getTimeZoneNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #8
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void initializeData(Locale desiredLocale) {
    locale = desiredLocale;

    // Copy values of a cached instance if any.
    SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> ref = cachedInstances.get(locale);
    DateFormatSymbols dfs;
    if (ref != null && (dfs = ref.get()) != null) {
        copyMembers(dfs, this);

    // Initialize the fields from the ResourceBundle for locale.
    LocaleProviderAdapter adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(DateFormatSymbolsProvider.class, locale);
    // Avoid any potential recursions
    if (!(adapter instanceof ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)) {
        adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getResourceBundleBased();
    ResourceBundle resource = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)adapter).getLocaleData().getDateFormatData(locale);

    // JRE and CLDR use different keys
    // JRE: Eras, short.Eras and narrow.Eras
    // CLDR: long.Eras, Eras and narrow.Eras
    if (resource.containsKey("Eras")) {
        eras = resource.getStringArray("Eras");
    } else if (resource.containsKey("long.Eras")) {
        eras = resource.getStringArray("long.Eras");
    } else if (resource.containsKey("short.Eras")) {
        eras = resource.getStringArray("short.Eras");
    months = resource.getStringArray("MonthNames");
    shortMonths = resource.getStringArray("MonthAbbreviations");
    ampms = resource.getStringArray("AmPmMarkers");
    localPatternChars = resource.getString("DateTimePatternChars");

    // Day of week names are stored in a 1-based array.
    weekdays = toOneBasedArray(resource.getStringArray("DayNames"));
    shortWeekdays = toOneBasedArray(resource.getStringArray("DayAbbreviations"));

    // Put a clone in the cache
    ref = new SoftReference<>((DateFormatSymbols)this.clone());
    SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> x = cachedInstances.putIfAbsent(locale, ref);
    if (x != null) {
        DateFormatSymbols y = x.get();
        if (y == null) {
            // Replace the empty SoftReference with ref.
            cachedInstances.put(locale, ref);
Example #9
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public LocaleNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getLocaleNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #10
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public LocaleNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getLocaleNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #11
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public CurrencyNames_zh_SG() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getCurrencyNames(Locale.CHINA);
Example #12
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public CurrencyNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getCurrencyNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #13
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public FormatData_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE())
Example #14
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public CollationData_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getCollationData(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #15
Source File:    From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public CollationData_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getCollationData(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #16
Source File:    From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public CurrencyNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getCurrencyNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #17
Source File:    From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public FormatData_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE())
Example #18
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public CurrencyNames_zh_SG() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getCurrencyNames(Locale.CHINA);
Example #19
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public LocaleNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getLocaleNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #20
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public FormatData_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE())
Example #21
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public CollationData_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getCollationData(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #22
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes this DateFormatSymbols with the locale data. This method uses
 * a cached DateFormatSymbols instance for the given locale if available. If
 * there's no cached one, this method creates an uninitialized instance and
 * populates its fields from the resource bundle for the locale, and caches
 * the instance. Note: zoneStrings isn't initialized in this method.
private void initializeData(Locale locale) {
    SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> ref = cachedInstances.get(locale);
    DateFormatSymbols dfs;
    if (ref == null || (dfs = ref.get()) == null) {
        if (ref != null) {
            // Remove the empty SoftReference
            cachedInstances.remove(locale, ref);
        dfs = new DateFormatSymbols(false);

        // Initialize the fields from the ResourceBundle for locale.
        LocaleProviderAdapter adapter
            = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(DateFormatSymbolsProvider.class, locale);
        // Avoid any potential recursions
        if (!(adapter instanceof ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)) {
            adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getResourceBundleBased();
        ResourceBundle resource
            = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)adapter).getLocaleData().getDateFormatData(locale);

        dfs.locale = locale;
        // JRE and CLDR use different keys
        // JRE: Eras, short.Eras and narrow.Eras
        // CLDR: long.Eras, Eras and narrow.Eras
        if (resource.containsKey("Eras")) {
            dfs.eras = resource.getStringArray("Eras");
        } else if (resource.containsKey("long.Eras")) {
            dfs.eras = resource.getStringArray("long.Eras");
        } else if (resource.containsKey("short.Eras")) {
            dfs.eras = resource.getStringArray("short.Eras");
        dfs.months = resource.getStringArray("MonthNames");
        dfs.shortMonths = resource.getStringArray("MonthAbbreviations");
        dfs.ampms = resource.getStringArray("AmPmMarkers");
        dfs.localPatternChars = resource.getString("DateTimePatternChars");

        // Day of week names are stored in a 1-based array.
        dfs.weekdays = toOneBasedArray(resource.getStringArray("DayNames"));
        dfs.shortWeekdays = toOneBasedArray(resource.getStringArray("DayAbbreviations"));

        // Put dfs in the cache
        ref = new SoftReference<>(dfs);
        SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> x = cachedInstances.putIfAbsent(locale, ref);
        if (x != null) {
            DateFormatSymbols y = x.get();
            if (y == null) {
                // Replace the empty SoftReference with ref.
                cachedInstances.replace(locale, x, ref);
            } else {
                ref = x;
                dfs = y;

    // Copy the field values from dfs to this instance.
    copyMembers(dfs, this);
Example #23
Source File:    From jdk8u_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public TimeZoneNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getTimeZoneNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #24
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes the symbols from the FormatData resource bundle.
private void initialize( Locale locale ) {
    this.locale = locale;

    // check for region override
    Locale override = locale.getUnicodeLocaleType("nu") == null ?
        CalendarDataUtility.findRegionOverride(locale) :

    // get resource bundle data
    LocaleProviderAdapter adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider.class, override);
    // Avoid potential recursions
    if (!(adapter instanceof ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)) {
        adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getResourceBundleBased();
    Object[] data = adapter.getLocaleResources(override).getDecimalFormatSymbolsData();
    String[] numberElements = (String[]) data[0];

    decimalSeparator = numberElements[0].charAt(0);
    groupingSeparator = numberElements[1].charAt(0);
    patternSeparator = numberElements[2].charAt(0);
    percentText = numberElements[3];
    percent = findNonFormatChar(percentText, '%');
    zeroDigit = numberElements[4].charAt(0); //different for Arabic,etc.
    digit = numberElements[5].charAt(0);
    minusSignText = numberElements[6];
    minusSign = findNonFormatChar(minusSignText, '-');
    exponential = numberElements[7].charAt(0);
    exponentialSeparator = numberElements[7]; //string representation new since 1.6
    perMillText = numberElements[8];
    perMill = findNonFormatChar(perMillText, '\u2030');
    infinity  = numberElements[9];
    NaN = numberElements[10];

    // maybe filled with previously cached values, or null.
    intlCurrencySymbol = (String) data[1];
    currencySymbol = (String) data[2];

    // Currently the monetary decimal separator is the same as the
    // standard decimal separator for all locales that we support.
    // If that changes, add a new entry to NumberElements.
    monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
Example #25
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes this DateFormatSymbols with the locale data. This method uses
 * a cached DateFormatSymbols instance for the given locale if available. If
 * there's no cached one, this method creates an uninitialized instance and
 * populates its fields from the resource bundle for the locale, and caches
 * the instance. Note: zoneStrings isn't initialized in this method.
private void initializeData(Locale locale) {
    SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> ref = cachedInstances.get(locale);
    DateFormatSymbols dfs;
    if (ref == null || (dfs = ref.get()) == null) {
        if (ref != null) {
            // Remove the empty SoftReference
            cachedInstances.remove(locale, ref);
        dfs = new DateFormatSymbols(false);

        // check for region override
        Locale override = CalendarDataUtility.findRegionOverride(locale);

        // Initialize the fields from the ResourceBundle for locale.
        LocaleProviderAdapter adapter
            = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(DateFormatSymbolsProvider.class, override);
        // Avoid any potential recursions
        if (!(adapter instanceof ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)) {
            adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getResourceBundleBased();
        ResourceBundle resource
            = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)adapter).getLocaleData().getDateFormatData(override);

        dfs.locale = locale;
        // JRE and CLDR use different keys
        // JRE: Eras, short.Eras and narrow.Eras
        // CLDR: long.Eras, Eras and narrow.Eras
        if (resource.containsKey("Eras")) {
            dfs.eras = resource.getStringArray("Eras");
        } else if (resource.containsKey("long.Eras")) {
            dfs.eras = resource.getStringArray("long.Eras");
        } else if (resource.containsKey("short.Eras")) {
            dfs.eras = resource.getStringArray("short.Eras");
        dfs.months = resource.getStringArray("MonthNames");
        dfs.shortMonths = resource.getStringArray("MonthAbbreviations");
        dfs.ampms = resource.getStringArray("AmPmMarkers");
        dfs.localPatternChars = resource.getString("DateTimePatternChars");

        // Day of week names are stored in a 1-based array.
        dfs.weekdays = toOneBasedArray(resource.getStringArray("DayNames"));
        dfs.shortWeekdays = toOneBasedArray(resource.getStringArray("DayAbbreviations"));

        // Put dfs in the cache
        ref = new SoftReference<>(dfs);
        SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> x = cachedInstances.putIfAbsent(locale, ref);
        if (x != null) {
            DateFormatSymbols y = x.get();
            if (y == null) {
                // Replace the empty SoftReference with ref.
                cachedInstances.replace(locale, x, ref);
            } else {
                ref = x;
                dfs = y;

    // Copy the field values from dfs to this instance.
    copyMembers(dfs, this);
Example #26
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public LocaleNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getLocaleNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #27
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public TimeZoneNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getTimeZoneNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #28
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public TimeZoneNames_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getTimeZoneNames(Locale.TAIWAN);
Example #29
Source File:    From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes this DateFormatSymbols with the locale data. This method uses
 * a cached DateFormatSymbols instance for the given locale if available. If
 * there's no cached one, this method creates an uninitialized instance and
 * populates its fields from the resource bundle for the locale, and caches
 * the instance. Note: zoneStrings isn't initialized in this method.
private void initializeData(Locale locale) {
    SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> ref = cachedInstances.get(locale);
    DateFormatSymbols dfs;
    if (ref == null || (dfs = ref.get()) == null) {
        if (ref != null) {
            // Remove the empty SoftReference
            cachedInstances.remove(locale, ref);
        dfs = new DateFormatSymbols(false);

        // Initialize the fields from the ResourceBundle for locale.
        LocaleProviderAdapter adapter
            = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(DateFormatSymbolsProvider.class, locale);
        // Avoid any potential recursions
        if (!(adapter instanceof ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)) {
            adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getResourceBundleBased();
        ResourceBundle resource
            = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)adapter).getLocaleData().getDateFormatData(locale);

        dfs.locale = locale;
        // JRE and CLDR use different keys
        // JRE: Eras, short.Eras and narrow.Eras
        // CLDR: long.Eras, Eras and narrow.Eras
        if (resource.containsKey("Eras")) {
            dfs.eras = resource.getStringArray("Eras");
        } else if (resource.containsKey("long.Eras")) {
            dfs.eras = resource.getStringArray("long.Eras");
        } else if (resource.containsKey("short.Eras")) {
            dfs.eras = resource.getStringArray("short.Eras");
        dfs.months = resource.getStringArray("MonthNames");
        dfs.shortMonths = resource.getStringArray("MonthAbbreviations");
        dfs.ampms = resource.getStringArray("AmPmMarkers");
        dfs.localPatternChars = resource.getString("DateTimePatternChars");

        // Day of week names are stored in a 1-based array.
        dfs.weekdays = toOneBasedArray(resource.getStringArray("DayNames"));
        dfs.shortWeekdays = toOneBasedArray(resource.getStringArray("DayAbbreviations"));

        // Put dfs in the cache
        ref = new SoftReference<>(dfs);
        SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> x = cachedInstances.putIfAbsent(locale, ref);
        if (x != null) {
            DateFormatSymbols y = x.get();
            if (y == null) {
                // Replace the empty SoftReference with ref.
                cachedInstances.replace(locale, x, ref);
            } else {
                ref = x;
                dfs = y;
        // If the bundle's locale isn't the target locale, put another cache
        // entry for the bundle's locale.
        Locale bundleLocale = resource.getLocale();
        if (!bundleLocale.equals(locale)) {
            SoftReference<DateFormatSymbols> z
                = cachedInstances.putIfAbsent(bundleLocale, ref);
            if (z != null && z.get() == null) {
                cachedInstances.replace(bundleLocale, z, ref);

    // Copy the field values from dfs to this instance.
    copyMembers(dfs, this);
Example #30
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public CollationData_zh_HK() {
    ResourceBundle bundle = ((ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE()).getLocaleData().getCollationData(Locale.TAIWAN);