Java Code Examples for org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git#getRepository()
The following examples show how to use
org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git#getRepository() .
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Example 1
Source File: From yacy_grid_mcp with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 7 votes |
public GitTool() { File gitWorkDir = new File("."); try { Git git =; Iterable<RevCommit> commits = git.log().all().call(); Repository repo = git.getRepository(); branch = repo.getBranch(); RevCommit latestCommit = commits.iterator().next(); name = latestCommit.getName(); message = latestCommit.getFullMessage(); } catch (Throwable e) { name = ""; message = ""; branch = ""; } }
Example 2
Source File: From diff-check with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
private Map<String, BlobWrapper> getContentMapByTreeAndFilter( Git git, AbstractTreeIterator tree, TreeFilter filter) throws Exception { Map<String, BlobWrapper> contentMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); try (TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(git.getRepository())) { treeWalk.addTree(tree); treeWalk.setRecursive(true); treeWalk.setFilter(filter); while ( { ObjectId objectId = treeWalk.getObjectId(0); ObjectLoader loader = git.getRepository().open(objectId); BlobWrapper blobWrapper = BlobWrapper.builder() .blobId(objectId) .content(loader.getBytes()) .build(); contentMap.put(treeWalk.getPathString(), blobWrapper); } } return contentMap; }
Example 3
Source File: From apidiff with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Override public Repository openRepositoryAndCloneIfNotExists(String path, String projectName, String cloneUrl) throws Exception { File folder = new File(UtilTools.getPathProject(path , projectName)); Repository repository = null; if (folder.exists()) { + " exists. Reading properties ... (wait)"); RepositoryBuilder builder = new RepositoryBuilder(); repository = builder .setGitDir(new File(folder, ".git")) .readEnvironment() .findGitDir() .build(); } else {"Cloning " + cloneUrl + " in " + cloneUrl + " ... (wait)"); Git git = Git.cloneRepository() .setDirectory(folder) .setURI(cloneUrl) .setCloneAllBranches(true) .call(); repository = git.getRepository(); }"Process " + projectName + " finish."); return repository; }
Example 4
Source File: From git-appraise-eclipse with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Reads a single note out as a string from the given commit hash. * Returns null if the note isn't found. */ private String readOneNote(Git git, String notesRef, String hash) throws GitClientException { try (RevWalk walker = new RevWalk(git.getRepository())) { ShowNoteCommand cmd = git.notesShow(); cmd.setNotesRef(notesRef); ObjectId ref = git.getRepository().resolve(hash); RevCommit commit = walker.parseCommit(ref); cmd.setObjectId(commit); Note note =; if (note == null) { return null; } return noteToString(repo, note); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GitClientException(e); } }
Example 5
Source File: From app-runner with MIT License | 5 votes |
public static GitCommit fromHEAD(Git git) throws Exception { ObjectId head = git.getRepository().resolve("HEAD"); if (head != null) { RevCommit mostRecentCommit; try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(git.getRepository())) { mostRecentCommit = walk.parseCommit(head); } Date commitDate = new Date(1000L * mostRecentCommit.getCommitTime()); String id = mostRecentCommit.getId().name(); PersonIdent author = mostRecentCommit.getAuthorIdent(); return new GitCommit(id, commitDate, author.getName(), mostRecentCommit.getFullMessage()); } else { return null; } }
Example 6
Source File: From diff-check with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
private List<DiffEntryWrapper> doCalculateCommitDiff( RevCommit oldCommit, RevCommit newCommit, ObjectReader reader, Git git, File repoDir, Set<String> excludedPathSet) throws Exception { if (Objects.equals(oldCommit.getId(), newCommit.getId())) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (Objects.equals(oldCommit.getTree().getId(), newCommit.getTree().getId())) { return Collections.emptyList(); } RenameDetector detector = new RenameDetector(git.getRepository()); AbstractTreeIterator oldTree = new CanonicalTreeParser(null, reader, oldCommit.getTree()); AbstractTreeIterator newTree = new CanonicalTreeParser(null, reader, newCommit.getTree()); List<DiffEntry> entries = git.diff() .setOldTree(oldTree) .setNewTree(newTree) .call(); detector.reset(); detector.addAll(entries); entries = detector.compute(); return .filter(entry -> !excludedPathSet.contains(entry.getNewPath())) .map(entry -> { RawText oldText = newRawText(entry, DiffEntry.Side.OLD, reader); RawText newText = newRawText(entry, DiffEntry.Side.NEW, reader); return DiffEntryWrapper.builder() .gitDir(repoDir) .diffEntry(entry) .editList(calculateEditList(oldText, newText)) .build(); }).collect(Collectors.toList()); }
Example 7
Source File: From repairnator with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void testcomputePatchStats() throws GitAPIException, IOException { JobStatus jobStatus = new JobStatus("fakePomDirPath"); String remoteRepo = ""; String parentCommit = "2d65266f9a52b27f955ec9a74aa9ab4dac5537d7"; String commit = "f267c73200e2ebb9431d6ffe80e507222567696c"; // GH says: 14 changed files, 443 additions, 104 deletions, // on java files is: 13 changed files, 405 additions, 104 deletions tmpDir = java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory("jtravis").toFile(); Git git = Git.cloneRepository().setURI(remoteRepo).setBranch("master").setDirectory(tmpDir).call(); RevWalk revwalk = new RevWalk(git.getRepository()); RevCommit revParentCommit = revwalk.parseCommit(ObjectId.fromString(parentCommit)); RevCommit revCommit = revwalk.parseCommit(ObjectId.fromString(commit)); GitHelper gitHelper = new GitHelper(); gitHelper.computePatchStats(jobStatus, git, revCommit, revParentCommit); PatchDiff patchDiff = jobStatus.getProperties().getPatchDiff(); assertEquals(8, patchDiff.getFiles().getNumberAdded()); assertEquals(1, patchDiff.getFiles().getNumberDeleted()); assertEquals(4, patchDiff.getFiles().getNumberChanged()); assertEquals(405, patchDiff.getLines().getNumberAdded()); assertEquals(104, patchDiff.getLines().getNumberDeleted()); }
Example 8
Source File: From scava with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String getLastRevisionBeforeDate(VcsRepository repository, Date date) throws Exception { Git git = getGit((GitRepository)repository); Repository repo = git.getRepository(); RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repo); Iterator<RevCommit> iterator = git.log().call().iterator(); String revision=""; // The commits are ordered latest first, so we want to find the fist that it is before the date int dateComparison; while(iterator.hasNext()) { RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(; dateComparison=new Date(Long.valueOf(commit.getCommitTime())*1000).compareTo(date); if (dateComparison < 0) { revision=commit.getId().getName(); break; } } walk.close(); repo.close(); git.close(); if(revision.isEmpty()) return ""; return revision; }
Example 9
Source File: From app-runner with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void returnsCurrentCommitForNonEmptyRepos() throws Exception { long timeAtStartOfTest = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000; Git git = emptyRepo(); FileRepository repository = (FileRepository) git.getRepository(); File dir = repository.getDirectory(); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(dir, "file1"), "Hello", "UTF-8"); git.add().addFilepattern(".").call(); git.commit().setMessage("Initial commit") .setAuthor(new PersonIdent("Author Test", "")) .call(); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(dir, "file2"), "Hello too", "UTF-8"); git.add().addFilepattern(".").call(); git.commit().setMessage("Second commit") .setAuthor(new PersonIdent("Second contributor", "")) .call(); JSONObject actual = GitCommit.fromHEAD(git).toJSON(); JSONAssert.assertEquals("{" + "author: 'Second contributor', message: 'Second commit'" + "}", actual, JSONCompareMode.LENIENT); assertThat(actual.getLong("date"), Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo(timeAtStartOfTest)); assertThat(actual.getString("id"), actual.getString("id").length(), is("3688d7063d2d647e3989d62d9770d0dfd0ce3c25".length())); }
Example 10
Source File: From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
private List<String> listTags(Git git) throws IOException, GitAPIException { List<String> tags = new ArrayList<>(); for (Ref tag : git.tagList().call()) { RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(git.getRepository()); revWalk.sort(RevSort.COMMIT_TIME_DESC, true); try { RevTag annotatedTag = revWalk.parseTag(tag.getObjectId()); tags.add(annotatedTag.getTagName() + " : " + annotatedTag.getFullMessage()); } catch (IncorrectObjectTypeException ex) { tags.add(tag.getName().substring("refs/tags/".length())); } } return tags; }
Example 11
Source File: From scava with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public int compareVersions(VcsRepository repository, String versionOne, String versionTwo) throws Exception { Git git = getGit((GitRepository)repository); Repository repo = git.getRepository(); RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repo); Iterator<RevCommit> iterator = git.log().call().iterator(); walk.parseCommit(; List<String> revisions = new ArrayList<String>(); // The commits are ordered latest first, so we want the last one. while(iterator.hasNext()) { RevCommit commit =; revisions.add(commit.getId().getName()); } Integer oneIndex = revisions.indexOf(versionOne); Integer twoIndex = revisions.indexOf(versionTwo); // System.out.println(oneIndex); // System.out.println(twoIndex); // System.out.println(revisions); repo.close(); git.close(); // Because the revision list is reversed, we compare two to one instead of the other way around return twoIndex.compareTo(oneIndex); }
Example 12
Source File: From wandora with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void execute(Wandora wandora, Context context) { try { Git git = getGit(); if(git != null) { setDefaultLogger(); setLogTitle("Git status"); Repository repository = git.getRepository(); StoredConfig config = repository.getConfig(); log("Git conf:"); log(config.toText()); log("Git status:"); org.eclipse.jgit.api.Status status = git.status().call(); log("Added: " + status.getAdded()); log("Changed: " + status.getChanged()); log("Conflicting: " + status.getConflicting()); log("ConflictingStageState: " + status.getConflictingStageState()); log("IgnoredNotInIndex: " + status.getIgnoredNotInIndex()); log("Missing: " + status.getMissing()); log("Modified: " + status.getModified()); log("Removed: " + status.getRemoved()); log("Untracked: " + status.getUntracked()); log("UntrackedFolders: " + status.getUntrackedFolders()); log("Ready."); } else { logAboutMissingGitRepository(); } } catch(Exception e) { log(e); } setState(WAIT); }
Example 13
Source File: From RefactoringMiner with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Override public Repository cloneIfNotExists(String projectPath, String cloneUrl/*, String branch*/) throws Exception { File folder = new File(projectPath); Repository repository; if (folder.exists()) { RepositoryBuilder builder = new RepositoryBuilder(); repository = builder .setGitDir(new File(folder, ".git")) .readEnvironment() .findGitDir() .build(); //"Project {} is already cloned, current branch is {}", cloneUrl, repository.getBranch()); } else {"Cloning {} ...", cloneUrl); Git git = Git.cloneRepository() .setDirectory(folder) .setURI(cloneUrl) .setCloneAllBranches(true) .call(); repository = git.getRepository(); //"Done cloning {}, current branch is {}", cloneUrl, repository.getBranch()); } // if (branch != null && !repository.getBranch().equals(branch)) { // Git git = new Git(repository); // // String localBranch = "refs/heads/" + branch; // List<Ref> refs = git.branchList().call(); // boolean branchExists = false; // for (Ref ref : refs) { // if (ref.getName().equals(localBranch)) { // branchExists = true; // } // } // // if (branchExists) { // git.checkout() // .setName(branch) // .call(); // } else { // git.checkout() // .setCreateBranch(true) // .setName(branch) // .setUpstreamMode(CreateBranchCommand.SetupUpstreamMode.TRACK) // .setStartPoint("origin/" + branch) // .call(); // } // //"Project {} switched to {}", cloneUrl, repository.getBranch()); // } return repository; }
Example 14
Source File: From fabric8-forge with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected String doDiff(Git git, String objectId, String baseObjectId, String pathOrBlobPath) throws IOException { Repository r = git.getRepository(); String blobPath = trimLeadingSlash(pathOrBlobPath); RevCommit commit; if (Strings.isNotBlank(objectId)) { commit = CommitUtils.getCommit(r, objectId); } else { commit = CommitUtils.getHead(r); } RevCommit baseCommit = null; if (Strings.isNotBlank(baseObjectId) && !Objects.equals(baseObjectId, objectId)) { baseCommit = CommitUtils.getCommit(r, baseObjectId); } ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DiffFormatter formatter = createDiffFormatter(r, buffer); RevTree commitTree = commit.getTree(); RevTree baseTree; if (baseCommit == null) { if (commit.getParentCount() > 0) { final RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(r); RevCommit parent = rw.parseCommit(commit.getParent(0).getId()); rw.dispose(); baseTree = parent.getTree(); } else { // FIXME initial commit. no parent?! baseTree = commitTree; } } else { baseTree = baseCommit.getTree(); } List<DiffEntry> diffEntries = formatter.scan(baseTree, commitTree); if (blobPath != null && blobPath.length() > 0) { for (DiffEntry diffEntry : diffEntries) { if (diffEntry.getNewPath().equalsIgnoreCase(blobPath)) { formatter.format(diffEntry); break; } } } else { formatter.format(diffEntries); } formatter.flush(); return buffer.toString(); }
Example 15
Source File: From fabric8-forge with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected static RevCommit doGetCommit(Git git, String commitId) { Repository repository = git.getRepository(); return CommitUtils.getCommit(repository, commitId); }
Example 16
Source File: From fabric8-forge with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected List<CommitInfo> doHistory(Git git, String objectId, String pathOrBlobPath, int limit) { List<CommitInfo> results = new ArrayList<CommitInfo>(); Repository r = git.getRepository(); try { String head = getHEAD(git); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Cannot find HEAD of this git repository! " + e, e); return results; } String path = trimLeadingSlash(pathOrBlobPath); CommitFinder finder = new CommitFinder(r); CommitListFilter filter = new CommitListFilter(); if (Strings.isNotBlank(path)) { finder.setFilter(PathFilterUtils.and(path)); } finder.setFilter(filter); if (limit > 0) { finder.setFilter(new CommitLimitFilter(limit).setStop(true)); } if (Strings.isNotBlank(objectId)) { finder.findFrom(objectId); } else { if (Strings.isNotBlank(branch)) { ObjectId branchObjectId = getBranchObjectId(git); if (branchObjectId != null) { finder = finder.findFrom(branchObjectId); } else { finder = finder.findInBranches(); } } else { finder.find(); } } List<RevCommit> commits = filter.getCommits(); for (RevCommit entry : commits) { CommitInfo commitInfo = createCommitInfo(entry); results.add(commitInfo); } return results; }
Example 17
Source File: From fabric8-forge with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected String doGetContent(Git git, String objectId, String pathOrBlobPath) { objectId = defaultObjectId(git, objectId); Repository r = git.getRepository(); String blobPath = trimLeadingSlash(pathOrBlobPath); return BlobUtils.getContent(r, objectId, blobPath); }
Example 18
Source File: From repairnator with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Override protected StepStatus businessExecute() { String repoUrl = ((GitRepositoryProjectInspector) getInspector()).getGitRepositoryUrl() + ".git"; String branch = null; if (((GitRepositoryProjectInspector) getInspector()).getGitRepositoryBranch() != null) { branch = "refs/heads/" + ((GitRepositoryProjectInspector) getInspector()).getGitRepositoryBranch(); } String repoLocalPath = this.getInspector().getRepoLocalPath(); try { this.getLogger().info("Cloning repository " + repoUrl + " in the following directory: " + repoLocalPath); List<String> branchList = new ArrayList<String>(); branchList.add(branch); CloneCommand cloneRepositoryCommand = Git.cloneRepository() .setCloneSubmodules(true) .setURI( repoUrl ) .setDirectory(new File(repoLocalPath)); if (branch != null) { cloneRepositoryCommand.setBranchesToClone(branchList).setBranch(branch); } Git git =; Repository repository = git.getRepository(); List<RevCommit> commits = getBranchCommits(repository, repoLocalPath); if (getConfig().isGitRepositoryFirstCommit()) { git.checkout().setName(commits.get(commits.size()-1).getName()).call(); } else if (getConfig().getGitRepositoryIdCommit() != null) { git.checkout().setName(getConfig().getGitRepositoryIdCommit()).call(); } else { git.checkout().setName(commits.get(0).getName()).call(); } return StepStatus.buildSuccess(this); } catch (Exception e) { this.addStepError("Repository " + repoUrl + " cannot be cloned.", e); return StepStatus.buildError(this, PipelineState.NOTCLONABLE); } }
Example 19
Source File: From repairnator with MIT License | 4 votes |
public boolean mergeTwoCommitsForPR(Git git, Build build, PullRequest prInformation, String repository, AbstractStep step, List<String> paths) { try { String remoteBranchPath = Utils.getCompleteGithubRepoUrl(prInformation.getOtherRepo().getFullName()); RemoteAddCommand remoteBranchCommand = git.remoteAdd(); remoteBranchCommand.setName("PR"); remoteBranchCommand.setUri(new URIish(remoteBranchPath));; git.fetch().setRemote("PR").call(); String commitHeadSha = this.testCommitExistence(git, prInformation.getHead().getSHA1(), step, build); String commitBaseSha = this.testCommitExistence(git, prInformation.getBase().getSHA1(), step, build); if (commitHeadSha == null) { step.addStepError("Commit head ref cannot be retrieved from the repository: " + prInformation.getHead().getSHA1() + ". Operation aborted."); return false; } if (commitBaseSha == null) { step.addStepError("Commit base ref cannot be retrieved from the repository: " + prInformation.getBase().getSHA1() + ". Operation aborted."); return false; } this.getLogger().debug("Step " + step.getName() + " - Get the commit " + commitHeadSha + " for repo " + repository); if (paths != null) { this.gitResetPaths(commitHeadSha, paths, git.getRepository().getDirectory().getParentFile()); git.commit().setMessage("Undo changes on source code").setAuthor(this.getCommitterIdent()).setCommitter(this.getCommitterIdent()).call(); } else { git.checkout().setName(commitHeadSha).call(); } RevWalk revwalk = new RevWalk(git.getRepository()); RevCommit revCommitBase = revwalk.lookupCommit(git.getRepository().resolve(commitBaseSha)); this.getLogger().debug("Step " + step.getName() + " - Do the merge with the PR commit for repo " + repository); MergeResult result = git.merge().include(revCommitBase).setFastForward(MergeCommand.FastForwardMode.NO_FF).call(); this.nbCommits++; } catch (Exception e) { step.addStepError(e.getMessage()); this.getLogger().error("Step " + step.getName() + " - Repository " + repository + " cannot be cloned.",e); return false; } return true; }
Example 20
Source File: From halo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private void pullFromGit(@NonNull ThemeProperty themeProperty) throws IOException, GitAPIException, URISyntaxException { Assert.notNull(themeProperty, "Theme property must not be null"); // Get branch String branch = StringUtils.isBlank(themeProperty.getBranch()) ? DEFAULT_REMOTE_BRANCH : themeProperty.getBranch(); Git git = null; try { git = GitUtils.openOrInit(Paths.get(themeProperty.getThemePath())); Repository repository = git.getRepository(); RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repository); Ref ref = repository.findRef(Constants.HEAD); Assert.notNull(ref, Constants.HEAD + " ref was not found!"); RevCommit lastCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(ref.getObjectId()); // Force to set remote name git.remoteRemove().setRemoteName(THEME_PROVIDER_REMOTE_NAME).call(); RemoteConfig remoteConfig = git.remoteAdd() .setName(THEME_PROVIDER_REMOTE_NAME) .setUri(new URIish(themeProperty.getRepo())) .call(); // Add all changes git.add() .addFilepattern(".") .call(); // Commit the changes git.commit().setMessage("Commit by halo automatically").call(); // Check out to specified branch if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(branch, git.getRepository().getBranch())) { boolean present = git.branchList() .call() .stream() .map(Ref::getName) .anyMatch(name -> StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(name, branch)); git.checkout() .setCreateBranch(true) .setForced(!present) .setName(branch) .call(); } // Pull with rebasing PullResult pullResult = git.pull() .setRemote(remoteConfig.getName()) .setRemoteBranchName(branch) .setRebase(true) .call(); if (!pullResult.isSuccessful()) { log.debug("Rebase result: [{}]", pullResult.getRebaseResult()); log.debug("Merge result: [{}]", pullResult.getMergeResult()); throw new ThemeUpdateException("拉取失败!您与主题作者可能同时更改了同一个文件"); } // updated successfully. ThemeProperty updatedThemeProperty = getProperty(Paths.get(themeProperty.getThemePath())); // Not support current halo version. if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(updatedThemeProperty.getRequire()) && !VersionUtil.compareVersion(HaloConst.HALO_VERSION, updatedThemeProperty.getRequire())) { // reset theme version git.reset() .setMode(ResetCommand.ResetType.HARD) .setRef(lastCommit.getName()) .call(); throw new ThemeNotSupportException("新版本主题仅支持 Halo " + updatedThemeProperty.getRequire() + " 以上的版本"); } } finally { GitUtils.closeQuietly(git); } }